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Everything posted by MrsFlipFlops

  1. BJean- to clarify I've seen it with my friends and hubby. I was just mentioning the radio thing because I thought it was interesting. I live in the DFW area. My hubby has chronically been accused of "acting white" and has learned to brush it off. I'm amazed at the kinds of things people will say to promote a candidate. It does go in all directions, but I've particularly seen it in Obama's case.
  2. MrsFlipFlops

    who supports right to choose

    lol, I have to laugh. I didn't respond because BJean, you're exactly right. You keep saying what you keep saying, I keep saying what I keep saying, we all keep repeating, but in different wording, what we've said before. Why keep saying the same thing over and over again?
  3. MrsFlipFlops


    I've been feeling really moody too... but not because of TOM. I'm just feeling really emotional and dare I say, fragile! My husband will say the slightest thing and I'm getting all upset and feeling like he doesn't care about me. *sigh*. I really hate feeling like this.
  4. MrsFlipFlops

    Wondering how long you waited...

    Well, we're not TRYING perse, but we're not NOT TRYING. I have PCOS and have been told that getting pregnant will be difficult if not impossible, so I'm feeling like if I do get pregnant, it's not going to be for awhile...
  5. MrsFlipFlops

    Ward or Branch?

    We're not in a branch, but we are in a smaller sized ward. I have two callings, but neither of them take very much time. It seems like the responsibility falls on the shoulders of a few people and not evenly spread out there. There are some people who don't have any callings.
  6. BJean- I'm not referencing TV. I'm referencing real life... I've personally seen pressure on a lot of friends I have and my own husband, who are black. When the Primaries were in Texas, in fact, a radio station spent several hours analyzing, with calls in and such, indicating that you're not a real black person if you don't vote Obama.
  7. MrsFlipFlops

    My newest obsessions!

    I think I'm slowly overcoming my addiction to food, but I'm sadly replacing one addition for another... okay, maybe two! LBT! I find myself reading during work, when I come home, heck- I read in traffic on my PDA! (yeah, I'm the one texting at lights and reading my email- honk at me if you want, you won't change me) :laugh: Okay, so that's addiction number one. Addiction number 2- weighing myself. I have been doing it day and night, mid day if I got the chance! It got so bad that I made my husband hide the scale from me! lol. He gets it out for me every Saturday, but then puts it away. It's been sitting out since this morning in our bathroom and I have weighed myself three times! Before dinner, after dinner, after a bathroom break! I'm out of control! Addiction number 3- never before have I been the type to look at myself too much in the mirror, but I find myself checking myself out when I pass by mirrors, windows, anything reflective. I look at my arms, my legs, my butt... I suck it in, I push it out, I stand up tall, I slouch. I look at my nose from this angle, then THIS angle, then tHis angle... I'm pretty sure someone could make a lot of hilarious footage by simply putting a camera behind the glass. Allright, now I've shared mine... anyone else care to share their newest addictions?? Don't hold out on me... I want to know i'm not the only one!! :biggrin:
  8. I was using thedailyplate.com but I just found myfitnesspal.com, which seems way easier to use and absolutely free! Anyone have any comments on which site is best to track food/exercise??
  9. Hey, WELCOME! We're glad you're here.
  10. MrsFlipFlops

    Popcorn - Does it go down for you?

    TDPW- your name makes me laugh... it's not you though. My husband's initials are P T D W and for the longest time while we were in college in different states, all I would see when I IM'd him or something was P T D W responded, P T D W is typing. So I get confused when I see you. :smile: Good memories... :crying:
  11. MrsFlipFlops

    Popcorn - Does it go down for you?

    I've been wanting popcorn, but been holding off due to what I've heard in the past. I think I should give it a try! I miss movie and popcorn!
  12. MrsFlipFlops

    Rename Rants & Raves Board

    It's so like a car accident!!! I try to stay away, but I'm sucked back in. No willpower I tell you! :smile:
  13. I agree Elenation. About the Ronald thing, to en extent yeah, but I have seen the dramatic pressure black folks put on eachother to vote for Obama. It's assumed that because you're black you support Obama. When you say you're not, there's an immediate, I don't know what you'd call it, backlash, semi outcast moment- that's you're not really black if you don't vote Obama. I also think it's amusing about how he's black but not all black. Why can't he be white? He's got that in him too? The whole "one drop" rule I guess is king.
  14. I'm sure this won't be a popular opinion, and I haven't finished reading the whole board yet so I don't know everything that has already been said... but... :smile: I don't think America is NOT ready for a black president. I think Obama is not experienced enough to be president... if he's not elected it won't be because he's black, it's because he lacks fundamental experience. Frankly, given his resume and the lack of experience therein I think the only reason he's gotten so far is BECAUSE he's black. No white guy with his exact level of experience would have been the nominee.
  15. MrsFlipFlops

    Who's the man Obama or MCcain?

    A model... :smile: hee hee. He just likes to look GOOD!
  16. MrsFlipFlops

    General Questions

    you're lucky lun! The port pain was the worst kind after I got banded.
  17. MrsFlipFlops

    Best calorie tracking site??

    Wow, that one seems like it has a LOT of features! I don't know why I feel stress in picking the right one... I just don't want to get in using something for months and then change. I like consistency. I'll have to try out fatsecret too... Thanks!
  18. MrsFlipFlops


    I was a sunbeam teacher, then a nursery leader, now Primary Secretary. I can't tell if it's a promotion or a demotion. :thumbs_up: Problem is, I've always been a president or counselor.... what do secretaries do?? I find myself not doing much and I feel bad, but don't know what else to be doing. I take role, make assignments for prayers/talk/scripture... that's pretty much it! Our presidency is kind of disorganized, so I guess I'm looking for good ideas to keep us on track and have a really great primary. Anyone else work in Primary?
  19. MrsFlipFlops

    Who's the man Obama or MCcain?

    Ug, I would just die if Huckabee were VP! I think that's a losing ticket anyway... Huckabee drives me crazy! The winning ticket for McCain is McCain/Romney, I think.
  20. MrsFlipFlops

    july 28

    gobbler, welcome welcome welcome! I to have a relationship with food and am slowly learning to deal with it differently! It's hard sometimes, but rewarding!
  21. MrsFlipFlops

    General Questions

    I don't even notice I have a band in normal day to day life. I know when I eat and I can feel my port on my stomache... but it's not uncomfortable, unless you eat and don't chew or you eat really fast.
  22. MrsFlipFlops

    You know you are a bandster when....

    Yes, except even though I ASKED him to do this because I know I'll forget, I still get offended when he mentions it... poor hubby, just can't get anything right. :biggrin: It's a lose lose situation.
  23. MrsFlipFlops

    Best calorie tracking site??

    Of course, the ticker is awfully big...
  24. MrsFlipFlops

    Best calorie tracking site??

    I also like that you can customized your tracker with pics (like mine of the AA plane!)
  25. MrsFlipFlops

    Best calorie tracking site??

    I must say I do like myfitnesspal since I've been using it a couple day. I gave up on thedailyplate. I used sparkpeople for awhile, like the pages, forums and what not, but it could never track my weight right. So I gave up. I'll have to look at fitday... but we may have a winner with myfitnesspal!

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