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Everything posted by Dknal2

  1. Hi, oh God I almost cried reading this post. I was so sad. This was years ago but the same hurt was still there like this was yesterday. I pray things are better for you. I continue to pray. Its been 4 1/2 years n i have gained maybe 13 lbs - 16 lbs back. I have added pics for update
  2. So, let me first say happy Mother's Day to all of the moms on here. Secondly, I want to let you all know that I'm currently 161 lbs... which is 11 lbs away from my goal weight of 150 lbs. 👍🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 round of applause for that being that this is month 5 for me. Tjirdky, let's discuss the topic at hand. Anyone who has followed me know that my journey with my husband has been bad . Well , it's reached an all time low. We were asleep 3 nights ago and the phone kept vibrating. I told him to answer and he wouldn't. Well we have 2 kids that are outside of the home right now so I said let me make sure it's not the kids texting him. But my gut told me this is gonna be bad. But I checked anyway. This is what I saw " You left your rubber in my bed and my baby found it""" with lil joking emoticons. OMG... my heart dropped to my toes. I felt he was cheating but didn't know for sure. Let me also put this out there. My husband had not slept with me in 3 1/2 weeks at the time. So I knew something wasn't right. I had been praying to God for a revelation in this marriage be it whatever way, good or bad because my spirit knew I wasn't being treated right and I knew he was messing around. Heck I had just caught him maybe 1 month before that trying to hookup on Facebook. So, needless to say I told him I want a divorce and this was it. No more will I be the hurt wife who is trying to sacrifice herself for her husband, nope. Already have been consulting legal counsel because it's over. Now, he swears he is gonna do right and wants his family. I told him he had 21 years to do right and if he wanted his family his penis oils have stayed in is pants. Ohhhhhh.... here's the agonizing part for me. This is the same woman he had an affair with on me 13 years ago. Same dirty tramp. I'm like oh no that means this never ended. Which he swears it was only one time. Yep I believe that like I believe in Santa Claus. I cried for 2 days straight. Then I said forget this , on Mother's Day I put on a backless sundress ( in my new size 8 yassss) went out shopping ,had a great time with friends and felt like I was coming into my new, happier peaceful self. I am still very hurt but I thank God for revealing his evil because I don't want an std or aids because he is a hoer. This surgery has truly changed my life. The old me would have cried and just took him bk and dealt with the pain. But not the new confident, strong Diana that this surgery helped to bring to surface. I posted before that I knew we were gonna divorce , just didn't think it was gonna be like this but it is what it is. There is someone out there who will cherish me and love me for the jewel that I am. Thsnk you guys for all your support throughout the months. You have truly become my family.😊
  3. I am so disgruntled. I had a recent post about how my husband is not supportive but he has reached a new low. He just told me that I am using drastic measures to become skinny and " he doesn't like skinny women". When I first got with my husband I weighed 145 lbs. I'm 5'6. So I I was pretty small then. Well fast forward twenty one years and 3 kids later ...my highest weight was 242 lbs. I am insulted by this so badly. I told him if you don't like the size I become then you have the option of leaving then. I'm so tired of this ish. Everyday he is putting me down about this surgery and I know I may have some tough patches post op and I know he is going to lavish in that so that he can say I told you so. My 20 year old son is going with me to have my surgery due to I'm going to Texas and I'm from Alabama. I don't think he quite gets it but he said mom I'm going with you and not letting you be alone. That means the world to me. I just feel like this is probly gonna be the end of my marriage. My husband then said I'm probly trying to be skinny for other men and I'm like really. I would go thru my stomach being sliced just for attention... get the heck Out of here. Just so disgusted with having to defend this decision to him. I have researched this for 4-5 years. I'm making a change for a better healthier me. I guess everyone doesn't want a better, healthier me. He has been thin all his life and doesn't understand this weight struggle. So he doesn't want a skinny wife but you want an overweight wife who is prediabetic, has sleep apnea, high cholesterol, and heart problems huh? But she is good n thick,, yeah right. I'm just over it!!!!
  4. Dknal2

    93lbs in 6 months! Pics!!

    Thank you as well for the compliment, u r too sweet😘😘😘😘
  5. Dknal2

    93lbs in 6 months! Pics!!

    You are too kind... thank you😘😘😘
  6. Dknal2

    93lbs in 6 months! Pics!!

    Thank you girl I appreciate it😘😘😘
  7. Dknal2

    93lbs in 6 months! Pics!!

    Thank you for the compliment, I appreciate it😘😘😘😘
  8. Dknal2

    93lbs in 6 months! Pics!!

    Thank ypu so much... its an ordeal daily to remember to get in my protein, but i make it happen... good luck to u as well
  9. Dknal2

    93lbs in 6 months! Pics!!

    Hi , how are you... I am currently 16 months post op and my weight is 147 lbs., My clothing size is a 2 - 4 ....... my weightloss was so slow then it started literally melting off... so stay focused n keep pushing. Im attaching a photo for an update... dont lose sight of the goal, be blessed.
  10. Well I am almost 6 months out from surgery. I am 159 lbs and my goal weight is 150 lbs. I am posting updated pics just so you can see my progress. Good luck to everyone that's still working hard , including myself . First pic in black dress I wa 242 and on left side I was one week out of surgery . The other pics are recent pics of myself.
  11. Thank you sweetie abd good luck with Your surgery. Stay focused on improving yourself internally as well as externally.
  12. ONG, hello gorgeous goldenbarbie.... I do remember wanting that sandwich, lol. So badly. But yes, i do thank you for the compliment sweetie. You look amazing as well.
  13. Well thank you and you all motivate me as well and so many on here have encouraged me in very dark moments so I am very appreciative.
  14. Thank you girl...I am happy with life right now!
  15. Thank you so much. I hit the ground running as soon as I was cleared to do abdominal exercises... if you followed my posts , you will see that I posted an abdomen routine that my son gave me and I followed it to a T. However, I still have a little area of loose skin in my thigh area. So I’m not perfect but I’m okay with that. I was t perfect before the surgery either 😂. Take it one day at a time and if worst comes to worst and your tummy has been stretched out too much, consult with a plastic surgeon about a tummy tuck. Good luck and congrats on your loss. Keep up the good work sweetie.
  16. Thank you... this has really been easy for me the physical part it’s just that I have gone through a lot emotionally since surgery..... my husband was not that great anyways n when I had surgery he really started being really ugly to me and then I found out he had been having an affair for the past 13 years .... so I divorced him. So I have been in an emotional roller coaster , but I thank God for his mercy and strength that he has given me.
  17. Thank you and you will do great ... stay focused
  18. Thank you and no I have not had hair loss at all.
  19. I am pleased to say that I have reached my goal, yaaayyy. My goal weight was 150 lbs but I weighed myself this morning and I am 149.8 lbs. This has been a hard journey mentally but for me( many of you know I have gone thru a divorce as well ). My starting weight was 242lbs, day of surgery 12/5/16 I was 219 lbs, and 8 months later I am 149.8 lbs. 7 lbs away from almost losing 100 lbs. I feel so good right now about myself. Not just because of how I look but how I feel inside. I'm starting to love me flaws and all. I am working on the mental side of things with prayer and supplication. God is a healer and I'm trusting him to keep me. I thank all of you on this site for your support , it has been epic on this journey. I so truly appreciate you. The encouragement I received from total strangers has far outweighed what I received from family and friends. Thank you again. Hope u like the pics.
  20. Well thank you .... I don't have much loose skin at all... I lost just about all of my butt so there is some flaccidity there but it's bearable.
  21. lol, well thank you so much ....n thank u for keeping me in your prayers, that's so good to hear and it's people like you that keep me uplifted. 😘😘😘
  22. I'm blushing .... n thank you so much . Also u will do great... stay devoted to the plan . I never ever thought in my life I wud go from a size 16 to a size 4 or size 2. I feel amazingly proud of my accomplisjememt not just because of the physical but because of the inner pride I have gained . Stay focused n can't wait until you message me that u have reached goal .
  23. I think strength training with bands would be good. I'm not a fitness buff so I'm not so sure what else but I used just my elliptical and ab exercises and squats to help me. But you may wanna do a free session with a personal trainer and then just do the tips they give you on that free session. I wish you the best and I don't think you are to far gone at all.

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