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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Luu2008

  1. I've been following this thread (silently). This past weekend I ran my first 5K while pushing my baby in the jogger on rough terrain, I wanted to cry when I thought it was over and realized had to run around the giant track before finishing but I did it. I came in at 35 minutes. I've already scheduled my next race for Saturday the 24th, no baby this time, I'm hoping to come in under 32 minutes. Thank you for all the inspiration!!!

  2. Well my rash is getting worse as the summer progresses so even though I am totally humiliated, I know I shouldn't be but its a mental thing that I can't shake. I've decided I am going to my Dr. I think the worsening of the rash is due to weight loss-more skin-and the fact that I am exercising and more active. Also I am getting rashes in places I haven't before-like under my breasts, and the 2nd upper tummy skin roll, under my breast is manageable, I don't know what is up-very new. My husband is a Vet and in the past I used prescription grade nyastatin (sp?) cream, did the trick every time, so now I'm using it and its doing absolutely NOTHING for tummy but is helping the breast area, argh...tired of the miserable itchy/burning!

  3. thanks for the advice, developing that stupid rash at the moment due to warm weather but again I can easily treat this on my own. Part of me wants to get rid of it like I usually do the other part wants to go to the Doc and document it. To be honest I have NEVER shared this with a Dr due to the humiliation of feeling like I'm not having proper hygiene.

  4. Dr. Schulman,

    I am getting nearer my goal weight and knew going in I would need a Tummy Tuck. Due to back pain my lap band doctor felt I may qualify for my insurance to cover part of the procedure (assuming he meant the panus removal) the practice I go to has their own plastic surgeon who I have heard wonderful things about and who they assume I will use for my weight loss plastics. Part of my problem below is financial, the other is logisitcal, the obviouse only one recovery period.

    This surgeon performs Lipo after the tummy tuck has healed. I'm not sure how flexible he is but I feel I need to have both done at one time. I have 4 small children and my husband is an extremely busy Veterinarian. We would fly my mom to us for my recovery period-but only one recovery-that's all she can do. I had always assumed that both could be done together?

    I am also interested in a breast reduction/lift at the same time, but this is really more of a wish. Then I worry that the reason this surgeon has this policy is to keep me alive. I would love to get your opinion on multiple procedures and lipo during a tummy tuck vs. after.

    Another 20 pounds lost and I'm going to start going for consults and would like to be prepared. Thanks!

  5. I was told I have to go through my primary care Dr for documentation of my back, Lapband Doc will document also but he said the other would hold more weight. With the rash I easily take care of it by drying it with a blow dryer on cool after showering and using powder when its hot and humid out, its really not a biggie just more annoying then anything.

    WOW $20,000!? I was quoted 7000 for a Tummy Tuck w/ Lipo by a reputable plastic surgeon a few years ago when I thought I would have it done and then loose weight-due to the panus being so hard to exercise with-then I discovered Spanx and decided to wait (thank you girdle Gods!) Do you think they upped the price because they knew your insurance would fit most of the bill or was it a more involved surgery for you?

  6. Thanks, think I added myself now. My goal is 25, which I know is high, but for me I feel realistic.

    I have recently started an awesome exercise regime and after a complete unfill (due to a really strange allergic reaction and being hospitialized) I am now at optimum fill level :blink: and ready to loose the rest of this darn fat. I've been away from the sight for awhile, nice to be back!

  7. I was under the impression that a Tummy Tuck is never covered by insurance, I put the story below of how the topic came up, it was very random. Anyway has anyone had experience with their insurance paying for a tummy tuck? Would love to know.

    This is a LONG story, maybe TMI but oh well. I was getting a fill this week and mentioned to the nurse that my lower back was in pain (they always ask me, "are you in pain.")had my newborn baby with me (we are adopting him and he is gorgeous!) and the nurse went out to get the Plastic Surgeon consult/nurse practitioner because he'd also adopted an African American infant. We were chatting about adoption related stuff when in walked my fill Dr. He left the room immediatly as if he'd interupted. Then when the fill Dr came back in I he assumed I was having a plastics consult. I explained what it was but that eventually I did want the tummy tuck. He looked at my chart and said we need to start working on your insurance now so that they will cover part of this. I had NO idea that was a possibility.... I do have a panus, have had it since my first daughter an an ER surgery. I lost all my weight after her birth so I know it won't go away. I also get EXTREMELY mild rashes occasionally. I doubt that would be a big enough deal to warrent a tummy tuck.

  8. It passes, but for me it was awful because I already have thin hair. I ended up getting extensions put in my hair for awhile but they were a pain and finally just dealing with my thin hair. However, I have noticed (I'm almost a year out) that it is starting to come back to my normal thin hair!

  9. Thanks for all the responses, BTW I didn't have any for months and months after surgery, until recently. And only a little.... I had a huge addiction to diet soda pre-surgery, thanks for the info. I know I am not at my ideal fill so perhaps this is why it didn't seem to bother me?

    The last thing I need to do is stretch my pouch EEEKKK!!! No more diet soda for me. The blenderized soda sounds sooooo appetizing :(.

  10. I am heading towards making my goal weight this summer but we are not in the financial place to pay for surgery, I'm working P/T to save enough $. I am hoping for a combined Tummy Tuck and breast lift (implants if needed).

    My parents live in rural Wyoming, we are in New York. Due to DH's busy career and having small children my mom has offered to care for me post surgery. I don't see any other way.

    How do I pick a good surgeon w/o being from the area? Do I schedule consults via phone with photos? Is that even possible? Should I go for consults this summer when I am visiting my family, this would be one year ahead of scheduling a surgery?

    I am not sure how long a stay this will require as far as being near the surgeon for after care. My dh will be able to stay with me up to 2 weeks in Utah while my mom cares for our kiddoes.

    I know of several good surgeons here in NY, its frustrating....

    My plan is to have surgery in Utah and then driving or flying to my parents home (drive is 9 hours, flight is one hour). My parents own an RV and have offered it so I could lay down during the trip which seems more pratical to me. My fear is if there should be complications and follow up care after that initial 2 weeks I'll be stuck in rural Wyoming nearest major hospital is in Montana 2 hours away, then 6 weeks later I will be back in NY 2000 miles away from my surgeon.

    I hope this wasn't TMI.

  11. Tiffany-pictures for you :thumbdown:. I had to take the "afters" myself, we forgot to take official before pics, and regretted it.

    Most of my Hair loss was around my face so the thicker hair transformed my face-taking several pounds off of it.

    The before (me and one of my best friends) was not taken to show my hair, but the best I could do. I am at a very similar weight when these pictures were taken, I only weigh 8 pounds more in the pics then I do in my afters. I also had much thinner hair then when this pic was taken but it was a little longer. -give an idea of what hair can do.




  12. I have very thin hair to start with.

    I was worried about Hair loss going into the surgery. Everything was fine until about 8 weeks ago. I had been taking supplements all along, and using Nioxin products to prevent hair loss.

    It was coming out in handfuls. Then it sort of tapered but never stopped shedding.

    It really was starting to look awful and noticable, loosing I would guess 30% of my thickness.

    My SIL is a beautician and told me about lock hair extensions. They do not damage your hair. They are real human hair from I believe India. After a lot of debate I finally looked at my dull thinning hair and decided to give it a try.

    This week she put them in. I won't lie, it was a pain in the butt but well worth it to have a full head of hair. It was also her first time doing it and as she went along it got faster so I'm hopeful next time will be shorter.

    You cannot tell I have extensions in, I chose to have them the length of my hair. I actually have a thicker nicer healthier look then before my hair loss. If I'd had bald spots it would not have had the same affect but she still could have hleped.

    It is pricey, I think salon's charge about $500-600 and then every other month maintenance is $200. I got a family discount- and only had to pay for the hair or I wouldn't have been able to swing it. For you ladies who are dealing with this maybe you know a hair stylist who will give you a deal?

    You only have to buy the hair once a year. Every other month you have to have them tightened. It does hurt a little like a pony tail is too tight or tight braids, something that takes some getting used to. Then that pain goes away. All in all I highly recommend having it done!

  13. I LOVE this thread! Giving me some great ideas.

    I became a mom and figured I didn't have time to read. I read to my children, but that was the extent of it. My oldest is 12 year old.

    This fall I picked up the first in the Twilight series and that changed everying.

    In 2 weeks I finished the Twilight series, could have read them in 4 days if only I could go without sleep and did not have children or a house to take care of. :regular_smile: Oh, and I hate vampire books, go figure. In those two weeks I also lost 9 pounds....and have steadily lost since. I read when I get hungry. I figure books are a healthy addiction transfer :cursing:.

    I tried Meyer's Host, not my favorite but I think it was because I missed the vampires and am not a huge Science Fiction fan.

    I picked up a few of Jodi Picoult's books. Some I love, some not so much. They can be a little confusing at first because she switches POV often, but she writes so well you catch on soon, finding the voice of each character. I LOVED her book Second Glance-one of my all time favorite books.

    I also enjoyed The Secret Life of Bees, by Monk Kidd. Its an easy read and all about girl power...or I thought it was.

    I just finished reading Fairest, by Levine with my daughter's. I enjoyed it so much I cheated and read it through after they went to bed. I have always loved her book Ella, we read it at least once a year.

    My all time favorites/books I could read over and over and over:

    Romeo and Juliet-

    The Old Man and the Sea-Hemingway

    Out of Africa-Isak Dinesen

    Absolutely everything Jane Austin wrote

    Jane Eyre-Charlotte Bronte

    Twilight series-as mentioned above

    The Hobit, Lord of the Rings series-though I will admit I skipped over most of the songs :cool:. Gotta worship Tolkein

    To Kill a Mockingbird-Harper Lee

    The God of Small Things-Roy

    City of Joy-Lapierre (sp?)

    Thank you for the great ideas!

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