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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SweetPeas

  1. We have two kids (8yrs and 6yrs) and I told them that I was having surgery on my tummy to make me healthy/feel better and they accepted this explanation. We talked about how I would stay in the hospital a few days until I was able to be up and around and that when I got home I would have to take it easy for a while. We didn't talk about surgery until probably 10 days before hand because at that age we didn't feel they needed to worry about it for too long before it occurred (and we know our kids, so this worked for us). Post op I talked about how my tummy was still healing so I had to be careful about what I was eating and that instead of sitting in my lap they could sit next to me and snuggle. As far as the healthy food we had already cut out almost all snack/junk foods (snacking instead on veggies, fruits, nuts, etc.). We didn't talk at all about how much my body/size would change. What we have talked about is how good we feel when we exercise/play and that we always need to make time for these fun activities. It all depends on your kids and how much information you feel they can handle, and how much information you are willing for them to repeat to others. I found that adults have asked a lot more questions (being nosy) than our kids.
  2. SweetPeas


    Ugh- I'm in the same boat. At first I chalked it up to my body getting back on track. The gas, diarrhea, and nausea after dairy products is pretty consistent so it's probably the lactose. Today I picked up some Lactaid milk at the store. The biggest thing that bothers me seems to be the protein shakes that I make with skim milk, so I am hopeful this will help (and that I'll be able to enjoy the occasional tiny portion of cheese).
  3. SweetPeas

    Immersion blender vs bullet

    I have been very happy with the Ninja-use it every single day to make things like smoothies (with ice and haven't had issues with chunks, but that might be because I don't add a lot, just a handful of cubes), soups, and hummus.
  4. SweetPeas

    My rant for the day.

    What about these people at the grocery store on their phones chatting and blocking the entire aisle with their buggy. Feel free to have a super long conversation right in the middle of aisle #3.
  5. SweetPeas

    Food related regrets...

    Baked chicken- my body was like, "No thanks, you can have this back."
  6. I get this feeling like there is a sideways burp that can't come out.
  7. I had heard so many horror stories of PCPs being negative about WLS or not wanting to write a referral to start the process. I worried my doctor would be negative and delayed asking for several months. She ended up being wonderful- totally supportive and acknowledged that it would be a great thing for my health.
  8. I had my surgery at Mayo Clinic. They weren't overbearing about it but open and honest (and had a consistent message from provider to provider, regardless of the specialty) and put forth a lot of their first hand observations from their own practice. It's their job to give me the best possible recommendation to increase my changes of being successful with WLS and healthy. I appreciated the information, and like I said I wasn't drinking enough for giving it up to be a big deal. For me, a close personal relationship with pizza is the real struggle.
  9. The endocrinologist, psychologist, nutritionist, and surgeon all told me not to drink alcohol. They said that this would be a "forever" lifestyle change (and their program requires you not drink during the pre op phase or they won't approve you for surgery). They very explicit that "moderation" isn't an option and noted that there is evidence that WLS patients have higher rates of alcoholism post op. They all had a lot of research and statistics and related the issues with vitamin absorption, dumping, weight regain, and told me about a couple of patients that had not heeded the warning and spiraled out of control with alcohol (DUIs, losing their jobs, etc.). I would consider myself to have been a social drinker- a glass of wine at dinner maybe twice a month but after what the WLS team told me I wouldn't even consider touching it now.
  10. SweetPeas

    Protein Drinks

    At work I drink premier protein drinks (vanilla or strawberry). If I'm getting my protein drink at home then it's chocolate protein powder with 1/2 banana, skim milk, a couple teaspoons PB2, and a splash of vanilla extract. Sometimes I throw in an ice cube to make it a little thicker. I usually get whatever chocolate protein powder (low sugar) that's on sale at the grocery store. None of them are especially great, but once I add in the extras they are not bad at all.
  11. SweetPeas


    Imitrex, pressure points on my temples/back of head, essential oils (peppermint) and aromatherapy help, or the crappy Tylenol. The other thing that has helped tremendously is a beta blocker (metoprolol) for migraine prevention (I have to watch my BP because it's normally low normal so if I don't drink enough fluids I can get dizzy). The beta blocker for prevention has been the best thing ever. I've been on it 10+ years and went from a migraine 2-3 times per month to maybe one every other month. I hope you start feeling better soon.
  12. My approval process took about three weeks. Once that came through they called me to schedule the surgery the next day, with a surgery date about six weeks later due to the surgeon's schedule. At the time it seemed like a really long process, but it gave me time to get prepared, purchase a kitchen scale and smaller plates/bowls, check out protein powders and drinks, and to read up on what to expect. The first night/next day of pain were the worst and after that my pain was controlled with non-narcotic meds. Walking helped a lot!
  13. I took off three weeks. Like you I have a desk job. The first couple of days were tiring, but after that it was noticeably better each day. I could probably have gone back sooner but had a post-op infection that delayed the process.
  14. SweetPeas

    Not sure who I should tell!

    I have told five people- husband, mother, sister, very good friend, and my boss (who is wonderful). Aside from that I told folks that I was having a hernia repair to help with acid reflux that is causing some issues with ulceration (which is actually the the truth since I did the hernia at the same time as RNY). Everyone knew/saw that for the last 8 months or so I was eating a lot healthier and exercising, and I had already lost about 26lbs which folks had commented on previously. My main reason for not being more open at work isn't my department but rather folks in other departments who might lean more towards being catty or telling horror stories.
  15. SweetPeas

    Any tips on how to portion out food?

    I'm using a kitchen scale and also bought some small cups (hold about 3 oz), some smaller shot glass type deals (hold 2 oz), and also got some smaller tupperware type containers for storing the smaller portions. Having good measuring cups is also helpful. I have been using a ninja blender to make some of my own soups and mix protein shakes which is great because it gives more control over the flavor/content and allows me to make enough for a few days at a time.
  16. It has never occurred to me that our kids might have their weight/BMI measured at school (did not have this experience myself). We are trying so hard to raise them without food issues or thinking that a certain weight is "good/bad." I just can't imagine this being done at school. Isn't the constant bombardment of airbrushed perfection enough without having your weight called out in front of class-good grief.
  17. First I had a very long appointment with the surgery team's Nurse Practitioner. She was absolutely wonderful and was able to address all of my questions plus did a super thorough assessment. Together we picked the surgeon (as I had a choice of three). I reviewed quality data online (HospitalCompare and PhysicianCompare) as well as a literature review of the surgeon's publications and then when I met with him (once) I was satisfied as he was able to address all of my questions and concerns. I have heard some patients in the practice say he is too quiet/doesn't talk much but honestly for me I was looking more for experience, attention to detail, and someone who takes their work super seriously- which is exactly what I got. Looking at the quality data for the hospital and surgeon also helped. I wanted to make sure I was going somewhere that was a center of excellence and had enough surgical volume (as more volume tends to indicate better outcomes simply b/c the surgeon/facility will have much more experience and better capability to address complications).
  18. I'm very interested in this topic as I will be returning to work on the 17th. I did buy one of those shake mixers that you use with water, but also bought some premixed protein shakes that can be kept in the refrigerator just in case. I'll have to wait and see which one works best.
  19. SweetPeas

    PB2? Tell the truth, please

    I love PB2 and have actually been using it for a long time. It's got a different texture, but I like the taste. Post op I have been putting it in my Protein shakes. My favorite is to add some chocolate PB2 plus a couple tablespoons of decaf coffee and a 1/2 banana. For me this takes the Protein shake from something I have to choke down to something I can happily sip because the flavor is so much better.
  20. I'm still in the puree stage and finally starting to feel good- getting a handle on drinking enough fluids, proteins, appropriate foods, and having enough energy for long walks. Honestly I wouldn't want to push it and mess up my pouch, plus it seems like that would be a slippery slope right back to bad eating habits.
  21. SweetPeas

    Going back to work...

    My surgery was February 24th and I will return to work next week on March 17th. Physically I could probably have gone back this week but took a bit extra to work out the diet/fluids.
  22. SweetPeas

    Feel like dying!

    I'm right there with you struggling with zero drive to eat anything. After feeling great on pureed foods I had a setback with some refried beans- I may never eat them again. What worked for me was stepping back and doing a day of just liquids (which for me did include a protein shake- although it took FOREVER to get it down) and then restarting pureed foods. That seemed to help get things settled. Hang in there.
  23. Cottage cheese, unsweet apple sauce, strained cream soups, ricotta bake, and yogurt should all be ok for the puree stage.
  24. My NUT cautioned against rice and Pasta in the puree phase since they can get stuck. I just started pureed food today and am SO happy to have some real food. It is difficult, but so much better than liquids.
  25. SweetPeas

    Face Blindness

    90% here-I have no problem with remembering faces. Trying to recall someone's name is another story!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
