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Kaeden Ann

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Posts posted by Kaeden Ann

  1. Getting professional mental health is part of the plan! I realize that it's not a physical issue, but rather behavioural; the surgery will be a helpful tool, but I need to change my way of thinking to prevent relapsing (which terrifies me).

    You're going to do great. You aren't thinking the surgery is going to do it all for you. You -know- you have to work at this mentally and physically. You know the signs of your bad behaviors so you can fix them early.

    It's not going to be easy, but you got this!

  2. James, how many Calcium are you taking throughout the day?

    I have a pill container with four sections that seems to be working well. I also have an app that gives me reminders when it's time to take meds. Right now my schedule is:

    AM: 2 calcium, 1 Multivitamin, 1 Vitamin D, 1 B-Complex, and a disolvable B-12 tablet.

    Noon: 2 calcium

    6PM: 2 calcium, 1 Multivitamin

    Bed: 1 Iron and 1 Vitamin C chewable.< /p>

  3. Seriously, what did you do to adjust to taking all the various supplements? I'm still in the very early stages of my journey, so I've started making some of the required changes (learning to chew my food carefully, smaller portions, giving up soda & caffeine, drinking more Water and the vitamins). I'll be starting on the exercise as soon as my kiddo gets over this sickness and stops using me as a pillow all day!

    I'm mostly doing quite well. It's definitely a learning curve! I really don't care for the large number of pills I have to take. I've never enjoyed taking Multivitamins (the smell of some is very off-putting), and the large number of Calcium tablets is hard to swallow (pardon the pun). For the moment, I'm using standard pills for everything (except the B-12), as that's the least expensive route, and probably the one I'll do long term. do you have any tricks to making the pill taking easier? I have a pill reminder app to help me remember to take them. Any way of making the pills more palatable? I thought about using the chews for calcium, but that seems like quite a few extra calories to be doing long term.

    Also, Does anyone have any tips for getting in your water? I've always been a "gulper", and I'm having trouble learning to do smaller sips, spaced out over time. How do you remember when to quit drinking before your next meal?

  4. I've been off soda since Sunday. It's been stressful this week with a sick kiddo, so I thought I would have a soda yesterday. I took two sips and decided it was just too sweet for me and quit. I was proud of me.

    I don't know why it tasted so sickly sweet. My husband says it tasted right to him. Do the Vitamins have this side effect? Either way, I'll take it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
