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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Christinamo7

  1. yes to what Babbs said - and hey! at least you're not where you were before surgery! and secondly, you can go back to what you need to do without having surgery this time! first step is the hardest and that's done when you got on the scale and got honest. :-) you got this.

  2. I don't think I could add to any of the lists here, but I didn't see anyone say Cottage cheese. I love it. There are so many foods I used to love, that I can't stand now after surgery, but I'm so glad I can still tolerate cottage cheese, with a little fresh dill or chives chopped in, perfection! High in Protein and so yummy. :)

    I eat Cottage cheese with EVERYTHING. :-)

  3. I had a sleeve and was hungry for about a week - really hungry - doctor said I was working out the leftover hunger hormone, some head hunger and my body dealing with the stomach changes. now, a month out if I stretch my meals Snacks too far apart I do have hunger, but it does not feel the same as it did before surgery, I've had to get used to new body cues. When I get full my nose drips or I get burpy.

  4. at one month I am down 20 lbs and feeling great. but this number is meaningless unless you know what weight the person started at and more information. Someone else posted it is better to look at percentage of overweight lost, and I agree that gives a much better idea of progress. I know we are all afraid of being that one person it doesn't work for - of failing like any other "diet" however, it is about moving forward and being healthy, it is not a race it is health for the rest of your life.

  5. Today I had my one month follow up, Doctor said I was right where I need to be with weight loss and recovery, they are pleased with my diet and the changes I am seeing. They did add back on my Water pill as my fingers have been puffy and my water intake is exceptional.

    it is interesting how each doctor has a plan that varies, but he said I was released to any activities and can take any OTC medications needed including Ibuprofen.

    I love the print out they give when they weigh me, it lists the calories needed to maintain your weight and it helps me to know where my calories need to be to continue to loose. Right now I am only managing about half what would be needed to maintain, so no matter if the scale gets stuck or moves, I can be confident that it will move at this level of eating.

    In addition I had my best fasting blood sugar ever this morning and since diabetes what what drove me to seek the surgery I am thrilled.

  6. I am also 4 weeks out, almost 5. I had lost 34 pounds, but have gained back almost 2 lbs. I think it is a little too early for a plateau, but I have been working out an average of 2 days a week. I got a fitbit and have been tracking my steps. I should probably get a little more active. My calories are always around 700 and my Protein is around 50-70. I am striving for the 60-80. The one place I consistently fail is my Fluid intake. I am not sure if that could be slowing my weight loss or not.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using the BariatricPal App

    yes that can slow things down a bit. you could be holding Water, with the little weight gain. if you can manage to get more fluids in I think that number will change.

  7. you don't need a pouch test - you just need to find a way to reconcile the fact that this is for the rest of your life and find a way to live with your new way of interacting with food.

    you should have a protein/fat/carb "allowance" make sure you are not ALL or NOTHING with carbs, but for example, I stay under 50 a day of carbs. make this something you can live with and get moving! even if it's slow, even if you lie to yourself that you only have to walk 10 minutes, get started. You also have to find other ways (besides food) to treat yourself - for me it is an epsom salts bath or a mani/pedi.

  8. I put my fork/plate down and crochet a ways and then pick it back up. if that is not working I ask my husband or child to take my plate away from me and bring it back in 5 minutes.

    it also helps me if there is no drama going on. if I am eating at work and am interrupted, I eat too fast and then have pain/gas. if the kids are arguing or excited same thing happens (they are teens)- everyone is learning to calm down and enjoy meal time. :-) because at work if they make me sick when I am eating, I am going home.

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