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Everything posted by NanaRenan

  1. NanaRenan

    Timeframe ?

    Hi and Welcome.... My caridologist found my bariatric surgeon for me, too! I saw the surgeon in late February and had my surgery last week - so mid-August. BUT, the insurance turned me down FOUR times before they finally said yes, and I give the girl's at the surgeon's office FULL credit for their full-bore assault tactics of submitting and resubmitting. Otherwise, I think I'd STILL be waiting.
  2. I'm so happy I was able to express myself without coming off too opinionated. I know everyone is different, and I'm not a very 'private' person at all. I've seen a lot of hurt and unnecessary suffering come from people being too private. And, not to sound sanctimonious, I would feel like a hypocrit telling people "Oh, I'm just eating healthier and exercising more." ESPECIALLY if it is someone overweight!!! Because if I was considering having WLS and worked up the nerve to ask someone who'd had significant and rapid weight loss -- and that was the reply I heard -- I would just walk away saying, "See, you're such a loser and a failure -- why can't YOU just eat better and exercise!!! You're such an idiot. Why don't you just go stuff your face some more!!?!" I guess I can't place the importance of my pride above the possibility of my less-than-100%-honest response setting off negative feelings in someone else. Just my POV, I guess.
  3. NanaRenan

    Did you or didn't you...

    Sheesh -- maybe I'm just TOO out there. But I'd go on Larry King, Jay Leno and Oprah if it would help just one person. Screw what people think. They're gonna think SUMTHIN' anyhow!
  4. Please don't think I'm trying to sound preachy -- I just like to make people look at things from another side. I have four grown children and two in-laws. Some of them have enough of a weight problem that WLS surgery could be an option in their lives. (My DIL's younger sister had WLS several years ago at 17.) Speaking as a mother and mother-in-law....I would be SO hurt to think that my child did not feel 'safe enough' in my love tp tell me when something so monumental was going on in their life. Why would they not want what's best for you? and for you to succeed?? Yes, people are going to watch what you do -- but as obese people, aren't we always aware of that? I went to the movies with a friend today -- my first such outing since surgery. (And -- incredibly, I survived WITHOUT popcorn!!!:whoo: but I digress....) I was conscious of people watching as I was dropped at the door and minced my way inside. It's 100 degrees and I'm still sore. But I caught myself wondering how many were thinking "Poor fat slob really ought to do something." Oh, well......I can't live my life wondering what others are thinking of me. I just have to live the best life I can each day. Besides, six months from now they won't recognize me at the movies anyhow!
  5. NanaRenan

    What do you eat for breakfast? I need ideas!

    I was raised on cold cereals, too, but after my diabetes, I would be comotose in an hour and starving by mid-morning. I did the eggs(Eggbeaters) -- every which way until I just burned out on them. One thing I learned to really love for my Breakfast is deli-meats and cheese!!! Quick, easy and portable! My favorite meat is Boar's Head Brand Rosemary Ham. Roll a thin slice of that around a piece of 2% mozzarella string cheese......YUM!!!
  6. Whenever possible I'm buying low sodium -- which is all relative because all 'prepared foods' are high in sodium. But resturant soup wouldn't be any better -- all resturant food is notoriously and noxiously high in salt. My husband's been hypertensive since he was a teen.....and in my many, many years of Weight Watchers, I could not eat out within 24 hours of weighing in because I could not get an accurate read. Only way to really control that is to cook everything from scratch.
  7. Ah, Heaven!! I just made some chicken salad for dinner. Used two cans of Deviled Chicken (already minced super fine), a little dill relish, a touch of mayo and a couple of eggs I boiled and grated to a fine powder. Made DH a nice sandwich with it and filled one of my little 3 oz cups with it -- I just took miniscule bites and chewed chewed chewed what little there was to chew and savored it. It was YUM! Also bought some Braunsweiger since Alex put it in my head the other day!! Gonna have that tomorrow.:hungry:
  8. NanaRenan

    Pre-Op Phase Question

    Don't worry, Tabitha. We've been told we're NOT NORMAL for so long, the mere word is intimidating!! Glad your wait is shorter though....just cause I know how slow time moves when we're waiting for a major life change! :mad:
  9. NanaRenan

    100 lbs I did it !!!!!!!!!!

    I am SO excited for you!! I can't imagine what I would be doing right now!! Out shopping for clothes, I supposed!!! Scratch that -- saving nickels and dimes to pay for reconstruct!!!
  10. NanaRenan


    Oops, I see you already got the date, I missed that before. I got approved on a Friday and went for surgery the following Thursday -- I had two more dates before I actually got the band, tho'. I was happy -- at the time -- that it was happening so fast. But, I'm a wee bit misty that I didn't get to enjoy certain 'last meals' that I know I may never be able to eat again, or for a long time. So THAT is something to look forward to in the next few days.
  11. NanaRenan


    I'm very excited for you!!! My band is a week old today!! So I'm feelin' ya! Let us know when your date is.
  12. LI-LO and then Stitch -- it could be a LBT cartoon! No, everyone will experience it if they're own liquids long enough. It seems to somewhat stabalize after a few days and become a less....er....urgent? problem. Or at least it has for me.
  13. :bump: What?.....too much......? Remember, you don't have to answer every question. I'm just trying to prompt some conversation. Don't be skeered!!
  14. NanaRenan

    Pre-Op Phase Question

    If you think you can make it with liquids only, go ahead and switch -- if it relieves your worrying over the whole issue. Otherwise, I would say "small" could be defined by eating dinner on a saucer rather than a dinner plate. Just DO what they tell you -- you want your liver to shrink!! My surgeon almost had to close me up unbanded because my liver was still so big!!! Took him almost 2 hours to do what should have taken a half hour or less! DON'T CHEAT!!
  15. Clara, I'm sorry to hear your sister is feeling worse and I know you're disappointed. I will continue to pray for you both.
  16. I DID get the go ahead to move forward a little yesterday when I called to make post-op check up! So I had some bean soup last night, but had my first -- ALMOST -- golf ball today trying to eat some grits. Got in too big of a hurry cause they were SOOO good. Had to lift my hands over my head and pray for a few moments! When I need to slow down, I turn my spoon over and my "bites" turn to licks. I'm venturing out to the store today to examine everything on the soup aisle that might be good blended. btw -- what do you have against frogs?? :mad:
  17. NanaRenan

    OMG, How Crazy Am I????

    WasA, you're my hero, my brave leader -- I will diligently follow in your footsteps..... I long for that day!
  18. NanaRenan

    being fat is this whole stereotype

    Fat people and Christians -- the last two groups that it is complete PC to ridicule publicly. Gotta love it. And so called 'celebrities' in sports are entertainment are worshipped and adored regardless of their moral character and integrity (or the absense thereof) while the aforementioned people are derided. Don't get me cranked on that stuff!!! :mad: Kids, its called, THEY'VE GOT US OVER A BARREL. You gotta wear something. At least we used to have the camaraderie of the maternity department!! But they finally said, "Screw this, we'll wear what we already have til it pops." *sigh* And ya'll will laugh, I am a professional seamstres by trade. But I hate sewing for myself, so.....:tired
  19. Oh, Claramae -- I'll be praying for you and your sister. I'm glad you're able to be with her, because you might not be able for a while after your surgery. I got an email from a childhood friend. Saturday afternoon her SO died after a lengthy illness -- then Sunday morning her father passed away!! I'm SO bummed that I can't make the trip to be with her for his funeral. I SO wish I was another week out. I'm doing good, but I'm just not up for a 6 hour car trip each way and staying in a strange place overnight.
  20. Judi -- I am impressed!! You're a better woman than I if you can wait until the doctor's to weigh!!! If I weight any more, I'm gonna have to put rechargeables in my scale or get an AC adapter. But it's okay -- I've hated them for so many years -- it's nice to actually ENJOY getting on them for a change! I'll be watching for your ticker tomorrow!
  21. NanaRenan

    Valley Of The Dolls.....

    I think I was up about 2.5 to 3 when I walked out of the hospital, but lost all of that within 24 hours. I've always found it frustrating how your weight on the scales can fluctuate 2-5 lbs through out the day -- always rising by evening. Right now the opposite is true.....I'm going to bed about a pound lighter than when I wake up! LOL I know it won't last and the first of many plateaus looms just over the horizon, but its fun watching it now!
  22. NanaRenan

    Week One Alone?

    If you don't have anyone who can be with you, at least try to arrange for regularly scheduled phone calls. Any anesthesia can cause some delayed problems after you're released. Better safe than sorry.
  23. You may feel fine and be hungry and feel no restriction, but your body is still healing and I would think a doctor foolish to start to tweak your fill before your body's done with all the healing, swelling, etc. Relax.
  24. NanaRenan

    Hello from Houston

    Hello back atcha from Pearland!!!
  25. Hey! Hey! DH and I split that can of soup tonight! I did think it with broth, spooned his out and the took my THUNDERSTICK!!! (Immersible blender, that sounds like a porn movie!) and whirred the rest of it into liquid. Yummy! Tomorrow I'm gonna venture out to the supermarket to pick up a few more things and add more variety of flavors to my menu!!! Pam<---happy once again!

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