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Posts posted by Gaetano930

  1. Thank you all for yalls input to the original post!! I'm 6 weeks away from surgery and my anxiety about food is really getting to me. I have been in this, "eat everything I can cause I can't eat it again later" phase and it's killing me mentally and physically. I get no joy out of eating (which was partially in my ideas of eating everything) and after I do, all I want is to curl up in a ball and sleep. I know this isn't a healthy choice, mentally or physically, but I can't seem to find the will power or strength to get my sh*t together. I passed up having surgery last year so my husband and I could buy a house for us and our two kids. Now this year I know I'm not giving up anything for my surgery but realistically I'm giving up my enjoyment of life. I know when I drop the weight, I'll be much better, but this is hard and I'm stuck. Any advice?


    Yes I will tell you it's a fact that people that lose weight before surgery do much better with their journey and with keeping the weight off. So you do not have to have a food funeral bec eventually it will take a lot less to fill you up but you certainly can still taste most things, in moderation of course. Best of luck to you. I lost 30 pounds before my surgery just reducing my carb. intake, this helps prevent complications during and post op of the surgery. Best of luck!

  2. Let me make a suggestion being it seems like a few of you could use some extra support. In May 2016 a number of us from this site with upcoming surgeries started a "Private" group on FB. It was only for people who were having surgery in June, July and August. We closed the group at 50 people to keep it somewhat small. We have been through the entire journey together and we support each other on a daily or weekly basis. When we all had our surgeries we used a phone chain for a family member to contact the group administrator to let us know that the patient was out of surgery and doing well or had complications. For many of us it was our life line. Being most of you are recently having or have had surgery it might be worth one of you to start private group (by the way a second group started following our group). It's way better than posting on here and it weeds out the bullshit. Best of luck to all of you. Let me just say my surgery was 3 1/2 months ago and I had a very difficult time at the beginning but I promise you the weeks go by and you adjust and it really does get better. Let me add my stats...

    Height 5 8'

    HW Feb. 2016 282 lbs

    SW July 14, 2016 252 lbs

    CW 10/24/16 210 lbs

    Total loss 72lbs!

    And yes everyday when I look in the mirror or walk out feeling like a million bucks it reminds me why this was so worth it!

  3. I also have been very lucky. My mom was nervous because I have Crohn's disease since I am 24 and I am currently 53. So to ease her mind she came with my to my first surgical consult, once she was reassured that it was just as safe as it would be for the next person she was so incredibly supportive. She sees the pain I am in with my joints and how I struggle to walk and she wants me to feel and be physically healthy. I couldn't imagine not having my mom with me through this. I have sworn her to secrecy though bec. I have 3 brothers and I don't want everyone's opinion. I am a nurse and my husband is a doctor who is also very supportive and has done everything in his power to help me through this process. Never once did my husband criticize me for gaining weight and not being the sexy girl he married.

  4. Wow LipstickLady you were actually describing my life. I feel scared and nervous but not a second thought about how overdue this is. I am 53 how many more years am I going to yoyo diet and miss out on life. Clearly I CANNOT do this on my own. For my first child I was a very involved parent (she is now almost 20) but my 2nd. (now 15) I have missed so much bec. I am embarrassed of the way I look so I don't want to participate in any school events, I don't want to take a picture bec. I am ashamed of how heavy I am, my joints hurt bec. of the extra weight which makes my a tired lazy parent who often says NO more times than I should when he asks me to do something. That needs to change now while I can salvage a little of his youth and leave him with some positive memories. I am tentatively sched. for July 14th. 2016.

  5. Just to make you aware especially if you are paying privately you should start making your medical appointments even while you are waiting for your surgical consult. Most doctors require basic clearances. Sometimes getting in all the doctors appt.'s is what takes time. I found out what my insurance required and started my nutrition appt.'s and PFT test before I even saw my surgeon.

    Good luck!

  6. A group of us last month started a private Facebook group for June-July-August sleevers. We closed the group after 50 people so we would be able to stay small enough to keep it personal. After us another group started and I believe they did the same. So you guys may want to think about starting a private fb group for you all to stay in touch and support each other. I love my fb group and we have phone numbers in our phones so our family members will text someone in the group to let everyone else know their surgery went well and they then communicate it to the rest of the group. I really love our private group so I am suggesting you guys think about doing the same. Best of luck!

  7. Hi my last weigh in will be June 29th. They will send over all the insurance papers after my 5th visit June 1st. this way the insurance company will already have reviewed everything when they receive my last weigh in. My tentative surg. date will be July 14th. I'm getting both excited and nervous.

  8. So glad everything went well. I am still doing my tests I need, before I am approved. I have 3 of my 6 nutrition visits completed and almost all required testing. I wish there was a way around me having to do 6 months of supervised weigh-ins. As for your mom...I am really suggesting for your own good you cut her out of your life, at least until she is ready to get her life together. I would not report her to the police if she were my mom, as I get the feeling you won't do either. However, you really need to make a decision if you want to be successful, and that is...Are you going to start putting yourself first? It appears by having this surgery you are already taking control, sometimes it just takes baby steps but you will get there. Best of luck!

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