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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by juney1968

  1. They can't refuse us healthcare which is wonderful BUT band complications are very very seldom ever life threatening. They usually require another band surgery, which our Canadian healthcare will not pay for. They will remove it but they won't reposition it or replace it so you are still out the expense of your band. They won't replace your tubing or port if there is a problem. They will send you back to your banding surgeon. If you have to wait months to save the money for your first first, what will you do if you are one of the ones that requires 14 fills in your first year to even start losing? Personally, if you can't find someone to do your fills locally, I'd be saving to have it done in Canada so you can get unlimited fills or defills when you need them at the expense of a trip only a few hours to Toronto.

    If you end up too tight from your fill in Mexico and get back home and need defilled, what will you do? Good luck finding any ER doc that will defill you. Even those of us banded in Canada have trouble getting any ER help from anyone but our own surgeons. The band is not well known here by anyone but band surgeons and nobody will touch us with a 10 foot pole in ER.

    I'm not against out of country banding at all, I just think you need to look harder for someone to do your follow-up in Canada. Have you asked your family doc if he/she will do your fills for you? Please don't get a band then not be able to get it adjusted. It wont' work if not adjusted and you just might be setting yourself up for a huge disappointment. Before getting a band, find someone to follow up close to you. Make phone calls to doctors/nurses/nurse practioners and ask them if they will do it.

    I did say that you will have to make sure you are covered from any defects or problems should they occur, and of course you must get it all in writing before hand.If I did have any problems I will fly back to Mexico because as you said the complications are seldom life theatening. As for being too tight, I will stay 1 or 2 days after being filled and have a mini holiday. Bythen I'm sure I'd know if I was too tight, wouldn't I? (I don't know , I'm not banded yet) If I get banded in Mexico why would I get my fills at home and ruin the warrenty. If the doc in mexico pokes your tube, he will be replacing it same as if your port gets infected. I'm not worried anymore about getting fills at home cause I know I can go to Detriot and have it done (my family doc said if he had more patients with the band he would get training to do it too), but like I said Ithink the same doctor doing everything is better in the long run

  2. I would like to hear from anyone who had surgery outside of the USA or Canada. I am Canadian and as this is regarded as cosmetic, we must pay for it ourselves. The cost is @ $16,000

    I am hearing it is much less in Mexico & Panama. What have others paid--where have they had it done --Mexcio, Europe Asutrailia etc....and their thoughts and comments.

    I am hoping if I go ahead--if there is a savings I can spend some of it on a holiday too:)--a holiday where ever I get it done.

    Thank you

    Mycheal, I have been reseaching this for a while. If you don't have the money to do it in canada, then Mexico is the best choice. I haven't done it yet because of the aftercare here,...there is none here that would make any sense. What you need to do is go and get your surgery in Mexico. Then save up some more money and go back to Mexico for you fill. You of course have to make sure that your band and all fills are guarented with your doctor.If you have your band done in mexico and your fills elsewhere then if your tube gets poked you will have to pay for surgery again out of pocket (again!) This is what I'm going to do,cause right at this time I don't have the money to get it done in toronto. But, you will have to talk to your doc and make sure it's all under warrenty. It's all fine and dandy for everyone to tell you not to go to mexico, maybe they have more money than you and I. Good for them! But in a few months, after being banded, I will have the money to go to mexico and get my first fill with no worry. Oh, and by the way if any thing happens and you can't get back to mexico in time, Guess what? We live in Canada, they can't refuse us healthcare, we are not Americans!:redface:

  3. ANy bandsters out there from NORTH of Toronto?

    I'd love to plan a get-to-gether for some of us more Central/Northern Ontarians.

    Come back to me babes & dudes!!!


    I'm not banded yet and was wondering if Icould come and meet people who've been there, done that. If it is okay North Bay, Sudbury, Hunstville, Bracebrige, I live in Haliburton so any where around would be great!:tt2:

  4. Bansternan, I am not banded yet,will be very soon, So, toronto is out of the question? Then go to Montreal,...$200 beautiful, you can't beat that. I was thinking about it though for myself since I will be doing it soon in Mexico. I was thinking, of Detroit or even Monteal but, I found out if you get just anybody to do your fills you are taking a risk of getting your tube poked and if it starts to leak then your shit out of luck . You will have to pay for sugury all over again at your costs. Okay, so you go back to Mexico for your fill, then your covered for any repairs or defects. What about having to spend the money on gas to go to Montreal, food along the way, maybe even a hotel. You need to figure out whats the savings? Is it much different.? For me as I think about it, it really is the best idea to go back to Mexico where I will be banded right at the begining.Buy the way , how come you never told anyone? Just Curious? I can't shut up about it, I tell everyone!

  5. Billybobby,

    The aftercare including all fills would cost $5,000. This is if you have your surgery out of Canada. They are trying to punish us who can not afford to have the surgery in Canada. As for any doctor who would do fills to patients from someone else, its easy sign a wavier. Just my opinion.

  6. jane c.I just don't have the money period. I know what it's all for but It's just not possible/ By the way where in ont do you live? I'm in Haliburton. The person you found in North Bay, who is it? Thanks, and Andrew, good for you I'm sure you will have great empathy and enthusiasim for your new job. Hook me up!! Dr Ortiz is the doc I have choosen anyways.

    Good luck!

  7. just wanted everyone to know that I called the SWLC and you need to have a consult $200,then you can only have an Inamed band and if he decides to take you as a patient the it will cost $5,000 for after care. As for fills, I'm leaning towards detroit, Montreal could be a possability as well.

  8. hey doddie, here is my logic. Right now I have $8000 to go get the band. I'm hoping that in a few months I'll have the dough to fly to mexico and get my fill, or if I have to Michigan is looking like a option. I do not have $19,000 for the band in Ontario. Thats just the facts for me as I'm sure they are for lots of us looking to get banded.

  9. The aftercare is the hugest problem with going to Mexico.I live in northern Ontario and am finding no sucess in finding an aftercare facility. I was told to call swlc in Missisauga. They told me the doctoer would do a consult to see if he would take me on, fee $200, and then aftercare for the next 5 years would cost $5,000!!! I said "oh, your punishing people who save money by going out of country to get banded" she said "no, not really" Can you believe this! Let's face it there is really no other reason for this. You could sign a waiver and that could be that, but no we should be punished. How dare we try to save some money by saving our lives sooner. It is absurd! This shouldn't be tolerated. What can we do?, us passive Canadians will just take it...as usual.

  10. I wanted to let you and everyone eles know what the result was when I called the weight loss surgury center in missauga, ont. I was told I must have a consult with the surgeon, cost $200.

    then I was told "if" he takes me on it would cost $5,000 for all fills and any aftercare. WHAT!!!!!! I said "oh, so your punishing pepole who go out of canada to get their surgury done" she said"well no, not really"

    I mean can you even believe that!! I told her I'd rather do it myself, thanks (I really don't want to do it myself) So now I'm still looking for any where in Ontario. Anyone have any other suggestions?

  11. Thanks everyone. I knew I wasn't crazy!! I think her doc is an old timer, and I don't think he is educated at all on the lap-band. My own doctor who is quite young had heard about it but didn't know anything either, but the next time I went to see him he had some info for me( he had done some reasearch) isn't that what doctors are suppossed to do?? I'm going to make my mother in law read this thread. Keep em coming. Maybe she will change her mind and find a doctor who isn't afraid to learn something.

  12. My mother in-law had agreed to do this surgury with me. I live in Ontario and she lives in Alberta. Then she spoke with her doctor who told her that there is no proof that anyone in Alberta has ever had any sucess with the lap-band.Then the other day her doc said going gastric by-pass would be better ,less complications and side affects. WHAT????? I lost my mind. All the research I've done tells me otherwise. By-pass is far more risky, isn't it. Tell me if I'm crazy or if her doctor is. She is also in her 50's.:drool:

  13. I'm devistated reading this thread.I'm 5ft8in tall and my hair is just shy of 5ft (I just measuresd it, I know it's crazy!! I'll post a picture as soon as I can figure it out lol! )It's true,I only have long hair and big boobs going for me now that I'm fat. Finding out how people are losing their hair is very scary to me!I was told as long as you take Vitamins, everything will be okay. Are all of you taking the vitamins you are suppossed to?

  14. MC Cindy, I have an appoint. next week with my family doctor, and that is the reason for the appoint, to ask him if he would feel comfortable with doing fills. I also notice you had yours done in t.o. and was wondering where your friend is from. Maybe I could talk to her doc. Just wondering?


    Jack, I wanted to let you know that your lucky you have a doctor to go to .I will be selfpay, and I am finding great difficulty in finding a fill doctor in toronto or ontario. I'm ready to go and am willing to hear any sugguestions that any one has.

    thanks, and thanks to you olgi330,as it might be my only option.

  15. vucarre, What????

    Dude, what you said didn't make any sense to me. You said the best use of a surgens time is doing surgury, so wouldn't it be benificial for him to be doing surgury instead of doing fills? Then you said it would be beneficial for him for someone else did it. So which one is it???? And why does a doctor have to be the one that does it. People on this site go to nurses and to clinics with nurses, If I'm not mistaken.

    Just wondering?????

  16. what a great idea!My neice is a nurse and that is the perfect idea for me. I'm ready for the surgery and I'm freaking out cause I can't find a fill doctor anywhere in toronto.The aspect of messing it up is viable,but I'm going to mexico and if I do find a doctor in toronto to do a fill , won't that be a non issue anyways? Won't they be non responsilbe for messing up your band? Just curious.

  17. I'm really glad I joined this site. To talk to people who understand what its like to be trapped inside a big body, is really priceless. Not having your family's support is the worst! Husband is all for it but mom and dad say that "I'm sick" to want to do this. What they don't understand is I'm doing this b4 I become sick with high blood pressure or diabeties,and I'm pretty sure I've crushed some disks in my back (had x-rays last week) and I think I need knee surgery. It is inevitable something wil give out. It's just a matter of when.

    I thought about kbugmom all last night and I really hopes she comes back and reads all the posts that everyone writes.She needs to understand how bad it can get. If she continues to post she will find healing here.

    thanks Kat

  18. i'm sitting here crying reading the posts about kbugmom. Realizing that people point to me now because I'm fat. They probably laugh, cause I used to be a really hot chick. I also realized that I don' t go out of my house somethimes for weeks,cause I don't want anyone to see me. Everybody's comments are making me want the band more. I feel so bad for you kbugmom. I want you to realize for me this is my last chance. I'm 40 this year, and getting fatter by the minute. I've tried every diet, weight watchers etc.I've even had liposuction 2 times to try and curb the fat I knew was coming. I have 2 small boys,3 and 5. I'm doing this as much for them as for me. I want to be able to run and have fun with them without the fear of my knee giving out, or my back seizing up, or feeling like I'm going to have a heart attack. I've only been dealing with being fat for 5 years. I can't imagine how desperate I would be after 31 years. I want to be here for my kids, enjoying life instead of hiding from it. My children are missing memories because I'm scared to go out anywhere. I want my life back and I know this will do it for me. Your mom must have been so desperate to change her life she was willing to risk it. Don't kid yourself she knew what could happen , we all do. Was she really living? I don't think so. I think you realize how desperate she was. Now she does't have to worry about being big any more, now she doen't have to feel embarassed or ashamed anymore. Now she doesn't have to think about food ever again. Now, she is at peace.You will be to, once you realize she is. Very sorry for your loss.

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