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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MrsFlipFlops

  1. MrsFlipFlops

    I Want My Band Removed Now!!!!!

    I just find it amazing that everyone who read just a couple posts by the thread originator seem to know exactly what she needs. From this thread, everyone seems to be doctors. While I'm not looking to tear anyone down for sharing their 2 cents, I think we should be more thoughtful about what we post. Sharing an experience or giving advice is extremely helpful and very much appreciated by many who read the post. I just have felt that from the beginning of this thread many just posted to attack her, and I have felt the need to defend her and her right to feel the way she does. Just because we're online doesn't mean there's not a person behind the screen.
  2. MrsFlipFlops

    LDS Bandsters

    JesusChrist.lds.org This is a new site by the church. Very neat, good missionary tool! I went to the BYU vs. TCU basketball (BYU won, btw). IT was a neat experience, the missionaries in the area got to go and they all sat in one section. When they showed the missionaries on the jumbo tron, there was a loud cheer from the crowd. There were more BYU fans than TCU fans and we were on TCU's turf! It was just awesome. Not to imply that all mormons are BYU fans... I just happened to graduate from there and really do bleed blue. :eek: Hope everyone had a great Sunday. Mine was busy with the nursery kids. I never knew what a workout I could get with so many toddlers!!!!
  3. MrsFlipFlops

    Computer Issues Section

    That is so kind of you!
  4. MrsFlipFlops

    I Want My Band Removed Now!!!!!

    I find this thread frustrating. Especially this comment... first off, statistics can be made to say anything. Secondly, I've heard this "statistic" before, and yet the percent keeps climbing and climbing, by people who make it up. I commend everyone who has shared their experiences on this post, it really has helped myself and others who are going through the pain of newly living with the band. The emotional pain, like someone said, of living without your best friend of food is VERY hard. This kind of post is unacceptable! This site should be supportive, and not a place where people can YELL at someone and try to make them feel bad. Sharing your experience is helpful, quoting a "statistic" and being confrontational is not. I came to this site because I found incredibly supportive and caring people... I'm disappointed that I have found a few who are not.
  5. MrsFlipFlops

    I cheated!!!!!

    def don't feel bad! You are NOT alone. I cheated too... with a donut one day, and chocolate cake the next!! You'll be fine. My doctor didn't even asked how well I followed the diet.
  6. MrsFlipFlops

    I Want My Band Removed Now!!!!!

    I'd give my right arm to be 180... or even in the 100's... or 200's for that matter. I don't think she was saying lazy people are obese or really obese people are lazy. I think she's saying she didn't really try any alternatives before the surgery. And quite honestly, I agree. You should try every single alternative before having someone put you unconcious and cut into your body. Yaz, if it ain't for you it ain't for you. Don't feel bad for putting it in and don't feel bad for taking it out. If it wasn't the right thing for you and your weight loss, I'm sorry you had to go through the pain of surgery... especially twice. If I were you, which I'm not, I probably would give it some time to see how things go. But that's just cause I'm so scared of surgery, I'd hate to have to go under again! Good luck and don't pay attention to the people on this site who want to attack you. WestCoastFatGuy- thank you for your post, I really appreciate it. Heidi
  7. Oh my gosh!!! I just had a healthy meal that I ENJOYED! I've been really trying to cook well for both my hubby and myself... use more vegetables and the like. I made a zucchini Soup that was SOOOO good! 2 lbs steamed, chopped, peeled zucchini 1 teasp cumin 1 cup lite sour cream 1/2 teasp salt That's it! I blended it while the zucchini was warm and served it up! I was so excited that I liked it and it was TOTALLY healthy!!!!! I'm so excited right now! It was the smoky yummy flavor. I made up some more to take to my mom, who is diabetic. Just wanted to share my excitement! This gives me hope that I can actually make healthy tasty meals for me and of course my family!!
  8. MrsFlipFlops

    Did You See A Cardiologist?

    Wow, I didn't have any of this... just a psych and dietician. I guess I should be glad everything worked out okay! :thumbup:
  9. MrsFlipFlops

    Ive never liked zucchini!!

    I steamed it. I have a double pan for steaming and just added them all together after I cut the zucchini, that way it was warm without having me reheat. My mom had our leftovers today and she sang my praises! :shades_smile: lol
  10. That was so good to hear. I was banded 2/11/08 and feel like I'm just not getting it. I feel so bad after I eat something bad for me... I don't PB or anything, I just know it's unhealthy... and since I'm unrestricted, it's so hard! Thank you for sharing that insight. I hope I learn soon. Heidi
  11. MrsFlipFlops

    Bowling a week after surgery??

    Amen, don't bowl- don't do it! I went shopping two weeks post op and lifted a couple of bags into the trunk of my car. It hurt so bad for several days! I was banded 2/11 and am still not lifting heavy things, I can feel it if it's too heavy, it's slow to 100%.
  12. MrsFlipFlops

    I've swapped addictions...

    I loved this post! I'm addicted to touching my port too and made my sister touch it! Like it's some kind of victory! ha ha ha.
  13. MrsFlipFlops

    My Friends/family need me to be overweight

    Just wanted to throw my two, maybe three, cents in. :-) I was banded 2/11/08. My family pre op were very supportive except my dad, who was just really worried about the surgery itself. Post op, I've found them to be... well, less than enthusiastic. They ask how I'm feeling, say they're supportive, but they tease me. We went to dinner for the first time, I ordered two enchilada's. I ate one and said I felt really full, they made fun of me. To be honest, I might make fun of me too. They say things like, "She's going to be the skinny girl saying, 'Oh, I'm so fat.'" or "She sniffs the food and says she's full." I don't think they realize how hurtful those small comments can be, particularly because I feel like no one understands my day to day struggle with the band. My whole family is overweight... no... obese- morbidly so. All that information to say this... :thumbup: As I was thinking about my relationship with my incredibly close family, I realized that we're going to hit some bumps. There is no norm for this situation. Our lives previously revolved around food... and as my family and I re-adjust to life, it's expected that we'll have to relearn behaviors, ideas, and perhaps our relationships will change. I hope they do! Honestly, I hope my changing will help me encourage my sisters so that we can all be running around. I was a saboteur once too! I think I just need to keep a positive attitude, not be too sensitive, and don't change how I feel about them. I love them! I keep comparing it to when I got married, we had to adjust life and family situations to make the circle bigger to accept him. Well, with my band, we just have to shift the circle to include that too. I think in the end, the waters will settle and the regular comfort will come back to place. Good luck.
  14. MrsFlipFlops

    1/2 a cup? I don't think so...

    This is such a good thread. I have my first fill this Tuesday. I just ate a whole cup of food and don't feel full... I was feeling bad, like I should not eat... but 1/2 cup still leaves me hungry. :thumbup: StLouisGal- I'm suprised you're in the mushy stage. It amazes me to how different doctors really can be! I can eat almost anything except pork and beef (I have to wait until after the first fill for those). I hope I'm not messing anything up! What helps me stay full throughout the day is I bought Special K Protein Water. So when I drink through the day, I'm not STARVING, just hungry. It has helped me get through inbetween meals when I am hungry again.
  15. MrsFlipFlops

    UHC didn't deny me, IT WAS MY EMPLOYER!!!

    Just thought I'd chime in, I can't believe the company has an exclusion! I have UHC too... I was approved within days. It's funny, when I went in I didn't even think of the possibility that my company might have some say!! That's crazy, def. keep us updated, I'm interested to see how things turn out.
  16. MrsFlipFlops

    Being alone after surgery...

    I spent the day of surgery and the day after surgery with my husband. After that I was on my own. My family visited, but I didn't need them for help or anything. My DR recommended someone be with my for 24 hours after surgery.
  17. MrsFlipFlops

    Sacrament mushies stage

    I'm almost one week post op and am in mushies stage. Sunday is coming up. Our sacrament is bread and water... is it okay to take the bread? It's a small piece, so I would figure it would be okay... but just don't want it to ball up and get stuck.
  18. MrsFlipFlops

    Assistance please

    I don't know if this will help you... I don't like Protein shakes that are powder. I tried, and I kid you not, every flavor in every brand! I went to 3 different health food stores and didn't find a single one I liked! So, that being said... I only like premade stuff... my doctor's office has one called Isopure. They do sell it at GNC (I order it online and if you have the GNC card, it's even cheaper). The other one that I like is Atkins Advantage shakes. I buy 'em from Sam's Club. It's like $16 for 12 cans. The premade individual containers cost a little more than the big containers of powder stuff, but I figured I'd rather hurt the pocketbook than my tastebuds! That way it motivates me a little more to drink them. Also, a small packet of Tuna has 20grams of protein. I LOVE tuna, so I have this for lunch with some salt and pepper, or some mayo and mustard. Helps pack the protein in during the day.
  19. MrsFlipFlops

    WOW at the cost

    You pay the location where you got the procedure done, I think. That's where I paid mine on the day of my procedure.
  20. MrsFlipFlops

    WOW at the cost

    It always makes me feel good to see stuff like that. :thumbup: I was banded 2/11 and actually have been looking forward to getting my claim information! I know I'm responsible for $1000.
  21. MrsFlipFlops

    Banded Feb 21st. 1 day post op.

    I was banded 2/11. I had a lot of nausea too, but my doctor gave me medicine that I just rubbed on my wrists and it didn't make me tired. Is this the kind that you have?
  22. MrsFlipFlops

    Question about pain at port incision

    I have a large bump too... I was banded 2/11. I'm concerned something happened, because it's so big. I can't even lie on that side, not because of the pain, but because of the lumpiness. Anyone else had a large lump? It sticks out when I lie on my back.
  23. MrsFlipFlops


    I found out about my approval and called to schedule my surgery on the same day. I had surgery two weeks after my approval came in. (since I had a preop diet)
  24. MrsFlipFlops

    Please Anyone Help

    I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply complications only happen in Mexico, just that that was this gentleman's story. Sorry about that.
  25. MrsFlipFlops

    Please Anyone Help

    I am SO sorry to hear that! There was a gentleman on this site about a week ago warning people about getting surgery in Mexico due to his wife having severe complications. But I don't know the exact cause. I don't have any help to offer, sorry, but I wanted to write to express my sincerest sympathy! Good luck.

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