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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyGirl

  1. HarleyGirl

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    My doctor seems to be very conservative with fills.....she says until my weight plateaus or unless I feel extremely hungry on the set amount of food, that she won't schedule an adjustment. I have to fax in a three day food/exercise diary for them to look at before they will set an appointment for a fill. Right now, I feel pretty good......my half cup of whatever seems to keep me 'full' for several hours, so I'm not even going to think about a fill until that stops working.
  2. HarleyGirl

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    YAY for belt notches, baggy sweater vests and MAGICALLY moving scales! My scale is being a bit stubborn this week.....damn mushies anyway! No worries, it will catch up.......
  3. HarleyGirl

    Getting enough Calories?

    My doctor's recommendations are in the same range.....I can't imagine they would tell us to do something that would be harmful.......and it's not forever, just for the first little while. I think eventually we'll settle in to 1,000 or so a day....
  4. I can't believe in 2008 that's even a question.......
  5. HarleyGirl

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    ((((Bratz & lbs)))) We've all had or will have those days....maybe even weeks....but the most important thing is STAY THE COURSE! Don't let the blues push you off this great path we've forged for ourselves and lapse back on to that muddy trail that got us here! Bratz, I still get those side pains, too.....it feels like a cramp or a "stitch"....don't know what it is, but I can't help but think that "This too, shall pass." We've ALL been through a lot this month and in the months leading up to our surgeries. Now is the time to take a breath, relax, heal.....and picture ourselves where we want to be. Tell yourself EVERYDAY....and I'm serious about this...."I deserve this. I will achieve this. I AM a successful bandser. I WILL see my goal" WE WILL, I SWEAR!
  6. HarleyGirl

    March Bandsters - Mini Goals & Rewards?

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlsAXbhB6wU&feature=related]YouTube - T Pain Apple bottom jean(Low)[/ame]
  7. How do you tell when you're hungry? I'm serious.......how do you separate true hunger from anything else? My stomach growls all the time.....I know that's not hunger. I kind of picture it like my big stomach trying to talk my little stomach in to giving something up.....I don't trust my big stomach at all. Sometimes I know it's thirst.....and a drink of Water, propel, or crystal light takes care of it...... But really........as ridiculous as it sounds.....what is true hunger?
  8. HarleyGirl

    How much weight have you lost?????

    I hit TWENTY today! It's not terribly noticable to most people, but I can feel the difference....my fingers are getting smaller....I can fit in to some pants that I couldn't before....
  9. HarleyGirl

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Sounds like you have a good doc! Happy to hear that things are better and at least "normally" uncomfortable! Welcome home...again!
  10. HarleyGirl

    Uncrushable Pills...What do you do ?

    If you do have a problem, talk to the pharmacist.....we use the Target pharmacy and I am always amazed at the length they will go to to make sure everything is right! If you have a problem with a medication....talk to the pharmacist and they should contact the doctor and work something out for you...it's easier for them to talk 'shop' than for us to try and interpret and relay!
  11. HarleyGirl

    Just joining in

    Tell us about the last two years.....your loss, your success, your struggles! Those of us at the "Front Door" love to hear from you guys that have already been down the hall!
  12. HarleyGirl

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Sooooooooooooo, I did a total pre-emptive closet purge....kept a few things to wear to work ( I just wear jeans and t-shirts).....and pretty much everything else....I had a lot of nice office clothes from before I retired....I don't wear them anymore and soon they won't fit anyway. I took them down to the women's shelter. All of my size 20's and most of my 18's are GONE......forever. Not that they don't fit now, but I don't even want them around......I'll keep what I need to to get by......but I'm making room for SMALLER CLOTHES!
  13. HarleyGirl

    Priorities out of whack?

    I was a self-pay and DID have to go through the psych eval. My doctor is very strict about candidates being suitable for the surgery. She will send folks in for counseling or whatever if she feels they're not ready for the surgery......no matter how it's paid for. I didn't even consider DS.......I so want to change EVERYTHING about how I eat and my relationship with food.....
  14. I think that's the norm.....my doc does "mostly" WLS, but other things to. I would certainly go to her if I needed something else done and be very glad that she could do it.....she already knows how and what to do around the band. It's not something to worry about, IMO!
  15. HarleyGirl

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    You might be surprised, Scrappy, how much you do get in in a day.....I wore a pedometer to work and found out I average two miles a day just working the sales floor and running up and down stairs for product! I was really surprised.
  16. HarleyGirl

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Harley interesting website. I will give it a read later at home(taking a break at work now). I saw on another thread that you are retired LEO. Which branch? My husband is retired Nassau Co PD. Anyone else have a beasty at home that you want to tell us about? I did 23 years with Riverdale PD....northern Utah. I retired two years ago. I pretty much ran the gamut, started in patrol, moved to detectives, moved to patrol supervision and retired as the Ass't Chief. It is a great job, but one that I credit a great many of my bad eating habits to....eating fast, because we never knew how long we had to finish a meal....or eating while driving in the patrol car to either stay awake or just because it was the only option sometimes. I'm so glad to see the culture changing, at least here, a little bit. Maybe the troops coming on now will retire a little healthier! As for critters, I've got two Jack Russell Terriers.....they're total clowns and I adore them.
  17. HarleyGirl

    I win....Stupidest Question of All Time!

    How sad is it that I don't think I've ever been hungry? GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, no wonder I weighed 252!
  18. HarleyGirl

    I win....Stupidest Question of All Time!

    I'm thinking we should have a button.....like a turkey timer....when it pops out, time to eat..... or a fuel gauge....if they can make them for cars....why not people? Hmmmmmmm.....need to get to work on that!
  19. HarleyGirl

    I win....Stupidest Question of All Time!

    OMG! Okay, I surrender the crown........LOL!
  20. HarleyGirl

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Interesting.......I will admit that I have a bit of a "head in the sand" approach when it comes to eating meat.....I will also say that I am less and less inclined to eat meat as time goes on. The last debaucle in the beef slaughterhouses about put me over the edge. I think I could, quite easily, be a vegetarian at this point in my life.
  21. Heather, Just do the breathing exercises and rest......one day post op it isn't even fair to try and gauge how you're going to feel. The most important thing is REST and OXYGEN! It DOES get better, honest. I'm two weeks out and I feel so good I almost scare myself!
  22. HarleyGirl

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    HA HA! Well, it does have a lovely chrome base.........I have my gigantic margarita machine when I really feel the need for power!
  23. HarleyGirl

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Saw this on another thread and wanted to share it with you guys....in case you don't find it....some really good stuff. A little of it is kind of over the top...at least for me....I'm not going to contemplate on the chicken's sacrifice as I eat my egg....but as far as eating mindfully and making it count...good stuff! CAMP Basics
  24. My husband took the day of and the day after surgery off is all..... I don't have small kids at home, so that wasn't an issue. I probably would have been okay the day after, but it was nice to know that someone was here if I needed them.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
