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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NikkiD

  1. Hi Just wondering if there are in West Virginians out there. I'm currectly in the 6th month of my weight loss program with CAMC weight loss center. Dr. Shinn will be my surgeon as long as all gets approved by the insurance. I know several people that have had the gastric byass surgery but not a soul that has had the lapband. Let me know if anyone out there is from WV. Thanks
  2. I am currently a month out and don't have much restrication at this time. Sometimes I feel I may be eating more than I should although I don't eat anywhere near what I did pre-band. I should be getting my first fill within the next week thankful. I am curious how easy it is to stretch your pouch and if there are any signs to tell if you have? Thanks
  3. NikkiD

    Lab Results

    I'm not really sure. I know it is a common thing though. It is the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers and the occassional stomach cancer. I have never had any symptoms of either so my pcp wasn't concerned at all. As long as you take the rx you get it should be fine. Gotta be careful with the 2 antibiotics though because they will definitly cause a yeast infection. Sorry if thats to much info (lol) just thought I would warn you. Might be a good idea to ask for a rx of diflucan to go with it.
  4. NikkiD

    Lab Results

    I had something called H. Pylori in my stomach. I had to take a prevpac which consists of 2 antibiotics (biaxin and amoxicillan) and previcid. It did not affect my surgery in anyway. As a matter of fact my surgeon never even mentioned it. I'm not sure if this is what you are referring to though.
  5. I was given lortab pills as well. Didn't have to crush them and they went down just fine.
  6. NikkiD

    How many grams should I have?

    Sue I think this is a great question. I have been wondering the same thing. I feel like i'm not getting enough calories but to many fat grams. I'm anxious to see if you get an answer. Good luck
  7. NikkiD


    I was able to eat shrimp 2 weeks out with no problem. I guess it really does depend on the person.
  8. NikkiD


    I am just over 2 weeks post op and am allowed to have all of the things you mentioned. I'm acutally still on the soft solid stage and was told I could have any kind of seafood as long as it is baked or broiled. I assume grilled would be ok as well. Also, i was given the ok for low fat cheeses and crackers. Chili is on my approved list as well. I would say if I can have these foods on the soft solid phase that you should be good to have them as solid foods. Good luck
  9. Is anyone gaining weight back? I lost 13lbs the first week and a half however, since I started the soft foods I think I have gained a few pounds back. I'm trying to avoid the scales so I won't get discouraged. I'm wondering if this is normal?
  10. I was able to just swallow my pills like normal. They actually had me taking pills while still in the hospital. No problems at all with them going down.
  11. NikkiD

    Portion Size

    I am currently on the soft solid stage and at my last appointment I was told my meals should be around 3-4 oz
  12. NikkiD

    Question about Crakers

    Hi! I just started my mushy stage a couple of days ago and crackers were on the list from the doc. I tried a few w/laughing cow cheese last night and had no problems. I got the Ritz reduced fat crackers. Hope this helps. Thanks
  13. I read in a sticky that homeade smoothies are not recommended. Can anyone tell me why? I bought some plain yogurt and frozen berries with a plan to add some unflavored protien powder. Is this a bad idea?
  14. NikkiD

    Mushies Question

    Great job on losing 31lbs!! That is awesome. I am on the soft solid/mushy food stage and I can have more than I thought. Of course there is the sugar free pudding/jello, cottage cheese, mushy veggies and scrambled eggs. I was also told I could have chili any kind of seafood that is baked or broiled. I'm not sure if you have the morning star brand of soy products in your area but those where on my list also. They have things such as chicken patties, sausage and hamburger patties. Any meat other than the seafood i was told I needed to puree a bit. I did that with some turkey tenderloin the other night and it was very good. Don't forget applesauce and yogurt. Also, I was given the ok on cheeses as long as they are low fat. Hope this helps. Good luck.
  15. Hello everyone. I lost 16lbs preop and 11lbs so far post op for a total of 27lbs. My frustation is that I don't see it at all. I look the same, I feel the same and my clothes all fit the same. I was hoping to at least have my jeans be a little loose. How much does it take before I will be able to see a change? Thanks
  16. blenderized meat?? I have a turkey tenderloin that needs to be made. I was hoping I could blenderize a piece and eat it. Does that count? I've read people eat tuna out of the can during the mushie stage so wouldn't this be about the same thing?
  17. NikkiD

    Does mushies include...

    My appt with my doc is tomorrow and that is when I actually get to start my mushy stage. I'm not excited or anything..lol I have made dinner since my surgery and wanted to make something I could sit down and eat with my man. Mashed potatos are on the menu for sure. I'm a little leary about potatos though because of the carbs. Thanks for the replies
  18. I was banded on the 16th and I also get pains or cramps more like but mine are in the front right below my breast bone. I'm assuming that is close to the location of the band. I am currently still in the full liquid stage so maybe i'm taking in too much liquid at once. I hope whatever it is doesn't last forever. I have lost 11lbs since my surgery date and i figure once I start on mushies that will stop for awhile.
  19. My doc said after 4 weeks I should be able to resume eating "normal" foods again? While I know pre band normal is a far cry from post band I am wondering exactly what normal is considered to be?? Will I be able to sit down and have an actual dinner? Overtime will I be able to indulge in a slice of pepperoni pizza? Or will my dinners consist of bites of mushy type foods? At this point scrambled are eggs are looking as good as a ribeye to me lol. Two more days and I can have them! I know my future holds eating healthy foods at small portions but can us bandsters ever indulge and have fettucine alfredo again?
  20. Thanks! Only 9 of it has been post band. That is a place to start thought. Thanks for all the input..i'm excited to see where I can go with the help of this band.
  21. NikkiD

    Anyone from WV???

    What part of WV are you from? I was just banded on 04/16 and so far so good. My journey started in Aug. of 07 with my 6 month diet/excerise program that was a requirement of both my insurance and surgeon. It flew by a lot quicker than i thought and while I would have liked to skip that step it was actually a learning experience. I also had to have multiple medical tests such as, blood work, ekg, sleep study, pulmonary function test and of course the psych eval. All of that was completed during my 6 month excerise program. Once all that was done and submitted to my insurance it took about a week for the docs office to call ready to set up my surgery date. My surgeon requires you to stay overnight in the hospital however, not all of them do. A co-worker of mine was banded the same day by a different surgeon and went home that evening. As for recommending it I would say that is a personal choice. If you have always struggled with your weight and are ready to make a healthy positive change then I don't see anything to stear you away from it. At this point I don't have any negative comments other than the normal moans and groans that come along with any type of surgical procedure. Good luck with whatever decision you make.
  22. NikkiD

    Homeade smoothies

    Thanks so mush for the responses! I'm so glad to hear homeade smoothies are ok. I am looking forward to my mixed berry with a shot of protien powder smoothie.
  23. My surgery is scheduled for Wednesday April 16th and i'm hoping to return to work on the following Monday. Is that reasonable or should I expect to be out of work a bit longer than that? Thanks
  24. Now that I have been banded (april 16th) I feel i could also return to work Monday. However, I am not having my staples removed until Wednesday so I may just take that week off for some extra R n R. Besides with where some of these staples are located there is no way I could comfortably where a bra. Are anyone else's that high?
  25. Thanks to all for the responses. It definatley looks like it varies per person so i'll play it by ear. I have more time available to me if I need it. Good luck to all of you and thanks again

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