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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by NaturalBeauty

  1. Congratulations Leona:clap2: :clap2:

    I am glad you are home even though you don't feel that good but time will help with that. Take it easy and do what your doctor says and you'll be up and running track in no time:).

    Welcome to bandester land;) and get some rest:notagree

  2. Hi Teresita,

    That's a wealth of knowledge you've just given us.

    Not that we don't already know but sometimes it's just hard to follow the rules. For me, I do get obsesed with the scale and everything I put in my mouth. I normally weigh everyday except during TOM because of the Water weight and I monitor every bite that goes into my mouth.

    I guess its because I've been heavy most of my child and adulthood life that I feel like I must stay on top of this thing. It's been a year and 2 months since being banded and I am proud of my progress but I just want to reach my goal and start toning my body. I also want to have surgery on my arms. They have come from a size 18 to a 12 but it's all skin and I just hate it.

    Anyway, I will try to follow these rules because they are right and I know it. Even when I follow them I see such a great lost but my mind is telling me don't eat and get on the scale everyday. It's still a battle and I am still on the wheel trying to be moded!!

    Thanks for the info!

  3. Ok. I went back to the june thread, and picked up all the weigh ins and stats. I also added the new comers this month to the list, with all their stats. Now you can take a look and tell me if I have screwed something up. LOL

    Hi Funny, I PM you with my stats but still see the same thing. Did you forget me:confused: :D ?

    Anyway, I will give them to you again and thanks!

    C=190 (-93 total; 2lbs last week)

  4. Thank you, I have a call out to the doctor but he is on vacation until the 12th...will see if his on call doctor can do this....I am miserable....I too am taking Malox and tums, rolaids...you name it I am trying them all for some kind of relief....again, many thanks!

    I'm glad you called your doctor but please see if the doctor on call can remove some or all of your fill, it's important to your health. Almost 2 weeks ago I was in a car accident and the stress from that accident really made my band close up. It was over 6 weeks since my last fill but I was so stressed out that my band just closed up all together.

    Eventually, I was not able to even keep my salva down. When I called my doctor's office they told me he was out of town and to go to the ER and the on-call doctor would be there later, and I did just that. My case is not good but please take care of this ASAP. Once they took 1cc out I had relief instantly, I was a very happy person at that point.

    I went back in today and got .5cc put back in and I feel OK but if I need to go back for an until again, I am fine with it. Better safe than sorry.

  5. Hey desertmom,

    Thanks for your advice, I know I didn't ask the question but I didn't know not to drink Water when refluxing. Anyway, I am still learning as well and it's been over a year for me. I guess we learn the hard way, I no I have with somethings.

    Anyway, thanks for the advice.

  6. My friends and family are scared of banding in Mexico. (I'm leaning towards Rumbaut) They worry that there is less accountability there if something were to go wrong with the band - whether it is 10 days later, or in 5 years. How can I insure, legally or otherwise, that a doctor would be responsible for the band? Or can I even expect that?

    If I can safely tell my family Rumbaut is 'one of the very best', could I find another surgeon in the US considered 'one of the best'? I know they would feel better and be more supportive. However, my search for the best in the US hasn't yielded many results. Especially being self-pay, I am looking for the highest quality I can get at the best price.

    At this point I have these options:

    Dr. Snyder in Denver, $12,700, he's done 100+ bands

    Dr. Kirshenbaum in Denver, $10,000, he's done ~40 bands

    So it seems like a no-brainer to go to Rumbaut, $10,000, and he's thousands of bands. But my family isn't so convinced. They are super worried about follow-up and accounatbility.

    Help me lap-band peeps!

    Well, I went to Mexico and my family wasn't happy about it but they did support me. I am a year & 2 months out and have lost 93lbs which is about 70% of my body fat. My fill and after care doctor is here in the states and I love them just as much as I love the doctor who put my band in.

    Follow-up & accountability from a doctor in Mexico is not going to be easy, it will difinately be a challenge unless you are close to the boarder. You will have to weigh the pros and cons regarding that, that is an individual decision. For me, I would not change a thing, everything has been great. The cost was cheaper and I've had no problems.

    Please think it through but there are no guarantees in life, we take chances everyday when we walk out our doors. It really is a personal decision. Good luck, my 2 pennies!!

  7. We all have read threads regarding who we will and will not tell about our surgery, so why is she any different? She has that right just like we do and how can we say because she's in the publics eye she should share, I THINK NOT!!!

    I am not a fan of STAR Jones but we all deserve a chance to be who we want to. I am sure there are a lot of people in my circle who do not like me for reasons beyond my control but so what, I am who I am. What we see on TV could be an outward appearance and not who she is with her family and friends. Yes, she left the wrong way but who here has not done something wrong and had to pay the price. I believe we all have, none of us are perfect.

    Anyway, STAR Jones is just who she is and it's all entertainment to me.

  8. Hello NaturalBeauty,

    My BMI is around 38.

    I have to self pay and I thought I should try my home country, which is Hungary...as I am gathering all the information on this, I will be better off financially than even to travel to Mexico.

    The hospital, and Dr. Csiszar excellent, they do a super job.


    Reading you, booda, Angelu I made up my mind to call Dr. Greene's office for a consultation before I make a decison on anything.

    THANKS so much!

    NaturalBeauty, how much do they charge for the fills?

    Luckly, my insurance pays for my fills (I believe it's how the code it :))but I believe it's $150 a fill and there are other admin cost that come with that. I know that's how much it cost a little over a year ago when I first went but now it could be higher. The demand for doctors who will treat patients who have had surgery in another country is high so some doctors are taking advantage of it. But Dr. Greene is great, I go on Monday for a possible unfill.

    I hope it works out.

  9. Telly,

    You have done a great job in a short amount of time. I am a exercise queen myself. I normally workout 6 days a week usually 8 times within that week. Two times are with a personal trainer.

    I truly do diet all the time, this last week has been hard because of stress and that time of the month. I have not been able to get much down. I am considering going back to the doctor and having them remove some of my fill. At this point my Iron is low and I am tired. I am just trying to wait until Auntie Flo come on by to see if I will losen up.

    I tend not to lose that much when I am this tight but I haven't had a fill in almost 6 weeks:confused: I do not understand but I am trying to go with it for now. I have been able to at least get in 2 Protein Shakes a day and at least 45ozs of Water so I am just trying to weight it out. Of course with Acid Reflux this is not good, the build up is with or without food.< /p>

    Anyway, it's off to class today but I wanted to say you are an encouragement to me to keep my body moving. This week without proper nutrience I have been unable to do that but hopefully next week I am back on at the gym.

    Hi NanyM,

    LOL. I workout like an animal. I eat pretty much everything except for sugar, floury things. I drink lots of water, watch my sodium intake. I eat Protein Bars too. I have an exercise thread somewhere around here called "Exercise Today" and you can see what all I do there. People say that I am the exception to the rule but I don't think that's true. If you workout/cardio exercise that's 65% above your resting heart rate, 5 days per week, you will surely get there as fast as I.

    I'm not dieting. DIET, again is a 4 letter word.

    I exercise everyday, taking 1 day off every other week. 1.5 - 3 hours per day. Alternating upper body and lower body. I bike ride through my town. I run 14 miles per week, I arc track 6 miles per week. I do the elliptical 5 miles per week that. That is roughly 25 miles per week.

    No matter what else is on my agenda, I GET MY CARDIO IN! Cardio is the most important part of my day besides kisses from my kids, and chats with Tricia :)

    I drink nothing but water and 2% milk with my shakes and with meals, only water. I do not drink juice, sodas or anything artificial.

    I stay away from Pasta, rice, potatoes.

    I run to meat, fish and poultry.

    I devour spinich leaves for my salads.

    I wash my exercise clothes what seems to be everyday, weird cuz I have 4 workout outfits.

    I prepare all of my meals and if I go out to eat, I order fish, always fish and veggies and do not eat the breads or nachos they serve.

    I have happily eaten ice cream, kettle corn :success1:

    That's about it.

  10. Hello Marylanders!

    I am thinking to get the lap-band, overseas in Hungary this coming September, by Dr. Csiszár Miklós @ Péterfy Sándor utcai Kórház / hospital in Budapest.

    My residence is in Silver Spring, I will need a doctor in this area to do the fills for me.

    Any recommendations?

    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Katalin.e.

    I am new to the marylanders thread but I felt the need to add my 2 cents in. I was actually banded in Mexico but I started going to Dr. Greene for my fills. I agree with any and everyone who says Dr. Greene is wonderful!

    I normally see his assistant Peter for my fills but Dr. Greene has been available when I needed him.

    I went to Mexico because my BMI was 38 and even though I had HP my primary physician would not recommend me for WLS so I took matters into my own hands. Please consult with Dr. Greene before going out of the country. If I had know him, I would have but I have been very happy with my surgery and my Mexico doctor as well as Dr. Greene's staff and office.

    Best Wishes!!!

  11. Welcome to all the new comers!!!

    The GFG club is off the chain, as the young people would say!:heh:

    It's been very encouraging reading everyone's post despite the fact that I can't participate as I would like. It's always good to see everyone so positive even when we don't lose.

    Anyway, I have class all day tomorrow so I though I better get my stats in this evening.

    C=195, (-88lbs total; -3lbs this week):clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

    Time to go and Celebrate with a piece of cheesecake (yummy:hungry: )

  12. LaurieJane,

    I call my band fickle. I never no how it's going to act one day to the next. Right now I've been under some stress so my band hasn't been letting me eat anything without Bping so I am on liquids for the next 2 days. I'm tired of my chest and back hurting so I've given in and I'm doing liquids.

    Even still, I still do love my band.

  13. Congratulations May 2006 Bandesters, as a May 2005 bandester I just wanted to throw out a little encouragement to you all.

    I was banded on Friday, May 13, 2005 and I started my journey at 283lbs and today I am a happy 195lbs!!! With about 15 more pounds to go. Weight lost has been very slow, some weeks nothing and others 5 or 6lbs so don’t allow that to discourage you, just keep doing what you know to do is right and it will eventually come off. The last couple of months have been grand for me I have lost between 17 to 20lbs each month. I have been in disbelief of how it has worked when I worked it.

    I will not say that it hasn’t been a hard year cause it has but it's been worth all the ups and down, every Bping and sliming session, can eat one moment and can’t the next. The band is no magical band but it has been a tool for me that has helped me put food into it's proper prospective.

    I say that to say, stay encourage and know that it will work for you.

  14. So what is it that you are unhappy about? Your doctor's decision or you just don't like the assistant? Please give that person a chance.

    I ask because I was banded in Mexico and my fill doctor is in the states but 95% of the time I am filled by the assistant. My only concern is that he is doing it right and I am still getting the same results (weight lost) as the doctor.

    If your fills are free and that is not to far for you to travel than I think you should just work with this assistant. Not to many doctor's offer free fills for a life time. I consider you lucky, my fills/unfills cost me and my insurance company every time I walk into the office.

    Also, I totally agree about the doctor's office being upset that we had surgery in Mexico rather than here but it was most cost efficient for me and I did what I thought was best.

  15. I am 1 year and almost 2 months out, I've lost 86 pound and through all the ups and downs, PBing and slimes, couldn't eat and could eat anything. Would I do this again? YES, YES & YES AGAIN!!!

    Not once have I ever considered any of the other surgeries and I must say, it's been a hard year. I have worked with and against my band and it has let me know through weight lost and weight gain but I do LOVE my BAND and wouldn't trade it for anyother WLS other than doing it myself, which I couldn't do.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
