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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lizalee

  1. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Wintobethin, Regarding your pills - talk to your primary care/ordering physician and pharmacist. Some may be available in liquid, some can be cut, and you may be able to have non-time release formulas that you have to take more often. Good luck with your surgeon's visit!!!
  2. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Once again Indio, you are right on. That head hunger is the root of all evil!! Yea, I need my fill (Next week finally!) but when I'm bored or too hungry, I can just eat and eat. I've noticed myself eating just a little bit more... If only there WERE bands for our heads too! :-) Tonight I was busy cleaning (we're putting our house of for sale (in this market, what a hoot!), lots of cleaning to do!!) and forgot about eating, till I stopped and realized I was hungry! Ate a fudgelite bar, drank some water, and going to bed so I don't eat any more. Distraction, eating foods that are healthy and low calorie, exercise, and logging every morsel are so important.
  3. Lizalee

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    EbonyRose, Read your post to Yourowndestiney - thought I'd add my 2cents worth. For me, the first few months the weight loss was faster. I've been struggling with the same pound for the past 10 days...but also I'm due for another fill - right now have the capacity to eat too much, too fast. After my fills I do well for a couple weeks, so I'm hopeful. But there are always plateaus, and the pounds never come off fast enough for me! Good luck with your diabetes and getting off the meds. It worked for me! Within a couple months, I was completely off my meds. I was taking two oral meds and looking at insulin in the near future - now, I need nothing. It's wonderful!! I log all my calories on thedailyplate.com. I also walk every day - about an hour all together. I don't watch carbs - just calories and make sure I get enough protein. That usually means cutting back on carbs, so it works out that way. And yes, my skin is getting saggy, but at my age, and starting out as big as I did, I believe that's inevitable. But, I'll take the saggy skin over the weight any day!! Good luck w/ your journey!
  4. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Wow, didn't read the threads for a few days, and looks like lots of "oldtimers" have checked back in ...kinda like back from vacation for the summer? Hope you'all don't mind us new-comers!! We sure learn a lot from those of you with experience. I'm getting a fill in a couple weeks - and I think I need one - but sure don't want to get too tight. Sounds miserable. However, at this point, I don't have to chew well, can eat just about anything again. Ate an entire rueben sandwich the other day, and birthday cake, etc, etc., so I'm sure that I can handle a fill! Although some days, things like drier meats don't slide down quite so easy. I've slipped away from the good slow eating - hope my next fill takes me back a bit to the days of getting full on 1/2 cup! I suppose that's too much to expect?
  5. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hey! Congrats! I too fear that seatbelt thing..,I wonder if I would fit now? How cool for you!!!
  6. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Chick3 (Carol) I have to echo the others --it was really good to hear from you! I started out very close to you weight wise, and in a matter of 9 months (since starting the pre-op diet) and 5 months since banding, my life has already changed so much. All the choices I made in my life that were clouded by being morbidly obese -- how it impacted my life. It's really sad that I let so much fun pass me by for so many years! It's so amazing how just a few pounds lost can make us feel SO much better - physically and emotionally. I had my ears pierced when I was 16. Having nickel allergies, I had some inflammation/infections from time to time. Maybe about 10 years ago, I took my earrings out and didn't put them back in for a long time...only to find they had grown shut. :-( All these years since, I didn't really care, because frankly, my earlobes were fat, and since I was so fat I didn't think it really made any difference anyway (bad self image). Well, I got them re-pierced last week! After all these years. And the best part of all...the lady said "oh, you have nice thin earlobes!" HuH? Me? It's so nice to have interest in looking 'pretty' again - even at my age! But I feel 20 years younger. Before I began to loose weight, I thought of myself as 'retirement age" - old, setting up for retirement, resigning myself to never achieve my childhood dreams. Little by little, I am realizing that I still am (fairly) YOUNG and there is no need to give up on fun parts of life yet! My kids are growing up and out of the house in about a year...and now I have time to spend on what I want to do! Yeah, this is the greatest thing I've ever done just for ME!
  7. I've been reading this list for a long time, adding comments once in awhile. My lists were much like all of yours. It occurs to me that... I am finally no longer the fatest one in church, at work. I no longer have to buy 5X clothes from catalogs, and no longer have to buy the biggest size I can find...In fact, I even bought a regular ladies XL the other day! I can see light between my legs when I stand (no thigh rubbing) I can sit in any chair or booth, even with arms. Chairs don't groan when I sit on them. I have to put my car seat closer to the sterring wheel and even back seat belts fit me. No more farthest back position with my belly hitting the steering wheel. I weigh less than my husband. I can fit into his T-shirt. I'm not all the way were I need to be yet...before I can cross everything off my list, but I have to tell you, everything I've done to get to this point was so well worth it! It can happen to all of you too! Got for it!
  8. Lizalee

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Ekat, 355 pounds lost in 2 years! That's AMAZING!!! WOW!!! You could teach us all a few things! I'm humbled by your success!! I can only hope I get as close to my goal as you are! You are the poster child for WLS!!!
  9. Lizalee

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    527 pounds? WOW! How long did that take you? Are you at goal now?
  10. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Yup, we all have those BAD days! I had some last week, and consequently, been re-loosing those two pounds for the past week (almost there). Today I cleared out my clothes - went through my spring/summer clothes that I just bought in April - May - June and found many were too big already ....some with the tags still on!! And found some other favorites that I had been hanging on to wear around the house...only to find there is no way I can wear them anymore...way, way too big. It hurts to get rid of these really new clothes, but hey, I will donate them to Goodwill, and then have room for some new fall stuff! It's just hard, becuase I don't want ot buy a lot of new expensive clothes, hoping I will outgrow them too soon! :scared2:
  11. Lizalee

    changes after lap band?

    You're very welcome! I would have never believed the changes, and in only a few short months. Like you, I'd heard the stories, and even read the studies about health improvements, but didn't think it could happen to me. Nothing ever worked for me before. It has been WORK to get to this point - but it's been worth it! Congratulations on your recent surgery! How are things going for you?
  12. Lizalee

    changes after lap band?

    HI ChariTee, While I haven't had kidney stones, I have had fertility problems in the past, probably related to PCOS though never formally diagnosed. (My OB/GYN and I had this conversation a few years back - but since I'm done having children, it's a moot point) Anyhow, I can tell you about some health improvements I've experienced post banding. Due to my weight loss: Diabetes - I was taking two oral meds for type 2 diabetes, and my HA1C's (glycosated hemoglobin - measure of blood sugar control over time) were creeping up - last 7.1. I knew I'd have to start taking more meds soon, and probably insulin in the near future unless I lost weight. In just a couple months, I was longer taking ANY diabetes meds and last HA1C was 5.5 - NORMAL. Random blood sugars are NORMAL. Diabetes - gone! Blood pressure - I was taking a bp med that was a 'ARB" and a 'Water pill' I now take 1/2 a pill, and could probably be off completely as my BP's are normal, and sometimes even too low if I don't drink enough. sleep apnea - I can tell this is much improved. I still use my CPAP machine, but probably won't need it much longer. Fitness level - I couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without feeling really winded. I avoided any exercise like the plague. I now walk 2 - 3 miles a day, and don't even feel tired. I can walk up 3 flights of stairs non-stop. I used to hate to shop - I'd park in the closest parking area, shop briefly, and have to sit down in the mall for awhile. I hated taking my girls shopping, and mostly bought clothes from catalogs/internet. Now, I look forward to walking, shopping, and being active! I feel SO MUCH healthier and happier. I've starting having periods again without taking progesterone - which I had needed to take for years or would never have a menstrual period. While this is ONE health improvement I could do without (LOL), it certainly is healthier! Now, you don't have to have a band to experience improved health - you just need to loose weight. For me, it took the band to be able to do that! It's been the most wonderful thing I've ever done for myself! I still have a long way to go, but my life has changed SO MUCH in the past months, I am so grateful to have been banded! LIfe is so much better now. Good luck with your journey.
  13. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    OK Ladies...now I'm craving M&M's. Good thing there's none in the house and I have no car home tonight! I'm having an awful time these past few weeks...craving everything, and worse than that, giving into my cravings. If I didn't know better, I'd think is was PMS or something. I WISH I could blame it on that, so soon it would go away! I just had a fill last week! Lost a couple pounds last Thurs/Fri and felt so great, but it seems my psyche wants them back. Now I'm up 2.8!!! I don't get it. I was doing really well until this past couple weeks- then those old food thoughts started creeping back in. Plus, we were at our County Fair all weekend (5 days, 14 hours a day) and by Saturday, I started eating fair food...hamburgers, kettlecorn, roast beef on a bun...not much in the way of restriction. And then started with some Starbursts we were supposed to give away to the barn judges! Now I can't stop eating. I was hoping being back at work today would force me to stop...but then we had a birthday party with orange walnut cake...delicious. I even ate too much hamburger helper tonight - I don' t even really like hamburger helper. OK, enough whining, right? Tomorrow is another day, and hopefully I'll get a grip. I did call and try to get an earlier fill appointment - but can't get in until Oct 6. I noticed some of you have been struggling lately too. Maybe it's the change in the seasons coming? It was hot here over the weekend, but now it's cool! I will have to take the dogs for a LONG walk tonight to work off that cake!
  14. Lizalee


    HI Chinadoll, Certainly with your exercise, you're going to be building muscles - and loosing inches. But, my questions are: What do you eat? How much Protein do you get? I've heard others say you need to eat enough calories so that your metabolism doesn't shut down, but not too many, obviously. I eat between 800 - 1200 generally, 100 - 300 occasionaly more, but usually not less. I get between 60 to 80 grams of protein each day. I haven't gotten to my sweet spot quite yet, but I'm close with my fill yesterday. Keep changing up your diet and exercise to see what's going to work for you!
  15. Hi Omar88, I was banded in Milwaukee. Not sure what you mean - the 6 month period-- is that something that your insurance provider requires? Or that the bariatric center requires? Or both? I went to the Aurora Sinai bariatric program. Surgeon is from Wisconsin Bariatrics. It took a little over 4 months from seminar date to surgery, with a 3 month supervised diet. This was the center's requirement, which they did because of my insurance company's requirement AND because they are a bariatric center of excellence - and for that certification there are minimun standards they need to maintain - which includes a wholistic approach - proper candidate selection, making sure the patient is emotionally ready for this huge lifestyle change, nutrition counseling, choosing the proper procedure for your needs, etc. If you are self-pay, I am not sure that you would have to wait 6 months. Also, you can investigate Mexico or other foreign programs which can be done very quick, but you have to travel and self-pay (but cheaper than US). My sister did that. But if it's an insurance requirement - and you want insurance to pay - doesn't matter where you go, you'll have to do whatever insurance requires. Where have you tried? Are you in a hurry? I was, desparately so! The 4 months seemed like forever! However, I finally realized I didn't have to wait for the band to start changing my life. You can start today by changing your diet and learning about your new lifestyle with the band. Retrospecitively, it was a good thing, because I lost 30-40 pounds doing the dietitian supervised diet, and learned what life was going to be like post-banding. I was better prepared for the surgery by jumping through those hoops, even though I hated every minute of it. I am NOT a patient person! The band is only a tool...it will make losing weight easier, by taking away the ability to eat huge portions, but it is NOT a easy answer and doesn't work magically by itself - so learning how to change your lifestyle and eating healthy are the most important thing.s I can still eat too many calories and not loose weight with the band by eating the wrong foods (sweets like ice cream, Cookies, cakes, crackers). But I don't want too! But, I have to tell you, if not for this band I wouldn't have made it this far. Good things are worth waiting for!! Good luck!
  16. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Go Packers! It will be a strange season without Brett...but we'll get through it. Actually, I'm somewhat a fair weather fan...I get excited when I am sitting home on Sunday afternoon and have nothing else to do! Otherwise, I tune out all the hype, which is dangerous to admit here in Packer country. Congrats, L2BT, on shopping -and buying - in the regular misses section. I went shopping w/ DD today, and browsed the women's section - I have no idea what to buy, or even try on. For so many years I only shopped catalogs...and now, I never know what size I am. I had so few styles to choose from in the past 15 years, I just chose the loose fitting 'big-shirts" and anything that looked loose, long, and concealing. Now, There are so many choices, so many styles, I don't know what I want anymore!! It's a pychological hurdle for me...! Like you, I"m smaller on top than bottom... Tomorrow I"m going shopping again...but hate buying clothes only to have them too big in a couple months (again - I used to buy as big as possible so I wouldn't outgrow them!!). I have no jackets, coats, or anything for winter, I'm going to have to force myself to buy some stuff sooner or later!
  17. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    THAT's AWESOME!!! Contratulations on your achievement! I can so recall only a few short months ago I crossed that 300 border, and vowed never to return again!! Now my goal is crossing into onederland! Only 29 pounds to that mark. Isn't it fun? Kudos! Hey, I have to share a NSV. Yesterday I rode one of our horses for the FIRST time. I haven't been on a horse for 30 years!!! When I was young my dream was to have a horse someday and I took a few lessons when I was 21. (Only had done trail rides when I was a kid). My daughters ride and each has a horse, but in all the years of being chief groom and bill payor, I never rode them. Yesterday I just decided it was time--even though I still have a way to go before it would actually be fair to ask them haul me around. Anyway, it was only walking around the arena, trying to remember how to do this...after he was good and tired out from my daughter riding him, so that he wouldn't do anything silly...but hey, it was fun!!! I didn't remember how HIGH up and FAR from the ground you are up there, at the mercy of this animal! :-) I plan to do this more often now.
  18. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Welcome lapgandnana. Looks like you've been doing fantastic since your band!! 54 pounds since your band is GREAT!
  19. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Don't know aobut uploading pictures... But as far as how long - I think that varies widely on the program/office you are at, and your insurance company. For me, it was from attending the seminar in Dec until April to actually have the surgery. Part of that was that they wanted a 3 month supervised diet before sending to insurance for approval. So it may go faster for you. Even once approved, you will probably need pre-op testing - such as blood work, chest x-ray, EKG, GI series and Gallbladder ultrasound. And probably a history and physicial to clear for anesthesia. And pre-op diet teaching so you know what to expect and plan for. And of course waiting for opening in doctor's office schedule and surgery schedule at the hospital. I know it seems painfully long to wait for the surgery - I thought it was agonizing 'cuz I just wanted to get it done! But retrospectively, it was good because it truly made me understand what I was getting myself into and be fully committed to making this HUGE lifestyle change. If I had one complaint - it was that I felt they were really not upfront with how long it would take for the whole process...each step they only told me about the next step. I had these ideas that OK, after my next appointment, I would be ready to schedule. And then they'd come up with another hoop to jump through. I felt like I could never plan my life because I didn't know which month my surgery would be in...you know, travel plans, work schedule, etc. I skipped attending a conference for work in the hopes of having surgery in March, only to find that I couldn't get in till April anyhow... BUT, it was all worth it!
  20. Lizalee

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Best wishes and prayers for a great, fast recovery and success "Real Deal"!!
  21. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I know I've done well, but lately it's been hard. I'm not very creative with my menus! I tend to find things that are convenient to pack to work and stick with them for a long time. This is what I eat in a typical day. Breakfast I eat a bowl of oatmeal w/ a few dried cranberries, 1/4 cup oats, and 1/2 cup fat free milk, sweetened w/ splenda. About a hour later I eat a South beach protein bar. Snack in the morning is a fresh cucumber w/ salt - since the garden's producing lots! Or maybe some cherry tomatoes. Lunch is 3 pieces of low fat turkey lunch meat, sugar-free pudding made with fat free milk. In the afternoon I'll have another protein bar. Or maybe a blueberry muffin from home, or something like that. Supper is whatever meat we are having at home - pork chop, hamburger (no bun), grilled chicken breast - something like that. And some vegetables - 1/2 cup maybe. And maybe rice, potato, or pasta -but only a little - maybe 1/4 cup. At night I'll often have a Edy's sugar free fruit bar, or Blue bunny fudge lite bar - low in cals, but tasty. And that's about it. If I eat more, I don't loose anything for weeks! On occasion I'l have a cookie or special treat, but I try and limit that as much as possible. One cookie can use up too many calories out of my 'allotement" So you see, I eat often - especially what at work - I tend to graze, which may not be good. My cal count is usually under 1200. Nothing creative here - just low cal, low fat. I also walk 30 - 60 minutes a day. Tonight we're having lasagna....definitely going to be a high-cal day. But it's our 25th wedding anniversary tomorrow, so we're celebrating. Kids actually made supper! :thumbup:
  22. Lizalee

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hey, I just realized today - for the first time ever in my life - I am well UNDER the stated weight on my driver's license!! I will need a new pix soon or nobody will believe it's actually my license when I use it to cash a check or something. :biggrin: Also - yesterday somebody at work I haven't seen in awhile came to my office...and appologized and started to walk out, thinking she was in the wrong place. She then realized it was me, and said something about "you look different to me." Yeah This is really what I needed, since I've really been struggling with head hunger lately! Need that next fill...although, I have some restriction and want to eat even when I'm not really hungry, so not sure that's going to help or not. I think it's the transition to fall - school starting soon, sun coming up later, etc. Always makes me want to make hearty soups, stews, roasts, can & freeze, and bake goodies (store up for winter???) I just want to keep up the momenum, but it's gotten tough these past few weeks.
  23. Lizalee

    How can you tell if the band slips

    HI! What happened was the tubing that leads from the band to the port got bent somehow and kinked the tubing. They could put Water in, but not get it out. They weren't sure if it was going in or not...put extra in...and then couldn't get it out. When I drank water, it wouldn't go down because they had put too much in! Painful!!! So, that evening he had to open up my port scar in surgery (local with sedation) and check it out, and found the kinked tubing. They straigthened it out, and moved my port sligtly over so it wouldn't happen again. He said it was the first time he'd every seen that happen (and he's been doing these a long time.) It was no big deal....very minimal soreness after. The only bad thing is it was on the night of my daughter's high school graduation - 60 miles away from the hospital - so I missed it. :-( But it set back my whole fill process...looking forward to another fill on Aug 26th. I have some restriction, but can use just a little bit more. Not nearly as bad as your experience by far!!!
  24. Lizalee

    Anyone looking to lose 300+?

    Becky, this is truly amazing! When I get down on how much I have yet to loose and/or that it's taking too long, I will try to remember YOUR success! You are an inspiration!

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