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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MrsFlipFlops

  1. MrsFlipFlops

    Crystal Light On The Go

    I buy wyler's packets now, they're cheaper than Crystal Light at just a $1 a box. :tongue_smilie: But they have the individual packs. I also buy the protein water individual packs. They're more expensive, but they keep me full in between meals.
  2. MrsFlipFlops

    Home made laundry soap and such

    PennyLane- I kept telling myself, even as they wheeled me to the surgery room, I can cancel- I can call this whole thing off! They gave me the anesthesia and as I was drifting away to sleep I was saying the same thing... When I woke up I realized it was such a breeze and five months and 60 pounds later, I am SO glad I didn't! The 100 mile diet is quite a feat! My husband and I tried it, going to farmer's markets and buying at local stands. We live in an apartment too, and I really want a garden. It would save money and be so much healthier. So, we've started container gardening... suggested by my mom. I've never had a green thumb. I tried two things to get started. I killed the tomatoes and the green onions are growing, they're just taking a longer time than stated on the package. They just sit out on the balcony. I did can some butter a few weeks ago. I'm also into making sure we have food just in case of emergencies, food supply. When we lived in Florida, my food supply is what got my hubby and I through as the stores were empty and after there was an all day curfew. We were eating quite well! So I canned butter on my own and go to a cannery to can sugar, flour, oats, etc... then I rotate those into our daily use.
  3. MrsFlipFlops

    Home made laundry soap and such

    Laurinda- what's your recipe for laundry soap?
  4. MrsFlipFlops

    You know you are a bandster when....

    When you really want to order a full meal at dinner, but feel bad about wasting food so you start trying to pawn your fries/rice/etc off on your friends and family. Really bad habit. :cursing:
  5. MrsFlipFlops

    Home made laundry soap and such

    This is a great thread idea! I have been wanting to make my own, but have been scared, because I love my Tide so much! I make my own candles. They are SO cheap! Occasionally I'll splurge if I find a scent I really like, but making them is simple. I bought reusable grocery bags. They hold way more and don't break, and if you use them at certain stores, they give you 5 cents off for each bag you bring. I know it's not a lot, but eventually they'll pay for the cost of the bag (about .99). I coupon and only shop sales. Which means I match up the sales to the coupons and get things ultra cheap. There's a website that does this for you (thegrocerygame.com), but I found I could do it on my own for free or with the help of couponmom.com which doesn't cost anything. I find I can buy about 100 worth of groceries for about 60 very consistently. The key is using the coupons on sales and planning your meals around that. I also am part of a mailing list freecycle on yahoo groups, where I get rid of things I don't use anymore and take in things that others aren't using. This has been great for clothes. I hope more people post what they do and other ideas! I'm SO into this it's crazy. I guess that makes me a dork too.
  6. MrsFlipFlops

    No-no list, please!

    I didn't know about the medicines, but I have noticed that if I take anything but tylenol it makes me feel nauseaous. I don't drink soda, but if I'm craving it, I take a small sip of my hubby's, let it bubble up in my mouth and swish it around before swallowing. It generally fills the craving. I eat bread and rice, but I don't do Pasta. I can't eat carrots either, they hurt and was told to avoid celery, although I have "deveined" it and eaten it that way. I don't eat steak or pork anymore, unless it's shredded like in a taco or something. I'm pretty much a chicken or fish kind of gal. I can eat ribs though. I don't eat tortillas. I had one bad experience and am unsure I'll ever eat another one! Not drinking with meals is hard. I do drink sips throughout the meal, I find it helps me slow down. I have measured what I eat and have found the perfect balance between sipping and gulping, which is what washes the food down. I generally stop drinking about 15 minutes before and pick it back up about an hour after. It's hard to learn the things you CAN eat, but shouldn't. Like chips, brownies, and ice cream. Those go just so smooth, but you shouldn't be having those. I've replaced my ice cream with frozen grapes, which sometimes fulfills the frozen need. :smile2: But not all the time, I still have ice cream about once a week. But now it's just a small bowl, not a half gallon.
  7. MrsFlipFlops

    Redoing my goals

    So I figured I needed to re dedicate myself to my original goals as I find myself slowing sliding away from them and also finding myself not losing how I would like. So... my goals: drink 8 cups of water/day religiously log my calories on myfitnesspal.com stay within my calorie content allowable (no more than 1500 to 1700!) stop snacking, and if hungry between meals, snack on healthy items
  8. MrsFlipFlops

    Redoing my goals

    So I figured I needed to re dedicate myself to my original goals as I find myself slowing sliding away from them and also finding myself not losing how I would like. So... my goals: drink 8 cups of water/day religiously log my calories on myfitnesspal.com stay within my calorie content allowable (no more than 1500 to 1700!) stop snacking, and if hungry between meals, snack on healthy items
  9. MrsFlipFlops

    Anyone else close to being under 300lbs????

    I'm losing about a pound a week now. I got in for another fill on Tuesday. Hope it rejumps my losing.
  10. Allright, an updated pic. The first is 380 on 2/10/08, the second is 323 and it was taken yesterday. I FINALLY fit into those jeans and it felt GREAT!
  11. MrsFlipFlops

    You lost that ?losing? feeling

    I've learned to control my calories during the day so I can have a wonderful bowl of ice cream at night. I don't do it every night, but I know this is a BAD BAD habit to creep into. I've been working on re motivating myself to eat the right things. Thanks for the article.
  12. MrsFlipFlops

    Forclosed homes

    I don't mean to sound cold hearted. And I don't mean to imply that anyone who has trouble is irresponsible, but no one here can deny that MANY are! I work in finance in retirement services. Perhaps I'm burned out with this topic... but I deal all day long with people who want to take loans, withdrawals from their 401(k)s, and early retirement from their pension because of their overextending, living on credit ways. America already has issues living within our means, we don't know how to save. And then we expect the government to come in and fix it for us. It's not fair for people like me who lived frugally during the good times to have to pay for the people who couldn't control themselves when they got good rates and more credit than they could handle. Back in the day, middle class did not mean big house, two car, cell phones, cable TV lifestyles. Yet now we think we're somehow "entitled" to these things. I want nice furniture and good vacations as much as the next guy, but I know I need to mend my husband's clothes, repair the car when there are problems, and eat ramen when it's necessary. There is a chronic saving problem. There's a chronic living beyond our means problem. Living on credit is living on phantom money. It never existed. By forgiving loans, then we're creating the SAME problem for ourselves again. It the same reason why oil is so high. We keep saying we need new solutions for energy. Well, yeah, we did... twenty years ago. Now we're being FORCED to find new solutions. I'd personally rather have the option to make a decision and not be forced by economics.
  13. I was banded by Dr Ferrera in Ft Worth. I was banded 2/11. When are you planning on getting surgery?

  14. MrsFlipFlops

    Forclosed homes

    Back in the day it was encouraged to have 3-6 months of financial reserve to live off of in case anything happens.
  15. MrsFlipFlops

    Forclosed homes

    I agree with Glou- mow the lawns yourself. Consider it exercise and a therapeutic release. There are lots of situations. My husband and I were talking about this the other day, I'm grateful that I can fill up the gas tank for the whole amount and not freak out about not being able to buy something else. Right now we're both employed, can pay all our bills, are not overextending ourselves. A lot of people keep saying they have to cut back on eating out, cable, their car, or trips to families... we haven't had to yet because even though we don't make a ton of money, we were conservative in what we bought. We don't buy a car unless we pay cash. We don't use credit cards. Be grateful for what you have, learn from other's mistakes and take the appropriate measures to safeguard you and your family from future mishaps in the economy. Save, pay for private disability insurance, make sure your policies are up to date, take advantage of life insurance offered by your company.
  16. MrsFlipFlops

    Relief Society group ideas

    All of our groups are for people with kids or they're during the day. There's nothing for the person who works during the day and doesn't have kids. They do have lunch groups and bringing old craft/quilting to finish why you chit chat. I think it would be fun to do an organized recipe activity, maybe meet and have someone show you (like a cooking show) how to make their favorite recipe and have everyone take turns.
  17. MrsFlipFlops

    I'm wasting money peoples!

    I've learned to not order certain things that aren't good when reheated. And I plan for meals that I make at home. For instance, when my sisters and I went out for dinner the other night, I ordered a burger and rice and beans. I knew I would just eat half the burger meat. I took the bun and the rice and beans home. So for the second night, I just made hamburgers meat patties, used my bun for my hubby, the beans and rice and had a meal! All I spent was money on hamburger! Sometimes I just order sides, but chicken fingers, soups, side salads, and mozzerlla sticks get old.
  18. MrsFlipFlops

    Who or what did you do this for????

    Future kids... ones that I hope to have by losing some weight.
  19. MrsFlipFlops

    who supports right to choose

    Sometimes it's nice to associate with lapbanders without talking about lapband. :wink2:
  20. MrsFlipFlops

    sacrament bread?

    I had this SAME question before being banded. I was told that it shouldn't be a problem... and sure enough it isn't!
  21. MrsFlipFlops

    I Had A Cupcake :-(

    My doc always says the point of the surgery is not to disallow cakes forver, but to limit your cake intake to ONE piece. He always says if you're in the office and you want some cake, eat it. Just stop at one piece. Stop beating yourself up.
  22. MrsFlipFlops

    Rachel Ray is an idiot

    Nanook- lol, it's the raspiness. I spent a lot of time in New England, so I can't get on any one for their accent... as long as it's not a one word accent like Giada! For Giada, spaghetti isn't spaghetti, is Sp-a-ghett-ee. lol, yes very annoying!
  23. MrsFlipFlops

    Need clothing?

    That's so nice of you Laurie! I'm not in need of anything just quite yet.... but thanks for offering!
  24. MrsFlipFlops

    LDS Bandsters

    Yes! I think I eat a little too much chicken and veggies... but we eat lots of veggies. I eat salad all the time. You don't have to get protein from meat. We've incorporated a lot more beans into our lives than before. I snack on cheese and what not. Nuts are good too.
  25. MrsFlipFlops

    Rachel Ray is an idiot

    I like RR, but I agree her voice can get annoying. She talks about her husband too much. I don't watch her morning show, just 30 minute meals. Her meals are things I have in my own kitchen and fast. I like that she's happy and came from a more humble background. Giada on the other hand, wear a more appropriate shirt girl, she's always letting things hang out. She annoys me. She talks normal until she has something italian like pizza or mozzerella to say and suddenly she develops an accent for that word only. "Now we're going to add some Mottzarelllla." I don't know how to write out her ONE WORD italian accent. She's perfectly perky. Ug. That much perfection drives people crazy! I'll take not so perfect RR any day.

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