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Everything posted by MrsFlipFlops

  1. MrsFlipFlops

    Polygamy Sects

    I will fight tooth and nail to protect religious freedoms, but NO religion should promote child abuse!
  2. MrsFlipFlops

    Polygamy Sects

    First of all, there was no 911 tape, the girl didn't call 911, she called a domestic violence line- which for privacy reasons can NEVER be released. Secondly, you're comparing apples to oranges. We're talking about the LAWS of the country. What people do in other countries or other times is irrelevant because they don't live in the United States in this time. I'm sorry, but yes, if a mother is allowing her minor child to have sex with someone who is above the age of 18, yes, I have a problem with that. Morals aside, it's AGAINST THE LAW! We're not talking about someone speeding here people, we're talking about child abuse! This irritates me more than anything, when people are ignorant to what is considered abuse and neglect. You have no clue what law enforcement or CPS had proof of. You're claiming that they went in there with no proof, la la la. They have more proof of abuse/neglect than you claim to have that they didn't. A few news reports does not make you an expert. They went in there with a TANK for their own protection. Anyone remember Waco, people? There were shots fired! I'm sorry it "scared" the people on the compound, but you bet your socks that I want those law enforcement to be protected with any protection they need. When you're up against the unknown you take EVERY precaution. Ask any officer you've ever known. Even when you encounter someone on the street, first thing they're wanting to know is where is that person's hands, are they carrying anything, can I be harmed? This was a whole compound of the unknown! LE didn't know if they had weapons. They didn't USE the tank, they just HAD it. Also, you state that the man that the girl claims abused her hasn't been in Texas in 30 years. Read the reports... a LOT of these family members have the SAME name. Who knows if THAT Dale Barlow is the one she's talking about. The LEADER of this group is IN JAIL for conspiracy to commit statutory rape! LE had insider informants for the past 4 years!
  3. MrsFlipFlops


    Bandit, that was a great post. Nicole- take if from me, I've been through all that too. I got teased and made fun of all the time. Man, it hurt so much. I can't tell you how often I came home crying because of the abuse I got at school. Just know who your true friends are and don't get caught up in the other people. They're not worth your time. Exactly like bandit put it, You gotta be you-- and the people who like who are you despite the superficial crap are real friends. Throughout this process, remember who you are. Heidi
  4. MrsFlipFlops

    My last @%$!^# effort.. EPIC FAIL.

    I think a lot of people did attack her. But I put her thoughts in the same category of someone who WANTS to get pregnant but can't. When you're in that situation, you're looking around at a world full of pregnant happy women and thinking "Certainly I could provide a happier home than some of these women." It's that same mentality. When you want something that's currently out of grasp and you're (dare I say) yearning for it, it makes it more difficult. I think it's fine you said what you said. You shouldn't have to apologize for your feelings. I do, however, think this board has WAY too sensitive people (not everyone, some). I can't imagine getting all upset over every little thing like some people do. Too much drama.
  5. MrsFlipFlops

    Polygamy Sects

    Jennie, I understand where you're coming from here. I think the biggest issue I'm having is that 1) did the girls consent to getting married at that age? (Even if the law was different in Texas and it allowed them to marry- if the child doesn't want it- it shouldn't be done) and 2) the laws of the land in regards to having sex with a child. In no way is forcible sex okay. Period. If people have issues with the laws of a country either try to change them or move. It's like people who don't vote and yet complain about politicians... do something about it!
  6. MrsFlipFlops

    Polygamy Sects

    I agree that the government shouldn't intervene in religious worlds- provided that the religious groups are not breaking the laws of the country they choose to live in. Unfortunately, I feel that many religions try to hide behind to blanket of religion in order to escape the reality of law. The removal of the children presents many interesting questions of law because each child is entitled to an attorney and a guardian who works in their best interest. Each parent is entitled to an attorney. Each case is entitled to a trial- that's 416 testimonies, 416 trials and so on and so forth. I'm very interested to see how things play on from a legal standpoint... and quite frankly I'm glad law enforcement went in. Children don't deserve abuse.
  7. MrsFlipFlops

    My last @%$!^# effort.. EPIC FAIL.

    I remember back in the day when you HAD to be 100 pounds overweight to get the Lap Band. It did shock me a little to see people with less to lose shell out cold hard cash to get the surgery. It's funny because I can't wait to just be overweight... heck, at this stage I'm excited to just be obese rather than morbidly obese! Good luck three sixty six. I'm sorry it's been so difficult for you. I know how frustrating times can be when your goals are so close but so far.
  8. MrsFlipFlops

    Flying, Weight and Discrimination...

    I asked my pilot hubby who quoted some FAA regulation... basically it's a regulation that they need to be down for take off and landing for certain types of planes.
  9. MrsFlipFlops

    My weight loss is hurting my sister

    I don't know. I see the point being made about not talking about it... but on the other hand- if my best friend was pregnant (and I am having trouble because of a fertility issue) I wouldn't expect the friend to stop talking to me about it. It's a big change in your life. I would expect my sisters to get over their feelings of jealousy because as my sisters and best friends they should supportive. The point of friendships is to give and take. Both ways. I would probably just have an honest talk with my sister and explain- this is a huge thing in my life, I've noticed you've been acting a little different, I need your support, but don't want to be obnoxious. I would expect both of us to change a little.
  10. MrsFlipFlops

    Flying, Weight and Discrimination...

    I stand corrected... That's new, though. The last time I looked (several years ago when I was in college) there was nothing ever stated online. I should have looked before I spoke. Thank you.
  11. MrsFlipFlops

    The Great Flood

    That does sound bizarre. Wonder that his research was.
  12. MrsFlipFlops

    Flying, Weight and Discrimination...

    First of all, obesity is not like any other handicap- handicaps are not alike- they all have different needs and don't just fit into one category of disability. My mother is handicapped and is in a wheelchair. Is it fair to ask her to pay a higher price for a handicap seat at a sports game? No! That's called discrimination! When we go see a movie and her walker takes up space to the side of her... well, I can just imagine what you might say in this situation. I don't think that obese people and their mentality is what is keeping them from fixing their problem... some people will never understand what it's like to be truly obese and have little control. There's a difference in talking about weight control in general and talking to a person specifically about a person's weight problem. I wouldn't go up to a smoker and tell them their addiction is impairing my ability to breathe. I don't think the issue about speaking to an obese person should be lumped into the category of a handicap- I think it should be lumped into a category of common courtesy and basic human respect. We have gotten so rude in our society, it's accepted to say whatever you want to whoever you want. MacMadame- here here to your comments... I completely agree. Until airlines come up with specific written policies that are available to the public, there is no excuse for this type of behavior. If they don't want large people flying their planes, they should come up with policies prior to someone buying a ticket explaining size issues. I'd rather deal with their issues before paying them money... It's like the woman here in Texas that had a nipple ring. In order to get past airport security they made her take it out. Well, now she's suing. They had a written policy that was available on their website stating if you have piercings, you may be asked to remove them. To her I say tough tooshy- the company was forward with what their policy is. Airlines aren't doing this for obese passengers. Say it before hand! They won't because they know once it's published people will be all on them for discrimination or what not. Instead they attempt to get around actual public outcry by humiliating people one by one. I'm all for airlines cutting costs, the price of fuel is ridiculous and costs are outrageous. But airline execs will always cut customer experience and lower level employee salaries before cutting their own pension/perks. United Airlines cut 1/3 of lower level pensions yet INCREASED their executives salaries that same year. Seems like there might be some monetary space for an obese person to also have a comfortable flight.
  13. MrsFlipFlops

    Flying, Weight and Discrimination...

    This was an interesting thread to read. I've had many flights where I have worried about seatbelts and disturbing other passengers. Luckily now I normally fly first class so I don't have to worry too much about it. I agree that if a person takes up two seats, they should have to pay for two tickets, or if they don't want to bother, they could fly first class where everything is a little bigger. However, I do think it was rude for the attendant to approach your sister pre flight and discuss this. The attendant doesn't need to know anything unless it causes a disturbance to others... in which case it can be dealt with at that time.
  14. MrsFlipFlops

    slave for sale

    Hey, I was just reading the post about your ebay listing. Welcome! Tell us a little about yourself.
  15. I had about 2 days of clear liquids, 4 days of full liquids, then mushies for about a week, then food as tolerated with some (steak, etc) exceptions. I guess I'm on the side of agreeing with hope. If you don't like the diet and you're going to err on the side of caution, fine... but I wouldn't be trying to get the doctor to change his Rx for future patients. Fact is, everyone is different. Despite all the research you've done, I'm willing to bet he's done even more. I think it's great you want to be educated (as we all should be before doing such a procedure). I wouldn't let someone cut into me unless I trusted him entirely- diet and all.
  16. MrsFlipFlops

    Loan from 401k

    Go through the diet. Loans from 401(k) cost you more money that people think. Especially that large of an amount. It's not just the money you take out, it's all the money you would have earned long term. Also, if you loan now, you'll be selling the funds at a lower cost per share than you bought them for- we all know the goal is to buy low sell high- but you'd be doing the opposite, not only losing interest, dividends, earnings, but also growth. I deal with 401(k)'s all day long. You'll appreciate the money when you retire. The six months is definately a long time when you're sitting at day one, but it'll fly by.
  17. I don't keep track of my calories... but I have been thinking maybe I would keep track for a test week or something, just to get an idea. I've been losing consistently enough since surgery, so I never figured I would track it... but I think starting Monday or heck, maybe tomorrow, I will.
  18. MrsFlipFlops

    LDS Bandsters

    Luu- I liked you on your soap box. Good read! :redface:
  19. MrsFlipFlops

    LDS Bandsters

    Oh, goodness, I wasn't saying the temple was sacred by any means. I was just thinking about the kids who believe it is and how they're going through an emotional roller coaster right now. They're heartbreak makes me sad, but believe me, I'm glad law enforcement is down there!
  20. MrsFlipFlops

    LDS Bandsters

    Yeah, I saw the bed thing this morning, which made me angry. Poor innocent children! And I agree, it irritates me that they refer to them as Mormons and barely get the F part right. I just can't imagine what it feels like to them though- who truly believe and haven't had contact in the outside world- to have someone break into their temple. The heartbreak. (I'm just been trying to put myself in their shoes). I hope it gives an opportunity to those who have wanted to get out, but couldn't, a chance to get out and get help. I've been watching it pretty closely, especially since I used to child abuse investigations,
  21. MrsFlipFlops

    LDS Bandsters

    Allright, I've debated this for awhile- but I decided to bring it up. Has everyone seen the news about the Fundamentalist sect here in Texas? They've taken 400 kids into legal temporary custody. All I can think of is how sad I feel for the kids. What are everyone's thoughts?
  22. MrsFlipFlops

    Anyone looking to lose 300+?

    Cascavel- I'm just in awe of your awesome weight loss. Congratulations. How does it feel to be so much lighter? I can't wait til I'm right there with you! You make me so excited!
  23. Scrapbooking for me has been a good distractor when I watch TV. I've also been actively redoing our budget- trying to find the best way to invest the money I'm no longer spending on food! My sister and I have started working out at the gym at work. That helps with nighttime munchies because the workout is so hard, I never want to do it again- therefore I don't eat so I can someday not workout that hard! lol This forum helps too- of course, sometimes I'm reading this forum and eating ice cream... so maybe not. I wrote a list of all the things I want to do when I lose certain goal weights (like going to Six Flags, going go karting). I try to remember those things when I feel "hungry" or when I go out to eat.
  24. MrsFlipFlops

    Advice? Going to file....

    The hair test will detect as long as they test for opiates. But- it's easy to get a bad reading with dying hair or stripping it. Or shaving it. The tests your request should test for at least five categories: opiates, benzos, thc, amphetamines, cocaine. Most testing places do a 13 panel (which all the more inclusive- just make sure his drug of choice is one of the ones covered) a lot of time people with opiate addictions make a quick jump to cocaine.
  25. liquid Tylenol. The pain med they prescribe made me feel nauseaous (spelling?) and sooo sleepy, that I couldn't even enjoy my time off work! My husband went out and bought a recliner for me because I couldn't lay down on the bed without pain and spent the first night sitting up on the couch sleeping. The recliner helped push me up without many muscles, and allowed me to sleep without too much pain.

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