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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Maysatl

  1. Thanks for responding! I realize it is totally what eating! Thing is I don't know what to eat & now I have an appetite regularly! I have forgotten all my band techinqies, i remember after I first got the band I could drink a shake & be fine till lunch, now it isn't like that! Now the baby is eating too & off formula! So i have to feed both of us! When I think about it I have probably been eating like I was when I was pregnant! I wish I could just go on liquids like back in the day, but now my band seems different! No matter what kinda fill I get still hungry! I Just get reflux! I had an upper g I & they said everything I was eating was sitting in my chest. & they needed to unfill it a bit! Do I don't thinks fills work for me anymore! Do fills change after a few years? Seems to be the case! I am also working out 4 x a week.. To be truthful I do bake from time to time! I'm Just outta control! What should I be eating!!

  2. Why do you feel lost? Has anything specific happened?

    I'm 5 year bandster & my baby is a year old, didn't gain too much, didn't unfill baby is fine! I seemed to bounce back great breastfeeding stopped & now I am gaining fast! I panicked so I got a fill! Then an unfill because bad bad reflux then Another fill & an upper G I that showed I was way too tight! I've been back after a complete unfill and I have some in! Not bad reflex at night like I used to, now I'm slowly gaining! I'm so frustrated because I feel like I'm back in the old days trying diets and feeling lost! I thought those days were gone! Now I'm trying everything working out & still gaining! The doctor looks at me like a joke because I'm not like his 300lb clients, I'm 195 & slowly creeping up! I matter too! I just don't know what to do! Fills do t seem to work like they used to! I have the orginal allergen band not the new one! Suggestions please!!

  3. I'm 5 year bandster & my baby is a year old, didn't gain too much, didn't unfill baby is fine! I seemed to bounce back great breastfeeding stopped & now I am gaining fast! I panicked so I got a fill! Then an unfill because bad bad reflux then Another fill & an upper G I that showed I was way too tight! I've been back after a complete unfill and I have some in! Not bad reflex at night like I used to, now I'm slowly gaining! I'm so frustrated because I feel like I'm back in the old days trying diets and feeling lost! I thought those days were gone! Now I'm trying everything working out & still gaining! The doctor looks at me like a joke because I'm not like his 300lb clients, I'm 195 & slowly creeping up! I matter too! I just don't know what to do! Fills do t seem to work like they used to! I have the orginal allergen band not the new one! Suggestions please!!

  4. I am almost 10 weeks and got an unfill. I had already gained 7-13 lbs. maybe more. I started freaking out having anxiety attacks about how much weight I am gaining. I am getting big fast. Before my new found pregnancy. I was 170 lbs I had lost 80lbs total 2 years post opt, and I hadnt been that small since I was a kid. I shopped all the time and love all the clothes and my size. My husband and I have been married 4 years so I guess it's time. Anyways, I am reading now and I see all these comments about how others didnt get a complete unfil. I kinda wish I didn't get it all unfilled. I was just so hungry before my unfil. I hope I can lose it all. I already finding my pants not closing. I read in the some of the books you are suppose to only be gaining 3-4 pounds in the first trimester and I still have time to go, just getting bigger and bigger. My husband is happy to have me eating regularly again. I am just terrified about getting me back!! I am eating salads and trying to get the right foods in. I don't ever know what to eat now so I guess I am eating everything. It realy doesn't seem like I am eating everything, I am eating alot more than I used to, but I am HUNGRY!! Anyone have suggestions on what I should be eating?:confused:

  5. I am almost 10 weeks and got an unfill. I had already gained 7-13 lbs. maybe more. I started freaking out having anxiety attacks about how much weight I am gaining. I am getting big fast. I was 170 lbs I had lost 80lbs total 2 years post opt, and I hadnt been that small since I was a kid. I shopped all the time and love all the clothes and my size. I was finally a 10-12 I'm 5"8". We have been married 4 years so I guess it's time. Anyways, I am reading now and I see all these comments about how others didnt get a complete unfil. I kinda wish I didn't get it all unfilled. I was just so hungry before my unfil. I hope I can lose it all. I understand how how you feel about gaining the weight. I already finding my pants not closing. :confused:

  6. I understand your pain. I had to go back several times for my first fill because they could get it.. They could feel it just couldn't get in the needle in and they poked and poked like 16 times. Once I went and they bent the needle!! It was really frustrating and painful!! I finally found someone who could find it after a few pokes. So good luck with it. hopefully it will get better as you lose. My last fill was a bit better!

  7. Hey there!! I just got a fill yesterday. This is my 3rd fill and the 2nd one was great until I started eating more and more at night so I thought I should go in for another fill, so yesterday, I went everything was great. I know I am suppose to be on liquids, I did good today,I had grits for dinner, however, tonight I screwed up (Used to eating at night) and I have 100 calorie snack and some dorittos. I know that was the wrong thing to eat and I am getting back on track, now I have the worst heartburn. My chest and back :crying:hurts and I was spitting earlier. I have learned what I can't do with this fill thus far, I have been trying to sip Water it goes down but it's like ghurglin, I just hope I don't have to get an unfill, but I am concerned now is heartburn going to a regular thing or is it just because I screwed up?? Should I get a unfill??

  8. I went for my first fill last week and they had a hard time finding it and had to poke around several times. I wonder does this damage the tissues inside and eventually make it tough to access?? I know a nurse who does dialysis and she says she has to stick patients sometimes in other places because the area gets tough that they stick constantly.. Any thoughts??

  9. I had my first fill yesterday, they didn't give me a good fill, no restriction, so I went back in today for them to get it right, they couldnt' find it! They said it was due to swelling!! I am sore. and they keep trying to find it. THIS SUCKS!! I hope they can find it next time I go back in a week!!

  10. I felt competely crazy after my band as well. Just as I do after getting my first fill which was today. I am not sure it's working and it's a very difficult process. It's a big emotional journey. I was dying for food and have been eating things that aren't great now. However, I am eating much better than I did before. I have lost 20lbs in 6 weeks which would have taken me 8 weeks being a workout queen and on a super strict diet. So my point is it's a journey. It's not always perfect. I am emotional eater and I love food and I always will. Just gotta find a healthy balance. Give yourself time!! Soon you will be saying I love my band. Also find someone who you can talk to. It's easier if you have a buddy!!

  11. I had my first fill today and it wasn't my regular doctor who did the fill. He seemed like he didn't want to fill it too tight, so he barely filled it at all!! I asked him how my cc's was he putting in and he said a half of 1'cc so basically not a full cc he put in. He asked me did I feel any difference when I drank the water.. aaahhh I don't know. I was still feeling all the poking he was doing trying to find the port!! Friend tell me I should go back tommorow and make them do it over. My stomach is still sore and numb. Can I go back tommorow for a new fill is that too soon. I was hungry tonight. Suppose to be on liquids, very disappointed and confused!! Help!!

  12. I was hoping to only take a day or two off, NOT!! I had my surgery on Jan 23rd and couldn't get out of the house until Saturday and only for a short time. I was thinking I am pretty young and should recover fast. You are going to be sore. And I had dirareah and leg cramps and it takes adjusting with the liquid diet. I wanted to rest. I am glad I was able to take more time off. :tongue2:

  13. Yes!! I was really freaking right before my surgery Jan 23rd. I was so nervous and I actually thought about not doing it. I was scared of being put to sleep and the healing. It was fine. You do want to give yourself some time off from work I thought I could go right back in a few days, not. You will need time at home too because you are doing liquids and I had dirareah and it was just a adjustment period also having to get up and move around when you are really sore. I didn't start being able to get out of the house to about 4 days after. So you will need some time to recover. Also right after my surgery I had the worst pain in my shoulder which is normal but I didn't know that I it was and I was very very uncomfortable with that. Also I had leg cramping the first 2 nights low potassium. These are all things I had paged the emergency nurse about. You will be fine. I have lost 20lbs so far and I sucked at my presurgery diet, i think I had french fries the 2 days before. My scars are healing great and March 4th I have my first fill. Just remember while you are on liquids after chew it up and spit it out if you have to have something if you swallow it after surgery while on liquids it will make you sick. And you will miss eating. So make sure to come here and chat!! Hope that helps. These are all the things I wish someone would have told me.

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