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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Lori_K

  1. Nicksmommy - congratulations on your surgery date! :):thumbup: You sound so happy and I'm excited for you! Now you can relax and know you will be in the very best of care with Dr. Krause, Beaumont and the Weight Loss Center. I'm eight months after my surgery (and *almost* 70 pounds gone :laugh:) and very pleased with the after-care I've received.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you do, ok?

  2. I will be joining you in Spore land shortly. I have my copy on my desk at home, but I am trying to hold off. I thought it might be something to enjoy while I am recovering from surgery in a few weeks.

    Best of luck to you with your surgery Sara! :wink2: Stop by and let us know how you are doing. :cool2: Spore would be nice while recovering, usually single player games bore me, but I find this relaxing and loads of fun. If you like being creative, you'll enjoy it!

    I wish could enjoy Warhammer too Ezma, but buying another online game will destroy my budget. So many good things to try, too little money (and time), lol. Not to jump off topic here, but I tried on some of my fall/winter clothes, and NOTHING fits! I definitely need a new winter coat. Yes, it's exciting shopping for new clothes, but oy, the money goes fast! My son comes first, and I just spent a lot getting him ready for school. I'm glad the weather is still warm here currently, and I don't have to switch to Fall/Winter clothes just yet.

    Ok . . . sorry to ramble, back to gaming :lol:

  3. My hubby and I have been playing World of Warcraft almost since it started, and we still play when we have the time. We used to play EverQuest and Vanguard, but the subscription fees are just too much to keep up with, especially when we have two players to pay for (not to mention the time involved in gaming), so we stick with WoW. I'm currently having a blast with Spore.com. Not a MMORPG, so far it's single player, but I do believe you can interact later in the game. Not sure yet, as I just started playing it. I love creating my own avatars/creatures!

  4. .... the band is nothing more than a tool, that they have to exercise, eat less, build up to restriction gradually and change the WAY they eat and the foods they choose.

    Yes, it takes work. Everything worthwhile does.

    Wow. :scared2: Best damn quote ever. You summed it up perfectly. Applause Applause Jaqui, that ought to be engraved at the top of this site, or at least be every bandster's motto. :omg_smile:

  5. Yeah...my plan is for baby too!! I've already been given the go ahead from my doc to start trying...and we have!! That part is soooo much better 60 pounds lighter.:tt2:

    WOW Amy! How exciting! I wish you and Shinyhappymommy all the best with new additions to your family! (PLEASE keep us updated with details!) You go girlfriend! :lol:

    Plans for my band future - gosh, I'm still taking it 10 pounds at a time, although I've lost 60 pounds myself, I've still got 40 to go! Once I get there maybe then I'll think about what to do next . . . if I keep losing, I'll keep my band as it is. Since I'm only 5'2" it would not hurt me to get down to 130 or so . . . but I'm not counting on that low. Just gonna wait and see what happens! I know I'll have to fight obesity for the rest of my life, and once I reach goal that's not gonna change, so my relationship with the band is definitely a long-term one! :cool2: While waiting in my doctor's office for a fill appointment, I talked to a lady who had the lap-band for about 3 years. She was below her goal, and she felt she was losing too much, and not getting in enough calories. So she was there to have some Fluid removed from her band.

    I'd like to be like her someday - It seems it can happen! :tt2: In my wildest dreams I would have never thought I'd make it this far. So I'm looking forward my "band future" with positive thoughts! :biggrin:

    Best of luck to everyone with your dreams and goals!

  6. Glad to hear you are swimming RSG! I went swimming for the first time a few weeks ago . . . on vacation with my hubby, I actually went into the hotel swimming pool. It's was the first time in MANY years . . . It's been so long since I've felt comfortable enough to even think about putting on a bathing suit.:blushing: Gotta love the band! :thumbup:

    And please don't be jealous of the Wii . . . I'm not so sure it was money well spent, it is expensive, and it is a cute "game" and all . . . but now that I've tried it, I do think there are cheaper (and even more effective) ways of getting good exercise. I'm not saying I hate it, just if I had to do it again, I'm not sure I would buy it.

    Keep on swimming girlfriend! :biggrin: I'm currently struggling myself on an awful plateau, but I'm determined to hang in there and keep on trying. Never gonna stop fighting here! :)


  7. I just wanted to say thanks for the sweet note you left for me, I'm sorry I have been gone so long from the forums! I've been dealing with a health issue (not band related), the fun of summer, plus vacation, so just busy stuff going on. My weight loss has slowed down quite a bit, but I'm not discouraged and still swimming! :rolleyes: I'm hoping to lose that last 38 pounds before my one year anniversary . . . I don't mind if it's a little slow, and long as it's steady! I have bought a Wii Fit, to try and change my exercise routine a bit . . . WHEW! It really does give me a great work out. Since I can do 45 minutes of very fast walking on my treadmill, I thought the jogging (on the easiest level) on the Wii fit would be a cinch . . . OUCH was I wrong! LOL :biggrin: Just a few minutes of that, and I was really huffing and puffing. I obviously needed some new exercise! :mad: The Wii Fit also helps tone and balance, so I've been working on that too.

    I hope everyone is doing well! I miss my girlfriends here . . . I'll try and check in here more often.

    Warm hugs and keep on swimming! (from the tickers I've seen, you all are doing really AWESOME!) :tt2:

  8. Big Cheers and CONGRATULATIONS Ezma, on losing over 100 pounds!


    What a terrific accomplishment hun, you really should be proud of yourself for such awesome work! I agree with all the suggestions for pampering yourself, whatever you do, please let us know, ok? Have fun and enjoy, you deserve it! :biggrin:

  9. WOW! It's so wonderful to hear how great everyone is doing! :) Some of you who will have lost 100 pounds at 6 months - amazing job! Even if some of it was before surgery, hey, it still counts as hard work you're doing towards your goal! Congratz all. Ezma, I think you said it right when you said "band life is becoming just life." I agree, I feel like I've settled down into a routine as well (but I definitely need to rework my exercise routine, as was discussed in another thread). And StLouis Gal too - "I know I am spending much more time out walking instead of propped up with the computer in my lap." I agree with this too - less time sitting on my rear looking at the computer screen, more time getting up and about! I have sooo much more energy now.

    AMY! WOW, the money you have raised for such a good cause is AWESOME! Respect and admiration to you girlfriend, for taking your weight loss and helping others with it. That's inspiration! And I agree with you about feeling empowered, healthy and HAPPY! :Banane11: The hard work everyone is doing here is really paying off! It's so good to hear everyone's stories :Banane03:

    More **warm hugs** to all of you, I'm just so happy to be a part of the Victorious Valentines!

  10. Hey all! Kinda quiet in this forum lately (yeah my bad too, I don't write much as much as I used to). :blush: I was just thinking today, how much I truly appreciate my lap-band. If it were not for it, SO many times this month (& last month) I would have gone on an eating binge and sought food for comfort. I'm just going though some tough times. My band (and some self-control :eek:) has kept me from doing this, and not gaining any weight back. whew. I had a fill recently that brought me up to 5cc's in my 10 cc band, and I've got GREAT restriction. Not much hunger, and I really have to eat slowly. I LOVE my band!

    Any other "love for the band" stories that anyone wants to share?

    *warm hugs*

  11. 21 ice cream bars is just bloody stupid and she deserves what she gets for that quite frankly. Sooner or later you have to grow up and accept that you wont get the outcome you desire without putting the work in.

    I just have to say WELL SAID Jacqui. :blush: Many people do need to grow up and take responsibility for their own actions. Blaming the doctors (or making other excuses) isn't going to get anyone anywhere. They need to learn the words work and self-control, unless a true eating disorder (like you mentioned) is present, and these can be helped as well.

    21 ice cream bars really boggle my mind! :eek: I would think she would have become sick of them, say, after ten or so???? :eek: oy.

  12. Hey Ezma! Girl you are looking great!! Haven't been on in a while and noticed the title of this..well you're not alone. I just finished commiserating with Lil Miss about our weight GAIN and loss and plateaus!!:cursing:I walk every day but now it's time to start with something a little more aggressive! I like the Wii idea..I've heard it's lots of fun from other folks here..but I have the old Richard Simmons tapes..dancin to the oldies!:tt2: Believe it or not they are fun! :drool: But I don't even do this in front of my DH!:party: Don't think I will until I have more weight loss because I can see myself in the reflection and just have to laugh at how corny I am compared to the other guys and gals on the video!!:drool:

    Queen of Hearts, you make me laugh with ya girlfriend! :drool: If I could see my reflection, I don't think I'd wanna be dancing either, lol. I LOVE to dance though . . . maybe I'll have to look for these tapes as well (I once had those Richard Simmons tapes too!). Great suggestions on this thread, I need to change around my exercise routine a bit too. Usually I use my treadmill, I listen to dance music with that, and it really gets my feet moving! Other than that, I just try and walk a lot . . . around the neighborhood, around the mall (I'll circle it a few times), I park far away when I'm shopping, etc. I just try and stay busy throughout the day. I also ride my bike when the weather cooperates. We have a big yard, and working in my gardens and doing yard work has really helped too . . . the weeds in my yard grow like an Amazon rain forest. Of course, with all the heat, humidity and rain we've been having, it IS an amazon rain forest here, lol. :tt1:

    Anyway, changing up the exercise routine is a grand idea! I'm gonna try it, and I hope you find something that works for you too Ezma . . . let us know how your gym membership works out for you! I've been thinking of joining Curves, but haven't as yet . . . the Wii fit would be fun too, but I can't find one! Gotta keep looking. :tt1:

  13. My dietitian told me to use only natural Peanut Butter (it contains just peanuts and salt), as regular or even low fat peanut butter is loaded in sugars and hydrogenated fats. Two teaspoons of natural peanut butter is one fat serving. I'd only use sugar-free jams and jellies, but that's me.

    I agree with you on needing some comfort foods once in awhile! :cool2: I used to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (before I had the band) all the time. Now, I just stick with the natural peanut butter on a banana - bread gets stuck with me. :) I haven't tried very thin toasted bread, maybe I'll give that a try myself! :biggrin:

  14. From Wikipedia:

    "An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG, abbreviated from the German Elektrokardiogramm) is a graphic produced by an electrocardiograph, which records the electrical activity of the heart over time. Its name is made of different parts: electro, because it is related to electrical activity, cardio, Greek for heart, gram, a Greek root meaning "to write". In the USA, the abbreviation "EKG" is often preferred over "ECG", while "ECG" is used universally in the UK and many other countries."

    It's an easy test, takes less than a few minutes - leads (small circular disks that stick to your skin) are placed on your chest, arms and legs, the electrode (a wire) attaches to it and connects to the electrocardiograph. You feel nothing other than the leads being placed - nothing more than a bandaid feeling. :biggrin: The test results print out right then and there, but your doctor will have to read it (usually an EKG technician or a nurse runs the test). The test is used to measure and diagnose abnormal rhythms of the heart. How long test results take really depends on your doctor and the hospital. If it were me, I'd wait until all test results are back and I had a surgery date before I'd book a flight and hotel. Where are you going for your surgery? And best of luck to you with everything! :)

  15. I jumped over my halfway mark this morning. I'm so excited. I hope the second half of this weight-loss journey is as thrilling as this first half. I love my band!

    Congratz Melissa! It's so good to see the progress the double V's are doing. I hope the second half goes as smoothly (and as quickly) as the first! :smile2:

  16. Jaime, congratulations, you are looking good! :tt2: The difference in your second picture really shows all the hard work you've done. Way to go! I love your smile in that second picture too! :lol:

    And I just had to notice the top you are wearing in your first picture . . . the blue one with white sleeves and butterflies. I have that same top, I wore it last winter before my lap-band surgery! We've been shopping in the same stores sweetie :)

  17. Thank-you everyone! :tt2: Ezma, I don't know if it's as good as winning the lottery, but it sure feels close. I'm honestly amazed I have come this far in this amount of time, it beats everything I'd hoped and dreamed for when I was still thinking of getting the band. :lol:

    And guess what? Just like we wanted......I CROSSED INTO ONEDERLAND THIS MORNING TOO!!!:couch2: AND HIT THE 50lb mark!!

    Wish I was closer so I could give you a BIG HUG!! I am doing some serious "happy dancing" right now.:bananapowerslide:You really are my sister from another mister:lol: Congratulations, my friend. I'm so happy for us!!



    **** BIG HUGS **** & CONGRATULATIONS Amy! You are indeed my soul sistah! (I still don't have your cute figure yet tho', lol, just short and a LOT less pudgy here!). It is truly wonderful that we were able to make the plunge into onederland together! Woot! :) One day we will havta get together and share a glass (or two) of wine!

    Let's keep swimming!

  18. Ok, this valentine is indeed feeling victorious! :wink: I've got 4 victories to share, they just all happened together:

    1. I've finally lost 50 pounds! 50.gif

    2. I'm now over half way to my goal! :)

    3. I'm off my blood pressure medication, and I now have a normal blood pressure! :lol:

    4. And finally ..... ONEDERLAND !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Well, all this happiness came at a price today . . . I saw my General Practitioner today for a bladder infection (MAJOR UGH!!) . . . and I've been feeling like hell for the past few days, no appetite, so I guess that's how the last few pounds finally came off (I hope they don't come back when my appetite does!). My doctor weighed me, 199, YES! Blood pressure was normal, YES! So I was feeling lousy and happy at the same time, lol.

    Now that the medications have kicked in, the bladder spasms have slowed down, so I'm not having the horrible pain when I "pee" anymore. UGH I hate UTI's! :tt2: But once this agony is over, I can Celebrate my victories! Still feeling a little lousy right now, gonna go Celebrate with a nap. But I was excited enough to stop by and share my weight loss victories with my valentine family here! :wub:

    **Warm Hugs**

  19. 2. Even my brand new $70 scale tricks me. I got on this morning and it said I lost 3 more pounds from yesterday's weight.. I was so excited.. jumping up and down telling my husband and just to make sure it was right I got back on.. guess what.. I suddenly gained 3 pounds.. again WTF??!! I get back on.. lost a pound.. got back on and gained a pound.. What the hell do I weigh!! I weighed myself 6 times and just took the weight that showed the most.. I lost one pound. I'll take it.. but, I guess I'll have to weigh myself several times each morning.. What's funny is my husband weighed himself three times in a row and all of his weights were exactly the same. Maybe my scale is just tired my big butt getting on and off all the time... :cursing:

    ANyway, does anybody else have these problems???

    scales . . . EVIL things, they are! :) I weigh myself once in the morning, and I DO NOT get back on, because yes, the scale will read differently - and it usually seems to go up, from anywhere from a half pound to a full pound! :tongue: So one reading, then I stay away. I've been told to weigh myself only once a week, but reading it once a day is working for me. I do notice my weight tends to "rock" back and forth between a few pounds (from day to day). As long as the trend continues downward, I know I must be doing something right.

  20. Just wanted to share a recent picture of my son and I...Hope everyone is doing well!!!!!!

    Taismommy, what a beautiful picture of you and your son! Warm hugs, glad to hear from you, and thanks so much for sharing this picture. As a mom of a "special needs" child too, I know the struggles. (my son will be 12 years old soon). You deserve to be proud of him (and yourself for the work you've done)!

    Your comment regarding the waitress in the restaurant was precious and priceless! :)

  21. Yummm, I bought some organic banana's the other day and I put Peanut Butter on them and eat them... it makes a great snack and I eat these about 30 minutes before my work outs and they charge me up!

    Hey Coolcrystal! Bananas with Peanut Butter is a favorite of mine, too! :tongue: Count me in as a "clean eater" too, although I'm still working on it and learning (I do use artificial sweeteners, mostly just crystal light in my water). Do you also use organic peanut butter (or natural peanut butter - no sugars or hydrogenated fats/oils). I love natural peanut butter, although stirring the oil back in can be a pain. My husband and son still use the "regular" peanut butter - I took a taste once, and it was like eating candy! Bleh. It's amazing how our tastes evolve.

    I've never been a low-carb person, but my dietitian has helped with this. She says I need at least 80 - 100gms per day, it's important for brain function (yeah I need that help, lol :)). I get my carbs from fruits and veggies, plus whole grains (occasionally a baked potato). I stay away from sugars and processed foods as much as I can.

    I just believe in balance - carbs, healthy fats, and Protein, even if I lose slower.

  22. Gibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! :grouphug:

    Warm hugs you sexy thing, I've missed you! Glad you are still around with us! I always love your posts!

    My update - As of June 21st, my 4 month Bandiversary, I have lost 49 pounds. I have had 3 fills, 4.5ccs in a 10 cc band.

    First fill 3cc's, second fill 1 cc, third fill .5cc (at my request) . . . next fill in a few weeks, hopefully another 1cc, 'cus I need it!

    Wish I coulda put 50 pounds there, but I'm close!

    Commencing countdown, next stop ----> onederland! (these next few pounds are gonna come off so slowly, I just know it!)

    Gibby, just one fill in four months??? :confused2:

    Hang in there with us girlfriend, you are loved!

  23. Hello..I am getting banded tommorow (the 24th of june) at port huron hospital..so I guess I am kind of around ;P

    Good luck tomorrow BumbleBree! (your name is cute :lol:) I wish you all the best as you start your new life as a bandster. It sounds like you're in excellent care there at Port Huron hospital . . . please keep in touch and let us know how you do, ok? :grouphug:

  24. Hello HelpingHubby :thumbup: (so sweet of you to help your hubby out by researching for him! :rolleyes2:)

    I had my surgery through Beaumont Hospital, my surgeon was Dr. Krause, and I've been VERY happy with both. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't want any other surgeon or hospital. Dr. Krause is highly skilled and also a very nice doctor to talk to - he always takes time for your questions. Experience and skill are first considerations when researching a doctor, but it sure is nice having someone who is pleasant as well. Dr. Krause is the best of both.

    Beaumont treated me with stellar care while I was there - from the moment I was admitted to the moment I was discharged, it was like they rolled out the red carpet for me. Everyone was so helpful and nice. I was really nervous, but the staff helped me relax and kept me smiling. A very positive surgical experience. Being an RN myself, I was really impressed with Beaumont. I give Beaumont Hospital five out of five stars for it's great care.

    Something else I would suggest to you while you are researching, is to look at the aftercare your husband will receive. Aftercare is so important for success! Beaumont has a weight loss center that offers all kinds of help - doctors that monitor your health as you lose weight (I like it that they monitor my nutritional levels), dietitians to help you make good food choices (and to help you through those plateaus!) plus support groups, exercise physiologist, and even cooking classes.

    Good luck with your research! If you have any other questions, I'm always happy to help :tongue2: No question is redundant! Ask away :rolleyes2:

    Best of luck to you and your hubby!

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