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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by pennyt

  1. Hello,

    I feel my surgeon abandoned me, and I'm going to go to a Fill Center USA center for a fill.

    Has anyone been that would like to refer me? They have a deal going on right now that if a current patient refers a new patient, the current gets $50 off their next fill, and the new patient gets $25 off the first fill there.


  2. For those with BC FEP, the insurance doesn't require the 6 month supervised diet. The surgeon might require it, but not the insurance. Same for the psych eval.

    If you have surgery as an out-patient, with FEP BC Basic you'll probably get billed for a portion of the cost of the band, which could amount to about $1,000. For in-patient, you don't have to pay a portion of the device cost.

    I'm not sure about FEP BC Standard plan.

    NOTE: This is for FEP Blue Cross, not for BC from any other employer.

  3. I keep reading the term "blow out" in magazines, concerning hair. Is a blowout just going in and having your hair washed and blow dry, with a little bit of styling thrown in? Do many people go into salons for just that?

    I guess I'm just not girly enough to know this.

  4. I go through a metal detector in Court at least once a week, and it has never beeped on me when I was carrying anything not allowed. (I'm allowed to pass with things banned to the general public since I'm an officer of the Court.) Usually I bypass the arch, but I do go through it when I'm in a hurry. I've even been wanded, and it has never gone off on my band.

  5. I want to add another recommendation for Everyday Minerals. I got the sample kit, and found a foundation that I loved. I'm also a big fan of the multi-task concealer and one of the light bronzers. I dampen the brush just a bit when I put on the concealer and get amazing coverage, especially over that one pimple that seems to always be present. (I'm 43! Why so I have acne? I never had acne as a teenager.)

    I then went in and bought a kit of 12 different items for $50, and got several large-sized foundations of my shade, a large concealer, a large bronzer, as well as a brush and some eye shadows/liners. If I had just purchased a few large-sized products, it would have cost the same, and I got a lot of product for only $50.

    I've found that using the right brushes makes a big difference in how the make-up goes on. I have the kabuki brush from EDM, and it puts the foundation on so that it looks nice. For the eyes and concealer, I use nice brushes that I bought at Target.

  6. I have no health insurance, no savings and bad credit because a family member took a loan out on my name (desperate times call for desperate measures)

    This probably won't be a popular answer, but you ought to call the police and report identity theft on the person that used your name for their loan. That's illegal, and you shouldn't have your life ruined by their actions.

    If you report it to the police AND to the credit bureaus, giving them a copy of the police report, the credit bureaus should take this loan off your credit report, thereby increasing your chances of getting your financing.

    I know, it's a family member, and you probably love them, but you are still the victim of a crime. You shouldn't have to pay for their mistake.

    Just my opinion.

  7. I have Crohn's (diagnosed 1991) and got my band in May 2008. I will admit I've only one fill, and haven't exercised as much as I should have due to craziness at work, so my results aren't the best so far.

    I've had no problems with the CD since being banded. I went to a Center of Excellence, and my surgeon didn't think there would be problems with having CD in remission and getting the band. My gastroenterologist approved the surgery before I had it, of course. He's been my gastro for almost 18 years, and he would have nixed the surgery if he had any concerns. I'm sure if I had active disease he would have said no, but I'm in surgical/medication remission.

    I had a resection in 2006 where they removed a small bowel obstruction, and my gastro surgeon examined the entire length of the bowel and found no active disease. The obstruction was from scarring from earlier inflammation. I've also had resections in 1991 and 1994. I'm on Remicade every 6-7 weeks, and 75 mg Purinethol (6-mp).

    I also have a huge incisional hernia, but mine hasn't been fixed yet. Dr. Clark wants me to lose 25 more pounds, then he'll fix the hernia and tighten the abdomen at the same time. My hernia is about 4 inches wide and 9 inches long. I'd probably be two sizes smaller in pant sizes if I didn't have it.

    I have two incisions that are a couple inches higher than my belly button. One is 1 inch to the right of the navel, and one is 2 inches left of the midline, or the navel. The left incision is my port.

    The other low incision about an inch below my navel, and is further from the midline. It's located in a line that could be drawn straight down from the right edge of my right breast.

    The other incisions are on the upper abdomen.

    I've already told Dr. Clark I need to have my belly button when he fixes the hernia/tightens the abdomen. I can not be a Mabel! That's a weird family story.

    My mom worked with a woman called "Mabel". One day a couple of the other employees asked my mom why she called the woman "Mabel", and my mom said that's what everyone else called the woman. My mom misunderstood! They were calling the woman "No navel" because she had had surgery, and they closed her up without leaving the belly button.

    After I had my first crohn's surgery, the surgeon came out to tell my husband that I went through surgery fine, but was repeating, "I don't want to be Mabel, I don't want to be Mabel." My husband laughed so hard he almost feel down. I guess I woke up to feel that huge bandage going down my abdomen, and freaked because of the anesthesia.

    I really don't think it would bother me to not have a belly button, I just know my loving (snort) husband and kids would call me Mabel for the rest of my life.

  8. I'm still upset and it's been a week. Do y'all think I'm wrong to be still upset?

    My husband, who is very absent minded, and who really has taken me for granted for years, didn't even get me a birthday card this year. He said he bought two of them back in March and put them away, but then couldn't find where he stashed them when it got close to my birthday. He said that he just didn't think to go buy another card, even when he couldn't find where he put those he had already bought. He said that, if he finds the cards, he figures he can just give them to me for my birthday next year or maybe for my half-birthday. OMG, if he does, I think I'll give him something in return--a right hook.

    He said I shouldn't be upset, since he bought cards, he just didn't give them to me. Oh, and he didn't tell me about the cards he bought until the next day, when I was all upset about "something." I had to tell him why I was upset. And no, I didn't get a gift from him. I didn't want a present. I just wanted a card, or at least something to make it seem like it was a special day in some way. It was pretty much a non-day, although he did tell me happy birthday at the end of the day.

    I know he knew it was my birthday. He says he knew it was my birthday, he just didn't think that it was a big deal. And anyway, I got a new car a week earlier, so I shouldn't expect a present.

    BTW, he got his new car, which was more expensive than mine, a month ago. The price of the cars doesn't bother me. I got the car I wanted. I guess on his birthday which is coming up very soon, I should tell him he got a car several months earlier. And I meant to get a card, or a cake, or a special e-mail, or anything, I just didn't think it was a big deal.

    To me, it is a big deal. I'm the one who always wishes people a happy birthday. If I find out when someone's birthday is, I make an entry in my palm pilot with their birthday, that way I get a message a week beforehand, and I can wish them a happy birthday. I've done that for years for just about everyone because I think everyone should have someone, even a casual acquaintance, think of them on their birthday.

    I don't know what I'll do on his birthday. I've always done a card, a cake, and a gift. Probably not this year, though.

    So, what would your response be?

  9. Dr. Clark does fills at his other office on Tuesday mornings and Thursdays afternoons. I like going ther much better.

    Thanks for the info.

    That's better than the Monday morning fills. I have to be in Court every Monday and Wednesday afternoon, so I'd have to rush back from Indy to make it in time if I go to the Southport Rd office. We get new clients (arrested juveniles) on Tuesdays, so thank goodness Thursday is offered for fills. I usually take off every Friday, but I can change my work schedule to take off on Thursday afternoons every once in a while.

    I've only had one fill so far, since I haven't had a chance to call the Premier office. I'll call them tomorrow to make an appt.

  10. I have to ask, what exactly happens at these parties? Do you pass around toys, discuss how they're used, or just pick things out of a catalog? How explicit is the conversation?

    I'm sure it's a lot different than the tupperware/pampered chef parties I've been to.

  11. Well, I've had two kids, and I think everyone in the hospital had a look each time I was in the hospital for delivery. Even with that, I'm still bashful about going to the gyn. I see a female nurse-pract now, and it took a while to find one I was comfortable with. My first appt with her was a get to know each other kind of meeting, fully dressed. I felt like I could talk to her, even naked, so I scheduled my annual exam.

    My last gyn was a man, and I felt OK with him, but that's because my cousin's daughter was his nurse. She stayed in the room with me, and we joked around during the exam, which made it fun (ok, not fun, but not horrible).

    My advice is to find someone you feel comfortable with before you ever take off your clothes. Get to know the person at a get acquainted appt before you make an appt for the full exam. If you don't feel comfortable, you won't talk, and that's what causes problems.

    Talk to your friends, and find out who they recommend. If you don't want to disclose that you've never had a PAP, just tell them you're looking for a new doctor and want recommendations.

  12. Hello fellow Hoosiers!! Go Colts!:whatchutalkingabout

    Has anyone had their surgery at St Francis Weight loss center? In Indianapolis? I have went through everything need for the surgery at the center, but my insurance needs 6 months supervised dieting. GRRRR. So I have three months down and three to go.

    ME! I had surgery on May 21st, and have had one fill so far. It should have been two fills, but I've been so busy this year due to family and work obligations (helping to care for family member who has alzheimer's) that I've not had a chance for the second fill yet. Since I can't take off on Mondays, which is when Dr. Clark does his fills at the Southport Rd office, I'm calling his Premier surgical office tomorrow to try to schedule a fill on a different day of the week.

    I like the staff at the Southport office, and I really like Dr. Clark and Julie.

  13. Family is a odd duck sometimes. I don't get along with over half of my family. I am the black sheep of the family, I haven't been arrested, I was never involved with ex-cons and I had my children after I got married. OH! Lets not forget I not only graduated HS, but college as well.

    OMG, I could have written that! I always say that I'm the black sheep of my family because I can read.

    Kat has a point too. I also go to family reunions when money allows. One thing I do that really REALLY leaves me feeling perky and the rude ones gaping is wish them all a pleasant day and tell them how happy I am to see them, and how wonderful it is to get to know family again after so long.

    Leaves them floored and confused when their intended target is sooooo nice and pleasant and when they get snarky and rude I just smile and say some happy inane comment about how wonderful it is to be there then smile and walk away

    My nieces' half-sister is one of those people who is not happy unless she is making other people as miserable as she is. I do the above to her, and it really ticks her off because it shows other people her true character and my true character. One niece's best friend kept going on and on about how wonderful and sweet I am, and psycho-wench just about had a heart attack in response. No one has ever accused her of being sweet and wonderful. Heck, no one has ever accused her of being anything but hateful, at least not in the last 25 years. I pity her, but she won't get help for her issues, and all of us (her half-sisters included) have decided that we don't have to put up with her if we don't want to do so.

    For the OP, if you feel that you want to go, then go. If you don't feel up to putting up with those people, then don't go. Decide what is best for you and for your husband. Don't be guilted into going because other people feel that you should be there.

    You need to put your husband first before these people. If you decide to go, even if for only a short visit, and your husband doesn't want to go, let him stay at home. When you leave, tell them that your husband is so wonderful that he has a special evening planned for you, and you need to leave so that you two can have that time together. (Even if the wonderful thing is just going to the grocery store together.)

  14. To straighten hair, you have got to get a chi Iron. Go to Sally's beauty supply to purchase so that it will be cheaper. I tried the kind available at Target, and was really disappointed with the results. Once I got the good gold-plated kind at Sally's, I love my flat-iron. I can use it to put a bit of volume near the roots, and then straighten the rest so that it follows the contour of my head.

  15. At one of the spray-on tan places around here, they customize your spray so that it works as contouring. They put a bit darker on the bottom of the arms,. inner thigh area, and other spots, so that it tends to recede visually.

    When I put on my fake tan lotion, I go over those same areas a second time so that they get a bit darker and I'll look more contoured. I do the same when I put on my facial makeup (mineral-type). I contour the cheek area in front of my ears so that my face looks thinner. I don't put it on very dark, but just touch.

    I think tanned skin looks better than my regular pasty-white, but I don't do real tans since a tan is, by definition, skin damage. Tanning, even in a tanning bed, leads to wrinkles and possible melanoma.

  16. In my opinion, the best way to do the magnesium citrate cleanse, if your doctor orders it, is to buy the lemon flavored magnesium citrate. Mix it with lemonade, such as "Simply Lemon". You have to drink a lot of fluids with it anyway, and this kinda disguises the taste. It's very salty, so it doesn't completely hide the taste.

    Another way is to put the magnesium citrate in the freezer, and then chug it down cold through a straw, immediately followed by a strong tasting chaser such as juice, lemonade, or similar.

    You could also call the doctor and request the pill prep. It gets rid of the nasty taste, but you'll have to drink about a ton of liquid with it.

    I get a colonoscopy about every 18 months on average, so I've done the bowel prep way too many times.

  17. With my Crohn's Disease I'm lactose tolerant. (Found out after a great trip out west where I drank milk every morning. That poor ranger at Bear Butte SP in South Dakota didn't know how to react!)

    Anyway, whenever I eat dairy products, I use Lactaid Fast Act, or the Walgreen's generic equivalent, and don't have a problem. If I don't use one of the chewable tablets, everyone knows from the noise.

  18. I bought the New whey Liquid Protein shots from GNC, and I don't think they're that bad. On a day when I'm low on my Protein intake, I just chug down half of a tube for 21 grams of easy protein. The grape just tastes like strong kool-aid to me.

    I really can't stand any of the powdery kinds of Protein drinks since they have a weird taste in my opinion.

    You're just going to have to experiment to see what works for you. Buy one of each flavor and try them until you find one you can handle.

  19. I won't know what the barium test showed for a couple weeks yet, but what they saw on the colonoscopy and biopsy was consistant with crohns.

    Did they give you a hard time about the band with crohns?

    Dr. Clark (surgeon) said that there was no problem with me getting the band since I'm in remission right now (due to surgery 2 years ago, and major drugs-Remicade and 6-mp). It also helped that my disease has always been in the far end of the small intestine. If I had ever had active disease closer to the stomach or esophagus, I don't think he would have agreed to operate on me.

    My biggest worry was that my gastroenterologist would say no to the surgery. We talked about the surgery, my reasons for wanting it, and why I thought it was appropriate. He was satisfied that I had done my homework, and was ready for the surgery, so he gave his approval.

    He's been my doctor for 17 years, so I was able to discuss the issues with him. I just saw him last Thursday, first visit since the lapband surgery, and he thinks I did the right thing with the surgery. He said his concern right now is that I don't lose too much or lose too fast. When I started with him right after I was diagnosed with CD, I was dying from the disease, and was in a loose size three clothing.

    Both my gastro and the surgeon are in the same hospital system, so they were able to readily consult about me.

  20. I give myself b-12 injections every other week, 1/2 cc at a time. I can definitely feel the difference if I miss my injections, but that's because I don't have a terminal ilieum. The terminal ilieum is the last portion of the small intestine before it connects to the large intestine, and it's where the B Vitamins are absorbed by the body. Mine was removed due to Crohn's Disease, so if I didn't do the injections, I wouldn't get b-12 at all.

    If you don't have pernacious anemia (which is not having enough b-12), then the shots really won't do you much good. Your body will simply excrete the excess b-12.

    If you think you need the b-12, ask your doctor to order blood work to measure your b-12 level, as well as other levels.

    I'm also Vitamin D deficient, and am taking supplements. If they don't help by the next blood work, I'm going to have to get Vitamin d injections.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
