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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NormaRae

  1. Thanks for all the tips. My doc's office really discourages doing many carbs. In addition they told us no milk (even skim) until 6 months out. Oops...I had a cup of 2% milk mixed with strawberry sorbet from unjury a couple of hours prior to the meeting. BTW, it was really good. I went to my local support group last night. There were over 50, maybe close to 60, people there. Some two years out and some waiting for their date. Anyway, everyone goes around and tells how much they have lost so far. Someone ran a total and came up with over 4,000 lbs lost. The support meetings are very encouraging. If your doc's have them, try to fit them into your schedule.
  2. I can see there are many varying pre-op and post-op diets. I am allowed to have soft foods 2 weeks post-op as long as everything as gone well so far. I know this may sound dumb, but I am no so sure what soft-foods are. I personally thought mashed potatoes would not work because of the carbs? Isn't that pretty much how I go fat to begin with? My list from the doctor says soft, moist proteins. It also says, vegetables allowed on week 9 to be introduced one at a time to check how well tolerated they are. Help? Tell me what soft foods are on your approved lists please??????:thumbup:
  3. I have been averaging a little less than 500 calories a day and yes it is difficult to get it all in. I get uncomfortable too but I hope that is normal. Did you ask your doctor if it is normal? I have not. I don't really pay attention to calories. I have the realize band/web site and I mainly track protein and let the software do the rest. We are going out of town for the weekend for a gymnastics competition (lol...no I am not in it). I am a bit concerned about meals. I know we will be going to restaurants. I am afraid I will be sitting there with my cottage cheese or scrambled egg trying to get it all down and everyone will be finished and ready to go. Oh well, I will do my best!
  4. I believe her. I know when to eat more slowly or get up and walk before I finish because there is strong discomfort below and between my left rib and sternum. If I lie down and gently push in that area I can actually feel what I believe is full stomach pouch. :eek:
  5. Hi Lynn, I am also an over 60 :grouphug: Realize gal. I am feeling really well too. I had some post-op pain in left surgery. I was told that it was refractory pain as a result of the work placing the band and repairing my hiatal hernia. It lasted a couple of days was not severe at all. It sure seems as if most docs have their own ideas about pre-op and post-op diets. I ordered the Unjury that will should be here today because my doc wants me to have 60 g of protein a day and I can not seem to get it all in with cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, protein shakes, broth and 64 oz of water. I plan to make up my protein with the the Unjury by mixing it with my water or in some broth. I'm not sure how it will work. Gotta run...taking my sister-in-law (stroke-victim) to an appt. Best to all!
  6. :party: Congrats on the great results. I am trying to be patient with the lose because I know it came on a little at a time and expect it to take longer than I wish to melt away. How is your hunger level? I assume you are still waiting for your first fill? I have my first fill on 11/14 but I am not having any hunger issues anyway. The McDonald's commercials make me a bit nostalgic but not hungry. :Dancing_biggrin:
  7. My only disappointment was that I actually gained weight at the hospital. Of course I was only eating broth and jello but they pumped me with so many IV's as well as the air they used during surgery. I have lost all that now plus a small amount more. I will see what tomorrow brings but I expect a couple pound drop because I was very active this weekend and feel certain I got rid of all the extra fluids. BTW...during my surgery they discovered a hiatal hernia which they repaired. That did not seem to influence recovery at all. I am doing very well. Don't worry is you do not lose at first. It may be a good idea not to weigh for a week after surgery but I know it is one of the first things you want to do, at least it was for me.
  8. I had my surgery on Tuesday morning. I felt well enough to go to my 3 hour receptionist position by Friday. However they had no clients coming in that evening so I did not need to go. You should be fine, perhaps still a bit sore and tired but haven't we all worked that way at some time or another?
  9. :tongue_smilie: Thanks, I just ordered from unjury.com. This is a solution to my problem of getting enough protein.
  10. LOL...proves you are human! Somehow I know we need to follow the pre-op to the T, but I have trouble thinking that one little slip of a few grains of rice is going to interfere with success especially since you have several days to digest the evidence. Best of luck! :tt1: 4-days post op here...Feeling fabulous...almost back to the weight I was b4 procedure. The eating challenge for me right now is getting in the 60 g of protein. Seems like I am drinking (sipping) all day long to get the water in but have to allow time after my protein (90 min) to sip some more. It's a day long process. No overwhelming desire to ingest anything but I know I must. :tongue_smilie:
  11. Sorry it took so long to get back to you. Somehow I missed the pm. All buy oldest knew I was going to have it. My oldest son's wife works in the medical profession and is quick to tell me what I should or should not do. I really did not feel like having her extoll the virtues of an exercise regime so it was just easier to let them know the evening before surgery via email. It was a done deal by the time they read the email.


    How are you doing? I am sorry I forgot the date of your surgery? Who is doing it? I know you are close to the Ottawa hospital. Do they do it there?


    I have so much respect for you and how busy you must be with your special children. Let's keep in touch.

  12. Rose, You are so much braver than I was. I knew some of my family would be against it so I did not tell them until yesterday...it was done by then so not much they could say. Anyway, the one thing I was not prepared for and did not like was that I gained weight during surgery. The nurse that removed my staples today said that it is normal to gain 5-10 pounds because they pump you up with air and because of all the saline. She said it will disappear within a week to 10 days and quicker if I walk a lot. That was reassuring. Rose, It is a very personal decision which you have done. On the side of bypass, you would not have to have fills and I think you are likely to lose more. I never considered bypass because of it being more invasive. Best of wishes whatever you do. I sent this site to explain exactly what I had done to my family. http://www.realizeband.com/
  13. I am finding that each program may have some differences in the pre-op and post-op diet. To me the best thing is to follow what your own doctor gives you. He knows you and your situation best. Yes, my doctor said it is ok for me to have protein shakes now(surgery was 10/14 this is 10/16) but if your doctor says clear liquids that's what you should do. I did have the protein shake yesterday and feel fine but don't do it if your doctor says not to.
  14. Good to know. We have BCBS New Jersey also. I was concerned about the cost of fills. I had my surgery at 8:30 AM yesterday. I am at home now. It is about 2pm. The surgery was so much easier than I imagined. The mind can play tricks on you if you let it. I can have protein shakes, scrambled eggs and cottage cheese. I just have to make sure I get 60 grams of protein a day and 64 oz of water (can be flavored water, decaf tea, crystal lite). I go tomorrow or Friday to get my staples removed. I have a little discomfort around the staples. One is near my bra line. I have not had any gas pain. I slept most of the day yesterday so was not tired enough to sleep well last night but I was not feeling badly. I am not going to weight today because I had soOOOO much fluid from the IV that I know would make me heavier than I actually am. Good luck to all of you who are worrying. I was there 2 days ago. But the worry was wasted.
  15. Hi Cyndyg,


    Of course I am familiar with Marseilles. We were there on Saturday. It was such a beautiful fall day we wanted to drive along the river and enjoy the view. We went through Glenwood Farms while we were there. We camped there for several years and just wanted to see how it had or had not changed.


    Tomorrow morning is my surgery. I guess I should let my adult kids know I am doing this before I go to bed.


    Good luck with all you are doing to make yourself healthier.

  16. YOU GO GIRL! You are doing a good thing watching the food shows and learning new ways to make your family meals tasty and healthful. I should acquire your habit. Nice weight loss too! Keep up inspiring us to do better.
  17. MaryBN, Are you in the pre-op diet stage or post-op? I know! I had grand kids over today raiding my fridge. Of course, I wanted to help them. I am trying to think would I rather eat with them (all bean-poles) or be able to actually play with them and be here to watch them grow up. If I follow through---no as I continue on this journey I will be healthy enough to let the kid that is still inside me out.
  18. Renita, I am not surprised by the feeling. We are giving up a way of life. I believe it is normal to feel as you do. My doc's documentation said it is not unusual to go through some depression post-op. It is not a downer, we know it is not all going to be great. LapBand is just a tool and it takes time to learn how to handle new tools. We are here to support you and all of us in getting through these things. Tomorrow or the next day you will be sharing joys with us!
  19. Terry, Wow --- you are doing well! Congrats! I am still on the pre-op and being faithful but I seem to be plateaued. Scary! I hope I don't do this after. However, I have not been exercising. I guess I better get off my fat arse if I want to get over having one.
  20. Renita, LOL Thanks- It really sounds like you are having a lot of success. Wonderful! So they only put steri strips on the incisions? No sticks at all? This is sounding easier all the time. Good luck with the doctor visit. He/She will be so pleased at how well you have done so far.
  21. Renita, How many days since your surgery? Your mom is so right about the itching. It should subside soon. Perhaps call your doc and see what you can put on the incisions to reduce the itch? Calamine may help but I wouldn't want you to try it unless the doc says ok. I am so excited I could peeeee. Oh wait, I think that is from the 64+ oz of Water and flavored water!
  22. Chin up CyndyG. Thanks for writing to me. I was starving at first on this mostly liquid diet but I am not having any problem with hunger at this point.


    I did go to the last support group where they had the clothing exchange. I found the people to be great and very helpful. I love this web site but I do read somethings that I don't think fit into what we are suppose to do on our 2 week pre-op. I get tempted but don't do them. I want my liver to be as skinny as can be.


    Where do you live? I look forward to meeting you one day. Your little girl looks like a lot of fun. I have 10 year old grand-daughter. They are probably close in age. Kids are the best!

  23. NormaRae

    Anyone have Dr Christopher Joyce?

    Hi to all from Crest Hill. I am happy to see my "neighbors" on the web site and happy to hear so many positive tales. I will be banded on oct 14, good Lord willin. Anyone here expect to be done that day?
  24. Good luck in Illinois. I am having my surgery on 10/14 in Joliet, IL with Dr. Lehmann...are you in the Joliet area. If so go to the support groups when you can -- that helps. Cherrish is a great moderator and supporter. After my surgery I will probably spend more time on the Realize web site that here. Dr. Lehmann said his patients that use the web site seem to have better results than those who do not. Let me know how you are.
  25. Sooner, Excellent! Great job and a great encouragement for those of us who are still awaiting surgery. Do you think if you had taken only part of your meds at a time with maybe a half hour break you would have been ok? I take several meds also and I a bit concerned about that.

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