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Posts posted by nraeh

  1. I had my surgery June 1, 2011. I have lost 150 lbs total. But I went to my year checkup yesterday and I did not lose one pound in the last three months. My Dr. was not happy since I have about 44 more to go. He said I should not have leveled off this soon. His advice for me was to drink two shakes, eat a "box meal" and drink 64 oz of Water a day. At first I couldn't figure out what a "box meal" was but then I asked if it was like a Lean Cuisine and he said yes. That is the first time I have ever heard of a Dr. telling someone to eat one of those meals. Has anyone else heard of that?

  2. Thanks everyone for your advice. We will be going on vacation in about two weeks. That is not near enough time to get a new passport. I guess I will just have to hope that I can get by with my current passport. I didn't read about needing a new passport if you lose a lot of weight but I did read that most countries don't even look at the actual picture. I hope that is my case. A funny thing is that every time my four year old granddaughter sees a picture of me before I lost weight she keeps asking "what happened to you in that picture?" She just can't remember that I ever looked like that. That is so nice.

  3. I don't have young children but I have young grandchildren. I'll get my two cents in anyway. I have had absolutely NO complications from my surgery even at my age of 63 when I had the surgery. However, I have tried to follow the guidelines set by the Bariatric Center as closely as possible by taking my Vitamins and drinking my Water. I can eat anything I want to eat now just not as much as I had eaten before. I don't feel "deprived" because when I get up from the table I don't feel stuffed and ready for a nap now. You won't believe how much easier everything is when you don't carry around an extra 150 lbs. It makes a world of difference. I never realized that until I lost the 150 lbs but I sure realize it now. Yes, there are risks in having the surgery but there are also risks everytime you get into a car or on an airplane. Life is full of risks. You just have to trust God that you are doing the right thing and let him do his part in taking care of you.

  4. I have tried several different kinds of bars but I have gotten hooked on the Quest Protein Bars. They are a little higher priced but so worth the extra. They have 20 grams of protein and if you warm them up for about 15 sec. in the microwave they are fabulous. The other thing I really like about them is that I can pop them into my purse and I don't have to worry about them melting like some of the bars do. I always keep a couple handy at all times. If you set up the automatic monthly shipments of the bars you save $10 which is very good. I have checked and some of the heath food stores carry them but they are higher priced then ordering them online.

  5. I must confess I am a "clothes-a-holic". I had two very full closets when I started this journey. My main closet had clothes that fit me or almost fit me and my second closet was my "wishing" closet. It was clothes that I had bought over the years on sale - always on sale - and that I "wished" would fit me someday. I have had to buy very few clothes because like some of the others said I am satisfied with fewer clothes that fit me nicely. It is amazing what a difference 150 lbs can make. Another reason is that I am retired now and don't need to dress up to work every day so that has saved me a lot of money. But I really shop the sales to find clothes at a good price. I have been real fortunate to find some very nice things at Kohl's and with all the coupons and discounts they have I have saved a lot of money. Good Luck on your journey and have fun shopping the bargins.

  6. What a difference just ten months has made in my life. The pictures below says it all. The first picture was taken just before my surgery. I had already lost 41 lbs before my surgery on June 1, 2011. The second picture was taken April 1, 2012 - just ten months later. I have lost 148 lb in all now and have just 46 more to go. This journey has been totally amazing. I could not be any happier.



  7. I too was a huge Diet Coke fan. I couldn't go a day without at least a 2 liter of DC. I stopped cold turkey just before I started at the Bariatric Center. I really don't miss it. Now I "treat" myself to a Caffine Free Diet Coke once a month at a special monthly event. I really don't even crave it anymore but it is just a treat. I do not find that it causes me any problems but I drink it very slowly and it takes me most of the day to drink one. As for as it stretching the stomach I don't see it at all but I am not done with my journey yet. I definitely do not have any problems drinking the DC.

  8. I had about the same thing happen to me. I had three piece suits that still had the tags on them and the consignment shop was being so picky about them that I just left. I have taken probably ten large boxes of clothes to one of our local churches that has a store for the poor and needy. They love me when I walk in. I got the tax deduction and some ladies in the community have some very nice clothes.

  9. That is so funny. I am the same way. When I was much larger I had a hard time finding things I wanted to wear and now I find all kinds of clothes that are going to be way to big for me much easier than clothes my size now. I love clothes shopping but usually end up not buying much because the styles are so different in the smaller sizes. I know that I will get used to it but it still hard to grasp to shop ten sizes smaller than I did just a year ago. I still have 48 lbs to go so I don't want to buy to much yet. Oh my my what a problem I do have. :)

  10. I can't tell you how important it is for you to keep a personal journal of your thoughts and feelings during this life changing process. Before I had surgery I wrote a journal entry nearly every day. I haven't read those entries until today. What a difference a year made in my life. The struggles I had a year ago are not even in the picture now. I wish I had been more diligent in journaling since I had my surgery because the NSV's that I have had are amazing. I was totally unaware of the extent of the NSV's that I would experience. I have kept of daily record of my weights tho and even that is astounding. Again, I want to express how important it is to journal.

  11. I can't tell you how important it is for you to keep a personal journal of your thoughts and feelings during this life changing process. Before I had surgery I wrote a journal entry nearly every day. I haven't read those entries until today. What a difference a year made in my life. The struggles I had a year ago are not even in the picture now. I wish I had been more diligent in journaling since I had my surgery because the NSV's that I have had are amazing. I was totally unaware of the extent of the NSV's that I would experience. I have kept of daily record of my weights tho and even that is astounding. Again, I want to express how important it is to journal.

  12. Since I have had my surgery I have had so many people volunteer to give me excuses as to why they can't lose weight. I tell them I only have one reason as to why I was so heavy. I ate too much of the wrong foods. That is the only reason I have. It seems like everyone wants to justify to me their situation. I don't ever say anything to them about their weight but they seem to think they need to let me know their situation. I get amused sometimes and a little irritated at other times listening to all those crazy excuses. I could probably write a book.

    On another note, I went to my dentist the other day and after he had worked on me for two hours he asked if he could take a picture of me. He said the picture they had in my file did not look like me. They sent me a copy of the two pictures. I'll try to attach them below.

    I am not at goal but I have lost 142 lbs and have about 52 yet to go. I could not possibly be more pleased with the results of my surgery. I have had absolutely NO complications and I can eat whatever I want to eat - just not much of it. I can't say enough good things about the VSG. It has changed my life forever.



  13. One of my good friends just went thru chemo treatments and was so concerned about me having surgery but now that she has seen how well I have done and that I have had no complications she is ok. However, every time I talk to her she asks me how I am feeling - almost like she is expecting me to say that I feel bad. I have never felt better than I do now and I tell her that.

  14. We took a vacation when I was about six weeks out from surgery. I had absolutely no problems at all. I really didn't worry much about what I ate etc but I did have my Protein Bars handy. The amazing thing is that I actually lost 3 lbs that week I was on vacation. You can do it easy at 4 - 5 months out. You'll love the difference that you will feel and all the extra energy that you will have. You just won't believe it. Good Luck!!!

  15. At first I had the same problem. I made myself a spreadsheet and checked each time I took a Vitamin or had Protein. Now, I don't have to use the spreadsheet because it is just second nature to me to do what I am to do. However, the spreadsheet really helped me keep it all organized. Good Luck with your surgery. I know that you will be SO SO SO happy that you did it. It has made a world of difference in my life and I couldn't be happier.

  16. I agree you do look amazing. I have been having my picture taken every month on the first day of the month and putting the pictures side by side is amazing. My husband like to take close ups of my face with his phone and it is definitely a very interesting transformation. In fact I didn't even hardly recognize myself with a close up. It is definitely a change.

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