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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Brinabrina77

  1. Hello Vikki! How have I lost the weight? I guess the best reply is moderation and being active when I can (my knees act up so I am limited by that at times). I have not given up any specific food except carbonated beverages (by the advice of my surgeon). I make healthy food choices. Lots of lean proteins and veggetables. Have i given up cake and cookies and all that crap forever and ever and ever? Girl please. i know myself better than to lie to myslef like that. If i did i will crave it and gorge on it when I get it. but I am mostly low calorie and low fat (but they have to taste good..i refuse to eat "healthy" food that tastes horrible). That is it. Moderation, helathy food choices, and being active when i can. And the band physically restricts how much I can eat and keeps my hunger under control. That is it pretty much. Oh! and water. Drink lots of that with those crystal like little packies. Peach and mango tea from crystal light is my crack. :)

  2. Brinabrina77

    Name your Lap-Band!!

    I eat a LOT less than I used to preband. I thought that *I* was going to be the one who had to adjust to me eating much less. It turns out that my friends are even having a hard time remembering why I eat less. I was chatting with one of my friends and discussing our day. The man is built like a NewPort cigarette and eveytime I talk to him he is eating or on his way to get food. He lives in MD and I live in GA. He was doing his nightly scavenging for late night fast food and he could not find anything he really wanted. So he jokingly asked could he stop by for dinner. He knew me before I was banded. More importantly he knew how much I used to be able to eat preband. Well, I told him what I cooked for dinner ( a portion of a chicken breast and some vegetables) there was this long pause. I was like, "That's it. That's all I cooked." There was another loong pause on the phone which was probably him basking in the disbelief that I cooked and ate so little. Then it must have suddenly hit him that I had been banded. He then says, "Ohhh yeahhhh. I forgot. You pretty much have a napkin ring around your stomach now." For some reason that cracked me up. Since then, he and I refer to my band as "the napkin ring."
  3. Brinabrina77


    I love this pic. I'ma learn how to pose like that. The caption on this pic should say "Fierce". Work it, mama. :: runs to her bathroom mirror: Don't nobody look while I practice, okay?
  4. My at home scale says that I weigh 250. However at times it is a Bloody Stinkin' Liar!! Yeah. I said it!! :: makes evil faces at her scale :: I use my at home scale to have an idea of where I am. However, I only really record what my doctor's scale says because I sometimes don't trust my scale. I am a slow loser..but I am fine with that. I hope to never see 322 again.

  5. Brinabrina77


    :: catcalls and whistles :: Go easy on em', mami. Don't break too many hearts. You know that men don't know how to act right when they get too much fine-ness in one place. Keep it up girl!!!
  6. Girl, I am fine. I had to cuss out the entire Valentine's day candy aisle in the store for trying to lead me astray. You should have heard what those lil' chocolate candy hearts were whispering to me!! It was scandalous! Otherwise, I am fine. I had to get 0.20 cc removed because i was too tight. I suddenly started eating crappy food and was like What the hell?! Why am i wanting junk. It suddenly dawned on me that it was becasue I could not eat real food. Overall, I am still hanging in there. If only someone would cattle prod me into exercising more...


    :: sigh ::


    how are you, woman?

  7. I sent you a private message. My message was too long to post here too. :)

  8. Hello Everyone: Here are some progress pics of me. I was at a conference in Orlando when i took these. I had to go shopping boefore the conference becasue i did nto have anything that fit right. I discovered that I now fir into a 22 jeans and a 2x (18/20) shirt. Ho-Lee Frickin' cow, Batman!! I was surprised. Not to mention that I am still wearing my 26/28 jeans at work. They are too big, and I need a belt to keep them above my waist, but Ihad no idea how much my sizes had changed. So if you have not gone shopping, I suggest you do. It actually helped me realize how much i have lost so far. Enough of me runnin' my mouth. Here are my progress pics. i still have a looong way to go, but I am still shocked at how far i have come.
  9. Ey' girl,

    I have not heard from you in a while. How are things going?

  10. Brinabrina77

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Hello Everyone: I am going to try my best to make it for the meeting that is going to be held on saturday. I work M-F this week. If all goes well, (i.e. we don't end up working overtime on that Satruday) I look forward to meeting everyone who can attend. If I can attend, you will more than likely find me hiding near the back rows.
  11. Brinabrina77

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Am i the only one having problems posting on this forum?
  12. BigGurlX you are a FOOL!!! You hear me?!! A. FOOL. Lmao. :hurray: I don't have anything extremely specific that I want to wear other than wearing the heck outta some cute bras and panties sets. I just know that I will be happy to have a bigger selection of clothing and a variety of stores to shop from. I am currently in a small town in GA and, as usual, it seems like all the big gurls all shop at the same 3 or 4 stores. It makes it look like we have a big girl uniformed services or something cuz all of us wear the same clothes!! I would like to be able to dress lighter in the summer. I don't really have any desire to get into bathing suits or anything, but I would like to be able to wear decent summer clothes and feel comfortable in them.
  13. I saw that you are going to be banded any day now. I am so excited for you. Defintiely let us know how things are going. I sitll think getting banded was one of the best decisions that I have ever made for myself.

  14. Brinabrina77

    Your Scars

    I love my surgeon. I have a grand total of 4 scars. Three of them are right across the top of my belly. The biggest one on my belly is a about an inch long. The other two are about 1/2 and 1/4 of an inch long. They look more like scratches now than scars to me. To tell you the truth, it wasn't until about a week after my surgery that I even realized that I had a an incision near my belly button (the fourth scar). If I moved funny, I felt this "pinch" near my belly. Then i was standing in the mirror one day and was like "well damn.. that explains it." I can't even see that one now because it is so small. I know that my sugeon or discharge nurse told me about where my incisions were so I could monitor them and all that but i obviously missed then mentioning the one in/near my belly button. Again, I love my surgeon. The scarring from this surgery is not bad at all. I had my surgery 2/25/08 and they are faint. You can see them, but they don't just jump out at you. I have not put anything special on my skin. I just use my regular lotion. To tell you the truth, the scars don't bother me. They are so minor. I would take them over these icky stretch marks anyday. YUCK!!! :thumbup:
  15. Brinabrina77

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    How do you go about getting this newslwetter by email? I don't think that I get it. If someone has an issue can they forward it to me? I want to see Jeannie too!!! If there is a subscription fee, please let me know too. I really want to subscribe. Gracias to all. Oh yeah... :blushing: HAPPY HOLIDAYS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!!!!! :mad2:
  16. I love my surgeon. I have a grand total of 4 scars. Three of them are right across the top of my belly. The biggest one is a grand total of about an inch long. They look more like scratches than scars to me. It wasn't until about a week after my surgery that I even realized that I had a an incision near my belly button. I can't even see that one now cus it is so small. Again, I love my surgeon. The scarring from this surgery is not bad at all.

  17. Mia: Girrrrrl... You are workin' that band!! You look fantabulous!!! And you know I have to do this cuz I have no home training.. :: inserts catcalls, wolf whistles, and inappropriate gestures here :: Good job, mama. Keep up the good work!!!
  18. Brinabrina77

    Dr. John Bagnato - Bagnato Bandits

    Jeannie: Girl. :: gives you that look :: Girl. :: gives you that look AND adds the one hand on the hip :: GIRL!!! :: smacks her teeth and gives you a stare of disbelief:: You lost eighty seven frickin pounds!!! Do you know that if I lost eighty seven frickin pounds, you couldn't tell me ANYTHING. My head would be bigger than an elephant's ass!!!!! I'd be convinced that I could rule. the. world. One slimmed down swagger of my hips at a time. Why are people so hell bent on losing 100lbs by their bandiversary? Is that some unwritten rule somewhere? Think about it. If you lost a healthy 1 lb a week..by the end of the year you should have lost 52lbs. You shot over than mark!! Now don't get me wrong, I am not downing anyone's personal goals or those who have lost 100lbs in a year...but honey..be hellaciously proud of what you have done!!! You got this far...you will reach your 100lbs mark. I mean come on. Does your band have an expiration date? :tongue: Does it say on there somewhere in really, really, small disclaimer print, that your band will expire..vanish.. *poof* ...stop working....be no more.. exactly ONE YEAR after the time of placement? Girl, puh-lease. You are like a gnat hair away from that goal. So what if you don't reach this goal in exactly a year. Do you know how many people would kill to have made it as far as you have. :: sharpens her killing knife. :: Hmm. I guess we know of one. The point is that you WILL reach this goal. I know you will. You know you will. You did not lie on the table and let a surgeon poke holes in you and let the entire anaesthesia team see you without makeup, bra-less, and pantyless just to give up after you have come so far. (I had to bring up some fun memories). I know that it is hard not to reach a personal goal...but you can not give up. Stop eating crap. Get off your ass. :: unplugs the strobe light from your dance floor :: This pity party has now ended. It leaves too big of a mess on the forum anyway. I should know. I am still cleaning up the confetti and Doritos crumbs from my recent pity party. Most importantly look at your before and after pics. Look how far you have come. And if that does not work... :: delivers a firm Jackie Chan double dragon flying leap ninja kick to your butt :: ....That should do it.
  19. Illiana, I sent you a private message. Shoo!! Go check it. :)

  20. Hello Ginger:


    Welcome to Lapband talk. I can not express how happy I am to have found this site. Thanks for the friend request. Best of wishes in yoru lapband journey. Feel free to private message me anytime.

  21. Synthrax nectar in the fuzzy navel flavor. By a freind's recommensation, I mix it with crystal light peach tea and at least 16 oz of Water. (It is too strong if i mix it with anythign less than 16 oz of water). I absolutely HATE all other Protein drinks. They either dry out my mouth, taste too much like medicine, or are just plain yucky. I also do not really care for ones that I have to add milk to. I have spent (and wasted) a fortune on finding a Protein Drink that I like and this one was it. I have never had it plain though, I always mix it with the crystal light so it ends up tasing like peach tea to me. i also liek this one becasue it does not have that "medicine store " smell to it when you open the container. You get 23g of whey protein per serving. One serving is only 90 calories. (95 if you choose to add the crystal light). I really recommend it. Warning: If you order it is costs about $25.00 and it comes in a ENORMOUS container.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
