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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by HeatherGurl

  1. Who is going to do your surgery?

    Don't worry about eating like a bandster yet... I know it is good practice, but I pigged out as much as I could because I thought I was never going to get to eat good again.

    chichigirl is right, the waiting is the worse part of the process.

  2. I just HAVE to get this off of my chest...

    There are a few ladies here at my work that have had the lap band. I am the latest. The other ladies are 15 and 20 years older than me. I emailed my before and after pic to them... just so they can see how I have been doing because they ask my daily. They were banded a month before me. I have lost 28 pounds in 5 weeks and I am just really proud of myself.

    Well one lady calls me and says "you haven't lost 28 pounds" "that is unhealthy" "there is no way" (She hasn't lost but 24) Yeah!! 24 which is GREAT!!!!!!!! Anyways she was SO rude to me that I am never going to speak with her again. I am NOT in a competition with others to see what I can lose and they can't. I am VERY happy when anyone I know loses any weight!!!

    Have any of you experienced this? I mean, this lady was down right ugly to me. she is a very outspoken person, but I did not think she would be SO rude to me!

    She is not someone I will ever talk to again... Thank goodness she is in another building!

  3. i just dont eat til late in the day-i mean are you even hungry or is it a habit? for me i realized i wasnt even hungry so why push it?i only eat when im truly hungry and if i think im about to eat out of boredom or habit i go do something else. works for me

    I usually don't get physically hungry until 3:00. But this morning I was so I tried the applesauce. After I started this thread... I tried the pudding and it went down fine. Maybe my band does not like applesauce.

    Thank you all for your input and suggestions!!!:kiss

  4. I seem to be very tight in the mornings... Like yesterday morning I tried to eat some eggs... they came right back up.

    So, I didn't eat again until 5:30 and it went down fine. I had Hamburger Helper and not much, but I was able to eat about a cup of it and had no problems.

    This morning I had some coffee and sugar free hot chocolate. Then Water. I just tried to eat some applesauce and pudding and I got all tight and slimed a little. It is like the band won't let stuff thru until the evening time??? Does anyone have any suggestions?


  5. My Dr. sent me home with a prescription for liquid Lortab. (I think that is how you spell it) I took them, because I didn't want the pain to come. I had horrible gas pains from when they blow you up in surgery. That lasted a week and a half, but it was bearable. I had surgery on Wednesday and went back to my desk job on Monday. I was still groggy from the anthesia... but I was feeling excellent by Friday. This whole ordeal was a lot less painful than birthing a 9 lb baby... If I can get thru that, I can get thru anything.

    The first couple of days, I took it easy, so I would say movement is restricted. I think a week off from work will be plenty, but it all depends on the person.

    Let us know if you have any more questions.

  6. I am confused? I just had my first fill... Is 2.7cc too much? If there is only room for 4, is 2.7 ok?

    I do not know what the machine is called, but the Dr. put some saline in, I drank some barium, then she put a little more in which was too much because it didn't go thru (which was so cool to see) and then she took a little out...

    (I thought it was neat to see the stuff going down because I guess I get paranoid that the stuff I am swallowing doesn't go where it should, but it did!)


    Just mainly looking for others with the same experience...

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