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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Christinamo7


    1. How long did you go before having your first drink? - I am only 3 weeks out - plan to wait 6 months so I can avoid those carbs during this maximum weight loss time.

    2. Have you had any MEDICAL complications with your surgery that were attributed to drinking alcohol? no

    3. Have you gained back significant weight from drinking alcohol? no - abstaining for now.

    4. Have you developed an alcohol addiction post VSG after having been able to control your drinking before? I have asked hubby to watch me for this issue, as I know he will give me good feedback. I was an occasional drinker, wine and whiskey are my favs. and I collect wines from the Old Mission Peninsula. I sure hope I tolerate it well once I am back on the sauce. I typically had 3 glasses a month, so not every weekend, more than once a month.

  2. Thanks for the replies. I realize that it's nobody's business either way. But what I wonder is this- if there were a magic pill that promised (and delivered) a huge weight loss overnight with no exercise or dieting, why would that be a bad thing? All those diet industry commercials promise to reduce waist size effortlessly and people by them in droves.

    I think the easy way would be fabulous. Unfortunately, it doesn't exist. But if it did, I'd be first in line!!!

    YES. if there were an easy way out I would take it, and I would push anyone else needing it toward that.

    I will say that for me, so far this is easier than trying to will power my way into it, but harder because I have no opt out, I'm in for a penny in for a pound - I've had the surgery and learning to live with it. very happy.

  3. if not now, to enjoy greater health for the rest of your life, then when? if you have family you will enjoy them more. I have a grandboy - he is 1 - I want to be active with him. if you don't have people close and you rely on yourself to take care of your life, then this would still help you to be able to do that longer.

    I am almost 3 weeks out. nothing else has ever resulted in permanent weight loss for me. I am excited about this opportunity.

  4. to tell or not to tell is a very personal decision - I tend to be pretty open, and I am more or less immune to other people's opinions, really because once I have made a decision I have considered it a while, and from all sides. It is hard to get me to change my mind.

    Some of my family were worried about the aspects of this that are life changing - one example, is for 30 years they've seen me with a coke in my hand - it is an adjustment. and surgery is always a worry. but because I had to wait over a year for my surgery due to an issue they found during approval, everyone who was worried at all had come around and I have had good support.

    I do tell people, quite honestly, that I had surgery on my stomach (sleeve) due to my diabetes. off all diabetes meds since surgery. it has helped friends to not see it as a cosmetic solution. they can't argue if my doctor recommended it for a medical problem.

  5. to tell or not to tell is a very personal decision - I tend to be pretty open, and I am more or less immune to other people's opinions, really because once I have made a decision I have considered it a while, and from all sides. It is hard to get me to change my mind.

    Some of my family were worried about the aspects of this that are life changing - one example, is for 30 years they've seen me with a coke in my hand - it is an adjustment. and surgery is always a worry. but because I had to wait over a year for my surgery due to an issue they found during approval, everyone who was worried at all had come around and I have had good support.

    I do tell people, quite honestly, that I had surgery on my stomach (sleeve) due to my diabetes. off all diabetes meds since surgery. it has helped friends to not see it as a cosmetic solution. they can't argue if my doctor recommended it for a medical problem.

  6. I had moderate energy before - and would typically walk 20 minutes in the morning, often taking naps at my meal break and to tired to do much at night.

    Now, I walk a half an hour in the morning, and evening. I have had some naps, but at two weeks out I am still in the immediate post op period. I am sleeping better and allergy symptoms are way down. I feel incredible! the first week was the best, I think it was the steroids given during surgery but I felt fabulous. Hope it lasts!

  7. mine says best recommendation is never, but after 6 months it's ok. I love a glass of wine now and then, and collect wine from Old Mission Peninsula wineries.

    I know a lot of people push this, but I do not plan to have anything before 6 months because it is straight up carbs and I want to make hay while the sun shines and maximize my weight loss in the beginning.

  8. my silly teenage girls sat beside me about twice with their food during my liquids phase before they found out that it was not cool. Since then I am able to tell them if smelling their food is bothering me as I am still on a fairly limited diet, but as I begin to eat soft foods, it has bothered me a lot less and I just eat what I am eating while they eat theirs. I am not very hungry 2 weeks out so it helps.

  9. I understand your emotions. in December of 2014 I was diagnosed with diabetes, and I was scared to death to eat fruit. it took my doctor about 3 months to convince me that I had to expand my foods.

    Follow your plan, add one new food per day, and see how your tummy does. It will be alright. the weight will stall and go stall and go - that is normal, but if your Protein and carbs and fats are where they should be, it will work out just fine.

  10. Good to you post also, too many changes in me and my wife's lives right now......... Great ones fortunately, including that I'm a full time stay at home dad( ironically between groceries, appointments, gym, kids school, for the life of me I can't understand why they call them "stay at home moms" lmao

    I used to have a bumper sticker that said, "if I am a stay at home mom, why am I always in the car?"

  11. Thank you! How are you feeling!

    Thank you for asking.

    So...the Good...I'm down 11 pounds, I see it in my face and feel it in my body, I was able to wear some "normal" clothes I have (Instead of the "I have no clothes that fit me...so I'm wearing yoga pants and sweatshirt every day" clothes), I can tell my husband notices and likes it, and I feel hopeful again about losing weight after being so defeated by gaining and not being able to lose.

    The Bad...I'm hungry... a lot... it has been hard for me to do the clear liquids since surgery day (I didn't have to do a pre-op diet), I'm tired (this is my second surgery in 8 weeks), I miss my food routine, and it seems like every where I look, TV, billboard, internet...show people eating or food.

    But, truly the good outweighs the bad, and I feel so blessed that my insurance paid for this surgery. I now it will get easier when I can eat.

    I am so excited for you!

    I was hungry for about 10 - 12 days post sleeve - once I started on soft foods, very little fills me up and I am almost never hungry anymore. I hope it will be the same for you.

  12. I have never heard of GENEPRO. I looked it up and all I found is a geneololgy sight. I really like unjury and nectaur protiens. I am a chocolate lover but can't seem to be able to like the chocolate Protein powders that need to be mixed. So with the Unjury I use the strawberry and unflavored one. With the Nectaur brand I really like a whole slew of their fruit flavored Proteins. I mix my Proteins with zero vitiman Water using just half the bottle. (10 oz.) They need to be mixed at room temperature and then if they can sit for 5 min. you can either put ice in the bottle or refridegerate it. This helps to avoid clumping. Use within 48 hours of mixing. I also have a premeir Protein for my Breakfast most days. These are already to go (called RTD) and I like the choclate with this one so haven't tried their vanilla. They might have a strawberry out too. (?)

    Hope this helps.

    I do like the Unjury choc splendor - I use Fairlife milk, and add half a tsp of PB powder. the shake tastes like a reeses.

  13. I am 46, I am a wife (19 years) - to a man who married me when I had 5 littles in my home, mother of 7 (we had two together) and one extra that we call our own - grandma to 1 sweet boy - I like to play the flute, but haven't in an age, want to learn piano, I like to quilt and sew - I love to cook and garden. I love to hike. I am a very good adminstrative staff person.

    I love to laugh, I love Jane Austen movies - home is where my heart is. and I am crazy in love with Jesus. <3

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