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Everything posted by daniotra

  1. daniotra

    Feeling like a fraud in the "misses" clothes section

    Congratulations! You *earned* your right to shop there with all your hard work. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  2. I was diagnosed with PCOS when we were trying unsuccessfully to have a baby. The NP recommended the South Beach diet because encourages lean Protein, veggies, fruit, and whole grains, and is pretty easy to follow. I did awesome on it. Lost 75+ lbs without too much gnashing of teeth., and I felt awesome. Unfortunately, I gained it all back (plus another 30 lbs!) when I stopped eating as healthy when we adopted a baby boy. One blog I really enjoyed for recipe ideas is http://www.kalynskitchen.com/. Lots of good ideas for carb conscious meals. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. I understand a lot of people have trouble with bread after surgery. It just doesn't sit well for those folks. The NUT for my program recommends a balanced diet approach after surgery. Protein first, of course. Carbs still definitely have a place in the diet, but it might be hard to eat much after surgery. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. daniotra

    Menstrual - kind of gross

    Your hormones are out of whack right now. You may not have ovulated due to the stress of surgery too. You should regulate again on a couple months. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. daniotra

    Goodwill shopping help

    If you have a Deseret Industries, give it a try. The proceeds support the LDS church. They always have tons of clothes. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. daniotra

    Self control

    Get back on the horse. You can do it. If you are anything like me, half that weight gained is Water weight and will come right off. I was on a business trip last week and ate much more than I intended, but I'm back on track now. Don't beat yourself up. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. My husband has been pretty awesome with support so far. I'm still in the early stages of pre-op. However, I just got back from a week long business trip (where I absolutely failed to stick to my plan....at least I found some areas to work on!). Hubby has fallen off the wagon while I was gone too. The day after I got back I was doing really well sticking to plan, but I had this mad craving for Popeye's chicken. I didn't mention it to my husband at all. I must have been sending off craving waves or something, because he came back that evening with his dinner...Popeye's! It was just funny yesterday, but I would have been majorly angry if it was right after surgery. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. daniotra

    Medication question

    I use an app to remind me when to take meds. The Vitamins are almost a full time job! I end up taking meds four times a day. Morning: antidepressant, Multivitamin, Calcium, Vitamin D, B-Complex, and sublingual B-12. Noon: calcium Early evening: multivitamin and even more calcium Before bed: Vitamin C and Iron. The app and a multi compartment pill organizer help a lot to remember when to take things. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. daniotra

    best ppi

    Prevacid (lansoprazole) or Prilosec (Omeprazole) both work wonders for my son. These drugs turned my boy from a miserable baby from the reflux to a "happy spitter". He still had reflux, but it no longer hurt. We had tried other reflux medications (Zantac, Pepcid, etc) before he started these, but none worked. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. daniotra

    Any Book Recommendations?

    The Emotional First Aid Kit was recommended by my surgical team. I've been reading it this week, and it's pretty good. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. I'm just grateful my kids can get in and out of the car seats themselves. I can change them on the couch. My son is five and has mild Cerebral Palsy, so the lifting restrictions are going to be tough. It'll be a good opportunity for me to give him some more responsibility and challenge him to be more self sufficient. My daughter is not quite two, so she won't understand. Buddy understands being in the hospital, so hopefully he'll understand without getting too worried. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. Unfortunately, he has to make the decision for himself. You can tell him you're concerned about his health, and that the lack of sex in your marriage is a big problem for you. You can refuse to enable him (don't bring anything unhealthy into the house, when you cook, only make enough for reasonable portions, don't go out to eat with him, etc). You need to do what you need to do to be healthy. Encourage him to be healthy and make healthy choices instead of pushing surgery. Surgery is a deeply personal decision. There are significant risks involved, but huge potential benefits as well. Also, remember that he needs to be 100% committed to the necessary lifestyle changes, otherwise the surgery won't help. I agree with the other posters who have recommended marriage counseling. If he won't go, go yourself. Some individual counseling would probably be good for you to help you work through your feelings. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. daniotra

    Clothes Getting Big

    Yay! Those pants are definitely ginormous on you. Time for something new. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. daniotra

    stomach burn

    Sounds like it might be acid. Chat with your doctor about an acid reducing medication. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. I'm part of that group too. Her kidneys shut down. It's an active, "real-life" group as well, so I highly doubt trolling. AprilNicole, it's scary when a rare complication happens to someone you "know". ((Hugs)) Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. My program recommends starting separating food and fluids now so you have that skill after your surgery. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. daniotra

    What if I can't do it?

    You recognize you have a problem. You reached out for help instead of making excuses. You'll be fine. I do recommend reaching out to a counselor to help learn other ways of coping so the urge to binge is lessened. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. daniotra


    My program emphasizes that we are not to drink our calories. Whole fruits and veggies are good, but juice is prohibited. Juice doesn't keep you full, and it's so easy to drink too many calories. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. daniotra

    Exercise pre-op?

    I've started walking daily, working towards building up my tolerance for exercise. It makes me stronger and helps me lose the pre-op weight. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  20. daniotra

    i'm i the only one?

    Talk to your nutritionist. You may need some additional, healthy carbs as you go through your pregnancy. You also likely do need some additional calories for pregnancy. Check with your OB or NUT, but I think it's something like 100 calories a day early on, and 300 towards the end. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  21. You will be modeling better eating habits and providing better food choices for your child. You will also be more active, and can engage your kids in those activities as well. (Family hikes, days at the pool, bike rides, etc). The hardest part is teaching your daughter and sons to have a healthy relationship with food, and learning to find balance. My kids are both pretty young, so I can't say much for how it will affect the kids. I can say that when I've been eating healthier in the past my husband would drop large amounts of weight as well. He would still eat Cookies and such at work, but he would also make better choices (single burger instead of a double, skip the fries, one slice of pizza instead of three). Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. daniotra

    Dating Dilemma

    I had sworn off men when I met my husband. I was just out of a bad relationship and had planned on just dating casually. We just clicked. We kept separate apartments for another seven months, but we were together every night after the first few weeks. We've been together for almost 15 years now. Sometimes you find the right on right away. I went on a couple dates with one person just before I met my husband, and I had a couple people that were interested, but I wasn't wanting to go there. Do you feel like you are settling? Or does the relationship feel good and seem worth pursuing? If you're not sure, maybe you need to go on some more casual dates before deciding to take a relationship beyond the fun stage. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. daniotra

    Discolored urine

    Did you have a catheter? Those can cause infection or irritation. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. daniotra

    Discolored urine

    I would call your doc. It could be an infection or irritation. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  25. daniotra

    An Unbelievable Day: JOY...!

    Woo-hoo! That is an awesome NSV! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
