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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mom2_4

  1. Mom2_4

    6 Month Progress Pics

    Shiny & Crystal, you both look fabulous!! Tomorrow is 6 months for me and I will post some then. I am hoping to lose 1/2 pound by then and make it to 90 pounds lost.
  2. I took the kids to their school today for 'Meet the teacher" since school starts up again next week. We popped in to say hi to one of the boy's teachers from last year who went on maternity leave in January so I hadn't seen her since I had surgery. Well she looked at me initially with a weird look and then realized who I was. She didn't even recognize me at first!! And I worked in her classroom two mornings a week for the first semester of school so it wasn't like she didn't know me well in the first place. It was such a good feeling, kept me on a super high all afternoon. It also didn't hurt to hear from many people how good I looked since I hadn't seen alot of them since May. I LOVE my band!!!
  3. Mom2_4

    Airport Security

    I have flown several times and never had a problem. I did read somewhere that if they have to scan you with the wand that it will register but the manufacturer suggests showing them your scars and explaining what it is.
  4. Mom2_4

    5-6 month plateaus

    Also, on the up side of this plateau, my hair has stopped falling out and I have more and more of the little spikeys sticking out of my head!!
  5. Mom2_4

    5-6 month plateaus

    I am right there with you!! I have been stuck for the past few weeks and I am trying really hard not to let it get to me. I am counting the days until the kids go back to school and I can go back to the gym more regularly. Increasing my exercise helped me quite a bit the last time I was stuck in a plateau. I know it isn't my diet that has me there, my calories never go over 1000. It is soooo frustrating though!!
  6. Mom2_4

    Anybody in Albuquerque?

    I'm in Albuquerque, feel free to post or PM if you want to talk.
  7. This little hurdle means alot more than I figured it would, I almost feel teary. I guess it is just comfort in knowing that I have gotten this far and the end is at least in sight and I didn't exactly feel this way when I started. On the downside, my skin is really starting to hang, especially my stomach and arms. I knew that I would probably need a tummy tuck eventually but didn't figure the rest of my body would be this way. It is scary to think what it will be like 50 more pounds from now. It is a really good thing that the cooler weather isn't too far off because I am not going to want to bare these bat wings too terribly much longer!!
  8. I am also fighting a plateau, very frustrating. We have done alot of traveling this summer and I attribute it to not a whole lot of stability in my diet and exercise. But the kids will all be back to school by mid August and it will be time to focus on me again. I just had another fill on Tuesday so that should help me as well. I am really hoping to get to Onederland by October when we go to Hawaii, so I really need to get this train moving again.
  9. Mom2_4

    Eating Habits

    You definitely don't sound like you have enough restriction and I would guess that once you get proper restriction then you will be more satisfied after eating a small portion. I eat whatever I cook for my family, just in smaller portions and most of the time come away from the meal like I just ate Thanksgiving dinner and feeling like I cheated in some way because of that feeling of fullness. I don't bother with breakfast because I am way too tight feeling in the morning to be hungry or bother with a possible PB or something getting stuck. My first meal is lunch, then dinner, and then in the evening, I do a sort of breakfast. I also allow myself eat twice outside meals if I need it, granola bar, fruit, nuts, etc. Also, exercise helps quite a bit, even if you can only do it 3 times a week, it helps. Best of luck to you!!
  10. I had my yearly physical and PAP last week and my doc ordered the regular blood tests, sugar, cholesterol, thyroid, etc. The nurse called me this morning and said that my Vitamin B12 was on the low side as well as my iron levels and that my doc wanted me to start on OTC supplements. Both levels were all still in the normal range but at the very low side of normal. I know that it is because of the weight loss but I am wondering if this is the norm with Lap Band patients at this point. I am seeing my surgeon tomorrow and plan on asking him what his thoughts are on this. Has anyone else heard this from their doc?
  11. Mom2_4

    Sad but true - friends that are jealous!

    My mother actually acts this way. I think that deep down she wants me to succeed but she can't take it that I have passed her by. I don't understand why people act that way. Just keep doing what you are doing and don't worry about what others say or do!!
  12. I haven't had any problems whatsoever. I would say on a whole that serious complications from the band are rare if you consider how many are done each day in comparison to how many are seen in the ER.
  13. Mom2_4

    What are you telling people?

    I tell everyone that I had the surgery, I don't care who knows or what they think about it. If I were in your position, I would tell the truth in that you are being very careful about what you are eating, taking in only X amount of calories and not exceeding X amount of fat or carbs and you are exercising X amount of times per week, and it is really working for you. It is technically the truth, you are just omitting that you had surgery to help you do that
  14. Mom2_4

    My first posted progress pics

    Wow you look great!! Keep up the good work!
  15. Mom2_4

    Blood Test Results

    That is the best NSV isn't it!! The only thing I regret about this surgery is not having it done sooner.
  16. Mom2_4

    Off to see the Wizard...

    I hope you are relaxing in Emerald City right about now. Welcome to BandLand!!
  17. Have you discussed these concerns with your surgeon? He/she may be able to give you a more educated opinion as to whether or not it is something to be concerned about. I personally would say that as long as you have pretty good control of your seizures, then go for it. It is probably just as risky to get into a car accident and do possible damage to the band. Best of luck to you with your decision!
  18. Mom2_4

    Spasms in the legs

    I had it quite a bit for the first month or 2 after surgery. It seems to have gone away on its own.
  19. Mom2_4

    Any New Mexico Banders?

    I also live in Albuquerque. What kind of info were you looking for?
  20. I have been craving Shredded Wheat lately and used to eat tons of it before being banded. I know we aren't supposed to have bulky fiber but I want to try. Anyone have any opinions?
  21. Mom2_4

    Happy Birthday Ready!

    Happy Birthday! Hope it is a great one!!
  22. Mom2_4

    I need...

    For inspiration-- How about taking the outfit you wore the day you had surgery and putting that on. This will show you how far you have come. For motivation-- Go out to your favorite store and try on something that makes you look and feel fabulous. Then buy it in a size smaller than what fits. I find that I get a huge rush from wearing new stuff that looks good. Something else I do that is a little strange, but I try to bottle up all feelings I get when I feel like I am getting discriminated against because of being overweight and use them in anger when I go to the gym or workout and start to get tired. It keeps me going. You definitely have the courage in you! You are 10 years younger than I am and I only wish I had the courage to face my obesity head on at your age, rather than waiting so long like I did. I refused to even believe I had gained that much weight at that point and blamed it all on having kids. You have so much ahead of you and some days might totally SUCK, try not to dwell on them. Do what you can do every day and don't stress about it. Feel free to bitch and whine on here because if anyone understands, we do!!
  23. Well I had hoped to have a 100 pound weight loss by 6 months, but I am still 19 lbs away and don't see that happening by the 14th. So I will settle for getting out of these size 16s and into 14s by then. I am close, they will go on and zip but they don't look very good yet.
  24. Mom2_4

    I love my lap-band . . .

    I was also hoping to make it to a 100 loss by six months but I am 20 pounds away with just under a month to go, so don't see it happening. But, I am 3 pounds away from my halfway point. Also, DH is taking me to Hawaii in October and I am aiming for losing 40 more pounds by then, which will put me in Onederland! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my band!!
  25. Mom2_4

    Goooaaaallll !!!!!!!!!!!

    Congratulations! That is so awesome!!

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