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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HarleyGirl

  1. HarleyGirl

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Okay....but still chocolate with things I'd never eat....so same/same! :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2:
  2. HarleyGirl

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    KERRI! Congrats on the jeans, girl! I do understand what a big deal it is not to have a size with a "W" behind it! WOO HOO! LISA! Good for you....and yes, we can all be selfish a bit right now. You are absolutely correct in taking a stand. This is such an important time to get and stay on the right track...... FENTON! 10%....that's a huge milestone! Still a few pounds off for me....but yes, certainly reward worthy! Let us know what you decide.....as long as it's not chocolate covered earthworms or what the hell ever you saw the other night!
  3. HarleyGirl

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    PAID OFF! After what seemed like FOREVER (really only five days).....IT MOVED and I'm officially down TWENTY POUNDS! Ah, it feels good!
  4. HarleyGirl

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Christine I think we've all been there to one extent or another......I did horrible secret eating things.....buy two packages of oreos....eat one and put the other in the cabinet with two or three Cookies out of it....so no one would know I ate the whole package. I always figured anything I ate in my car didn't count.....I could mow through a bag of chips or candy on the way home from the grocery store.....then stash the empty bag in the outside trash before anyone saw it.......and I always threw the receipt away so no one could check and see what was on it......even though NO ONE has EVER looked at a grocery store receipt. I'm so glad you're working through it......I'm trying, too! One thing to think about are the "LBT's"......and I'm not talking about Lap Band Talk this time.....it's "Licks, Bites, and Tastes"......as much as we'd like to think they're all freebies, fact remains....they're NOT. I agree that keeping a totally honest food journal....if you eat one chip, log one chip.....if you have another one an hour later....log that. You may surprise yourself. I HAVE to stay away from those kinds of foods for now.....even a bite will send me in to a tailspin....I don't have an off button. I've tried to file a warranty claim.....but alas, no call back.
  5. HarleyGirl

    March Bandsters - Mini Goals & Rewards?

    All this talk has convinced me I need to go see my guy next week....... this is sort of what I want....and I'm going to put it on the inside of my right forearm....
  6. HarleyGirl

    anyone that knows how to cook please help

    Hmmmmmmmmmm.....never seen powdered kind. Make it so it's stiff enough that you can handle it and form it in to balls.....maybe a little less than cookie dough...... (I said cookie dough.......mmmmmmmmmmmmm)
  7. HarleyGirl

    What does a small bite look like?

    I have a couple of baby spoons left over from when my daughter was an infant....I like to use those to eat, it forces me to take smaller bites. In our March thread, one of the bandsters was gifted with a silver cocktail fork for the same reason...... I like to use little bowls and plates, too.....just looks better than my lonely 1/4c of food on a giant dinner plate!
  8. HarleyGirl

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    cool, cool! Where did you have your surgery? We have a couple of really nice spas that I go to on occasion....actually went the night before my surgery for a nice massage.....but certainly another one after wouldn't be out of line......perhaps my 20 pound reward?
  9. HarleyGirl

    Why did you get the band?

    Meds....I'm tired of taking medication....for high blood pressure, for cholestoral, for whatever...... I'm tired of limited selection in clothing as well......it seems that most places assume that fat girls are either: A. Rich.....ie, Lane Bryant or B. Blind....as in every women's section at most stores
  10. HarleyGirl

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    HEY....what part of Utah are you from? I'm up north, by Ogden......
  11. HarleyGirl

    Any suggestions on Vitamins?

    On the advice of my dietician, I take two children's chewable a day.....just the Sam's Club brand. I do a sublingual B complex and a shot of Vitamin e oil, too.....
  12. HarleyGirl

    March Bandsters - Mini Goals & Rewards?

    TATTOOS!!! Yes, yes, yes! I already have my goal tattoo all planned out........ I'm going to get another one in between as well..... and I'm thinking about doing one now as a reminder....I want to get sort of a nautical compass on my wrist....as a reminder that I need to "stay the course".....
  13. HarleyGirl

    Motivational websites

    This one was posted by another bandster in a different thread and I found it to be very informative and motivating: Welcome to the CAMP System
  14. HarleyGirl

    anyone that knows how to cook please help

    I LOVE falafel.....it's a middle eastern food....made from ground chick peas or fava Beans..... What is Falafel ? Traditionally, it's rolled in to balls and deep fried.....but obviously not the best choice for our current quest! Another alternative is to roll them in to balls (about the size of a golf ball), then flatten them until they are about 3/4" thick....brush each side with oil....LIGHTLY....then bake at 350 for 45 minutes, turning them about halfway through.....they're done when they are golden brown.... make great sandwiches in a pita!
  15. HarleyGirl

    First month of life with the band

    I am almost three weeks out.....and (KNOCK WOOD) I really feel like I have 'some' restriction....I can eat 1/2 cup of food and feel satiety.... (I learned from Jack there is a difference between being "full" and being "not hungry"......) As long as I'm feeling like that, I'm not going to worry about scheduling a fill..... I deeply fear waking up one morning in "Bandster Hell", but so far...things have been going so well.
  16. HarleyGirl

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    AMEN to ridding temptation! I made my daughter stash everything in her room......it scares me to go in there so I know I won't forage for it!
  17. HarleyGirl

    so many questions

    I hate, hate, hate general anesthesia.......I talked to my doctor about it ahead of time, she gave me some medication to take the morning of the surgery for nausea and apparently she talked to the anesthesiologist because he was very prompt to give me something wonderful to relax me....it was the easiest anesthesia I've ever had.....not one SECOND of nausea and just a little of the 'wake up' anxiety that I usually have... Talk to your doc about your concerns and they can be addressed! Good luck!
  18. HarleyGirl

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I burp a lot....and I feel like I have to burp a lot.....at home, no sweat, but it's a little embarassing at work! You're headed towards regular food a lot quicker than I am....I'm still three weeks out! 2 weeks liquid 2 weeks mushies 2 weeks modified soft Then regular food.....my doc and the program I'm in seem to be very conservative compared to a lot of them......
  19. HarleyGirl

    March Bandsters - Mini Goals & Rewards?

    I really like the chocolate and the unflavored unjury protein. The strawberry is ok. I like it mixed with soy milk.
  20. HarleyGirl

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Ahhhhhhhhh, I'm in mushie heaven tonight..... I made marinara sauce w/meatballs tonight....served the families over Pasta and after I pureed a meatball in some sauce I had mine over a 1/4c. of ricotta mixed with italian spices......it was soooooooooo good. Something flavorful with a little bit of mixed texture....... Weird though.....I'm full......normally I would have eaten two bowls of pasta w/sauce and probably 6-8 meatballs! YAY for 1/4 cup servings!
  21. HarleyGirl

    Insurance Pay for PS???

    Maybe if we said our droopy, sad boobies are causing us psychological problems........or causing distress to our significant others....?
  22. HarleyGirl

    I'm TOTALLY ready.

    I think we've all wondered about the changes we'll go through.....being fat is a big part of who I am....I've done it all my life. I've never been "thin" and I've only had brief periods of time that I've been "normal"......but it's time....just time. I prefer to think of it as a ME 2.0....the upgraded, more functional version.
  23. HarleyGirl

    List of Protein rich foods/values

    Since the link is dead, here are a couple more: Protein - High-Protein Foods and Amount of Protein in Each Food High protein foods - list of quality protein content sources and food high in protein foods Foods High in Protein,High Protein Foods List
  24. HarleyGirl

    I feel light headed...

    I'm sorry for your loss..... Stress could very easily be a factor in it.....that's a lot to deal with....recent surgery and the death of a close family member. Keep yourself well hydrated, get your Protein in, take your Vitamins.... (wear your overcoat, don't forget your umbrella, do you need to go to the bathroom before we leave.....sorry, the Mom in me won't lie dormant) Best to you as you heal your body and your broken heart.
  25. My surgery date was March 18...... I was 252 this time last year, lost 20 on WW.... I was 232 the day my surgery was scheduled..... I was 228 the day of my pre-op appointment.... I am 213 today for a total loss of 19 pounds since my lap band journey started!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
