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Everything posted by Lizalee

  1. Lizalee

    April Running-Weight Totals!

    Well, at least you know WHY it's been so hard, and why you've been so hungry. And it SHOULD get easier now, at least for a few weeks! Right now I feel like I could eat everything and anything...still have to wait fo my second fill in 10 days... Hopefully this week will be a fun week of stepping on the scale and being happily surprised! :-)
  2. Lizalee

    AT LAST!! I no longer have 100lb to lose!

    Kate, thanks for sharing. It put a lot of perspective on what I am going through, and likely many others. Patience is required (I'm not good at it!). It's so easy to panic during those loosing lulls. I have so long to go, yet, in reality, I've already stuck with this new lifestyle longer than ever before without giving up. I don't find myself wanting to quit my 'diet' - or craving foods like I used to when I just tried to diet on my own. I know that this will be a life-changer, and I just need the patience to get through the tough periods. Thanks so much.
  3. Lizalee

    April bandsters- roll call!

    Wow Dawn! That's quite an accomplishment! I was banded April 9, and have twice hit plateaus! Stuck currently. What's your secret?
  4. Lizalee

    April Running-Weight Totals!

    I followed instructions from other bandster's who posted them.... www.tickerfactory.com. Once created, bookmark it for easy access to update when that scale DOES eventually go down! You can create your ticker, save it, then copy and paste into the signature (edit signature on the "User CP" page of this lap band talk site. Good luck! (And way to go with the weight loss!!)
  5. Lizalee

    April Running-Weight Totals!

    Counting back over the days...I realize my restriction from the last fill only lasted about a week. It seems like it was so much longer ago. How am I going to make it till 6/6 (fill apt)? Without eating everything in sight? Arrgggh. I hate to complain, but, really, but it just seems "not fair" that even eating 1200 cals a day, I can't loose weight. I suppose it isn't realistic to only eat 600-800 cals a day forever, but it sure was nice while it lasted (cuz then the pounds came off easier!) But now that I think of it, I plateaued even then... Why is that? I've been doing walking, gardening, and faithfully watching every morsel that enters my mouth - and yet... no scale movement! I must have a very efficient metabolism! My grandmother used to say she had the same problem, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. At least if there was ever a famine in the land...I'd survive! :-) OK, I'm done whining now.
  6. Lizalee

    April Running-Weight Totals!

    Hey, Turler. I'm with you. Addicted to my scale, frustrated every day I don't loose anything...which again has been over a week. I had been stuck before my fill May 9, then lost for a couple weeks, now STUCK again! I'm getting hungry again, up to 1200-1300 cals a day just to not feel famished all the time....next fill not till June 6. But I can't keep myself from weighing myself every morning hoping that suddently it goes down...llike 5 pounds in one day would make me happy! (well, OK, maybe at least a stupid pound would help!) I hate plateaus!
  7. Hi Gigim, I think many of us have gone through that. I know I did. Not to any great extent - because I had to have 3 months of supervised diet before getting approved - so I was committed to loosing weight and still eating better. But yeah, there were plenty of "last meals." Going to that favorite restaurant, buffet "one last time"; Baking Cookies, eating popcorn w/ butter. Knowing very well that 'soon' I wouldn't be able to eat that stuff. I particularly went out to eat in March at a favorite restaurant to have beer-batter, deep fried scallops and french fries -- for one final time! What I realized is that - after eating right for 3 months - it really didn't taste that good anymore and made me feel uncomfortable. Then I realized I was ready for the changes having a band would include. So, while you get more 'into' the whole mindset that will be needed for making this life-long lifestyle change, expect you will want to have "last meals" but try to eat healthier other times in between. And eat less of those bad foods. I really have to say, at this point -- and I'm still early in my journey - it has NOT been awful giving up 'junk', fatty, and unhealthy foods. Even after the band, those foods will smell good, look good, and tempt you - but when you're not so HUNGRY all the time, It's easier to control those urges to overeat. So you can actually eat 5 M&M's, instead of a whole package! Good luck w/ your journey.
  8. Lizalee

    When is your first fill?

    First fill 4 weeks post op, and another one scheduled for June 9. :-)
  9. Lizalee

    One Month Anniversary Check In

    33 pounds! Wow, that's GREAT! Isn't it fun to loose? I too am taking 1/2 of one diabetes pill where I would have taken one full one twice a day, and my sugars are <100! I love it! I'm down to 1/2 a BP pill too. But the most fun NSV for me is that I bought a pair of jeans that actually look like jeans, instead of the old lady stretch no-zipper ones! Sure, they are still plus size, but hey, I haven't worn something that resembles a ACTUAL jean in 25 years! Yippe! What I'm finding is that I FORGET to zip up my zipper - haven't had zipper pants for so long...only pull up stretch ones...! This is new territory for me!
  10. Lizalee

    One Month Anniversary Check In

    Can't believe it's only been a month! It seems so much longer. According to my dietitian, I've lost 13.7% of my body fat since right before surgery. While the past 2 weeks were very tough with no loss...gain actually...and return of hunger, now I've had my first fill and am back on track. I was pretty nervous about having a fill - worried it would hurt. (I'm a wimp when it comes to needles!) It was great! Surgeon was very gentle about numbing it up with a tiny needle, and it was over before I knew it. Feels great to be restricted again and not have that constant hunger and be thinking "what can I eat that will make the hunger go away and not totally ruin my diet?"! Happy anniversary to all the other April Avengers!
  11. Lizalee

    I'm not losing weight

    Turler, Did you have a fill yet? What I felt was intense hunger that started overnight a week ago (about 4 weeks post op)...hungry all week and ate twice as many calories as I had been just to not feel like I was starving. But I had a fill yesterday (3.5 ccs in a 9 cc band), and now back to being restricted and not hungry all the time. I had GAINED 3 pounds in the past 2 weeks and was stressed out about it, but apparently it was Water weight, since this am I back down 2 pounds below what I was before. Go figure. My dietitian says it happens...just keep the Protein up to at least 60 grams/day so metabolism doesn't shut down. And get fills when the hunger comes back...because as the fat around the stomach goes down, the band gets loose. It may take a number of fills to hit the sweet spot of longer lasting restriction. Everybody is different. Sounds to me like you need a fill...
  12. Lortab elixer, which is hydrocodone (a narcotic, like codeine but usually less nausea than codeine) and acetaminophen (Tylenol). Otherwise, just plain tylenol. If you are truly allergic (not just stomach upset, etc) talk to your doctor about other options. Good luck!
  13. Lizalee

    waking up

    Hi Oregonrose, Yeah, I know what you mean. I was banded one month ago today. I recall getting some Versed (sedative) before they took me to the OR because I was nervous, got that heavy sensation in my chest, and that was the last thing I remember. When I woke up the nurse was saying, "you remember it's over, right" (No, I didn't! :-) Yeah, I was very tired, kept drifting back off to sleep, took a long time to start feeling like I could keep my eyes open, etc. That feeling of intense fatigue -- goes away slowly. That's the part I don't like. It isn't fun, but then it isn't bad either. They ask about pain and nausea, and were very willing to give me whatever I needed, even if my pain or nausea wasn't very bad. That all lasted a few hours, and then I really felt on the mend. By the evening (my surg time was about 11 am) I was up and able to walk to the BR, etc. By morning, I walked out of the hospital. By all means, talk to your anesthesiologist! They want you to have a good experience, and will adjust the medications based on your past experience accordingly. Never be afraid to tell the doctors and nurses how you feel! Best of luck with your surgery!
  14. Lizalee

    Feels like im failing

    Hi Chloe, As many people on this site will tell you, the band is only a tool to use to help you. Have you had a fill lately? Your tool won't work unless it's at a proper fill level. Are you serious about loosing weight? Then face your temporary weight gain/set back up front, see your doctor and dietitian, and get back on track. Avoiding knowing how much you gain just lets you rationalize that it's OK. Only you can make the choice to change the path you're on. Get rid of the unhealthy treats in your house. Start a new exercise plan. Get into a new routine. Do it for yourself, not your parents and/or the money. It SOUNDS easy, but we all know it's not. All of us who've been banded know how hard weight loss is. Unfortunately, it is what it is, and we have to do this for ourselves! For me, every day is a battle against food. Some days it's a big battle, otherdays not so hard. If you aren't hungry, it's easier to win the battle--so make sure your band is helping you as much as it can. Take care! You are young and have your whole life ahead of you...enjoy it!
  15. Lizalee

    I'm not losing weight

    Hi JROB281, I had to be on 3 months supervised diet before the Center would submit to insurance - most weight lost between then and waiting for surgery date...the conventional way! Eating less, healthy, increasing activity (walking) and being hungry a LOT. Since band, I have lost,IDK, about 16? But then gained 2-3 back in past 10 days! GRRR! Now I'm hungry again all the time...BUT hopefully fill tomorrow will help that. Thanks for asking.
  16. Lizalee

    I'm not losing weight

    Thanks, everyone, for this thread...I was doing soo good...and then, I stopped losing, even though I was comsuming max 800 calories a day, and often less - focusing on Protein and walking - and not really feeling very hungry. All of the sudden 4 days ago - I got HUNGRY! I thought maybe I wasn't eating enough. So now I've eaten from 1200 - 1500 cals a day just to not feel hungry constantly! And gained 2 pounds! So, I'm freaking out, just like some of you, until I read this thread.... And you wise people are all saying - it's OK! This is normal and doesn't mean this band isn't going to work for me. :-) Thank you. I feel somewhat better now. My first fill is 5/9, and it's can't come soon enough. It's so easy to get frustrated because we want the pounds to melt away....and since we're being 'so good' it's hard to understand why it doesn't!
  17. Lizalee

    Anyone Else Fight This Feeling ?

    I do believe this is the hard part! That wanting to eat just because it tastes so good, because you always could before, and because other people can. I have been hungry this weekend for the first time since being banded. This weekend we had extra food around for parties...it was hard. When everybody else was eating two steak sandwiches, my 4 oz of grilled ground turkey burger with no bun just didn't seem to do the trick...I wanted to eat, just because I used to be able to. I ate much more than I should have, not only because I was physically a little hungry, but because it looked, tasted, and smelled so good. I missed eating whatever I wanted. The good thing is, with the band, we maybe overeat a little, but it's not the extreme of the past. And there are consequences. And tomorrow will be another day! I love my band because I know I won't just be able to give up and go off the diet just because I had a bad day today. I haven't had a fill yet, and believe I'm entering into bandster hell---working to find that sweet spot. But even when I have the right amount of fill, I know there will be those days of craving the foods that I enjoyed so much...thank goodness I can't deflate that balloon myself and give in to that craving long term! Does it get easier as time goes on? Hope so!
  18. I agree with the previous writers...first 3 weeks ate 400 - 700 cals a day. Lost 16 or so pounds post op, and then the scale stuck all last week - despite only taking in 600-800 calories and increasing exercise by walking x 30 mins a day and generally being more active around the yard/house. No weight loss. This weekend I finally started feeling hungry again, and have eaten more calories - 1400 Sat and 1100 today. I've heard that maybe too FEW calories may be the problem (body goes into starvation mode, decreases metabolism)...so I ate more. We'll see. Scheduled for fill this week so hopefully that will help with not eating too much/feeling hungry. I don't really know how many calories I should be eating at this point...
  19. Lizalee

    April Running-Weight Totals!

    Hi fellow avengers, I'm 3 weeks post op today, and about 17 pounds lighter. Yipppe! Wish the weight loss would always stay this fast, but I know it won't. Asenft, how did you loose 30 pounds in 2 weeks? That's a LOT! Two people asked me at work today "are you loosing weight?" I guess it's starting to show. Maybe it's because I have to wear new clothes now, as the old ones are way tooo big! <GRIN>
  20. Hi MiIssieLyn From what I've heard on this site, there is a WIDE variety of pre and post op diet plans. It varies by doctor/program. I had 1-2 days of Clear Liquids, then 2 days of 'full' liquids, then 2 weeks of pureed food, and now I'm on soft foods (eggs, cheese, Soups, well-chewed soft meats - chicken, tuna, fish, cereals, etc) for 2 weeks, before adding more regular foods up to about 1 1/2 cups. They stress 60 - 80 grams of Protein a day, 64 oz Water, and low fat/high quality healthy foods. I'm still using Protein Shakes to get enough protein. Hope that helps. I'm sure others will give you different progressions and time lines.
  21. HI I was banded 4/9. I wonder if the left side pain you are feeling is the resriction of the band? I have had a similar pain if I eat more than 1/2 cup -- I ate 3/4 cup homestyle chicken noodle Soup on Monday, and I think it was hard to digest, though I thought I chewed it thouroughly (perhaps too fast). I too had the 'stitch' feeling on my L side and somewhat in my L shoulder that lasted a couple hours. I felt it was overstretch/fullness of the small pouch. I don't expect the restriction is a feeling of "gosh I'm so full I can't eat another bite" bit this uncomfortable sensation, and not being truly hungry anymore. I haven't had a fill yet - next week - but can't say that I've been hungry much at all. I am still on a soft diet - only easy to digest / chew items and only about 4 oz max. Perhaps someone w/ more experience can give you more info? It sounds to me like you need a fill to feel more restricted. Everybody is different! Best wishes for your success!
  22. Lizalee

    ONE year and 85lbs Lost!

    Thanks Violet for your insightful post. Congratulations on your victories! I am early in my journey, but I can already see how true many on the things you said are for me as well! You look great!!! I had my own mini-celebration yesterday - I threw out all my old 5X tops - they looked ridiculously huge! Yes! Come to think of it, I should keep one just to show myself where I started... Best wishes on more success in year two and beyond!
  23. Lizalee

    Onederland! What a year it's been.

    Horray for your amazing accomplishment! That's One-derful!!! Can't wait to join you there..hopefully by this time NEXT year!! Right now I'm enjoying having recently left threehundred land, and will NEVER go back!
  24. Lizalee

    I get to start soft foods!

    I've had 2 weeks of pureed food, and tomorrow get to start 'soft foods'. I can't wait to eat some scrambled eggs! Soft cheese! Crackers and tuna salad! Pureed chicken noodle Soup is getting old, but it tasted SO GOOD after clear liquids! I too have had food dreams! I dreamt I loaded up a plate at some buffet with ham and turkey and all kinds of stuff...started stuffing my face...when I realized I can't even eat this stuff..what am I doing?! I woke up so thankful it was a dream! However, the fact that I'm having food dreams is scary, because this is the first time I've had them since starting pre-op diet in November. I think they are my psyche adjusting to the fact that there ARE foods that I probably have given up for life...popcorn, corn on the cob (several of them!) And no more pigging out on General T'so's Chicken/ Chinese buffet. And I'm OK with that intellecutally ....BUT...in the past when I'd have these dreams, it was the start of my slipping into past bad habits. That HEAD HUNGER! I'm so happy I have my band to use to avoid giving up the control over my diet now. Normally, at this phase, I'd start loosing that determination, willpower...because this takes SO long... I guess I should just enjoy food dreams...eat all I want in them! Then I won't have to actually do it! Anybody else having this issue? How are you handling it?
  25. Lizalee

    April Avengers - NSV!

    Gosh, I wish I had that stash! I went and threw everything away early last fall because I had given up on diets forever and figured I'd never need them. Dumb... I'm in an in-between stage -- my current clothes are way too big, but don't fit into the next size very well (I carry most of my weight in the belly). Don't want to spend a lot of money, but have no idea what I'm going to wear to work this week! But...It's a good problem in that I don't have to try and find BIGGER clothes!! And I feel so much better! :-)

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