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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by cheryl1952

  1. Hey friends -

    I have not posted on this site in such a long time. I have had a year of pure hell. And that's putting it lightly. I had my lap band placed November 13th, 2009. In the first 4 months I lost 45 pounds. It will be 2 years since I had the band in 2 days. Since then I have not lost about 8 more pounds. I worked my butt of trying to lose this weight. I was very cautious about what I was eating and following the lap band diet. I even joined Gold's Gym and hired a personal trainer for an entire year. Even though I could only afford to see her two times a month, when I saw her, she worked me to the bone. I managed to lose about 8 pounds. My lowest weight was 192.

    Before at 250 pounds

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    After 199 pounds

    Fast forward to 2011. Starting in January I had to stop my membership and personal training because it was way too expensive. I then went on to joint a gym called LA Boxing where you used boxing gloves and hit the bag and worked with a class tought by a trainer.

    The fun didn't last long. In march I started having severe pain. I found out that I had more ovarian cysts (i have a long history of ovarian cysts) that were pretty big. I was on birth control but obviously it wasn't working too well. Usually when you are on birth control you not supposed to ovulate which causes ovarian cysts. On April 28th, I had to have an Ovarian Cystectomy. The doctor was actually thinking about removing the whole entire right ovary because I constantly had ovarian cysts on that side. But they ended up saving it. I had what was called a hemorrhagic cyst that was actually inside my ovary. They removed the cyst. I went home and recovered. As I was getting ready to come back to work I started having really bad pain in my stomach and my stomach was really distended. I called my OBGYN and he told me to take a beano and assumed I had gas. It didn't seem right. I went to the ER. The doctors found that I had what was called a hematoma. It was about the size of a softball. I was hospitalized for 5 days and was given antibiotics and a PCA machine that distributed pain medicine Dialuded to me .I was out of work for a total of 7 weeks.

    Here is a picture of my Hematoma. Basically the left side is me right before I went to the ER. You can see my stomach is severely bloated and on the top you can see where the hematoma is. On the right is me after 5 days in the hospital and you'll see that the stomach is less distended. They went under a ultrasound and drained the 7cc's of blood out of my stomach. But I'm still distended:


    I wanted to get back on track with my weight loss so I went to my surgeon and got saline put in my band. I found out later that my band was way too tight. Tight enough where they had to remove all the saline for a few weeks because my band was causing my esophagus to almost dilate. Now keep in mind that this is the second time something like this had happened. This was getting old.

    Here is a picture of my band. The picture is my band under a fluro xray. As you can see it's extremely swollen and too tight:


    So I went back to my doctor and he barely put any saline in there so I didn't feel any restriction at all. I just dealt with it and tried just counting my calories and working out. My lap band was pretty much useless from that point out. I still had to deal with acid reflux. During the summer I had to deal with recurring ovarian cysts and then I developed kidney stones. FUN! Not. So because of this crap I was unable to work out. Let me tell you aside form the health issues I had I felt like I never had the restriction I wanted. I lost the estimated 50 pounds with a combination of the weight I initially lost straight out of surgery from the liquid diet, and then dieting on my own and working out with a personal trainer and working out on my own 5 days a week for 2 hours a day. I'm starting to get frustrated with this band because I feel like it isn't working. I'm following all the rules, I don't understand. I feel like I regret getting this band. I've been going in for adjustments like 10 times each year. And 5 of those times I've been told that I'm already tight enough so I wasted $30 for them to tell me I'm fine. I would walk out of that office in tears. So that summer I had a conversation with my surgeon expressing that I'm looking into possibly getting a revision surgery to bypass. I was sick of the bullshit. He told me to come talk to him about that in November. I would of been 2 years out, and he felt I should wait until 2 years out to talk about this. By this time I have already gained 10 pounds.

    Lets fast forward to Friday 11/4/2011. I was feeling extreme stomach pain all week. I already had to visit the ER once because the pain was so severe. It felt like a burning pain in my upper stomach right above my belly button but kinda off to the left. The pain was very constant. Never went away. Earlier in the week I saw my bariatric surgeon who prescribed me a medicine called Carafate. It works mainly in the lining of the stomach by adhering to ulcer sites and protecting them from acids, enzymes, and bile salts. It's main function is for ulcers. He also prescribed me liquid oxycodone. I had to take double the dosage for it to help with the pain. So here I am Friday going back to the ER because the pain meds they gave me isn't working. I'm in agony. 10/10 pain scale. The doctor in the ER calls my surgeon and they decide to admit me to investigate what's going on with me. So that Saturday I saw a GI doctor who looked at my CT scan and Xrays and said that I was severely constipated. He felt that Constipation was the diagnoses to why I was in so much pain. He was the one telling me I'm full of **** literally, when I was thinking the exact thing about him figuratively because I knew I was having normal bowel movements and there was no way that constipation would of caused that much pain. So his solution.. he wanted the nurse to give me an enema. Ugh...not fun.. not fun at all. They literally had an IV pole that was holding this substance that was going to be my enema. It took the nurse about 5 different times for all the Fluid to "go in". SO after several bathroom trips, I was finally cleaned out. I didn't feel any different. I still felt that severe pain. So I was right.. that GI doctor was really full of ****. So he comes back on Sunday to see how I'm doing. I told him that I felt a lot of pain still. So, he wanted to do an endoscopy. So I had an endoscopy scheduled on Monday. So they brought me to the endoscopy. I don't remember anything. Which was good considering they gave me anesthesia to knock me out. It came back that I had what was called gastritis. Which is pretty much inflammation of the stomach lining. I couldn't accept that this was the cause of my pain. I just didn't seem right. My surgeon came in and we spoke about what they found out. He felt that it is very possible that my band was causing this pain. It felt that I may have some adhesions stuck around my band. It's also very possible that after 2 years of having a lap band in my body that my body is rejecting this foreign object. He told me that he was going to discharge me on that Tuesday and I should call and make an appointment with him to schedule surgery to get my lap band taken out. So here it was Tuesday, I went home. I was so happy to be home. I spent the rest of the day sleeping mostly. Wednesday came around and that morning I was in severe pain. The oxycodone wasn't helping at all. By 5:00PM I called my husband and said I need to go to the ER. As soon as I got into a bed, the ER doctor called and spoke with surgeon and the surgeon wanted to talk to me so he brought the mobile phone into my room and I spoke with him. He asked me if I would like to be admitted and on Friday they take the lap band out. That was the best thing I have heard spoken to me in a very long time. I was 90% sure that this was the cause of my pain. So here we are on Friday 11/11/2011. I'm sitting here in my hospital bed typing this long story about the reason why I've decided to take out this lapband I now call a CRAPband. I'm mad that I chose lapband instead of gastric bypass. I'm mad because I was trying to be safe and avoid invasive surgery with gastric bypass. After much education on the gastric bypass from talking to other friends who have had it and going to a seminar, I'm confident that this is what I want to do. Unfortunately, I will not be able to get the bypass when they take the band out. I have to wait 6 weeks or so for my stomach to heal and then I will be getting gastric bypass. I also have to go through the entire insurance requirements again. I'm fine with that. It's 9:00AM and I'm very nervous about today.

    Here is a picture of me in my hospital bed typing this to you:

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    At 4:30PM today I will be laying on that OR table and I will be saying goodbye to something that has done almost nothing for me but cause me emotional and physical pain. I will update you on what happens. I will update you as in the next 2 weeks I recover from this. Please keep me in your prayers and thoughts. I'm really nervous.

    Until next time,


    Here's a picture of me when I'm not in a hospital bed:


    I hope everything went okay with your removal of the lapband. Let me know soon. I am getting ready to schedule my surgery date to remove mine too.


  2. Hey Sandy1...you are by far not the alone in being over 50 on this board. There are quite a few of us out there. I am 55 yrs old and am almost 3 yrs out from having LB surgery. One of the best decisions of my life. I feel a good 30 yrs younger. Good luck with your pre-op tests.

    I had lapband surgery in Oct 2008 and originally lost 25 lbs and then gained all back and then some. I am trying to motivate myself back into starting this journey over again since I still have the band. I had some problems with reflux and they took all the fill out about 6 months ago. I am so depressed about going through major surgery and being a failure again. I am not in anyway trying to discourage people I just failed myself.


  3. Hi all,

    I am not doing well, but I am not blaming anyone but myself. I am not working with my band. I am back to eating the wrong things again. I got a fill last week and I do have alot more restriction but I have to change my thinking. How have you guys gotten this far? What are you doing to continue to lose weight? I am needing advice.



  4. Longhorn Girl,

    I am so proud of you. I had my surgery one day after you and I am having a hard time getting back on track. I orginally lost 23 lbs and then stopped. I started getting all my old habits back but not to the extent it was because my band won't let me eat that much but I have put back on about 5 lbs. I am so sad that I am starting to feel like a failure again. I finally got back on here this week and have been getting support. You have done so well "will you please help me"? Tell me what you eat from the time you get up and go to bed for a few days so I can try and incoorporate some good habits again. I cannot wait until I can say I have lost that much weight. I don't even know what happened. I was so excited and I don't blame the band at all it is all me. So I know I can do it but I have to have support. I really am a bread, sweet aholic. Once it touches my mouth I have no control until it wants to come back up. Thanks for listening.

    I am very proud of all of you too!


  5. So are you saying that the whole meal is suppose to be no more than a cup of food? Protein, Vegies etc? I am doing alot better now that I am talking to all of you again. I think I really need to stay on here for support. I am going out of town tomorrow morning and it is going to be tuff so any helpful hints for traveling would be appreciated. Have a wonderful day! Had anyone heard from Mrs. Bubba?


  6. I am so glad I finally came back to this site for help. I have stayed away for awhile because I was so mad at myself and afraid to face up. You have all given me such good advice and I am getting my book back out. My book doesn't have alot of information that I think would help me. Keep sending me helpful hints as you think of them. I will be checking on here everyday for information. Hope you all have a wonderful week.


  7. Thanks so much for giving me all this information. I needed someone to remind me how bad I wanted this and I should be taking advantage of this tool. Please keep in contact until I get myself under control. Motivation is what I need and after I start losing again I think I will have it under control. I can't check myspace at work but I do everyday at home. I cannot wait to have as much weight lost as you do.

    Thanks for helping me


  8. Thank you so much Phyl for replying to my post. It is people like you who take the time to give ideas that makes this support site work. I will listen to your advice and see where that gets me. I also have some friends I work with that insist on me going to lunch with them everyday. I try to come up with excuses and then I give in. They eat Mexican, Chinese Italian etc. Not only is it destroying my diet it also is hurting my pocketbook. I also have been ordering iced tea with lemon and take very few sips but I am drinking before and after meals. Is that all y ou eat for lunch is salads? Do you ever drink your Protein drinks anymore and how much Protein are we suppose to be getting at this point. What kind of exercising are you doing?



  9. I could use some support from someone on here. I started out doing everything right in October 2008. But gradually got back to eating anything I wanted other than I have never touched soda pop. I lost 23 lbs and was so proud and have gained back about 7 and now getting the same old failure feelings back again as before.

    I also am having feelings of fullness after eating bread and it comes back up if not it is very uncomfortable. I don't throw it up it just comes. I also am feeling a little nauseus after eating.

    I really need someone to guide me back to what I need to be eating. Give me some examples of what you eat for meals. I have a 14 cc lapband and last time I got a fill was the end of February. It is at 6 1/2.

    Happy Easter to All


  10. I had my surgery on October 8, 2008. I was so happy and lost 23 lbs but then started gaining one lb at a time until I have gained back almost 10 lbs. I am very confused on what I am suppose to be eating. I know I need to start exercising. I don't drink enough Water. I know what I am doing wrong. I guess I just need someone to help me. I do not drink soda pop. That is about the only thing I am doing right. If you would please give me some helpful hints to what has helped each of you to get to where you are now. I am very proud of each and everyone of you and maybe I will be right behind you. Have a Happy Easter and I will be checking in later to see if any of you can help.



    I hope some of you can turn my frowns upside down so I can smile again and get back my motivation to suceed this time.

  11. I have been very down lately about my weight loss. Holidays did me in, I ended up gaining 2 lbs but really should have gained 10 the way I ate. I lost 3 last week so I am back on track now. I have lost a total of 20 1/2 lbs. I feel like I should have lost alot more than this by now. I got a fill Tuesday so I am doing alot better right now. How is everyone else doing?


  12. I am so sorry for your heartbreak. Only you can make the decision to stay or go. Lay everything out pros and cons to your relationship. Dig deep down in your heart and find out whether you are going to be able to go on with him because if you are not this is not going to help the children. But if you are truly able to forgive and trust that he is not going to ever do this again then I say go for it. If not then don't let this ruin your health. Don't ever let a man break you down that you start gaining your weight back. You know how you felt before it is not worth it and then who wins? Pray about this God is the only one who can help you at a time like this. Turn to him and listen to your heart and don't jump to a quick decision. Be happy and your children will be happy. Good Luck!


  13. Can someone tell me what it fills like to have restriction. Yesterday I went in for a fill. I was already at 6.5 cc in a 14 cc band. I was given 1.5 which brought it to an 8 cc. Then after I ate 1/2 of a banana I felt a little pressure in my lower stomach area and she got scared I was too tight. It was almost 4:00 I live 3 hours away and she said I would be back in the morning if I didn't remove some of the Fluid. She took all of it out and put back 7 which gave me a 1/2 fill for yesterday. I am feeling something a little different now and I wondered if it is restriction. First of all I am a little swollen in that area and when I ate 3 bites of oatmeal this morning I felt a different feeling in my upper stomach like I couldn't hold anything else. It didn't hurt. At lunch I kinda felt a little nauseous so I stopped eating and I felt much better later. Is this what is called restriction? I hope this doesn't sound stupid. Please let me know so I will know what to do.


  14. I know what you mean. January 8th will be 3 months for me and I had initially lost 23 lbs but gained back 3 and pretty much staying there. I have discovered I can still eat bread with three fills and I am really getting discouraged. I go back Monday for another fill. They really don't want to give them if you are not eating too much. I don't know what to tell them other than I need help. Any ideas? Thanksgiving is what did me in. I discovered sweets again too.


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