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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lizalee

  1. Hi I recall not being able to get as much fluids as recommended in the early days. Just keep sipping as frequently as possible. This may be TMI, but, check the color of your urine - if dark, then you must get in more! If normal amounts/light color, you're probably doing OK, especially if you're taking it easy and staying in cool areas. Everybody has a different Fluid need, and I am NOT a big drinker. But, especially in warm weather, you do need to watch how you feel. (Such as getting light-headed, weak.) Some medications can make people prone to dehydration/heat exhaustion, so just be careful in hot weather! Good luck - gradually you will be able to tolerate more as you heal.
  2. Lizalee

    Omg my port is detached!!

    Dear stay tuned: That is frustrating, no doubt about it. Sounds like your port flipped...and it unfortunately DOES happen. My tubing kinked, and my second fill resulted in WAY too much Fluid in since they couldn't tell if it was going in or not. Once I drank Water, it was obvious it HAD gone in I had extreme pain, vomiting. This was on June 6th - also the night of my 3rd child's high school graduation -- in our home town 60 miles away. So, I ended up missing graduation and having an emergency port revision instead. It's just a memory now, and I was upset at the time, but what are you going to do? It sets us back, it's not convenient. I've managed to do very well by sticking to the band rules while awaiting for my delayed 2nd fill - which I finally had today - because it was delayed while I re-healed. Hope you can get this fixed real soon and get back in the swing of things. In a few months from now, I won't seem so bad once you're back on track. Hang in there!!!! :thumbdown:
  3. Southerngirl: "Not being able to tie my shoes without an act of Congress" I hear you there --- my shoelaces ALWAYS seem to come open when I go for walks - and I'd look for something to prop my foot up to retie. NSV noted last week: I can bend over and tie my shoe now, without feeling like I'm going to pass out! :-)
  4. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi egnebs: I have found that my weight loss seems to stall when I get my calorie count above 1200. I do best about 900-1000. This is despite increasing my activity level by walking 30 - 60 mins a day, taking stairs, doing some gardening, etc. I believe my metabolism is VERY low, and I believe that's genetic since my mother and her mother have always complained about the same thing and dieted all their lives. My thyroid tests have always been normal (albeit not checked in the last few months.) Obesity does run in my family. (That's how I always rationalized my weight in the past!) I've always wished I could be one of those high-energy people who just can eat and eat and never get fat....but, on the other hand, if there is ever a famine in the land, I'd SURVIVE!! :thumbdown: Good luck finding the right solution!
  5. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Angelshere: My total weight loss listed is including my pre-band weight loss (since the beginning of December) - since the band, I think I've lost 60something. Today I had my second fill - hooray!! 4cc now! Haven't tried it out much yet since I had to travel out of town and one of my daughter's and I turned it into a shopping trip. Liquids today, anyway. Also had visit with the COE dietitian - according to her figures, since my band I have lost 34% of my excess body fat. Yippe! I AM excited about it...but I still have so far to go! I'll get there, but it's going to take some time. I'm just not a very patient person!! :-)
  6. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Welcome Music Mom! and look forward to hearing from you. This is a great thread, and the people here are very supportive and knowledgeable. Even through I was banded April 9th, I'm finally having my second fill today, and I'm so excited because I haven't lost anything in over two weeks (even gained!- but of course I don't back down on my ticker!) - I can eat way too much without any restriction. I've done well...but hate these plateaus--'cuz I figure I could have lost more if it weren't for the slow down! :-) My mini goal is to get 100 pounds lost, and I'm so close but can't seem to get over that hurdle -- so hoping the fill will do the trick!
  7. Hey, welcome Wisconsinites! Protein bars - I really like the South Beach Protein Bars - I look forward to eating them & they have them in the grocery stores here. I also found that low-fat lunch meat is a low cal (albeit high salt) way to get protein too. I can't wait till my fill later this week - my family had take-out chinese for lunch today, and I could eat WAY too much...all the fat-and-sugar laden sutff, not the healthy low fat stir-fries type stuff. It was my first bad day since... the 4th of July parties...yeah, I really need that fill! :-) It's great to hear from some other 'locals' who are planning or have had bands!
  8. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    HI I was talking to somebody in my office -- I've finally told them about my band, since everybody was thinking it anyway I learned -- and her husband is thinking of bypass. I told her about the band, but her mother had bypass 8 yrs ago without complications and has done well, so they want to go that route, although they do plan to ask the doctor about both procedures. Anyway, she said that her reading into both procedures showed that the Lap band "doesn't work forever, like a bypass." Just wondering, have you heard that? It almost sounded like after a while she thinks you take them out....??? The studies I've heard is that when you compare long term weight loss over several years, the Lap band is only a 5 - 6% less total weight loss than the bypass....but those statistics - if I'm remembering correct - go out maybe 5 years?? In the end, he will choose the procedure that fits his needs and lifestyle - so it doesn't matter - but I was just curious on what you all know! Thanks!
  9. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Good luck Orea! It's never as bad as we think it's going to be, and it's only 1 day, right? Hope you get good results.
  10. Lizalee

    Grandma rabbit

    Welcome Gma Rabbit. Yeah, there are lots of us in the 50's here! Not a grandma yet, but started out well over 300 pounds myself half a year ago. Welcome! So what stage of the process are you at?
  11. Hi No, no liquid pre op diet. They required a 3 month dietitian supervised diet - no carbonated beverages, and just a healthy low-cal, low-fat diet to loose weight before surgery. The dieitians assess what you're currently eating, and then teach you how to change your diet - and coach you to eat slow, take small bites, try Protein Shakes, etc. No liquid diet before surgery. They do give you a booklet with pretty specific post-op instructions, and you continue to see them regularly in the pre and post op periods.
  12. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Orea, You lost 53 pounds on your own! That's fantastic! Hopefully the band will take some of the 'pain' out of dieting! It's working for me, or at least it will when I get another fill next week. Welcome!
  13. Lizalee

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Hey Turler and all the April Avengers, My holiday was great, family all home, and lots to do. Lots to eat too, can't say that I stayed on my diet plan -- However, I faithfully recorded everything and didn't exceed 2000 cals (!) And made sure DH and I took the Corgiis for an extra walk to burn off some! Next to Christmas Eve, July 4th is my favorite holiday - love the patriotic music and the fireworks! Had the whole family over for a Brat Fry - which here is Wisconsin is what we do. Brats, from those of you not lucky enough to be Wisconsinites - are a german pork sausage that smells wonderful when grilled outdoors. Maybe you've seen the Johnsonville brats in the stores - we buy a small local meat market ones which are "grand champions" :-) Frankly, I rarely eat one, and stick to "steaks" which are cube steaks - lean beef. We eat both on what's called a "hard roll" which is different than what most everybody else eats hamburgers on - these are German Siemmel(sp?) rolls - crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, not dense like a regular hamburger bun. And I make German potato salad (hot bacon type dressing) and baked beans. Not low cal by any stretch of the imagination! OH - I should stop bringing up all the food. I actually didn't eat THAT much - it was all the all-day snacks that got me. Anyhow-- today's a new day, and back on track. Hope you all are having a great holiday weekend!! What's your traditions?
  14. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Indio, I think your comments about why people stay away are right on. I have put this web page into my daily routine because I want to stay focused, and find the discussions that occur help me through this huge life change. The bariatric programs have support groups, but I don't have the time to go to them in another city, and, I like the 24/7 availabaility of this site - so it's my support group! :-) Thanks everybody!! :-) And you're also right about goals- I have NO DESIRE to reach only the 'average' weight loss. I'm going for the whole deal. Unless I have PS to get rid of the flaps of skin I'm sure to have towards the end, I'm not sure I will ever be on the low end of the weight chart, but I want so badly to be in the NORMAL weight range. I want to reach 140 pounds - I'm 5'6" and pretty large boned (I wear 11 1/2 shoes!), so I think that will be a great weight goal for me. But to do that, I need to stay focused on this to the end. I can never remember being under 155 pounds (maybe when I was 10?), and that was only for a year when I was 21. Maybe I won't get quite there - we'll see. Even so it will be a whole new experience for me -- and I can't wait!! I also noticed lately more people are commenting on my weight loss...nobody really noticed the first 40 or 50 or so, but now it's becomeing obvious. I get embarassed though when they make a big deal...so I just minimize it by saying Thanks, and I have a long way to go yet, and try to change the subject because I'm not telling everybody about my band (that's usually the next question - how are you doing it). Inside though, it does make me feel good when they say I'm looking good or that they barely recognized me! "-)
  15. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hey, I've lost 93 pounds...but it's not in 3 months...that includes my 3 month pre-op diet....so, really, since the beginning of December --- but I'm still really excited about it, however it came off! Today was a hard day...sure I didn't loose anything today with all the parties and holiday food! But, tomorrow is another day!
  16. Lizalee

    Still too tight ...I think???

    While an unfill seems like a very good idea, try some diferent foods - I've heard some people have problems with salads. (I haven't tried them yet.) I would try protein bars like the South Beach 10gram ones,, soft meats like turkey lunchmeat, sugar free pudding made with low fat milk. Meanwhile, I agree, pursue a little unfill. You sound too tight.
  17. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I was told my insurance company had up to 30 days to respond once the bariatric surgery group approved and sent it in. I heard back within a week. But it took another month to before my surgery date because of busy schedule. At the time it seemed like forever. Now, I can't believe it's been almost 3 months!
  18. Lizalee

    Inspiration Needed!

    Getting the band was the best thing I have ever done. Since I started my pre-surgery diet, and then after the band in April I have: Gone down at least 3 clothing sizes! Eliminated all diabetes and cholesterol meds and decreased BP meds. Gotten many postive comments on how great I look Feel wonderful! Am able to do more things than I have in the past 20 years, such as fit in chairs, go for walks, buy clothes in stores instead of through catalogs. YES, I agree with JJSmiles - it IS a lot of work and takes committment - just like a regular diet - but without the raveonous hunger. Although I am due for another fill, it still keeps me on the right track. It's a tool that just decreases how much food I can eat, which makes it a whole lot easier to stay on a low fat, healthy diet. I would have given up on this diet long ago without the band! Good luck on Monday!!!
  19. Lizalee

    Sleep Test and a few other questions

    Sleep study - I believe why they order them, other than the fact that many severly obese people have sleep apnea (as described above) and can die from it, it's because most insurance companies won't pay unless there are some "co-morbidities" unless your BMI is extreme. I have it, and use a CPAP machine at night - the change was fantastic - I felt so much better with it, since I wasn't having to sleep sitting up and waking up dozens of time a night) So, you need to know if you have it so it can be treated immediately - leads to high blood pressure, stress on heart, and even death. And because it will be helpful information for anesthesia when they put you to sleep. And because it will be another marker of sucess of weight loss, because weight loss may eventually cure it. Pre surgery diet: My bariatric center required 3 month supervised diet in order to see if I could maintain a healthy diet and loose weight (follow the rules). Many insurance companies require it (some 6 mos to a year). If you can't maintein or loose weight before the band by following the diet, you may be a better candidate for gastric bypass, since the gastric bypass doesn't let your body absorb as many nutritients from the food and has more severe consequences if you over eat sweets (dumping syndrome). Another reason for the pre-op diet is to shrink the liver, which makes it easier for the surgeon. The presurgery diet is basically a healthy diet - low fat, high Protein - 60 - 80 grams of protein a day. Plus lthey wanted me to find a Protein shake that I liked because you need them for the first month after surgery until you can tolerate solids better. Some surgeons require a clear liquid diet before surgery for a week or two - mine didn't. I think that's to shrink the liver. PIll size: I break my pills in half and have no problem. I don't have a good restriction. Post op I used liquid paid meds. I have heard capsules can cause problems, but I haven't had any problem. Talk to your phamacist if concerned about med size - often they can be crushed or you can get liquids, but some meds shouldn't be taken out of the capsule or crushed. And by the way, since my surgery in April, I'm now OFF most my meds, so it's not a problem anymore! :-) Hope that helps.
  20. Lizalee

    Help!!! Have i failed???

    Jorge, Go back to the doctor and get another fill! It may take several to get to a point where you have enough restriction to be able to USE the band as your weight loss tool. Yes, you will need to get your desire for carbs under control. But that is MUCH easier when you are not hungry, and can eat only a limited amount of food. Your doctor only wants you to be successfull = so get in there and get another fill, and as many as you need to stay on track. You can do this. Saying you're embarassed is really only an excuse...If you are serious about losing the weight, you need to make an appointment and get in there. If your doctor thinks badly about you...who cares? Then, get rid of those tempting carbs. Throw them out. Donate them. Just get rid of them! Get rid of all the junk food in the house - nobody needs them. Then, start tracking every morsel you put in your mouth. Face what you are doing up front. This is what I do and it helps me face reality, and realize when I've slipped in something extra -- it DOES add up. I use the free daily plate website. It is important to follow the diet instructions you were given - Protein first, then veggies and fruits. When you have good restriction, you'll be too full to eat more. Eliminate the breads, pastas, potatoes, etc. You've got the tool to success sitting inside you right now. But only YOU can decide to use it. Not trying to be harsh...but this WILL work if you seek the support you need from your dieitian and physician, and if you stick to the rules. I didn't have as much to loose, but 6 months ago I never would have believed that I could have lost this much already. It's already changed my life - diabetes meds are gone, only 1/2 a BP pill, choelsterol med gone, feeling great, able to walk miles! This from a person who's diabetes was getting to the point of needing to add a third medication or insulin! I panicked at the thought of walking around the block and was winded walking up a flight of stairs. Now, I feel great. And I'm almost halfway to my goal. I loved food as much as anybody on this site - took me a year to make the decision that I could give up overeating. But it was the best thing ever! I don't miss all that food at all. You've already taken the most important step getting the band...whatcha waiting for?
  21. Hey, MSV529, thanks. I'm happy with my loss so far, but not too excited because I still have a LONG way to go...and the second half I hear is harder. But, the good thing is that there are many mini-victories along the way! Ask away! That's what this site is for. At first I was just reading all the stuff and absorbing info...now that I have a couple months behind me, I'd be happy to share any info I learned (for whatever it's worth!) Happy 4th!
  22. Lizalee


    Dear grsha46, What I found is, the less I eat the carbs, slowly the cravings do lessen (but not completely go away) - even before the band, during the pre-op diet - I had a 3 month one. HOWEVER - it is so much easier to skip the sweets when you can only eat small amounts of food AND you are FULL. You do need to stick to the rules, eat Protein first, then veggies and fruit. By this time, you're usually too full for the sweets. When you're not hungry, the sweets loose their appeal. I watch calories - YES, it's like a diet. However, I've never been able to stick to a diet this long - and that's because the band helps me by making my stomach too small to eat large (or even 'normal") portions. Then I get too full, and don't get around to eating the sweets. Even with the band, you really need to be focused on eating healthy and avoiding fat and sugar laden foods. My instructions are to eat 60 - 80 grams of protein a day, and when you do this, it takes up a lot of room in the band. Sure, I still have a sweet treat once and while....but nothin' like before. Now we're talking one cookie maybe once every two weeks, and I fit it into my daily calorie intake. I also eat sugar free treats - they are really good - and don't have lots of carbs. Connecting back to God is a great thing! It helps us find a purpose in life, and supports us along the way. Go fo it! My family and I are Christians, and I pray for continued success and give thanks for the wonderful change that has happened in my life. I believe God sent certain events and people my way so that this would happen for me. I LOVED to eat! It took me a year to decide I was ready to put the food down and take this step to be banded. At first, I didn't think I could do it, and then I realized food wasn't that important -- I wanted to get rid of my diabetes meds (I have!) and my BP meds (I'm down to 1/2 a pill) and my cholesterol med (gone!) and be able to enjoy the activities I've missed out on all these years! And most of all, I want to be here in 20 years to be with my grandkids (If I ever have some). If I can do this, so can you!
  23. Hey MSV529, Welcome! Good luck with your journey! I thought the process to get it going seemed like it took forever - the waiting to get started! Hope things go as planned and you are on your way! There are plenty of Wisconsin people out there who are banded. I've had fantastic results so far, it was the best thing I've ever done.
  24. Lizalee

    My First Time Here

    Hi Ladies, One week post op seems like a bit early to start solids. I was on clear liquids about a day, then full liquids for a couple days, then pureed food/mushies for a couple weeks... What does your doctor say you should be eating? Sounds like you need to be starting some protein shakes or creamed soups to keep you feeling less hungry -- but it's important not to go to solids until you are more healed - that band has to settle into place, your tissues recover, etc. -- overeating at this stage I've been told could lead to band slippage, stretched pouch etc. I was asked to eat only 1/2 cup or less at a time. I found that if taking adequate protein and meals those first few weeks kept me from craving foods. Clear liquids for more than a day seems like excessively strict, and won't provide the nutrition you need but, you really need to do what your doctor recommends! I suggest you talk to him/her. You'll have the best results following their guidelines. By the way, welcome to bandster h-e-double toothpicks. It's hard when you don't have good restriction yet...until your fills start.
  25. Lizalee

    results of stress test

    HI Camron, Don't give up yet. As you're probably thinking, it COULD be that your stress test was abnormal. So...the question for the heart specialist will be if you need to have more tests? medication? Surgery? Angioplasty/stents? Who knows. You can speculate and worry, but you just won't know till you talk to him/her. It could end up being something minor. You don't give much of your health history, but generally weight loss decreases the stress on your heart, so, even if your test is abnormal, it may still be possible to have your surgery. Again, there's no way to guess at this point. It will all depend on what the heart doctor says, etc. Hoping you get good results and can still be on your journey to weight loss. Meanwhile, the worst part is waiting and not knowing!!!

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