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Everything posted by Lori_K

  1. Hugs Sweetie! Thanks so much for making me laugh! Please always stay here with us Double V's, we all need each other!

  2. Lori_K

    NSV - Great Sex

    ROFL! Good one Gibby! :thumbup:
  3. Lori_K

    NSV - Great Sex

    And here I am, getting my exercise on a treadmill :thumbup:
  4. Lori_K

    The NEW lady at the top!!

    It's so awesome to have a picture of one of our very own LapBandTalk success stories up on top. Boo Boo Kitty, you look terrific, congratz to you for your hard work! :thumbup: Seeing this gives me inspiration that I can do it too! :thumbup:
  5. Lori_K

    NSV - Great Sex

    Sex is good exercise, isn't it??? :biggrin: Can you imagine trying to log that into your exercise journal though?
  6. Well, my highest recorded weight is 252 (before my pre-op diet), and I'm only 5'2" . . . so ugh! :biggrin: My lowest adult weight was in the 140's (my early 20's, when I was in college . . . I've never been a thin person). When I got married, I was 152 . . . 16 years ago, so that's my goal weight! One hundred pounds needs to go. I told my hubby he was gonna get the lady he married back! Plus that's when I felt my best . . . I'm gonna try hard to get there!
  7. Lori_K

    NSV - Great Sex

    ROFLMAO!!!! Too funny I'm dying laffin here! This thread is Rhapsody approved (enthusiastic expression, elated bliss, and ecstasy - see the "How did you get your user name" thread). :biggrin: I agree with the great sex NSV . . . but I think I'm gonna want further study on this topic! :w00t:
  8. Lori_K

    How did you choose your username?

    Gibson, you do come up with the greatest thread topics, and always keep things interesting here! :smile2: I guess my name choice is a little different, lol . . . I was listening to Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody ("old" rock 'n roll to the end baby!) at the time I was signing up for Lap-Band Talk . . . then I looked up the word Rhapsody. It means a state of enthusiastic expression, elated bliss, and ecstasy . . . all of which I'm gonna feel if I ever reach my goal weight :rolleyes2: (and honestly I'm feeling it now as I continue to lose weight, however slowly!). I'm enthusiastic about getting this lap-band and changing my life, so I felt Rhapsody was a good name choice! I added the heart character just for fun. :eek:
  9. Lori_K

    Don't mother's hold their babies anymore?

    You can't always assume that the child wants to be held. Does that sound strange? I know it does, because I dealt with it - my son has autism. When he was an infant, he hated being held. He was perfectly content to be cozy in his car seat/stroller, but he did not like being held or cuddled at all. Children with autism have sensory issues. What might seem comforting to us, can be extreme torture to them. Trust me, I went through hell with this. My arms did ache to cuddle with my son. There's no counting the tears I cried. If he was picked up and held, he would just fuss, squirm, and start crying until I set him back down. He'd only tolerate being held while feeding (I really wanted to breast feed too, but he didn't tolerate that either). I think there was one time in my son's infant life that I was able to spend some precious cuddling time - he'd had a bought of colic, and was just wore out from crying. I picked him up, held him close and we snuggled in a rocking chair. He fell asleep in my arms as I slowly rocked and comforted him. It was bliss. I just wish there could have been more precious times like that. Over the years, my son has made great improvements, after countless hours of therapy. I was determined (and still am) to help him. Even though he hated close contact when he was a baby, I still believe in the power of human touch, and it's importance in our lives. Today he's 11 years old. If I reach out my arms to him, and say "come give mom a hug!" he gets a big grin on his face, and he's happy to come over and wrap his arms around me and snuggle. It may have taken several years longer, but we both got our much needed closeness finally. :biggrin: Anyway, I just ask that the next time you look at someone and their child, and something might not seem right to you . . . try and see pass your own personal experiences. Stop and think that maybe there's something there that you might not be seeing. Autism is on the rise, it affects 1 in every 150 children now. That's a huge epidemic. April is Autism Awareness Month! Autism Society of America:
  10. Lori_K

    Vomit is my friend. =)

    Way to go Gibson! I'm so happy to see you back sweetie :biggrin: And big congratz on losing all the weight . . . keep eating the healthy stuff and you'll be telling all of us those NSV's! I'm glad you have restriction, do you know how many cc's were added to your band?
  11. Lori_K

    My progress pics.

    You're looking great Angie! :confused: Keep up the awesome work! You mentioned that "your necklace seems to be getting longer" and it really does look that way, lol. Doesn't that feel good! :eek: You look great all over, and indeed younger! I don't think I'd be brave enough to get pictures of myself yet . . . maybe when I lose another 20 pounds
  12. Lori_K

    Check in Febsters!

    Awwwwwww thank-you! You're a special friend, and always make me smile too! (I'm gonna show up in sunny San Diego one of these days! :frown: ) I'm glad I was able to bring a smile . . . I was worried about you! I'm so glad you had a long talk with your doctor, and were able to make this a "partnership", plus get another appointment for a fill! Good going Amy for being your own advocate! :thumbup: It's great that your doctor talked to you for that long. Surgical experience may come first, but I truly believe the mark of an excellent doctor is one who will listen to your concerns, and treat you as an individual instead of just another bariatric patient. Especially with the lap-band, since we have to go back often for adjustments. Sounds like your doctor is a good one! Thanks! :tongue: and congratz to you for reaching 30 pounds of weight loss! I really hope I can achieve my goal for this Summer . . . right now I'm feeling so hungry, the diet is hard to stick to. And my next fill isn't until April 28th. But, like you said, no one said this is easy, and I'm rather liking the challenge and hangin' tough. Gonna just keep swimming and kicking butt! We will do this together! :tongue: *hugs*
  13. Lori_K

    Check in Febsters!

    Warm hugs Amy, I've been missing you! I'm really sorry to hear about the difficulty with your fills! That's what the band is for, to assist us, right? Plus this is what the band advertises - helping get rid of that hunger. Oy. You shouldn't have to stop losing weight to get a fill! I'm so sorry sweetie. :thumbup: On the plus side, you've done all this hard work on your own. Give yourself credit for that! You've done great! Let's hang in there together . . . and hopefully we'll both be feeling some restriction soon. I think my body is starting to rebel against the weight I have lost. Lately it feels my hunger has increased by 200% . . . it's very hard to stay focused on my diet right now. I'll have to see what happens at my next fill. More hugs Amy . . . please keep in touch and let me know how you are doing! :smile:
  14. Lori_K

    Check in Febsters!

    It's so good to hear how the Feb. Bandsters are doing! Congratz on the work everyone has done! :smile: My current update: I'm pleased to be down 30 pounds now, from my high of 252. My first fill didn't give much restriction, but then I wasn't expecting it to, it's all part of the process. I'm sticking to my diet and exercise - I do 1-2 miles on my treadmill everyday. I think this is really helping to keep my metabolism burning. If I diet only, I just don't lose. My next fill isn't until the end of this month, I'm hoping to get out of the 220's before then (I'm close!). The weather here in Michigan is changing, no more snow *hopefully*! I can't wait to get outside and plant my gardens and work in the yard. Some good NSV's for me - I saw my PCP a few days ago, and she cut my blood pressure medication in half! Woot! I'm also off a sleep medication and sleeping just fine without it . . . it's good to see the medications go! Yes! My 2x clothes no longer fit me . . . way to baggy, and I'll now have to go through my closets and dig out the 1x's. I'd also like to go shopping for some new stuff, but I don't want to over-do it. I can't wait to get out of the plus sizes for good . . . I'll get there yet! I have a goal of getting to onederland before this summer (July when we go on vacation) . . . that's 22 pounds, I'm hoping I can do it. Gonna try hard! ReadySteadyGo - I'm a worrier too, lol. I'm pleased with this weight loss I've done, but for some reason today I'm feeling anxious. I've been on diets before where I've lost, and I'm just paranoid this is all gonna come back. I'm thankful I have the band to fall back on - hopefully it will keep me on track, and the next fill will give me some restriction . . . but at the same time I want to do this slowly, and I don't want my doctor to get aggressive with fills (not saying he will, I'll have to wait and see at my next appointment). I'd rather go slowly than get too much and get sick and have to back for an un-fill. (see I am a big worrier :blushing:). Anyway . . . sorry to be chatty and make a long post . . . that's about it for me, just hanging in there and looking forward to Spring and Summer! Please keep in touch Feb bandsters, it's great to be able to share this lapband journey with all of you - you all are inspiring and special! Just Keep Swimming! :cursing:
  15. Lori_K

    Nausea after first fill

    Aha! I wondered if anyone else had experienced nausea after a first fill. Yes, almost as you wrote it, I experienced the same thing. I thought it was my nerves, 'cus I was nervous about my first fill. I too was fine after drinking the Water. Then when I walked up to the receptionist to make my next appointment, (and I was quite calm then because the procedure was over) I had a wave of nausea come over me. The receptionist went and got the doctor, and they had me sit down a bit before I left. The nausea did pass, and I was fine later in the day after some broth. I wonder what brought the nausea on? :smile:
  16. Lori_K

    First Fill!

    Well, I got my first fill today (I feel so behind some of you double V's! ) and I was VERY nervous. I'm not sure why, maybe just the first time thing. And I just have the best doctor in the world . . . Dr. Krause is so nice, he explained everything as he went along, it was really painless and over with quickly . . . no problems! I feel so blessed to have this doctor, he's so gentle, and really cares about his patients. I have a 10cc band (doctor says the latest model :cheers2:), he put 3cc's in, and I'm on liquids for the next 24 hrs. I did have some nausea right after the fill (I drank the Water just fine) . . . but maybe it was my nerves! :party: Right now I'm fine, and hungry again, lol :cake: Next adjustment in 4 weeks! And the best news is . . . I started losing again! Gah, I'm glad that plateau is over (for now anyway). I was 231 last week at my appointment with my dietitian, and today I'm down to 227 :party: I made the 220's finally! WOOT :tt1: and down 25 pounds . . . feeling great here! :tt2: 27 pounds away from onederland . . . gotta keep on swimming! :eek: I soooooo wanna reach that before Summer, but I'm trying not to set myself up for disappointment . . . just gotta take the small but steady steps, and be thankful for them! *hugs to my fellow Victorious Valentines* :smile:
  17. Lori_K

    Houston we have restriction!

    Karen, let me know how you do with your second fill! You're still my guinea pig yanno . . . you do everything first! I'm curious if you feel much restriction on the second fill. It's only been a week since my first fill. After I got the fill, I really wasn't hungry that much (I'm pretty positive no restriction though, I can still eat too easily) . . . but now the hunger beast is back. I'm like you, my appetite has always killed any other diet before. My next fill isn't until the 28th of April, so I've got a ways to go with this hunger beast gnawing in my stomach. Still hangin' tough though!
  18. Lori_K

    What food/drink do you miss the most?

    Chocolate! I love the stuff. The weight loss center I go to offers a "Health Wise" Hot chocolate mix (I gotta find out if other stores sell this!) and I drink one cup a night to keep my craving for chocolate down (I save one of the Snacks I'm allowed for this, and it's got only 80 calories/15 grams of Protein in it!). Good stuff, but I definitely miss a piece of chocolate candy every now and then. I did sneak a piece of my son's chocolate Easter bunny, and it didn't kill me, lol. My fear is that if I have a little, I'll start wanting a lot. I also miss having a glass of wine when my husband and I go out to dinner. I can make healthy food choices, but I really miss that wine. I haven't been brave enough to try it yet.
  19. Hmmmm, nope sorry, I haven't posted about swimming (although it sounds wonderful!), so I can't help you with classes there. I'm sure your son would love the water park though . . . my husband always takes our son to a big water park close by, and they have a blast. I don't go, because like you said . . . I'm not comfortable in a bathing suit (yet!). Working on it though, I really love the water! I can't wait to go to the beach again. :thumbup:
  20. You're welcome! Happy to help anytime. I totally know what you mean about being excited and nervous! Been there, even with my first fill. :thumbup: But so far I'm just thrilled with the band, it's one of the best decisions I've ever made for my health. I really feel like I'm going to succeed, lose the weight and keep it off this time! Keep in touch, let me know how you do :w00t:
  21. Lori_K

    I miss Gibson...

    *Warm Hugs* Gibson, I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so down, but I do understand what you are saying, it is hard to come here and not compare yourself to others. But just remember we all are going to lose weight differently, you need to move at your own pace! I'm glad your doctor is going to give you a fill at 6 weeks. Please let us know how you do, ok? Stick with us here in the Victorious Valentines, that's what we're here for, support during good times and the bad. We'll all have some of both. I'm sure once you get some restriction, you'll be telling us all about your success stories! Hang in there sweetie!
  22. Lori_K

    Houston we have restriction!

    Congratz Taismommy! That's wonderful news, I'm so happy things went well for you, and you're feeling restriction! A full feeling after eating a small amount is wonderful. I had 3 cc's added to my band this week, and I'm not sure exactly what I'm feeling, lol . . . is it different from the "restriction" I first felt right after the surgery. I can eat just fine (I do take things slowly!) but the awful hunger seems to have been greatly reduced as well. Gotta love the band! :thumbup:
  23. Dr. Deol moved out of state to Chicago, to further her career there. Her patients needed to find new doctors, and Dr. Krause was one she highly recommended. Good luck with your pre-op appointments, and your surgery! Dr. Krause and Beaumont's Weight Loss Center are the best. Excellence all the way.
  24. Lori_K

    First Fill!

    Yes we are! Let's keep on rocking (and swimming! ) Jeanie - You are not far behind! Although I can relate to that feeling. I always feel like I'm one of the "late double V's" since I got banded later in the month. But, we all lose weight at our own pace - glad to hear you got some inspiration from your group meeting! Jax - Yes, it's nice to finally be in the 220's! But, look at my BMI . . . still in the 40's. All that weight is on a 5'2" body! I'm *almost* a 1X size again though . . . maybe a few more pounds. I'm really gonna hang in there and keep on pushing towards my goals. You are doing fabulous! I think if we're swimming upstream, it'll just make us stronger. *hugs!*
  25. EVERYBODY CALLS ME: Lori MY PRIMARY RELATIONSHIPS INCLUDE: My loving hubby (and still my best friend!) of 16 years, and my beautiful 11 year old son. I also deeply love my sister (YankeeBlue) and all of her family! God is also a very important relationship in my life. MY NON-HUMAN FAMILY CONSISTS OF: 3 cats that rule the house, lol . . . we are here for their comfort. Aesop -16 year old purebred Birman cat, Zip - 6 year old "tuxedo" kitty rescued from a shelter, and Chessie - 3 year old tortoiseshell kitty rescued from the vet's office (someone dumped her off and left her!). I am currently searching for a dog that will be another soul-mate. I LIVE IN: The Great Lake State of Michigan, beautiful, but it needs to stop snowing now! (we got another 3-4 inches last night . . . OY! But most of it melted today). OCCUPATION: Registered Nurse, Licensed Veterinary Technician, but currently a SAHM . . . one of my goals is to get back in a new job in either career, I love them both. AVOCATION: My computer, lol. I also love gardening, anything animals, all kinds of crafts, reading, shopping, and traveling to new places and seeing new things. I have a passion for horse-back riding. I *love* learning - I'd go back to college and get another degree if I had the money/time for it right now. FAVORITE EXERCISE: Mountain Biking, I used to love hiking through the woods and swimming (when I was thinner - I'm hoping to get back to both one day! I love the beach!) I COLLECT: Too much, lol, I'm trying to reduce this as well as my weight! I have tons of books, CDs and DVDs (amazon.com is a favorite place to shop), and I'm a sci-fi/fantasy geek . . . I have dragons around the house.

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