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Trixie S.

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Posts posted by Trixie S.

  1. @@jansluv wow. I've never heard of this before. Do you have it changed every 6 months? Or does your tummy need a break after the 6 month period?

    Its fairly new. It can cause stomach issues, so to minimize that, it is removed at 6months.

    UnderDaSea - Google Reshape Gastric Balloon @https://reshapeready.com/ or the Orbera Balloon @ http://www.orbera.com/. They only stay in for 6 months, stomach acid breaks down the balloon after 6 months.

  2. Interested in replies. I am 6 weeks in. At my four week appt I was going to schedule an early removal but felt better that day so gave the balloon another chance! I never feel normal. I had a brutal bout of reflux week 3-4. That is gone but now I have stomach ache every evening, like I swallowed a bowling ball. I can live with that, as long as it's not accompanied by reflux.

    Thanks for your response. I really felt my practice was not listening to me about my symptoms. I certainly did not plan to take time off of work for a week and it wasn't recommended at the time I had booked my procedure. I wish I had. I am lucky enough to work from home this week along with some vacation time. I have to go back to the office. I told them today I had arranged for a driver and was coming tomorrow to take this out, but the doc asked me to try 2 more meds. If these don't work, I'm going on Monday to have it removed. I hope more people reply. What are you taking for the reflux? I was already taking 40mg of Nexium a day, and I have increased it to 2 a day...not that it has helped.

    Keep in touch!

  3. Thanks to both of you for your replies. I have my 1-week follow up with the dietitian tomorrow afternoon. I'm going to have to have a hard conversation with them about my symptoms. My medications are: zofran for nausea, promethazine suppositories for nausea, and reglan that speeds up digestion and helps with acid reflux. I also take Nexium for acid reflux. Our program is also a 12 month program, like yours.

    Thanks for your support! I'll try not to whine so much in the future!

  4. Thanks for the update islesdriveforfive. Your story gives me hope and support. It just has been a really tough 3 days.

    No doubt, the first week was hell. The second week was completely the opposite - I felt like a new person and it only improved from there. I couldn't have worked just based on the sheer level of vomiting I had, once they gave me the ear Patches for nausea (which should be standard BTW) I was able to start to eat and follow the level of Water I needed. I was getting very dehydrated. Powerade Zero saved me during that time to give me the extra electrolytes. Keep focused, you'll turn the corner soon.

    Thanks for the information. Today, my day 4, was bad again. I am certainly not able to get 48 oz. of liquid down. I thought just days 1-3 would be miserable...and days 4 - 7 would be better. Better like - I feel nauseous, but if I just move slow I'll be able to work. This is not going to be the case. I hope the physicians take notice and be more upfront with folks about the side effects. When I called my doc today and asked about an ear patch for nausea, because I saw your post about it last night, they turned me down. They feel it has too many side effects. I'm a bit disappointed they are not able to manage my symptoms better. I want this to be a positive experience. I'm not too sure so far.

    Did you ever take anything extra for acid reflux? Prior to the balloon, I took 1 nexium a day to control it. A week prior to my balloon, I started taking 2 a day.

    Thanks again for your encouragement! I need it! :)

  5. Ugh Im envious of your experience. I start school on Tuesday and am crossing my fingers I'll be able to endure it :( I know I'm not drinking enough fluids and I've barely started a full-liquid diet just today (day 4). I feel incredibly week and am miserable. Such a Debbie downer right here!

    Tomorrow I go back to work and I'm really worried. I hope your day went well.

  6. Hello

    I live 2 hours from my doctor and vomited once in the car ride home this afternoon. I took my medications when in the car and then again when I got home: zofran ,(generic is ondansetron) Phenergan (generic is promethazine) suppositories, and Levsin (generic is hyoscamine).

    I've thrown up twice tonight...sigh! I keep telling myself this will get better. I just wish the meds would help. I've sipped a little low cal Gatorade (G2). It tasted good and it only stayed down for 2 hours...until I threw up again.

    Please tell me this gets better! I really want this to work.


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
