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Status Updates posted by theantichick

  1. I have to say - I never expected my experience as a comprehensive sex educator to be useful on this board. LOL.

  2. So my work pants are getting looser but not so loose that I have to pitch them, except for the fact they're now about 4" too long!!! Not worth hemming because by next week I'd have to ditch them anyway. I didn't realize my girth was taking up length. ::headdesk::

    1. heidikat72


      I'm having that exact same issue too!

    2. highfunctioningfatman


      Ditto. My shirts that were "skimpy" before are now full coverage.

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      I noticed last week that the hem on a pair of pants is now getting stepped on by my heel. Out they go. Ain't it great?

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  3. Down 46 lbs. Pants are getting looser, will likely have to break out the "skinny pants" box from the back of my closet this week. Have a HUGE pile of clothes to donate to a friend who had VSG and is having wardrobe challenges.

    1. Caribear


      Woohoo! Great progress. I hate clothes shopping as well, so I feel your pain there. But how awesome that you are in the "skinny clothes" already! You are doing a fantastic job!

    2. OzRoo


      Well done! Congrats :)

    3. LipstickLady


      That's exciting!


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  4. Finally made it to the pool for a good workout.

    1. Caribear


      Yay! I love the pool.

  5. Weather front came in last night, woke up with a migraine. Thank goodness for a work from home agreement. Just now getting started on my workday. :/

    1. LipstickLady


      Ugh! Hope it has passed!

    2. theantichick


      Yeah. I've been bad about drinking my water the last couple of days and it's catching up with me. I guess one good thing about migraines is they let me know when I'm not eating and drinking enough before it reaches a level where I need medical intervention. (Yes, I'm a silver lining kind of person! LOL)

  6. Waking up with a migraine sucks. Meds help, but then there's the "migraine hangover". So I didn't make it to the pool this morning, but I'm going to try to go after work.

    1. ShelterDog64


      Oh, I'm sorry. I used to have terrible migraines and I know the 'hangover' well. I hope the rest of your day is better :)


  7. Weekends should be a minimum of 3 days. Just sayin'. Have my RA/PsA in a flare from the workouts last week. :( Chiro appt tonight, going to try for the pool tomorrow.

    1. Christinamo7


      I love my chiro and swim time! (all these companies "talk" about work - life balance, but no one wants to give a longer weekend.........)

  8. I'm happy to report the guy who is my trainer is awesome. He's worked with WLS patients before. And while he hasn't had anyone with auto-immune, he understands the need to progress very slowly. I'm glad I didn't cancel tonight, I actually started feeling a little better after getting myself moving and am glad I met up with him.

    1. finding_onederland


      I need to find a trainer like this.

    2. finding_onederland


      And I am glad that you did!

    3. Christinamo7


      ah! that's a great update.

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  9. Ugh. Hurting worse today. This is what I was afraid of with strength training - if I overdo just a bit, it starts inflammation up which causes arthritis flare. Have another trainer session tonight, I'll go ahead and go because we're going to have to work together to keep forward momentum without overdoing it. Not taking any Advil because also have rheumy appointment today and they'll draw blood, don't want the factors to show low because of NSAIDs. :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Valentina


      If you can find a salt water pool, any money you may have to pay extra is well worth it. I did all of my PT and exercising in such a pool. It was wonderfully free feeling and effective.


    3. theantichick


      Valentina, I'm lucky to find an indoor pool within 15 miles, period. :)

    4. Valentina


      Living in the Catskills, I know what you're talk'n about. I have to drive 80 miles to reach the salt water PT pool, but I do it because I feel I can do more and feel better when I do. With my Fibro, OA, RA, and DJD, I consider my pool time as my treat to myself. Good luck with your exercise program. Be kind to yourself as well as "work'n it". :)

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  10. worked out with trainer for the first time yesterday. This morning my "good" knee is twinging and my abdominal muscles are saying "WTF, lady?" LOL

    1. LipstickLady


      Do you wear a stabilizer? My girls and I have to when we practice martial arts and do our kickboxing class. It's a huge help.

    2. theantichick


      I haven't been, but I probably should until I get the stabilizer muscles built back up.

    3. theantichick


      I haven't been, but I probably should until I get the stabilizer muscles built back up.

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  11. Oddest thing... was eating chicken last night and was doing OK with speed, but got super nauseated after dipping some in BBQ sauce. Closest I've come to throwing up since this all started. What gives?

    1. theantichick


      This was full-on "I'm going to puke" complete with chills/clammy feeling. I ran for the bathroom, I was so convinced it was coming. I was able to stand and deep breathe and move past it without puking (I despise throwing up and will do anything to avoid it) but it was about 15 min of is-it-gonna-happen and another 15 before I felt OK again. Weird thing is, since I have to get carbs in, I've eaten stuff with a LOT more sugar content than the tiny bit in the tiny bit of sauce I put on the chicken. I've also had pork and chicken crock potted in that same BBQ sauce since surgery with no problem. This was just the first time I had it straight out of the fridge on food. BBQ sauce is already cooked, so I wouldn't think cooking it more would change any of the components, but maybe it makes it blend with the meat somehow that doesn't happen as a dipping sauce? Now I'm leery of ketchup or anything else along those lines. ;)

    2. heidikat72


      that's exactly how felt after having something with monkfruit. I didn't realize that was the cause initially, until it happened again the next day. When I need a "dip" for meat and don't feel like my usual greek yogurt/herb concoction (or if I don't have any), I use mustard. Super low cal/low carb as condiments go, still provides some moistness to help the meat go down and strong flavor. I find some days I just need something with a strong flavor to it

    3. LipstickLady


      I dump randomly. Almost always if it's something rich like a cream based soup or ice cream. Hot sweat/cold chills/stuff coming out of both ends at the same time. Sometimes (usually) it's immediate, sometimes it is 20 minutes later.


      I have to get it out because I am dizzy, weak, and hyperventilate until it passes. It's horrible.

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  12. Mondays suck. It's a grey rainy one here in DFW, and I'd rather be curled up in bed with a good book.

    1. Anna Nim

      Anna Nim

      Grey in Austin too. Much internal conflict if I was going to work. Momma needs a break!


    2. OKCPirate


      Finally fall in OKC, windows open and I am happy I invested in a roll screen storm door, cross ventilation at last.

    3. Valentina


      First frost here in the Catskills last night. The leaves are a true treasure for the eye and the air is crisp. This time of year is wonderful in the mountains.

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  13. This continues to be the best thing I've ever done for my health. My auto-immune arthritis pain is subsiding with zero meds. I do see my rheumy next week to get back on meds because even without pain the inflammation can damage joints. But I haven't felt this good unmedicated for years. Clothes continue having to go in the "giveaway" box for getting too loose. This weekend I'll have to pull down boxes of clothes that are smaller and assess the wardrobe. Getting more active, and feeling generally pretty good. Even cleaned part of my house last night!

    1. PugLoverA


      I pray I can say the same thing soon! Congratulations!

    2. LipstickLady


      That's fabulous!!!

    3. ShelterDog64


      Wonderful to hear from you, and glad it's all going well! I pretty much emptied my dressers yesterday, need to do a bit of shopping!

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  14. Lost another 4 lbs, now I am only Class II obese!! I'm going to run out of clothes really soon, though. My pant size hasn't started changing a whole lot yet, just some of my larger pants have had to go. But my shirt size is changing very rapidly. I had thought I'd have more time with the tops, but no... I'm going to end up having to go shopping (gasp!) in the next couple of weeks to stay clothed at work!!

    1. KristenLe


      That's a good problem to have!!! :-)

    2. Caribear
  15. I didn't get the surgery for cosmetic reasons, but I'm still ridiculously happy when I put on an outfit and find that it's WAY too big. Donation box is already getting full. I didn't think 35 lbs would make that much of a difference, but it has. :)

    1. theantichick


      I'm about to have to go to the fabric store and get some knit jersey to make a few maxi skirts with drawstring waists. All of my current maxi skirts now won't stay up. I have pants going down a couple of sizes, but at this rate it won't be long before I'm screwed for clothes. I thought my tops would work out longer, but I put on one of my favorites yesterday and looked in the mirror and was shocked at how ridiculously big it was. Granted, it was loose before but now it looked clownish. So my tops are having to go in the donation box faster than I'd have predicted. But for me, tops are easy, it takes forever to find pants to fit me, even when I'm in "normal" sizes. Hence the skirts until I'm at goal. :)

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Cosmetic is as valid as any of the other reasons.

    3. theantichick


      I agree that cosmetic is a valid reason. I'm just saying it didn't even play into the decision for me.

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  16. 4 weeks out. Still can only get about 2-3 oz of solid food in at a time, but have figured out the best ways to get a decent amount of calories and protein. Checkup today, we'll see if the stall has broken.

    1. theantichick


      I can get 4-5 oz of yogurt,, pudding, applesauce, etc. But when I'm eating solid food, only 2-3 oz. I'm probably not chewing it up enough and waiting long enough between bites, but I'm working on it. :)

    2. highfunctioningfatman


      Try shrimp, crab and fish. Eat about half and wait 15-20 minutes. It works well for me like that. I can do chicken and tender beef and anything that swims this way but pork is my nemesis. That really sucks because we love swimmers and oinkers.

    3. LipstickLady


      That's about all I eat now! I'm thrilled.


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  17. They reloaded the snack machine at my office, with THREE ROWS of jumbo honey buns. Am *SO* grateful for my sleeve and the loss of the cravings for that stuff. Part of my brain still responds, but the other part doesn't think that sounds as good as my key lime greek yogurt. LOL

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. theantichick


      LipstickLady - I just thought you were being ironic. LOL

    3. theantichick


      I'm not a big fan of pumpkin spice, actually. LOL I'm waiting for Starbucks to put the Christmas menu out because I'm all about the peppermint mocha - though I'll have to see if they can make that skinny now. LOL.

    4. LipstickLady


      HA! I am not a fan of pumpkin spice either. But I do love my yoga pants. And I hate honey buns. My youngest works at Panera after school and brings home pastries a few times a week. If I was a sweets lover, I'd change the locks.


      Starbucks has a new Mexican hot chocolate with or without espresso that I can't wait to try.

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  18. Have definitely stalled. Not worried about the weight, but I know I need to get my protein and calories up a bit from what I've been managing.

    1. Christinamo7


      what is your favorite protein snack?

    2. theantichick


      So far hummus or cheddar cheese.

  19. I found out just now that I have zero tolerance for food that doesn't taste good. Used to be if something was "eh" I would go ahead and eat it. Now, I have a certain amount of sleeve space, and I'm not giving it up for food that isn't pretty darned good.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OutsideMatchInside


      Yeah that is a big thing for me after surgery. Unless I think something is delicious, I'm not eating it.

    3. justhere4theshow


      I absolutely agree! I don't waste space on anything that I don't truly enjoy.


    4. ShelterDog64


      That's exactly how I feel about food now. I'm not eating anything that's not WONDERFUL.

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  20. I think I'm in a small stall. I haven't been on the scale every day, just every once in a while out of curiosity. I'm not stressing about it, but I haven't lost any for about 5 days now. I'm sure it will pick up again once I can get more than 600 cal a day. I am still loving this, having the emotional food thoughts so clearly separated from the physical is really eye-opening.

    1. ShelterDog64


      You're just about at the dreaded 3 week mark, aren't you? How are you feeling?

    2. theantichick


      3 weeks, 2 days. Still struggling to get in enough protein every day, and get my calories up to something approaching normal. I do pretty OK, just not quite where I want to be. So I tire out SUPER easy, but other than that doing pretty good, actually.

  21. Three day weekends are just long enough to get your schedule all discombobulated but not long enough to truly feel rested. At any rate, I'm getting back on the exercise bandwagon today. Solid (soft) foods are going down fine, but I don't think I'm getting enough protein or calories yet, and I keep forgetting to track. Need to do better. :)

    1. LipstickLady


      My NP told me just to TRY at your stage in the game. I didn't actually succeed in hitting my fluid or protein goals until 6 or 9 months out.

    2. theantichick


      It's also hard to track when I'm not even getting a 1/4 cup of food down before I feel too full. And I'm not stressing much about the calories/protein stuff, but I like to know where I am to gauge progress. :) I'm not getting as much fluid in as I would like, but my urine is still light and I have no symptoms of dehydration, so I know I'm OK at least. I'm also still starting off the day with a protein shake so I'm not completely falling down on the protein piece.

    3. Valentina


      Your journey has been rewarding to follow---the way it's SUPPOSED to be approached. Try taking a protein shake to bed with you and sipping on it until you fall asleep. It helps me meet goals. Just a suggestion, Friend. ;)


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  22. More NSV - Jeans I haven't been able to wear since LAST fall are now comfortable on the verge of loose. Soft foods are harder than I expected, so still slogging away with the shakes for protein, but it's nice to have variety. My kinesiology student daughter is developing a workout plan for me LOL.

    1. ShelterDog64


      Congrats about the jeans...sorry about the soft foods. Just take it slow and easy, other than wanting something different there's no need to rush.

  23. 2 week checkup today... cleared for pureed AND soft foods... Doc thinks everything looks good. Down 17 lbs since surgery day; 30 lbs from highest weight. Clothes are starting to get a little looser, wedding band still fits. Will feel SO much better in a couple of days with real food.

    1. ShelterDog64


      Awesome! Congrats on your excellent progress, and now on to refried beans :)

    2. CLN.BK


      @Christinamo7 Tell me more about this touchdown taco dip. Where can I find the recipe?


    3. kmorri


      Yes! real food for me was the big turning point for me....It all gets better from here!!

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  24. Back in the office today, routine seems to be helping me get fluids in better. :) Should be cleared for mushies on Wed, looking forward to some refried beans with cheese!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShelterDog64


      The first time I had refried beans after my surgery was heavenly! Enjoy!

    3. Caribear


      So glad you are doing well!

    4. theantichick


      @MrsSugarbabe - I am back to full days. I am in IT so it's not a physical job. I worked all last week from home for comfort and the ability to lie down or take a break as needed. My department has partial work from home, I am in the office MWF and work from home TTh. They just started that the week before my surgery, so it's going to help me transition back.

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  25. Better day today, switching things up to up the protein and fluid intake.

    1. Dropitlikeithot


      Keep it going, its a struggle but worth every minute.

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