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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by NaturalBeauty

  1. I had surgery out of the country. I've seen many doctors. I've taken out all Fluid of the band, but can't eat solids. I struggle to get 900 calories a day. I live on reconstituted herbal green drink, some powdered Protein and powdered Vitamins in soy milk, and get vit. B shots. I've only lost 20 pounds and went through several months of fainting spells. Anyone out there experiencing the same thing. I choke on yogart!!!

    PS The Radiologist and another lap band surgeon say the band looks beautiful!

    Are you saying you haven't eaten solids for 9 months? If so, that's not normal and I wouldn't care how beautiful the band looks, I would have it removed.

    There are some people who have a allergic reaction to the plastic, maybe that's the case with you. I would really try to do a lot more reseach cause only 20lbs in 9 months due to a liquid diet is not normal and could be damaging to your health.

    I hope and pray that things work out for you but please seak help from another doctor is necessary.

  2. Well, I didn't get to post on Wednesday so I am making my announcement now.

    198lbs I HIT ONEDERLAND:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

    I don't know if I should rejoice or wait until tomorrow to see if I stay there. I have been at 200 for almost 3 weeks. I just hope that this weight stays for at least a week then I'll know it's for real.

  3. This is my first thread post. I am 29 5'4" and 190 at banding. I was banded in TIJ, MEX w/ Dr. Ortiz. Has anyone used him? I feel sooo discourged about not feeling full and not loosing weight. My friend had the RNY and has lost over 100 pounds and looks like asuper model and Im just 1 week post op. Is any around the same height and weight when they got banded and how didi they do? how much weight did you loose? I gor banded inJune 14th:scared: Please let me know. Iam from the DC area and looking tosee if its better to get fills around here does anyone know any DRs?

    OK girlygirly, you started with a low BMI and you were banded on June 14th, which is ONLY 5 days post op. You are expecting to much to fast. Most people with higher BMI's lose a lot faster than those with a lower BMI. Give yourself time to heal and wait out the process. You are only in the healing process and you need time for your body to heal inward and outwardly. If you don't lose a pound before your first fill it's OK, it's healing time.

    Banding and weight lost is a process and once you start getting fills you will need to help the process along. This is no quick fix and we can't even begin to compare ourselves with those who have RNY, there's just no comparison. That is a totally different surgery with other complications. It's evident by her weight lost that she was a llot heavier than you so that surgery will take the weight off faster but it's the maintenance part that she may have trouble with.

    Patience is the key with the band, the weight will come off but not as fast and not without your help. Please be patient or you will have a hard time succeeding. We all get discouraged but you are in the beginning stages so give yourself time.

    Also, most doctor's will not give you a fill prior to 4/6 weeks of your incessions healing. I hope this helps, Best Wishes and Congratulations on being banded, it was a good choice!!!!

  4. I can't help with the smoking thing... however I hit my two year banding on the 13th of this month. I have lost 100 + lbs and it has been a great journey. I have only had two fills and prob could be at goal had I choosen to get more... but I wanted to work on part of this myself. I wanted to feel like I could enjoy my life and not feel as if I was dieting. I excercise and def. don't eat like I used to. But I never had a pre op diet. I ate a huge steak meal before I went into surgery the next day. Then "Jamie" my band Helped with the rest. I lost weight quickly at first. Then I did my best to forget it. Just remind myself I did not get to 300 lbs in a year so I was not going to loose the weight in a year and enjoy life. I fianlly have broken the 200 mark. It has taken two years.... but they have gone quickly and I have loved living in the mean time. I have another 30 more to go but why would I stop living to help my body do something quicker that it is doing naturally by itself. I know I will get to goal... So will you!

    Hi Rica,

    You look great, you are an inspiration to me, so I hope Beechee Girl get's just where you are coming from cause I have!

  5. I feel like most, it's no one's business. I've had people to ask me what have you done to lose the weight and I tell them there is no secret, you must eat less and move your body. I watch what I eat and I go to the gym 5/6 days a week.

    The weight loss has been slow so most people are just starting to notice the weight lost. Well it's been over a year now and 83lbs later for people to notice, are they blind or what!! Anyway, I had no thought of telling anyone other than my immediate family and the rest, to bad.

    Last thing, surgery is a very private thing, why would you need to tell them what it's for? It's none of their business. Don't feel bad about not sharing your business. Since you husband is in politics that all the more reason to keep you surgery to yourself.

    Don't feel bad or feel like you owe anyone other than your husband anything, he is the one that will be sticking with you and cheering you on. The others will properly be waiting on you to fail, not all but most.

    Good Luck!

  6. Well BeecheeGirl,

    I agree with so many here but I do beg a difference in one post were it said the band is a friendly reminder, I think not. There is nothing friendly about slime and BPing, it's tough and after a few of those you will get yourself together or possibly lose your band. This is tough love so don't take it the wrong way.

    I though I had it all together and would be one of those who wouldn't need a fill cause of my discipline, well it wasn't discipline that got me to 283lbs, it was being out of control. Because of my height (5"11), I always thought I could get away with it but boy was I fooling myself. I have had enough slime and BPing sessions because of not being in control that now I really watch everything and even the times I put food in my mouth. This band has been a love/hate relationship cause there has been times when I wanted to eat so bad but couldn't and I just wanted to cry. But now as I sit and think back, I am happy for each lesson learned.

    I say that to say, you will succeed, the band will help you to do that. It takes a lot to not be successful and your doubts are normal. I think we all have been there and experienced that, be good to yourself and take it easy. Everything will flow, just wait and see.

  7. Don't you just hate that Liz, I do the same thing. When I think I am on my way that TOM hits me hard and there is usually 3 to 4 pounds added. But I try to stay encourage cause I know if I do the right thing that will leave along with a few extra pounds.

    Anyway, this week I was up and down but this AM I was 200 even so I'll take it. I will try to step up my game by next week. I am going to need 195 to really know that I am out of the 200.

    Have a great day!

  8. Well it's been an interesting month and few weeks for me. Whatever could go wrong with the cars has and it has cost us a lot of money but it's better than a car note, so we've been dealing.

    Anyway, the stress has helped with the weight loss and my last fill too. It's getting very hard for me to access this thread during the day time so I thought I would update my stats tonight. I weighed myself this morning and low and behold I am at an all time low for me. I haven't weighed this much since:rolleyes, I can't even remember. I think I went from 179 to over 250 and never recovered from that point on but I am on my way back.

    C=201 (-82lbs to date; -3 this week):clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

    Onederland Here I Come With Avenges

  9. Well, I know I am a day early for weighin but it's getting pretty hard for me to get on the boards from work.

    My last fill a week ago today has done a wonder on me. My band has been taking me through. Very tight in the AM and lossing up on some days but not all.

    My weight loss for this week is a -3 pounds which brings me to 201lbs. Hurray Hurray Hurray, I'm on my way to onederland!!!!

  10. I agree with Brenda. I to have the VG band and I went in for my 9th fill on yesterday. I did not start feeling that fullness until I had reached that 6th fill and I was discouraged. The 5 to 6 pounds I was lossing every month was a struggle but wen I got to #7 I had to go back and have some removed. Now when I go in I get .2 ccs each time, that's about all I can take for at least 6 to 8 weeks and sometimes longer.

    Be patient, it will come. Sometimes we forget why we got the band instead of the other types of surgeries. This is a tool and we must do our part or the band will not work for us.

  11. I want to join. I am 7 pounds to onederland and this challenge will help a lot. I need a fill but I want to wait because I am going out of town this weekend and I don't want to be on Clear liquids for a couple of days. Neither do I want my family looking at me like I am crazy since none of them know that I have the band.

    Anyway, I have an appointement scheduled for May 31st for a fill and I am sure I can get this 7 to 8lbs off by then. I do have a little restriction but I am fighting every second of the day cause I do not want to gain.

    This challenge will be good for me. Thanks for all your help and I look foward to being in onederland real soon!

  12. Diane,

    I am with you, I need restriction. Just this week my restriction left but for the last 8 weeks I have been restricted big time.

    I really feel like I am dieting to but it's OK for now. I am going out of town next week and I really don't want to get a fill until I get back so I am really having to watch what I put in my mouth. I actually feel hunger pains right now and that is unusal.

    Anyway, hang in there Diane, we will get through this and restriction will be sweet again. Hangin there if you can or go on and get that small fill.


  13. Well, I celebrated my 1-year band anniversary this Saturday and what a day I had. I got up early and got the body moving at the gym, I worked out with my PT for an hour and did my cardio for 45 minutes. It felt so good to do something at a level of intense on that day that I could not have done 1-year ago.

    To date I have lost 77lbs with about 20 more to go to reach MY weight loss goal. I can’t say it has not been without struggles and I have worked hard for each pound that I have lost. I have gone from a size 22W to a regular size 14; my starting BMI was 40 and now my BMI is 29. I have lost 44 inches from my body and it has just totally reshaped itself.

    Anyway, I am very happy with my band even through the ups and downs. It has been a great tool for me and I have learned so much with it and I’m looking forward to reaching my goal with my band in the near future.

    I told my story on another board that I visit from time to time and one response was “that I was lucky to have gotten that far with the Lap Band”. That made me mad at first and then I just laughed, every person out here does not need the RNY to succeed. We should just be happy when a person has succeeded in his or her own way; this WL journey has been about me and no one else.

    Anyway, time would not allow me to share all the benefits the band has been to me but I did want to thank each one of you for your daily postings. It has been a help to me throughout this last year.

  14. I agree Karen. Britt, you really need to find a fill doctor here before going to Mexico cause this could hender your progress. I was banded in Mexico by Dr. V and I thanks God for his fantastic work! My downfall was not finding a doctor here immediately after or before being banded. I have actually heard of horror stories from some patients with doctors in Mexico so make sure you research it throughly.

    I to had a low BMI, 37. I was difinately overweight and needing to lose a lot of weight but I new insurance wasn't going to cover me and I didn't want to go through the hastle so I self paid.

    My favorite is bread also but do I miss it? Sometimes but not more than how I feel being smaller. It doesn't bother me as bad now cause I know I can't handle it. What I did was, I had a funeral and buried it. I've mourned and I've even tried to dig it up but the band always reminds me, it died and you can't have it, so I leave it alone now.

    There will be things that you can't have but what is more important to you right now? Bread or being a healthy mom for your children and yourself? It is your decision but I believe this is a great tool and it has helped me greatly over the year. I Celebrate my 1 year band anniversary tomorrow and I am more excited about that than I was about my birthday which was last Saturday.

    Best wishes to you in making your decision.

  15. Kristin--You are doing a wonder job with your weight loss and yes, I am the same way at that time of the month. I get so tight I can't get in a 1/2 cup of anything. Hang in there it will loosen up in a few days. Drink something warm before trying to eat, that always helps me.

    The best me--That menu sounds like a plan to me. As I get closer to onederland, I find it hard to stay on track. I am so happy about my progress that I end up messing up (what's up with that!). I actually like that menu for myself. You have done wonderfully, and you are one of my inspiration so don't give up. These boards and bandsters like yourself are my support and you give so much encouragement.

    Everyone is doing very well this week!


  16. I think most of us have that same addiction, ice cream. I have said good bye to Ben & Jerry on several occasions and it's been hard. I have tried the low fat, no sugar and even popcycles but nothing satisfies that sweet tooth for me like my friends Ben & Jerry.

    Because Ben & Jerry is so expensive in my area, I will only buy it if it's on sale and then I make that pint last for at least 4 servings. And that's only if I've been good all around the board and can count that in as part of my calories for the day.

    I think we got the band because we wanted some discipline but we still wanted to enjoy some of our favorite foods. It's not always easy and I don't always do the right thing but every now and then Ben & Jerry & I are going to get it on!!!

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