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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lizalee

  1. Lizalee

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Hey, I'm happy to join this club!! I lost about 40 before banding, and the rest since. But, I still have a long way to go. The other day we bought 50 pound bags of horse feed. They are heavy!!! Its no wonder I was so tired, and never wanted to do anything before banding-- carrying around two sacks of feed on me at all times! It's a wonder I was ever able to make it up the stairs! There are times that I go for walks and it just amazes me that I feel so light! And with nearly another 100 pounds to go! By that time do you feel like you're floating around??? LOL
  2. Hi I found that I couldn't tolerate the regular protein shakes, but Slimfast Low Carb worked for me. I bought it at WalMart. Chocolate was my favorite, but Creamy Vanilla is OK too.
  3. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi So I'm curious...what's different about a bariatric vitamin vs a regular multivitamin? Is there more of something specific to weight loss?
  4. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi I also take a multivitamin - I buy the el'cheapo Equate/Walmart kids chewables. Only need to take one (little kids dose is 1/2) I was told to take them, but they didn't care which kind. There are SO many options out there...so many formulas for every stage of life, gender, needs - It's too confusing to me!!! :-)
  5. Lizalee

    How can you tell if the band slips

    Wow, Katydid, you've had quite the bad experience!! Glad to hear you are doing well now! Most of the information I've seen on slippage is heartburn, nausea, vomiting, pain. But, like everything else, there are MAJOR slips like Katydid, and minor ones that get better with a unfill period (this happend to my sister and worked out well).
  6. Lizalee

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    HI I too wish I could get into exercise machines, etc. Right now it's OK since our weather in Wisconsin has been wonderful = not too hot, not too cold. I walk to work every day and most days walk at night too. But getting up early to work out (I already get up at 0530) seems way too early. I'm hoping to start working out at a local school fitness center in winter in the evenigns- but that will be a whole new thing for me. I've tried a exercise bike in the past and got bored within a week! Not sure what I'll do for exercise when there's ice and snow....just want to bundle up in front of the fireplace then. Hoping to maybe use a treadmilll with iPod... I know if I don't keep exercising, the weight will catch up to me again...
  7. Nobody's girl, Gosh, your post made me so sad!! :-( So many things I can relate to in my former, younger years. I don't know where you are in the process, but having Weight loss surgery can help, and it's amazing the transformation that can occur. However, it won't solve everything - but it sure does make social situations easier! I'm about halfway there, and have already so much has changed. Not really my relationships with others, as much as I have so much more energy, feel better about myself, etc. Which is the first steps. You don't have to be perfect! I hope someday we'll see a happy post from you, and you'll change your name to "Somebody's Girl" Best wishes!
  8. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    CPAP = Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. It keeps your airway from collapsing, and allows you to breathe easier! The settings are titrated to your needs...just enough pressure to stop the apnea. I have one, I love it. It has made a HUGE difference in my life. My sleep study (over a year ago, way before weight loss) showed I was stopping breathing 77 times an hour, and my oxygen level would fall very low (most healthy people's oxygen saturdation is above 90%). I was literally sleeping sitting up on the edge of the bed, and getting up at least 10 - 12 times a night. I now sleep soundly x 7 1/2 hours generally, and I woudn't even consider sleeping without it!! I felt so much better with it!! And, I did't snore so loudly that nobody else can sleep once I started using it. Furthermore -- sleep apena can shorten your life span, cause high blood pressure and heart disease, and even kill you. I saw a study just recently confirming this. It's nothing to ignore. I know some people don't like it, can't tolerate it. The more you use it, you do get used to it. Some days it can be annoying, but it's a lot better than not getting much sleep! I hope someday to be off of it when I loose more weight. But for now, it's my best friend. A doctor can't force you to use it...so if you refuse to use it or can't tolerate it, it's really only hurting you. The good news is = weight loss will help! :-)
  9. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Wow! You sound great for having surgery today!! Only 2 incisions? I have 5 tiny ones. Must be a new technique. Hope you continue to do well. Congratulations and welcome to BandLand! :-)
  10. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Elayne, Your last post made me think. This past weekend my family went to a water park in the city where my son and dil live. I wore a bathing suit and swam for the first time in - idk - 10 years or more? It was fun! However, as I looked around at the people in the crowd, what impressed me is that -- well - first, there are VERY FEW people who look good in a bikini, but many who wear them. Second, I am much too self-conscious on how I look. There are so many people out there who are just as big and bigger than I, but they are strutting around in 'unflattering" swimwear. Especially including men!! I had a black, skirted suit to cover as much as possible. So, ladies, why DO we worry so much about flabby upper arms and saggy skin? Don't get me wrong - I have thought about plastic surgery already, and I have a long way to go before needing it -- but need it I will! By then my belly apron will be down to my knees!!! (LOL) But are we too harsh on ourselves?
  11. Lizalee

    Help!!! Have i failed???

    Hey, We all go through this!! Three---four weeks of not loosing, despite following all the rules, etc. I am not sure what the deal is, but everybody says it's your body adjusting, etc. I believe it's your body's way of adjusting to sudden weight loss -- it's like -- whoa -- we got to stop this before we starve to death!! (Seems to forget all those fat stores hanging around.) This too shall pass...and all of the sudden you loose 4 or 5 pounds in a week....and then, bam, another week or two of not loosing. The other thing is - you're not at your sweet spot - enough restriction to curb the hunger, and not too much that you're unable to eat/swallow liquids. I'm not either. I've had really 2 fills - my second one lasted only a couple days. Sure, it's not like before the band -- but still feel like I can eat too much. Some of the wise people on another thread reminded me to realy focus on Protein - like filling up on chicken breast, fish, lean ground beef and really avoiding carbs, which creates urges for more carbs. It has worked the past couple days. (for the hunger, not the weight loss...) Also exercising at least 60 mins a day. And hanging in there. If you're doing everything right, then you will loose again! For me, that has to be under 1200 cals a day...exercise, and even with that now, I haven't lost in over a week. Go figure.
  12. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hey, Don't beat yourself up too much....I just ate a chocolate cookie my daughter made, because they looked SO good. It happens, and we move on. Less for supper today for me!!! :-)
  13. Hi, Well, I'm not exactly sure, who is your appointment with? In my case, the "pre-op" appointment with the dietian at the "Center" was for diet teaching regarding the post op restrictions. Once they knew my surgery date - which was scheduled through the doctor's office - then they set up a pre-op testing date - had to have blood work, upper GI x-rays, and EKG - but that would depend on your age & needs. And also a GB ultrasound (I didn't have to have it since I had mine out already.) For that day of testing there are eating rules for the tests (like nothing to eat or drink) So it depends....just ask them! Good luck!
  14. Hi Smartgirl & Blessed! I went to the seminar to start the process Dec 5, 07, and ended up the earliest I could get banded was April 9, 08. The Sinai center insisted on 3 months supervised weight loss for me, but now I've heard of people who didn't have to go that. I guess it's different for everyone.... GOOD LUCK with your process & I hope it goes fast for you. It seemed like FOREVER waiting for the surgery date...but now that's it's over, as I look back it wasn't THAT bad. I'm on another one of those little plateaus...and ready for another fill though I have to wait another 4 more weeks till my next fill. It's hard until you get enough lasting restriction to adequately curb the hunger. Right now I feel like to I could eat almost anything again. But, I'm so happy I did it! Today I saw a bunch of people I work with who haven't seen me for a few months - they were very complimentary and surprised at the change. (yeah, loosing 100pounds will do that :-) I wish the same sucess for you both!
  15. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Did anybody read this article in Time regarding exercise? Guess that 30 minutes I'm doing isn't enough!!! The Myth of Moderate Exercise - TIME
  16. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hey, Thanks for all the reinforcement of low carbs. Come to think of it, I've been having more carbs lately with the strawberries and raspberries and granola-type products (protein bars, etc) that I've been eating. While my calorie count is OK, I am just barely getting enough protein most days. Perhaps I'll try to re-focus on proteins. Could be why I've been hungrier/wanting to eat more even though not technically starvings. Hadn't realized that I slipped into carbs...Thanks for reminding us!
  17. Lizalee

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Momof5, Hang in there. I have lost a lot, but I have been hungry a lot too...and still waiting for that sweet spot. After my last 1cc fill, I felt restricted for about a day or two, then back to being hungry again between meals. I have 4cc in 9-10cc band. Sure, I can't eat as much as pre-band. But, I am wanting to eat more than I should (in order to keep loosing, which is under 1200 cals) This week I'm watching the clock till I can eat again...eating more at meals, etc. I have to wait 4 more weeks till my next fill appointment...it will be a challenge. Meanwhile, I DIET the old fashioned way - try to avoid eating too much and keep busy to keep my mind off of eating, which isn't easy. I also make sure I walk daily, as much as I have time for and/or feel like doing. Scale hasn't changed now in about the last 5 days. Yes, it gets frustrating -- but the alternative is giving in and eating whatever and then I'll be back to where I was in a flash! DON"T want that!!!! So keep plugging away and hopefully you'll find that sweet spot (and me too!)
  18. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Ohhh...I long for that day when I can wear normal sizes! I'm happy now just to be into REGULAR plus sizes instead of extended!! :-) And Ditto to Orea & Dianne -- for quick and easy recoveries! I hve to say, I only had a couple days of feeling sore, and it was really not bad at all! I took 2 weeks off, but could have easly gone back to my desk job after one. The part that's hard when you go back towork, is that you can't focus on getting in enough foods/fluids and resting whenever you feel like it -- scuh tiny meals and frequently, didn't fit in with the demands of a work day - so I was glad to have the extra week off. I got lots of cleaning and wash done around the house during my time off! And the dogs got lots of walks. Hope you can enjoy it too!
  19. Lizalee

    Can I lose 116 lbs??

    MyTurn, Go back into the ticker factory, you'll have to sign in with your PIN, and click "update weight info." Then it will take you to a grid, at the bottom it will have field to update your weight and date. Then click Next - and it should automatically update.
  20. Lizalee

    Brett Favre

    Just curious...how are you all feeling about Brett now? Will he...won't he...where will he play? :-) Here we thought we had the answer a few months ago...and now this soap opera continues!
  21. Lizalee

    Can I lose 116 lbs??

    Yes! I never would have believed it a few months ago, but you can! If I can do it - nothing ever worked for me before - you can. I agree with above - 800 - 1200 (for me) calories a day, 30-60 minutes of walking & increasing general activity like taking stairs at work. Follow the rules, eat Protein first, and eliminate junk food from the house. It CAN be done, but you do have to be focused. Good luck, and many of you have done a great job already!
  22. Moriah said: "Sometimes I think it's too good to be true. Could it be that it really works?" YES!!! It CAN! :-) I know- I thought the SAME thing...this might work for other people, but ME? Nothing has ever worked for me, why would this be any different? Well, let me tell you, it ain't an easy way out...you will have to 'diet' and increase your exercise (which is a lot easier when you weigh less!). Depending on how engaged you are in the process, the weight loss will be faster or slower - BUT - I've NEVER lost 100+ pounds before. I am optomistic that I will see this out to the end - my goal or close to it, and keep it off forever. Before the band, I couldn't stay on a diet that long. I'd feel deprived and starving, and the amount to loose was overwhelming. So, I'd give up and gain it all back - plus more! I am off ALL my diabetes meds, cholesterol med, and only 1/2 a BP pill. My blood sugar today was 83! I feel great! AND I don't miss eating - sure, sometimes I wrestle with wanting a chocolate bar or a cookie - and sometime I have it. But I'm still able to stay on track, because the hunger is controllable now. There's nothing mysterious about how it works, really. The band just limits how much you can comfortably eat. You feel full sooner. So then, you can use this physical/mechanical restriction to diet - I try to keep my daily calories to 900-1200. If I go over, I don't loose weight. I also walk 30 - 60 minutes a day, and try to do more things around the house and at work - like walking up stairs. It's not rocket science. Really, it's just like the old way of dieting - but this tool makes it easier! Re: Realize vs AP LapBand. I have the AP Lab band. There was a thread on this site blasting the Realize band by somebody who claimed to be a expert or something, a few months ago. I believe the argument was that the one continuous balloon design of the Realize band theoretically could break down because the edges fold over when circular touch each other and could breakdown. The AP LapBand has little balloon pouches all around the band, so you don't have the balloon folding over each other. Does that makes sense? (Check their web sites for pictures.) I don't know that here is any evidence of statistical importance of the design differences. (If somebody knows, feel free to chime in!) My surgeon explained that the Realize band doesn't have a connection in the tube - that on rare occassion (he's had one case) the AP LapBand tubing connector might come apart. Also, the Lap Band port is smaller in diameter but taller, which the Realize is wider and flatter. There are different suturing/fixation methods for each, making it a bit easier or quicker for the surgeon. Also, I think the Realize is supposed to be a little lower pressure, although I think the AP might be the same now?? (not sure). But all in all, he didn't recommend one over the other, and left the decision to me. The realize band apparently has a cool web page for tracking weight loss that your dr's office can view if you chooose? The AP Lap Band doesn't have much (my opinion) In the end, I had the AP LapBand because I'm a data person, and there was more of a track record on the AP design here in the US. Talk with your surgeon. Frankly, I don't know that it makes any difference...but there are a lot of opinions out there, and people that know much more than me!!! GOOD LUCK! If you follow the instrutions you will get, follow the diet guidelines, and bump up your exercise, YOU can be writing this thread in a few months after your band! YES, YOU!!! :-)
  23. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi I'm from the Sheboygan area. Been to Wausau a couple times. That is a very pretty area, and seemed to be growing alot - last time we there they were doing road construction on the highway. We got messed up and ended up at the bottom of the ski hill! Although I suppose since you're from Colorado now, that ski hill seems like a bunny hill?? While I was loosing weight, it seems like it came off SO slow, but now that I look back, that was pretty good I guess. Hope the next 100 comes off as fast! (But I know it probably won't!) I will have to learn patience....
  24. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    HI I was not reading posts over the weekend, and LOTS to catch up on! After a hectic weekend of hauling hay and saddles, I am so happy! Today I have officially lost 100 pounds - since the start of my pre-band supervised diet back at the beginning of December! Yippe! That was my "mini-goal" that eluded me the last two weeks as I didn't loose weight. AND - if that wasn't enough - I no longer have 100 pounds to loose - only 99! :-) Sorry to rub this in to those of you who are struggling, but it WILL happen if you keep at it! I also had a fill on Friday which helped me out over the weekend, but I already feel hungry again. Doc wanted to wait 2 months for next fill...but then agreed that if I wanted to keep it tight, I could come back in a month. I have apt for 1 month! I'm afraid if I don't loose weight in summer, when the weather's bad this winter I'll never keep my activity level up to loose...can't eat much less than I already to at 1000 cals or less. Plus...Thanksgiving...Christmas and all that. Anyhow...too early to worry about winter. (Wisconsin winters are cold and long and miserable!). Gotta take the Corgiis for a walk. Janet - did I miss how your tests turned out?
  25. Lizalee

    Hello I'm new in here

    Hi you guys, You are very early in your process! I remember the feeling of frustration because I was eating so little, got hungry (about 3 weeks out) and wasn't loosing all that much. Many wise people out here on the Lap Band site told me to just relax, stick to the diet instructions, and allow my body to heal and the swelling go down before expecting to loose much weight. Without your band being filled, there may not be much restriction, and will get hungry. Also, being of mushie food, it slides through pretty fast, so the pouch gets empty and you get hungry. Try to increase your Protein - I would add a couple ounces of cooked chicken to the mashed potatoes or whatever else I was eating, and that seemed to "stick" longer. Follow the other band rules like not drinking for 30 min after a meal. Increase fluids. Start some gentle exercise - a nice walk, moving around more then usual to keep your metabolism going. Good luck...this stage will pass!

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