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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mom2_4

  1. Mom2_4

    So MUCH Pain! Help

    Try to move around as much as you can. That was the only thing I found that helped and I didn't want to move at all! It does get better and better as the days pass, hang in there!
  2. Mom2_4

    Heck of a ride home.......

    I agree with the PP, use a pillow over your stomach, it helps alot going over bumps. Our drive was 6 1/2 hours and I swear we went over every bump between Phoenix and Albuquerque. Take your meds and find something like a book on tape that you can focus on so that you aren't focused on your aching tummy. I don't know why I had it in my head that flying would have been worse!
  3. I would skip the lunch meat all together, it is full of nitrates and sodium, plus I find that it gets stuck more often than not. Try some deli ham or turkey with a thin layer of cream cheese and a layer of lettuce and roll it up.
  4. Mom2_4

    Monday Morning Coffee

    Well it is evening now but I will join in. This weekend it was very Fall-like and chilly. I took the kids to their soccer game on Saturday. We also made caramel apples and watched Charlie Browns Halloween. Sunday, the kids and I decorated the outside of the house for Halloween. They turned the front yard into a graveyard :thumbup: I was good food wise, I made chocolate chip cookies for the kids lunches last night and didn't touch any.
  5. Mom2_4


    My in-network doctor accepts my insurance, but his partner does not and he does not do surgery with anyone else so I ended up paying out of network fees for that doc. Evidently, they do that with almost all insurances and that is how they make some extra $$. Honestly though, other than that, I love my doctor and it was worth all of the extra money paid, I would do it all over again.
  6. Mom2_4

    Major victory!!!!!

    That is incredible!!!!! Way to go!
  7. That is fantastic! I got into that size a few weeks ago and I have been strutting around like I was a size 2 it feels so good :biggrin:
  8. I have lost a two month old horse and a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts.
  9. Mom2_4

    did everyone feel this

    Fighting head hunger is really hard. It took me a few months to stop thinking I was hungry all of the time and I still have times that my head is hungry but my body says NOOOO. Try your best to keep yourself busy and listen to your body when it says you are really hungry. When you get some restriction, it will be impossible to eat very much or very often so it kind of cures itself in that way. Best of luck to you!!
  10. This is YOUR life and YOUR decision. She sounds like she is just jealous and wants someone else to be in the same rut that she is. Even when you lose your weight and get where you want to be, she will be the one making comments like, 'she couldn't do it without cheating.' But honestly, you will not regret having this surgery, it will change your life, health, self esteem, and every other aspect of your life and those rude comments will make you laugh. Also, make sure as you go down in sizes, you offer your plus sized clothes since you have no use for them anymore :biggrin: Good luck with your surgery!
  11. Mom2_4

    My band under Flouroscopy!!

    That is so cool! Thanks for sharing!!!
  12. Mom2_4

    Should I feel guilty

    I think it is really not cool of your doc to tell you not to diet. That is basically telling you to eat whatever you want and that is so bad, especially if you don't have good enough restriction, there is a reason we all had this surgery in the first place. I don't see anything wrong with low carbing or doing WW or something like that. I would go ahead and eat your frozen meals and be happy about it.
  13. I didn't feel like I would ever get here, the last 10 pounds have been a real struggle. But, I am thrilled to pieces about this, but I have to admit that it doesn't feel real. I am still 60 pounds from goal and plan on making an appointment with a plastic surgeon after the first of the year to see what can be done to tighten up this new jiggly version of myself. I LOVE MY BAND!!!
  14. Ok, one more thing, I found a giant 33 oz bottle of Nioxin at Costco for like $21 for anyone thinking about buying it.
  15. I noticed it when I got through my first bottle of shampoo, probably about 5 weeks or so because I was kind of thinking about whether it was working or not and whether I should buy more of it and I started noticing that there wasn't massive amounts of hair on my pillow every morning and it wasn't coming out if I ran my hands through it anymore. For what its worth, I did try to increase my Protein, even tried the protein test tubes for awhile, but I just couldn't make myself eat any more than I was eating at the time. So I don't think that protein did much for me as far as stopping the hair loss.
  16. Mom2_4

    7 months, slow losing, definite progress

    You look great!! Losing is losing no matter how fast or slow it is, keep up the good work!!
  17. I buy mine at the salon, they cost about $20 a bottle but it is really worth it. You can check it out at NIOXIN I am not sure if it will help using it prior to surgery or not, but if I knew then what I know now, I would have started using it about 2 months postop just to keep it from getting to the point that it got to. I also have a great hairdresser who encouraged me to get my longer hair cut and cut it to where it wasn't so noticeable.
  18. Mine was coming out in bunches at the beginning of the May and I started using Nioxin and now 3-4 months later, it is coming back in. There are all kinds of little spikey hairs about an inch long or so coming in everywhere. It doesn't look pretty but I am super glad it is at least coming back. My hairdresser told me to stay true to the Nioxin for a few more months. It is expensive but totally worth it.
  19. Mom2_4

    100 pounds!!

    That is so awesome!! That has to be the best birthday present ever. Congratulations!!!!!
  20. Mom2_4

    Gliding Discs

    I have never heard of it but it looks kind of cool. I might order it, even if I end up hating it, my kids would probably love to glide around the house.
  21. Mom2_4

    Yahoo!!! 70 pounds, Baby!

    Congrats on being 'almost normal'!!!
  22. I am still quite a ways from my goal, but I have found myself wondering lately what I plan on doing about my band when I reach it. There isn't a chance in this world that I am going to have it removed, that option is out. But I have been wondering if I should have all of the fluid removed, some, or just leave my fill as is and see what happens. I don't know that I would trust myself enough to take all of the fluid out but I am thinking that some of it would be ok. Anyone else thinking ahead like this or have any thoughts on the matter?
  23. Weird stuff seems to be happening to me lately. Certain foods that I have loved for years now do NOT smell good or taste good to me. Example, it is my son's birthday and after his party, the pizza was in the fridge and usually the smell doesn't bother me other than make me want to eat it. Well I opened it up to get a water and it made my stomach turn, same kind, same toppings, etc. Also, with the cake, chocolate filled chocolate cake. I sat there talking with friends while the cake was sitting there and the smell was making me sick, and when it was served, I couldn't do more than a bite or 2, it just wasn't good to me. This kind of thing has been happening for about 2 weeks and there is not one single chance that I could be pregnant, which is a logical thought but is a guaranteed no (tubes are tied and just had my TOM). Is this happening to anyone else?
  24. Mom2_4

    Online Games

    I don't have enough time to really do it. My DH and oldest son have been begging me to try World of Warcraft for a few years now. My DH has been playing Ultima for more than 10 years off and on but it doesn't really interest me, I wish it did because it would thrill them both to no end.
  25. Mom2_4

    Creative Minds

    Cool idea! Unfortunately my creativity comes out in more of a crafty outlet. I love to sew and do beading and things like that. I couldn't write a poem or draw a picture to save my life :redface:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
