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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Christinamo7

  1. my doctor explained to me that in the first six months there is still swelling and things are not back to normal, which is why your stomach can seem to stretch after the "honeymoon" period. the doctor told me they leave the least stretchy part of the stomach.

    I have no doubt that xray of stomach after surgery and after a year show a difference, but I do not think it is anything that someone has done "wrong" but rather a normal part of the process.

    I am pretty sure that weight gain would be due to eating around the sleeve, or drinking calories.

  2. So as I creep closer to the puréed food stage I am researching recipes for purse and beyond. I'm Italian so Pasta WAS a way of life for me. Now that I can no longer have it and will not have it I'm thinking about the sauce. I would happily eat just the sauce with a spoon.

    So, I need to ask my nutritionist but what's with sausage? I use Italian sausage in my spaghetti sauce.

    Maybe I need to modify my methods....

    one way we get the sausage flavor in our meat sauce is to use half ground sirloin, half ground turkey breast and add salt, pepper and herbs d provance. that herb blend gives it a very sausage taste.

  3. I did not have a puree stage, so I can not answer that, but I did not have restriction on liquids once the swelling goes down, and that varies from person to person.

    I will say this. your stomach is smaller than it was. and so, even if she left it a smidge larger than another doctor might you alone will control what you put in it, and that will determine if you regain. you can do this!

  4. Most of the time people think in terms of percentage of excess weight loss. A person with 200# to lose is going to lose way "faster" than somebody with 75# to lose - but the percentages might be the same.

    The rough guideline I received was that at 6 months, most sleevers have lost 40-60% of their EXCESS weight. I beat it by a few points... I think /i had lost about 63% of my excess at 6 months. However, it took me another 8 months to get to goal, and lose 100% of the excess.... because it does indeed slow down.

    I just checked the historical records....ha... i had lost 94# (that includes 8# lost in the 2 weeks preop). I lost 150# in 14 months to get to goal. I lost I think 168 to get down to the 140 range.

    I currently weigh 153, under my goal, but little higher than my lowest. I am 4 years post opl.

    Focusing on the percentage of excess weight lost is definitely logical,.................and yet it didn't occur to me to do that instead of fixating on the number on the scale. Thanks for your post. I've lost 79% of my excess weight (as determined by my own original goal weight and BMI) from my highest weight at six months and two weeks out. I've set a new goal weight so I do still have a ways to go, but I'm making better progress than I thought. That's certainly a much more encouraging (and sensible) way to look at it than I had been.

    yes, that is a much more sensible way to look at it, except Math. :-) I couldn't figure it that way to save me life.

  5. Actually, I had asked if anyone else had went through this.. I don't think I had an oversensitive reaction? But I still am questioning the responses.. does that mean he doesn't love me cause of his the look he is attracted to? I should leave him? I'm just unlucky? I didn't really say much, except that it did kind of shock me, like maybe something is wrong with me.

    I do not know how old you are or how long your relationship is - but my husband and I married in our 20s. I remember as we began to get older, and I wondered about attractiveness, things he mentioned, struggling with both of us getting older and I told him, look at some point, if we both are fortunate you will be married to an 80 yr old woman who is still interested in being sexually active - so get over whatever issues you are having. I am a feminine woman in love with a manly man. that ought to be enough. Thankfully he dealt with those issues and we have never had another hiccup no matter what my weight has been, or no matter what our age has been. You deserve this, he does too, and so I hope that he can reconcile any issues he may have.

  6. I almost killed myself on metabolife. I was grounded in high school for being overweight by my parents..."lose 25lbs and you can see your friends again." That day I began having an eating disorder. I played football...I wasn't out of shape, long distance running didn't bother me even at a heavier size because I was, for all intents and purposes, still an athlete.

    I popped 8-10 metabolife a day. I maybe ate a couple apples and a Protein bar was considered splurging. I could feel my heart racing but thought nothing of it. I dropped 50lbs in three weeks by not eating and literally allowing my body to eat my muscle because I was exercising so much. Hardly anyone noticed how much I lost because muscle is more dense and on the outside it maybe looked like I lost 15lbs...no one knew I was killing myself.

    Contrary to popular belief, teenage men can easily have eating disorders as well. I'm glad I had a reality check, no one tried to help, no one knew.

    I am so thankful you survived!

    I almost killed myself on metabolife. I was grounded in high school for being overweight by my parents..."lose 25lbs and you can see your friends again." That day I began having an eating disorder. I played football...I wasn't out of shape, long distance running didn't bother me even at a heavier size because I was, for all intents and purposes, still an athlete.

    I popped 8-10 metabolife a day. I maybe ate a couple apples and a Protein Bar was considered splurging. I could feel my heart racing but thought nothing of it. I dropped 50lbs in three weeks by not eating and literally allowing my body to eat my muscle because I was exercising so much. Hardly anyone noticed how much I lost because muscle is more dense and on the outside it maybe looked like I lost 15lbs...no one knew I was killing myself.

    Contrary to popular belief, teenage men can easily have eating disorders as well. I'm glad I had a reality check, no one tried to help, no one knew.

    I am so thankful you survived!

  7. my husband has always been a normal weight. I was about 40 pounds lighter when we married - and while his only worry is that I will get too slim - he has worried about my health and loosing me to obesity related diseases. we have been married a long time - and he is supportive of me. He says, if there are any issues we will work through them the same as we have with any other problems because my health, and keeping me alive is the most important thing.

  8. Wow people! This life is all about personal choices. There are people here who drink that is their choice. There are people who never drink again that is their choice . Medically there is conflicting research on drinking after having the sleeve. There is not a person on this site that has not made an unhealthy life choice. So why is this becoming so nasty? No reason! Every one gab a freaking mirror!!!

    I have not seen any posts that are nasty? people are just answering the questions asked..............

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