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cat saaski

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by cat saaski

  1. cat saaski


    Thank you. Three weeks seems so far away. Luckily it's my only set back.
  2. cat saaski

    Post op question

    This sharp stabbing, stinging pain....not getting any better. Called the nurse today and she said its most likely nerve damage. Should have asked how long till it goes away. She said to take Tylenol since I'm not taking pain meds anymore. I've been doing that it helps intermittently.
  3. cat saaski

    Isopure drinks

    I'll have to look into that. I've spent so much money on protein it's not even funny. Today i can have yogurt and pudding so I am going to try to add some Protein powder to the yogurt and see how that goes.
  4. cat saaski

    Isopure drinks

    I ordered a whole case and can only do about six ounces of it before my tongue just can't take anymore. There is a pretty strong after taste to the punch one. I haven't made it through that bottle to try any others. I'm just five days post op so I'm just trying to get protein in any way I can and the thought of thick gritty protein shakes makes me sick. So to me these are better than protein shakes.
  5. cat saaski

    Post op question

    Yes the exact same thing. It's the only thing holding me back from feeling good! Maybe by the end of the week...lets hope for that.
  6. cat saaski

    Post op question

    I have one incision that pulls/hurts a lot but it's not the one they took the stomach out from. I was sleeved 3/31 and lying here wondering the same thing. I was kind of rubbing and it hurts even to touch around it. Doesn't appear to be infected or anything and it's the same as the pain I had on that site almost immediately post op. It's the one spot that hurts when I move, get up, bend over, etc. ready for it to stop! Hope you get some relief soon.
  7. I couldn't even tolerate the smell of Greek yogurt let alone the taste. I have found that the yoplait light ones aren't too bad. Not as thick and gross as some of the others I have had. Like others have said you just have to play around till you find one you like.
  8. cat saaski

    Why is everything sweet?

    As far as soups I've just bought the canned creamed soups (chicken, mushroom etc). I was hoping to hide some unflavored Protein powder in them but there's no way in the world to eat enough soup to waste the powder on, 2-3 small bites and you're full. They don't taste right to me either, maybe something post op. I found the easiest way to get protein in is to mix 1/2 a scoop unjury unflavored (~10gm) to a cup of Oikos zero of my choosing (~15gm). Eating two of those throughout the day is 50gm. My dietary plan allows yogurt during the full/thickened liquid phase. Thanks for this idea. I am four days post op and just can not do the Protein drinks. In two days I can have yogurt I'm going to have to get some unflavored protein. Does it make it really thick and gritty?
  9. That happens to me too. It's been better today but the first two days it was real painful. Kind of like a lump in your chest.
  10. cat saaski

    48hrs post OP

    This is my third day post op and I have been pretty uncomfortable as well. I have a couple of incision points that hurt upon standing and sitting and still some gas. The strips helped for gas but I don't care for the taste. Sugar free Popsicles have helped to slowly get fluid in. Can't go too fast so you don't get that discomfort like from drinking.
  11. cat saaski

    C section vs VGS

    I will let you know!!! Still pretty uncomfortable today. Hoping tomorrow will be a lot better. I was at least able to sleep in bed pretty comfortably last night.
  12. cat saaski

    C section vs VGS

    I can now say that the pain is very similar to c-section. The fear of moving wrong because of the pain at incision point is what's getting to me. And the belly full of gas! I thought I would be much more mobil by now. (2 days post op)
  13. cat saaski

    For those of you with kids.

    I told my 10 year old son. I figured when I wasn't eating he was going to notice and he would be asking. I didn't want to lie. So I told just him in private and let him ask as many questions as he wanted to. He's not talked about it a lot since but has been supportive. My daughters are six and four. They wouldn't understand too much so I told them I was seeing the doctor to try to get healthier and that I was going to be eating a little differently for a while. That seemed to work for them. Had surgery yesterday and plan to tell them a little more when I get home so they don't jump on me or expect to get picked up. Kids are usually very compassionate and don't want to see anyone in pain. Knowing that I have some cuts on my stomach they will be careful, at least I hope. I think all kids are different and you should follow your gut on what you feel is appropriate for your kids based on their intellectual and mental capacities. Good luck to you!
  14. cat saaski

    HIPPA Violation

    They would have gotten the fax number off the fax you sent them. Most times when a fax prints out to the recipient there is a little digital message at the top stating what number it was from. I do think this is a HIPAA violation and most doctors office have their own policies on reprimanding an employee who has violated a patients rights, dependent on the severity of the violation. You can also contact the government and file a complaint against their office if you feel that they didn't handle it appropriately and/ or you feel there is the possibility that they are not protecting their patients in general and then there would be a complete audit on their office. If you pursue it that far though I would consider getting a new surgeon. Best of luck.
  15. cat saaski

    Pre-opt diet....

    My surgeons office basses it on bmi. Over 49 is two weeks and less than 49 is one week. @@kittylovex maybe due to a lower bmi you don't have to do pre-op diet. Also, I had a friend who's surgeon didn't require it as he didn't believe it was necessary. Different philosophies for different docs.
  16. I would call back and talk to someone else. If you still get mixed messages ask for a supervisor. This is an big expense, you don't want any sunrises post op.
  17. cat saaski

    Pre-op Liquid Diet

    Thanks Monie. I haven't given in to any of the temptations yet! And I know I want to do everything I can to prepare for a successful surgery. But it is hard. I've spent the last two hours trying to talk myself into the protein drink, just not super fond of them. But I know I have to do I will and you are right the reward is worth it!
  18. cat saaski

    Pre-op Liquid Diet

    I just have to say that today I want to eat something real bad!!! On day 5 of liquid only preop diet, surgery is Thursday. As I'm getting ready to cook dinner for my family I want to sneak a taste. And my body feels real weak today at least I know I only have 2 more days after this. Surgery is on the 31st and I know I'll be all liquids after that but I am hoping it will be a little easier considering the sleeve will be helping me.
  19. Amazing! Way to go!
  20. cat saaski

    Nervous about surgery

    I think the time line after psych approval depends on your insurance and the surgeons schedule. My surgeons office wouldn't schedule without the authorization from my insurance which took just over a week and then the surgery was scheduled out about three weeks. So for me I think my surgery is almost exactly one month after my psych eval, which was also the last thing I had to do before insurance approval.
  21. cat saaski

    Easter Holy Food

    Agreed! Just put my ham in the oven. But seeing as I'm on my preop liquid diet I won't be having any!! Happy Easter
  22. cat saaski

    Surprised at how fat I am

    I can relate to the denial. It was so weird that once I decided I was going to have the sleeve I saw myself as I really was for the first time. It was like I finally admitted to myself that it was that bad. I only have mirrors that are of my upper body and I am always the photographer so I don't have to be in pictures. Avoiding myself for so long it was a shock when I finally decided to open my eyes. The way I look at it is I have finally accepted that I need help and can move on, being realistic with myself and setting realistic goals. Took my measurements for the first time today, another eye opener!
  23. cat saaski

    Pre-op Liquid Diet

    Sounds like you didn't get too off course. Stay focused, you can do it!
  24. cat saaski

    Pre-op Liquid Diet

    I'm on day three of a one week liquid diet. I don't particularly like it but I just keep telling myself that I can do anything for a week. Last night I had a dream that I kept cheating on the liquid diet and woke up this morning and had this terrible feeling that I had really not followed the diet. But I have and am so excited I only have five more days! My kids are on spring break this week which makes it a little more challenging as we are all together and out doing things. Oh yeah and Easter candy that will arrive tomorrow and my daughters birthday party today.....like someone else said, mind over matter. You just have to tell yourself you can!!! Believe it, this is the first step to the rest of our lives.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
