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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by NaturalBeauty

  1. Go for it Julie! I've been thinking of having a TT done myself by next summer. I've gotten to goal and I still just don't feel real good about myself because of the excess skin I can't get rid of. Do what is right for you and 200lbs & a TT is OK. I no someone who had a TT done at 235lbs and she looked great!

    Sisters are the hardest when it comes to things like this, my sister had gastic bypass surgery and I've been supportive of her from day 1 but she still hasn't given me a compliment and it's going on 2 yrs for me. Just do what is right for YOU!

  2. Here's thanking God just to see a New Year come in.

    My commitments for the new year:

    1. stay within weight range 170-175lbs

    2. continue to exercise 5/6 days a week

    3. learn to enjoy life & not think so much

    4. develop a better relationship with the Lord & my husband

    5. continue to take care of myself & invest into my future.

  3. Well Forreste, I think we can just live with it or have it replaced. I am 16 months out and at my goal weight and I experience pain in my port area most days. It's usually bareable so I don't worry with it but on those days that it's not, I am bent over a little and holding that area. It's really amazing but for me a port replacement is not an option. I will deal with it for now.

    Even when I get fills and unfills they hurt because there is no more "fat pouches" around that area. I guess that's what was keeping the pain away.

  4. Hi Beachee,

    It could be the medication you are on but it also could be that you are not getting enough calories in to lose based on your exercise program. If you are working out 4 or more times a week and burning at least 400 calories a workout than you are only getting in around 600 calories on those days.

    Your body properly drops those same 3lbs on the days that you don't workout because your intake is more than what you are putting out there. I workout a lot (6 days a week) and when I didn't get in enough calories my body would hold onto that weight. The moment I got fustrated and would eat a lot more than I should, I would drop 7/8lbs in a matter of days.

    Without the proper amount of Protein you will retain your weight. I hope all is well.

  5. Robin, we all have been there and done that. It's 1 or 2 meals and you are back on track. That's the great thing about the band, you can always get right back to the basics.

    Usually, when I've been good for so long and take a day off, I usually lose weight. I think the body is trying to tell us something. Continue strong!

  6. I have the VG band and my sergon initially gave me 2cc in surgery so I felt restriction for about 4 weeks after surgery. Since I was banded in Mexico I had to find a fill doctor and my first appointment was 3 months later. I was then given another 4ccs, which was considered aggressive. The doctor then started giving me .5 until I was at 7.5, then it was .2. I did reach restriction with 7.5 and lost between 20-25lbs a month but as I continued to get fills, I could no longer handle .2 and went down to .1. It was hard and I ended up with a unfill.

    Now I am at goal and I have 8.0 in my band but I am going for an unfill on next Tuesday. It's still to much for me to handle and I am satisfied with my weight now so I don't want to lose anymore and neither do I want to take a chance of messing up my esophagus.

    Here is where the 15 months of learning how to eat will have to pay off.

  7. I have the VG Band and I am at my personal goal. It took about 7/8 fills and 1 unfill to reach proper restriction. I have 8.0ccs in my band and I am going for an unfill next week. It's been nice but normally I lose some of my restriction after I lose 15-20lbs but since I'm at goal and don't plan on losing anymore, it's been hard.

    One thing that I am still learning is that we must change our way of thinking and how we look at food. I don't know how I'm going to react with a lesser fill than I have now but I do no I must commit to my band because it has committed to me over the last 15 months.

    Restriction will come but while you're waiting do what you need to do to change your eating habits. The band is not guaranteed to last as much as we want it to so it's up to us. This is a process I am still learning.

    Best wishes to you all.

  8. Jodie, I feel where you are and I have surpassed my goal. Everyday I wake up and after giving thanks to God for another day, I go right to the scale. In the evenings if I see anything more than a 2/3lbs gain throughout the day, I start dieting again the very next day. Will I ever be able to "live a normal life", I don't no. I'm asking God to teach me to be happy with the person He's made me.

    I love the way I look, how I feel and all the new clothes and shoes I get to buy but I am obsessed and stressing over not gaining a pound. I don't want to live like this but I still have issues with food so now I am still trying to deal with that. This is a battle that I will win but it's not easy. Just kno you are not in this battle alone.

  9. I have the VG band which is the largest size band being made. It normally takes 5/6 fills before good restriction is gained. You may not be chewing your food enough or to the point of mush. I know we are not use to that but this is the only way for us not to get stuck.

    But you may be one of those persons who have restriction just with the band or initial fill and if that is so, you still must watch what you eat and how you chew your food. This band is for real and complications will occur and cost you in the long run. Yes, we all want to lose the weight quickly but we didn't put it on quickly, for most of us it's been 20 to 30lbs a year but we want 100lbs off in a month:confused: at the risk of are band, are esophagus and/or even our health.

    Please read the above post carefully and know that what is being said is for your benefit. Get an unfill if you need it, I've been there and done that and really didn't want to but hated the feeling of weakness and tired all the time. It will catch up with you and it won't be pretty. Please, please listen, it's for your own good.

  10. Well, maintenance is good so far. Nothing has changed to date, I'm still doing the same thing food wise, I've just added a couple of Protein shakes to the meal plan. Along with a bite of this and that every once in a while.

    Boy am I exercising like crazy, I've gotten into running and I'm loving it! It puts you into a zone. My weight has stayed the same but the inches are continuing to drop, who knows, maybe I'll be in a solid 10 when it's all said and done.

    C=180 BMI=25.1 (.1 from being normal) Maintaining!

  11. It sounds like you have done a great job keeping the weight off for 3 years so you have done something great! Most can't say that so I would say congratulations on 3 years of being banded.

    It is a great tool and we must work it for it to work. You have done a wonderful job and maybe you just need to re-focus your energy on changing your mind.

  12. NaturalBeauty - Dont you dare stop hanging out with us now that you're at goal! I am so curious to find out what that's like. What does your Dr say you will be doing now? Will you let out some of your fill or keep it as is? Size 6 panties.. those ARE thongs.. right?? *winks*

    To be at a normal BMI, I would need to lose another 5 pounds but I really don't think the body can handle it. I'm starting to see body parts hanging that never have and I am not happy about that. I've been working out like a mad woman trying to tone. I'm hoping that will help so we'll see by next spring. I'm not going anywhere, I love this board and this club, it's been a great help to me!

    I have good restriction but I can still eat so I will keep it where it is for now. I've added 2 Protein Drinks in a day as a snack which helps with maintenance. If I continue to lose, then I'll have some of the saline removed. My doctor is proud of me, I've lost over 80% of my body fat, so I am considered a successful bandester.

    Size 6 panties are bikini, the world isn't ready for a thong yet and neither am I but hubbie is loving it!!!

    Maintenance is scary, I'm on the scale everyday so I'll keep you posted. Hopefully, I'll get bettre with time. Thanks everyone, you all are great!!!

  13. I believe your long term goal is very realistic but maybe you should start with a short term goal of maybe 10lbs. That's how I have had to do it. If I looked at the big picture I would have never made it but looking at it in small amounts seamed reachable.

    I never thought I would lose 103lbs but I did 10lbs at a time. Best wishes on the start of your new life with the band.

  14. Thank you everyone for the encouragement. It's been a rough year & 4 months but I wouldn't change one day.

    I never thought I would get here but I am here and I am happy. I have gone

    from a size 22W in everything; 42DD bra; size 10 panties

    to a size 10 in skirts; 12 in suites; 12 in pants; 36C bra; size 6 panties

    Thanks GFG Club,:huggie: you all have been an inspiration to me.

    S=283 C=180 G=180--Now the hard part, maintenance!!!!

  15. My doctor feels a successful weight lost for any bandester is 66% of their body fat. To date I have lost way beyond that so I am considered successful in their eyesite.

    For me, I would like to be 175lbs. I started out just wanting to get at 200 but I knew that would not be enough so I set a goal of 180. Now that I am 1lb from that, I feel I could stand another 5lbs but that will be all. That 5lbs. will put me in the normal category for my height.

    Who would have thunk I would ever get on the scale and it not say over 200lbs.

  16. Feeling a lot better today. I've been maintaing my weight for a while because I just wasn't able to get enough food in, since the unfill, I've been able to eat a little more and I even lost a pound over the weekend. I am excited about that!

    Anyway, I don't think I need anymore fills, I need to lose the rest of the weight on my own strength and learn how to maintain.

    This weekend was great, DH & I went out of town and had a wonderful time. I was able to buy 4 size 10 skirts & several size Med blouses. I'm in a 12 pants and I am loving it. Who would have thunk it!!!

    Maintenance here I come:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:


    Protein roll-ups (Ham & Swiss Cheese)


    3 ozs. Rib parts

    1/2 Bkd Potato


    Protein Shake

  17. Well, I haven't been eating that much. My band tightened up on me some kinda bad. Anyway, yesterday I went in for a slight unfill and I feel better already. I was on liquids for the last couple of days so I don't think I can do to much more.

    So it's liquids today and soft foods tomorrow. Still loving my band!!!

  18. Okie.. I have updated the Members' Page and the Honors Page.

    Please check your stats and position on the Honors page.

    PM me if I need to make any corretions.

    Great work everyone!

    Grats to NaturalBeauty who has just hit the -100 pound mark!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

    Thanks P'nut, it's been a great 15 months and I am happy to be here and be a part of the GFG club.

    I celebrated by going shopping. I am now in a size 12R down from a 22W.

    Thanks and I hope you have a wonderful time.

  19. I am near my personal goal of 175 pounds. My original goal was 180 but I have since changed on my own accord.

    I am now 183 pounds and I've lost 100 pounds since being banded 1 year and 3 months ago. I have a love/hate relationship with my band but I've been very happy with my results. It was slow moving at first but it has been consistent.

  20. Hi P'nut,

    You're such an honest person who gives her all to people you don't really know. I wish you continued success and will keep you in my prayers. We all are going through the issues of life and sometimes they can be hard. But there is a higher power that can get us through.

    Here are my stats:

    C=183 (-100 total; -2 this week)

  21. I have had acid reflux for years, even prior to being banded. I was hoping it would heal itself after being banded but it did not. I also deal with allergies during this time of the year, drainage and in the band it is not good. I take 2 prevacids a day, 1 during the day and 1 at night just before going to bed. I also take nasonex(sp?) spray which helps with the drainage but if I forget like I did last night, I do pay for it. My throat was very sore last night & this AM and I really had a hard time sleeping.< /p>

    I have a big pillow that kinda sits you up along with 2 other pillows and it really takes some getting use to but it helps greatly. If I am just to uncomfortable, I get into my recliner and sleep there all night. Not the best sleep but with my schedule I do need some sleep.

    After almost a 100lbs gone, I still have to deal with this but it's better than having the 100lbs so I deal with it. I have my good and bads nights. I wish you luck and if you are not on meds, please see your doctor, this will help quite a bit.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
