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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Wheetsin

  1. Apnea should definitely count as a comorbodity. Also you might want to talk to your PCP and see if you have anything else going on. Lots of people have comorbidites and don't know it. I had early onset osteoarthritis, and had no clue... I just got a gritty sensation when I turned my head on humid days. I would throw in your BP and diabetes, too, because those will be costly to insurance in the long run. At your height, 218.5 lbs will put you at a BMI of 40. What has your weight gain looked like in the past few years? E.g. do you have a trend of gaining about 10 lbs a year or anything? You could also "project" (as long as you have history to back it) a likely timeframe when your BMI will reach 40, and include that info. It won't win you an appeal, but every little nudge in your favor helps. You can also see if your PCP could write you a letter explaining adjusted BMI. BMI really is a crock of poop. By any BMI stnadards, weightlifters with under 10% body fat are still "obese" because they're heavy. "Modern" BMI charts account for your age, gender, and build as well. One of my co-workers is very tall and lanky, "beanpole" if you will, and weighs around 200 and is categorized as "obese" and wears a 34" waist. Sigh...
  2. Yep, I - too - am just here because I wanted to read about people having sex with a surgeon in CA. Living vicarioulsy through others, I guess. (Though maybe I have or haven't, and would say it is or is not a memorable experience...)
  3. If you care to share your requirements for pre-approval, and your personal stats (BMI, comorbs, etc.) we might be able to help you pontificate things you can use should you choose to appeal.
  4. Wheetsin

    Greasy Hair?!?

    Ok this happened to me once. About a year after I got my lapband, so I have no idea if it's related to weightloss or not. I'm thinking not. With no change in hair care routine (products, hygiene, etc.) the top of my head, starting about 2" back from my hair line and in a little area like where a Yamaka would fit, my hair -- truly overnight -- got clumpy/greasy feeling. I was just sitting at work one day finger-combing through my hair and assumed I'd missed a spot when I rinsed conditioner out of my hair. So I went home, washed it, and could even feel the difference under the Water and with wet hair. I let it be for two or three days figuring it was this or that... and when it was still there I made an appt with a dermatologist. Between when I made the appt, and my appt was scheduled, I picked up a bottle of Neutrogena clarifying shampoo and truly scrubbed that part of my hair. I also washed it with Dawn dishwashing detergent. My hair was dry as heck, but it completely took care of the weird spot. I cancelled the dermatologist appt so I have no idea what he would have said. So from my experience, I suggest try a combination of clarifying shampoo and a grease cutting dish soap. Wash once with the dish soap, then again with the clarifier. Don't wash like just suds up, but use your fingertips to really get in and scrub/massage your hair AND scalp. Do not condition and do not use any hair products (my hair was long back then so I did the sloppy ponytail knot thing for a few days). I'm guessing it will improve within a day or two. My best guess is that it's some kind of build-up. How it just came on all of a sudden when I'd been using the same products/routines for years, I have no idea. This happened to me about 5 years ago and has not happened again.
  5. Wheetsin

    Itchy Scalp Question

    My RNY friend swore her hair regrowth itched her like mad. That doesn't make a lot of sense because her hair had regrowth before her WLS and she never even thought twice about it but... she swore... Any redness on your scalp?
  6. Wheetsin

    Pain In Heart & Lungs

    If you ever, ever have pain in your heart, you need to be at the doctor's office. Period. Pain while breathing and pain in taking deep breaths could be a form of pneumonia (among a ton of other things), which develops often after intubation procedures. Pain in your heart, and pain in your lungs, is probably not related. I can pretty much guarantee neither your heart nor lungs were nicked during surgery.
  7. I'm an absolute "type A" personality. In fact, I could probably redefine it. If you're an MBTI person I'm an INTJ, 100% in the "I" and "T" and about 99% on the "J". Etc. etc. So I don't like to do things I will fail at, and I compensate by making sure that I don't fail at much (and perhaps don't try the things I know I will fail at). I have accomplished everything in life that I have set out to accomplish, except for managing my weight. Education, job, family, financial security/debt free, etc. And here I sit with all that, and about 100 extra lbs. So while I'm not in the boat where my vocation eludes my personal life, I am in the boat where I cannot independently accomplish something I really should be able to accomplish. And it took a BIG HUGE dose of humble pill to finally admit that and meet it head-on. But there was a catch... My first solution was lap-band. I lost hella weight, and then gained a good chunk of it back after my band had to come out. Talk about all those feelings of failure coming rushing back in... and now they're tainted with the bittersweet reality of having very fresh memories of what it's like to be normal... So I get a sleeve, and I'm about 13 weeks out, and I've lost nothing for about 10 weeks now. Grr. It's like - can I please just find something that's going to work???
  8. Wheetsin

    Running Nose After Vs?

    Constantly, or when he eats/after eating? If the latter it could be a soft stop he has developed.
  9. Wheetsin

    Crazy Hormones!

    Crazy hormones for 3 - 4 weeks, easy. Slowly tapering off. My smooth skin was broken out like a pepperoni pizza, and that was just the start of it. I've had 2 TOMs since then. Moderate breakout the first, 2 or 3 pimples the last, but they went away in a day.
  10. You simply cannot hold yourself to a standard of what other people are doing. It will mean failure almost always, because you will never be the same. I've been sleeved going on 13 weeks. I haven't lost anything (neither pounds nor inches) in about 10 weeks. I haven't seen anyone else that stalled, that soon, with still needing to lose > 100 lbs. But that doesn't mean I can look at everyone else around me who's posting losses on a daily basis and think that I, personally, am somehow failing. It just cannot work that way. Even if you lose nothing else for a bit, you've still lost (post-op) 6 pounds in a month, which is well above an average. (I'm not sure what you mean by you've gone up 1.5 weeks? Given up, maybe? Or gone up 1.5 lbs?) If your weight did not fluctuate, that's when you'd need to be concerned because it would mean your body was not working properly.
  11. Wheetsin

    Is Apple Juice Bad?

    My staple fruit juice is Old Orchard Healthy Balance. I use it to dissolve fiber/laxative in, as needed. 8 fl oz: 25 calories 0 fat 0 cholesterol 60mg potassium 5g carb 0 Protein At our local grocery store which is one of the more expensive ones, a 64oz bottle is usually priced around $2.50 but they're frequently on sale 2/$3, and coupons.com often has $1 0ff coupons. I don't consider $2.50 for juice expensive, tho - I buy it whenever. (IMO)
  12. Wheetsin

    Frustrated About Stall

    Here's the flip side. I've been stalled 9 weeks, out of the 12 I've been sleeved. No matter how bad you feel about your 10 days, it's completely normal and it could absolutely be worse.
  13. Wheetsin

    Saliva Causing Fullness

    If it were overproduction you'd know it, you really wouldn't have to pay special attention. We're all different, but there's no way I could eat 3 oz in 15 min. A single egg (about 1.5 oz) takes me at least 45 mins, and more often about 90 mins. But I have a LOT of restriction still. Take it slow and see if you still have the discomfort - process of elimination. It might help to use a small utensil, like a toddler's, andmake yourself wait about 3 mins between bites. Just for figuring this out, at least. Sounds crappy, I hope you can resolve it.
  14. Wheetsin

    Frustrated About Stall

    Search "3 week stall." You don't even need to do it here, generic Google should give you all the info you need.
  15. Wheetsin

    Saliva Causing Fullness

    Saliva is thick stuff. We (hopefully) don't really notice it all that much, but it's probably along the lines of glycerine. But the real question is why eating makes you go into over production (unless just normal swallowing is continually filling you up).Over production of saliva is sometimes called "sliming" and is usually a sign that you've eaten too much or too quickly. This isn't technically correct, but think of it as your body's way of trying to lube up. So which is it - are you producing excess/thick saliva, or is normal swallowing causing you problems?
  16. Wheetsin

    No More Spanx

    I gots mines at Lane Bryant. I'm pretty sure I was in their biggest size which IIRC is "F". How appropriate. I haven't worn them in a while. Though I'm sure they'd still fit me.
  17. It's really simple. We all signed a consent form of some kind or other. None of our consent forms included an obligation to be VSG ambassadors. That means it is 100% personal choice. Any time something is personal, it is by definition the most subjective ingredient. If what you choose to do does not hurt you, and does not hurt others, then it is not a problem. I'm not even that smart, and I've still got that much figured out.
  18. Ok that explains it, holy crap. I only had 4 hours of labor, really - pains just came and went randomly, and I actually went in just to get a hearbeat check (no movement for several hours) and I was already a 9. They put me on the monitor & no contractions, but at a 9 said they'd induce me if I didn't start labor in a few hours. Nothing, nothing. Get up to walk around and *bam* -- every 3 minutes on the dot, out of nowhere. That was around midnight and I delivered around 5am. Got my epidural & no one came in to tell me to flip so only my right side was numb. That sucked - I think it made it worse than having no numbing. I pushed for... maybe 45 mins. Nurses were very literally squeezing my thighs together to hold DD in until the OB could make it. (sorry, O/T)
  19. Not bad at all, never above a 7? Holy crap you have a high pain tolerance. (For reference to OP a 7 is borderline "cannot do most activities because the pain is too great".) *I* have a pain tolerance, and will still start asking for something around a 5 (unable to do some activities due to pain). Seriously if I hit a 7 I would be demaning Dilaudid. (I would probably rate my labor a 7!)
  20. Wheetsin

    Wow Best Protein Concoction Ever

    I ordered it online from www.netrition.com. A lot of the SF syrups taste fake, but the salted caramel tastes spot-on. Oh I forgot to list Almond Roca. My local Marhall's had a bottle of it in SF (Torani) for $3.99. Yum, I add it to my plain Greek yogurt.
  21. Wheetsin

    No More Spanx

    I like wearing spanx, but I know that makes me an oddity. I wear them with dresses/skirts (to eliminate the jiggle factor), and pants that aren't tailored. I'm really high waisted and have longer legs, so often even tall sizes want to sit below my waist which I cannot stand. To get pants to sit where they should (at my natural waist, I do not buy low rise pants), they're usually going up my butt. Few things look worse than camel toe (except for really bad camel toe, a.k.a. moose knuckle) and pants riding up your butt. So I wear spanx because they make it impossible for my butt to eat my pants.
  22. Wheetsin

    Pre-Op Blues Forum!

    If your goal is to drop pounds chiefly, I would say lower your cabs to no more than 20gm per day and ensure they are from low glycemic sources. Essentially the induction phase of the Atkins diet. It is not a sustainable diet, but I've never met someone who didn't lose weight with it. For more specific advice, track everything you put in your moth for two or three days and post it here. It's very easy to think you're doing everything right, and be missing something someone else might be able to point out. Do you know how many calories you're eating? Protein first, and smaller portions, isn't necessarily going to but you into a calorie defecit. You'll need to figure your BMR (google BMR calculator), and then get a good idea of your daily calorie intake, and adjust it accordingly. We can help, but lots of info is missing.
  23. I'm 3 mos out and still doing it, especially when I eat a "tough" Protein like Jerky. My stomach did it the entire time I had the lapband (6 years) so I'm guessing that for me, anyway, it's a permanent thing. I usually eat lunch in my room at work, shared with 2 guys. I sit about 30 ft away from them when I eat and they will laugh because they can hear my stomach making noises that far away. DH claims it has woken him up at night. I also "gurgle" which really catches people off guard. I h ave to tell them - I promise it's not a burp or any other gross thing, it's just a noise I make. Awkward sometimes.
  24. Wheetsin

    Wow Best Protein Concoction Ever

    You can do the same basic thing - protein powder, SF pudding mix, liquid of choice (milk, soymilk, whatever), SF syrups or mixes, and chuck it into an ice cream maker and have "protein ice cream". If you search Atkins diet boards you'll find years and years' worth of recipes. Chocolate powder with PB2, SF peanut butter syrup and a pinch of SF chocolate pudding mix is quite yum. I made one the other night with chocolate protein powder, instant espresso mix, and salted caramel syrup. Using protein powder and some creativity you can actually make fairly similar knock-offs of many things. With my lapband one of my favorites was my orange or strawberry "julius" that DH swore tasted like the real thing. Pumpkin pie pudding, vanilla protein, and cinnamon syrup... It's pretty much limitless.

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