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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by JLilley417

  1. Your body is changing and it seems your significant other is trying his best to help. That being said, many of us are in the same boat. There is a reason bariatric surgery in one partner has a 56% divorce rate. He was there for you before the surgery and through it...don't lose sight of that if you can. So long as its support and not jealousy or any other negative changes in him as a result of your self improvements, I'd say you're in a winning position.

  2. So I know some will come in here and say "no, stay away!" But I'm not one of them. I'm a traveling salesman and I had my first cocktail about a month post op. Empty calories? Yeah, but we all know that. Stay away from beer, gas pain will hurt and it's like drinking liquid bread. I haven't had wine...but I stick to 3 cocktails since I entertain clients often (and the 4th meal drunken eating has completely stopped for me). Whisky Sours, Long Island's without the coke (tastes like lemonade), and hurricanes are my chosen poisons.

    Let's be honest though, alcohol can be a slippery slope (transfer addiction). As with everything post-op, moderation is key...if you let history repeat itself and alcohol contributed to your weight gain then the surgery was all for nothing. If that's not an issue...cheers!

  3. When I went in for my surgery the girl in the hospital bed next to me had changed clothes into her gown and laid down for her pre-op routine. She had put on 5lbs since she had seen the doctor last and swore up and down she lost weight on her liquid diet. The doctor sent her home and said "we will reschedule your surgery for when you want to take this more seriously."

    I guess what I'm saying is don't go overboard. I'm two months post op (70lbs lost) and I've dabbled with things like ice cream, Taco Bell, chick fil a, whataburger, alcohol, etc. You must realize your relationship with food moving forward is not a "never again" type scenario but is most certainly a "in extreme moderation" one.

  4. Everyone loses differently, there really is no formula. I had a lot of muscle density (ex-athlete, football lineman) even though I started pre op at almost 390lbs. Because of that density I have a daily maintenance and break even point of 3800 calories. I lost 70lbs in 2 months post op and I'm still losing fairly rapidly though it has slowed a bit.

    My doctor said the expected loss on average is 8-10lbs per month.

  5. I haven't started back at the gym yet. To be honest I'm a gym rat from my football days and I know I'll gain density which will be discouraging on the scale so I want to hit the 100lb lost Mark before I start lifting again. I just eat right most of the time and don't fret when I do decide to treat myself. It's a lifestyle so I'm just trying to be consistent. In fact I've dropped 3 more lbs since my post

  6. I almost killed myself on metabolife. I was grounded in high school for being overweight by my parents..."lose 25lbs and you can see your friends again." That day I began having an eating disorder. I played football...I wasn't out of shape, long distance running didn't bother me even at a heavier size because I was, for all intents and purposes, still an athlete.

    I popped 8-10 metabolife a day. I maybe ate a couple apples and a Protein bar was considered splurging. I could feel my heart racing but thought nothing of it. I dropped 50lbs in three weeks by not eating and literally allowing my body to eat my muscle because I was exercising so much. Hardly anyone noticed how much I lost because muscle is more dense and on the outside it maybe looked like I lost 15lbs...no one knew I was killing myself.

    Contrary to popular belief, teenage men can easily have eating disorders as well. I'm glad I had a reality check, no one tried to help, no one knew.

  7. I was sleeved on feb 3rd but it seems this chat is the closest to my date...February 3rd sleepers don't have a thread so I hope you guys don't mind if I jump in conversation.

    How are you feeling?

    What are you eating?

    How are you sleeping? Do you use a Cpap?

    Have you had any acid reflux?

    I want to know everything about everyone, lol! =)

    Feel great...down 55lbs, 2 shirt sizes and 3 pant sizes. Not bad for a month. I sleep longer than I used to...I need about 9 hours to feel energized. I've never needed a cpap. The acid feeling is weird, I don't help it because I have indulged with the occasional cocktail...is what it is though.

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