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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by pennyt

  1. pennyt

    protein shots\ help

    I bought the New Whey Liquid Protein shots from GNC, and I don't think they're that bad. On a day when I'm low on my protein intake, I just chug down half of a tube for 21 grams of easy protein. The grape just tastes like strong kool-aid to me. I really can't stand any of the powdery kinds of Protein drinks since they have a weird taste in my opinion. You're just going to have to experiment to see what works for you. Buy one of each flavor and try them until you find one you can handle.
  2. pennyt

    The barium swallow...

    Dr. Clark (surgeon) said that there was no problem with me getting the band since I'm in remission right now (due to surgery 2 years ago, and major drugs-Remicade and 6-mp). It also helped that my disease has always been in the far end of the small intestine. If I had ever had active disease closer to the stomach or esophagus, I don't think he would have agreed to operate on me. My biggest worry was that my gastroenterologist would say no to the surgery. We talked about the surgery, my reasons for wanting it, and why I thought it was appropriate. He was satisfied that I had done my homework, and was ready for the surgery, so he gave his approval. He's been my doctor for 17 years, so I was able to discuss the issues with him. I just saw him last Thursday, first visit since the lapband surgery, and he thinks I did the right thing with the surgery. He said his concern right now is that I don't lose too much or lose too fast. When I started with him right after I was diagnosed with CD, I was dying from the disease, and was in a loose size three clothing. Both my gastro and the surgeon are in the same hospital system, so they were able to readily consult about me.
  3. pennyt

    B 12 shots

    I give myself b-12 injections every other week, 1/2 cc at a time. I can definitely feel the difference if I miss my injections, but that's because I don't have a terminal ilieum. The terminal ilieum is the last portion of the small intestine before it connects to the large intestine, and it's where the B Vitamins are absorbed by the body. Mine was removed due to Crohn's Disease, so if I didn't do the injections, I wouldn't get b-12 at all. If you don't have pernacious anemia (which is not having enough b-12), then the shots really won't do you much good. Your body will simply excrete the excess b-12. If you think you need the b-12, ask your doctor to order blood work to measure your b-12 level, as well as other levels. I'm also Vitamin D deficient, and am taking supplements. If they don't help by the next blood work, I'm going to have to get Vitamin d injections.
  4. If they ask what flavor barium you want to drink, I recommend the banana over the other flavors. None of them are yummy, but I find the banana easier to get down. I think it's kind of pathetic that I have a favorite barium flavor!
  5. pennyt

    Knew B from Indy

    Which surgeon are you seeing? My surgery was with Dr. Clark out of St. Francis hospital on the southside.
  6. pennyt

    The barium swallow...

    So did the swallow show Crohn's? I've had it (diagnosed) for 17 years now.
  7. pennyt


    I wear a panty girdle, brand name "Control It" bought at Kohl's, everyday for work. It just makes me look better in my clothes, and I like the feeling of being pulled in that it gives me. I have a huge surgical hernia going down the lower abdomen from three previous surgeries (they always cut in the same place), and it helps it not hurt as much. I was also sent home from the lapband surgery with an abdominal binder, and I put that on sometimes at home for extra support. I've worn the binders off and on around the house for several years, since I get one every time they cut into my abdomen. As soon as I lose a bit more weight, the hernia is getting fixed as part of an "abdominal wall reconstruction". It'll be better than a tummy tuck, since insurance should pay.
  8. I didn't get an On-Q system for the lapband surgery, but have had one before for a major abdominal surgery. To me, the lapband was a little surgery, since I've had three major surgeries that cut me from just above the navel to 5 inches below the navel. They took out part of my small intestine in each surgery. This is not to minimalize the lapband surgery. This is just to compare it to my previous surgeries, so I hope no one thinks I'm belittling them by calling it a little surgery. Anyway, after my first two abdominal surgeries, I was put on a morphine pump, and I worked that thing for several days for pain relief. Because of the morphine, my incision didn't hurt, but I was in a major fog. Actually the incision did hurt because I had to wait until it was time for the next press of the button that would bring me pain relief. I would be in pain, then press the button and go into a fog until the pain would return. I'd have to endure pain until the button allowed more morphine, then the fog would return. Vicious cycle. During the last major abdominal surgery, the doctor opted for On-Q instead of the morphine pump. My head was clear, since I wasn't given a systemic dose of the morphine. The constant stream of morphine going right to the source of the pain kept me from feeling pain. I didn't have that pain/fog cycle going on like in my previous surgeries. I was able to be up and doing so much faster than in my previous operations. I describe the On-Q system as sort of like the soaker hoses that are used in the garden. They seep out the morphine at a slow continuous rate. I didn't use nearly as much morphine as I did when I was on the pump, but it was enough to stop the pain. That's the beauty of On-Q. Gee whiz, I sound like a salesman! Nope, just someone who thought it was great for the pain relief.
  9. I didn't have issues with sleep apnea and diabetes, although there is a family history of diabetes. My fasting blood sugar did tend to run high, so I was on my way there. Before surgery, my blood pressure was starting to get into the borderline range. Friday at the doctor's office, it was 25 points lower on the top number. That shows me that the little bit of weight loss so far is already making me healthier.
  10. Protein is a building block for your body, and will help you heal after surgery. In addition, it's a necessity for healthy life. Without adequate protein, there could be fatigue, hair loss, muscle wasting, poor wound healing, dry & scaly skin, and poor resistance to infection. My surgeon told me that he wants 70-80 grams of protein minimum daily. I haven't had a problem getting that in at all.
  11. pennyt

    Blue Cross Federal Employee Plan: READ THIS

    I got the same letter before my surgery saying "it was an approved procedure assuming I met medical necessity." I got my EOB last week, and BC FEP paid all but $100 of the surgeon's fee. I haven't received the EOB for the hospital portion yet. My surgery was out-patient, although I had the opportunity to stay overnight if I wanted. DH wanted to go home, so we went home.
  12. pennyt

    Long Drive After Surgery???

    I had a 1 1/2 hour drive to the surgery center, and had to be there at 7 am. We drove home that afternoon after the surgery, and had no problems. Heck, I'm the weirdo that went and looked at cars on the way home from the hospital. (My daughter needed a car, and since there were several car lots near the route home, why not!) I had no problems what-so-ever. I just made sure I had my bottle of Fiji Water to sip every little bit, and I spent most of the time looking out the window at the vehicles. I did walk some since it was encouraged at the hospital.
  13. pennyt

    What to do with drunk drivers?

    No, he's not a killer. As a drunk driver, he had the potential to be a killer, but he never killed anyone. He might have, but thank goodness he never did. Once he gets out, he'll be on probation with one of the other officers in my department. I want him to do well, but I hate the thought that he was on the same streets where my kids and their friends drive.
  14. pennyt

    Who's the man Obama or MCcain?

    Well, I'm for Obama, but if he picks Clinton as a running mate, I'll vote for McCain as the lesser of two evils (the other evil being Hillary Clinton.) I think Rupaul (not Ron Paul, Rupaul) would be a better candidate than Hillary Clinton.
  15. pennyt

    Protein Shakes!!!

    I absolutely detest the ready made drinks because of the gross nasty after-taste. The only way you're going to find what works for you is to try all kinds until you find what you like. If you have a natural food store, you might be able to find individual single-serving packets so you can try lots of different kinds.
  16. I was expecting one of those "I had LB, and it sucks" kind of posts, so it was great to read about someone who is doing so well. You're an inspiration!
  17. pennyt

    whoa. just had first pb episode.

    I had my first PB earlier this week. I'm allowed mushies, but didn't bring anything to work. Rather than run to the grocery for cottage cheese or similar, I decided that I'd get chicken at subway, take small bites, chew well, and throw most of it away. Well, I must not have chewed well enough, because it happened. Fortunately, I was eating in my office with the door closed, so no one saw me. I sipped some Water, and then waited until I got home that afternoon to try anything else. The cottage cheese went down all right, and no problems since.
  18. I had surgery on a Wednesday, and I had to drive 15 minutes each way on Friday since that was my day to sit with an elderly relative with Alzheimer's.
  19. pennyt

    Almost Ready For Work

    We've got a break room with a refrigerator, so I just bought little individual sized containers of cottage cheese to keep in there. It was easy to just grab one of those. When I first came back to work, I was eating at my desk while reading Lapbandtalk. We've also got a blender in the break room that the body builder guys in the office use to mix their Protein drinks. I used it to mix my drinks also, telling them I was just trying to increase my protein consumption. If I hadn't had a blender at work, I would have bought a stick blender and used it for the drinks. I love the stick blender I have at home, and use it way more than the regular blender.
  20. pennyt

    Why are people afraid of atheism?

    Why do you not worship Buddha? Why do you not worship K'nisha? Why do you not worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster? Why do you not worship the Pink Unicorn? You have reasons why you do not worship those entities, right? Well, those of us who reject the idea of your god as a real entity have reasons why we do not believe. Why can't you accept that we have the freedom to worship or not worship as we choose? Why are you so concerned that you care about who why we don't worship as you do? You seem to want the freedom to worship as you wish, but yet you seem to be offended that we want the freedom to worship (or not) as we wish. I sure hope you don't consider yourself a good American, because you seem to be against one of the major freedoms upon which this country was founded. My ancestors fought in the American Revolution, the French-Indian War, the Civil War, the Spanish American War, World War I, and World War II. They fought for this country to protect our rights as Americans; rights which include freedom to worship as we choose. I have family fighting in the bondoggle in the Middle East right now. Unfortunately, they seem to be fighting to keep people from worshiping as they wish.
  21. pennyt

    Incision problems?

    Go to the doctor before the incision gets infected, or heals badly. It it isn't taken care of, it might not heal right, and you could risk needing additional procedures to fix the spot. It's not a big deal to get it taken care of. On my last open abdominal surgery, I had staples to close the incision, but two of them popped out. It oozed that liquid out of it, and when I stood up, it gushed out like someone had turned on a faucet. I had to have the wounds packed with gauze to aid in the healing. After it was in the wound for several hours, I (actually my DH) would pull the gauze out. I had to do this several times. This allowed the wound to heal from the inside out. My daughter's friend had a similar problem, and her doctor had her mother take a q-tip with silver something on it and swab it around inside the wound. Again, this helped the wound to heal properly. My wounds were exceptionally deep, which is why I had the packing gauze. It didn't hurt to have it packed, or pulled out. It was just a weird "wooshy" feeling as I felt the gauze come out. It just gave me the heebie-jeebies cause it felt "wooshy".
  22. pennyt


    There's a thread on here somewhere that gives step by step direction on how to add the weight loss/BMI tickers to your signature. You can get them at Graphical Tickers and Trackers: Weight Loss, Trying To Conceive, Pregnancy... as well as at some other sites. Open a new window to go to Ticker Factory, and then after you design your ticker, you can copy it by right clicking on it. Then go to the "User CP" on this site (it's over to the right on this screen) and then to edit signature on the left side of that screen. Then paste in what you just copied into the signature box. Hopefully that will work. Bookmark the Ticker Factory page when you get done designing your ticker, and then you can go back and edit it as you lose weight.
  23. pennyt


    Welcome to the group Syd. This is a great place for info and support!
  24. pennyt

    What to do with drunk drivers?

    It really depends upon your location. Here, in Indiana, for a first offense it's a Class C Misdemeanor if the BAC is between 0.08 or 0.15, and a Class A Misdemeanor if the BAC is above 0.15. The person can lose their license between 6 months and 2 years, pay a countermeasures fee of between $200 and $1000, and could face up to 60 days in jail for the class C Misdemeanor, and up to 1 year in jail for the Class A. Usually, it results in probation and not a long jail sentence for a first offense. As part of the probation, there will be Community Service Work, which in my county would be Road Crew. I've got a friend who just got his third DUI. He's been sitting in jail for over a month so far, and has another 6 weeks to go before his trial date. He won't have a license at all when he gets out. Ever again. I like the guy, but he has a definite problem. He's now lost his $100,000 a year job as a result of this arrest.
  25. pennyt

    My girlie gene is weak!

    I gotta remember way back to my 4-H days for this. Hopefully this will make sense. When fabric is woven all the threads run at 90 degree angles to one another, like this "+" Instead of cutting the fabric so that the cross lines are parallel to the floor and the up and down lines are perpendicular to the floor, cutting on the bias means that the are turned 45 degrees before cutting. So instead of the threads running like this: "+" on your body, the threads are like this "X" or this "^" on your body. It allows the fabric to drape better, and is so much more flattering and softer looking. (Some of that 10 years in 4-H comes in handy sometimes. I still haven't figured out the usefulness of any skills I learned from showing those steers and pigs. Yeah, I was the farmer's daughter.)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
