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Posts posted by MacMadame

  1. The main thing is to take your Calcium away from your Iron. Actually calcium inhibits the absorption of a lot of things, so that's why I only take calcium with Vitamin D and Magnesium (which help with the absorption of calcium). You should take the other stuff within 2 hours of taking the calcium.

    If you take Iron, Vitamin C helps with it's absorption. I don't take Iron. The stuff in my multi is enough for me.

    Your calcium should be calcium citrate, btw, not carbonate.

  2. Also, there is no reason we can't start more threads.. Like one for 150+ and one for 200+.

    I think the issues of people with around 100 to lose are different than those in the 150-200 range. I know on the OH VSG board, the 150+ people started their own group because they couldn't relate to some of the stuff the 100 and under group were going through.

  3. Does that tell you anything?

    The way I see it is: you asked for info on this doctor. I told you what I had read. You then accused me of being a gossip while simultaneously demanding I provide you with all sorts of information and "proof". I ignored your accusations and your tone and provided you with a few links that were easy for me to find (Because, frankly, I don't care nearly as much as you want to believe I do -- certainly not enough to do your research for you or spend hours trying to find all the links that are out there.) I also offered to put you in touch with someone who could give you more info. You then pooh poohed the links I provided, made more demands and never PMed me to get the name of the person who could provide more info.

    My conclusion is that you are determined to go to this doctor and will continue to spit and hiss at me if I provide any more info. Therefore, I'm out...

  4. Yes he does have a lawsuit against him. If anyone wants to know more about it, send me a PM and I'll hook you up with someone who knows the family.

    It seems to me that you are determined to explain away all the negative information you find about Alvarez, andi. When it comes to Mexican doctors, some have excellent reputations and some have squirrelly ones (and some have outright horrible ones). Why keep a squirrelly one on your list when there are plenty of other doctors in Mexico who don't have these sorts of complaints against them?

    For example (in alphabetical order): Aceves, Joya, Rumblaut and Ungston.

    When I was making my list, I crossed off any doctor who didn't seem completely trustworthy. It's my body that's being cut into and my life that is on the line and I'm not willing to give any surgeon the "benefit of the doubt". It's not like taking a chance on a new book or movie. Only the top of the top were acceptable to me. IMO Alvarez is merely competent and no where near the top of the top. He got crossed off my list early on, in fact.

  5. I have in fact been reading many many many boards and posts. I really haven't seen anything negative having to do with Dr. Alvarez himself.

    I've seen plenty. Here are two that stuck in my mind:

    cuzimthebaby's Profile


    The later one stuck in my mind particularly because of the threat if she told people what happened to her.

  6. I've had fitness goals for a while. Here are some I've completed:

    Run a 5k

    Complete a triathlon

    Move up from Sprint to Olympic distance in triathlon

    Run a Half-marathon

    My uncompleted fitness goals are:

    Podium at the Sprint distance

    Complete a Half-Ironman (will do that in two weeks)

    Do a Century Ride (I've done a metric century - 100k, but I want to do 100 miles too)

    Complete an Ironman (next year?)

    Qualify for Kona (Ironman World Championships) (Probably take a few years)

    I've had this secret triathlon dream ever since I saw Kona on tv in the 80s. It looked like so much fun but I never imagined I'd have the ability to do it. It's like a dream come true once I was able to successfully run.

  7. I think it's important to use this period to learn to eat properly for the rest of your life and develop a love for something exercise-like.

    I kept my weight loss up there by exercise -- every time my weight loss slowed down, I upped my exercise. I think that's better for the long term than phentermine, which I worry is not as safe as people think. (All the diet drugs up until now have ended up being taken off the market due to safety issues.)

  8. They pick the tests based on your medical history (and, to some extent their philosophy).

    I had a cardiac stress test because I told my surgeon that sometimes I get a pain in my shoulder when I exercise. Most people in my surgeon's practice don't get one. Some get a chest x-ray and some an Upper GI. I got the Upper Gi because of suspected hiatal hernia.

    But it turns out I really didn't need the stress test. My heart is in great shape. :biggrin: But better safe, than sorry... I did have a hiatal hernia though. It's good to know that ahead of time.

  9. 1) Weekend plans?

    Watch as much of the Ironman World Championships (Kona) as I can. A picnic with an old friend and his son who just got a lapband. A dinner dance tonight with my Ice Dancers group. Open Water Swim/Run brick tomorrow AM.

    2) Beatles: Overrated or Musical Geniuses?

    Geniuses. I went through an Overrated period but my family has been playing Beatles Rock Band for over a month now and I'm not sick of it and have been enjoying the variety. There are very few artists out there that have their body of work and that you don't get sick of after a month of constant listening to.

    3) Name something positive that happened to you this week.

    Apple replaced my iPhone that was acting up and now I have cell phone coverage again! Oh and I fixed a bug that I've been working on for over a month. (It's more of a feature than a true bug.)

    4) Do you like your job?

    I like the work, but I hate my work situation so much that I can't even enjoy the work lately.

  10. I remember when 30 min. on the treadmill was my max. You just have to build up slowly.

    There are still roller skating places around, but not as many as there used to be. If you hate the gym, how about Crossfit? My group meets in parks and we do something different every time. It's intense but SHORT.

  11. You definitely need to find something you love to do or you'll stop doing it. I love to swim and bike and I was willing to run because I wanted to do a triathlon. I'm totally hooked now and I even like the running! I never thought I'd say that.

    But there are other things. I like Pilates and Crossfit and TRX. There is also ballroom dancing and all the different classes at the gym where you workout to music. Some people like team sports and join leagues. There are so many choices out there!

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