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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by robinem

  1. Hello,

    I have the same problem. I'm just at my three week mark, and today at work, I bent over and twisted a bit to the right, and now my port side is sore. My port is low and when I move the right (or wrong way), I feel like I"m being poked. If I'm still achy tomorrow, I"m call the drs.

    I feel your pain... literally.

  2. After the initial consultation, I was told to do South Beach. About a week before surgery, I went back to Phase I South Beach. The dr. did seem concerned about losing lots of weight, just that I keep a food log and show that I'm compliant with the program.

    Since South Beach is pretty much how I eat, I wasn't too upset. And I lost about 10 pounds from consultation until surgery. (Two months give or take.)

  3. Hi All"

    I was wondering what you thought about this. I was banded on July 24, and the dr. said no abdominal work. My usual exercise program is a circuit type program (like Curves, but a different organization). I went back today and began with some simple step work (one step up and down). A little bit of arm work (bicep curls) and a little walking in place, and some time on the stationery bike.

    I went pretty slowly, but I could actually feel the little work I did.

    Do you think its too soon to start working out even if I do it really lightly and stop when I feel resistance or discomfort?


  4. Hi Everyone,

    I know that most people here don't drink with their meals, but my dr. has advised to take sips of Water when eating to help liquify the stuff. Also, I'm banned from any form of Fiber vegtable and salad stuff for six months.

    This was quite a surprise to me, but she's the doctor. I was wondering if anyone else has doctors orders that seem to go against the grain of what I've been reading about.

    Thanks in advance.

  5. Hi Everyone,

    I have experienced a wicked case of cotton mouth the last couple days. I had surgery on the 24th of July. I drink plenty (although maybe not quite as much yesterday, I forgot to keep track).

    I woke up last night twice and had to sip some Water, which seemed to help, but not much.

    Is this common, and how does one overcome it.


  6. I went to the dr. today, and she said my black tongue was due to Thrush, which is due to the antiboitic I'm on, which is due to the cellutitis infection I have at my port site.

    I now have some sort of rinse I need to use three times a day.

    Thanks for your thoughts and input!

  7. Has anyone ever heard of this???

    I was talking with my sister today and she told me my tongue was black! I went and checked it out and sure enough, it looked like I had eaten licorice (which I hadn't).

    I was able to brush it off, but it was like a black mossy growth on my tongue.

    I'm thinking maybe because I haven't eaten real food. Today I had Water, Jello, Protein drink (chococlate flavor) and Water and some chicken broth.

    I talked to a friend today, and she said it happened once to her after she had some Pepto Bismal.

    It was really weird. I"m going the the dr. tomorrow and I"ll ask her about it.

    I was just wondering if anyone else had this happen to them, and when and why.

  8. Hi,

    I had surgery the same day as you. I just now starting feeling like a human being. I've been feeling better as each day goes by. My only real complaint is I'm having a hard time sleeping on my bed.

    But, for the most part, I'm off the pain killers and am alert and pretty much pain free.

    I"m seeing my Dr. tomorrow for my after surgery follow up, and am hoping she'll let me eat. I"ve been a week on liquids and am ready to try out my teeth.

    Hope you're feeling better soon

  9. Did anyone have problems sleeping in the bed after surgery? I had surgery last week Monday (7/24) and still can't sleep in my bed.

    I'm a side sleeper, and my port is in deep in my belly (so I was told). I can't sleep on either side comfortably, and its driving me crazy.

    I'm having my follow up with my dr. on Weds. and will ask her about this, but I was wondering if anyone else experienced the same thing. Lucky for me, my recliner is like sleeping on a cloud.


    Ps... I think part of my not being able to sleep is being home all day, and taking naps. I think I'll not nap tomorrow and see how I sleep.

  10. I had my consulation with the clinic on May 5, met with the surgeon on June 16, and had surgery on July 24.

    I was amazed at how quickly I got all my appointments in during that time. I had a CT scan, EGD, psych eval met with the nutritionist, physical therapist and lost 15 or so pounds in that time. May and June were busy months for me.

  11. Hi,

    Well, here's my story. I had surgery on Mon. July 24. Just after the dr. finished putting in the band.. it broke. She had to take out the band she had installed, and replace it with another band.

    Then, she had to place my port deeper in my abdomen than she's ever had to place a port. Apparently, I carry my fat right in the place she needed to put the port.

    Today, I looked at my port sight, and I have a big red rash all around it. I'm very sore and the area is hot. I called the doctor and I had to go right in to see her. Turns out, I have a cellulitis infection around the port area.

    Now, I'm on antibiotics and am watching the area for any changes.

    Goodness, I can only hope that the end of this is worth this stuff right now.



  12. When I was in the hospital, I asked my dr. about a bowel movement. She said it might take a week to ten days. I had surgery on Monday, home on Tuesday, and haven't even felt like I need to move them.

    I am gassy and can feel things moving aorund in there, but no pressure or any Constipation like feeling. I"m wondering, how long did it take after surgery before you had the first movement.

    I gotta say, I sort of miss it. I was regular as clock work, and it has sort of thrown off my days.


  13. Hello All:

    I had my surgery on Monday July 24, came home on the 25th. Here's how my day went...

    We got to the hospital at 5:30. The hospital has free valet parking, but my boyfriend has a phobia about it, so he dropped me and his mom off while he searched for a suitable place to park. We got to the lobby and were instantly greeted by the most cranky lady ever. Apparently, she was not happy with her job choice or the hours she was required to work.

    My boyfriend finally came in and then our 'tour guide' (a man in a Tuxedo) escorted us to the surgical floor. I then went through the various required tests and pokes. The nurses had an unusually hard time drawing blood. I have uncooperative veins to begin with, and being dehydrated didn't help. Then the anesthesiologist (sp) came in and had an equally hard time finding a vein to start the line. I actually cried because they hurt so much, and I tolerate needle pokes well.

    Then off to surgery around 7:30. I got the happy juice and settled down for a nice nap while the doctors did their job. However, and unexpected developement happened. Just as the dr. was finishing up, the band she had placed on me broke. I'm not exactly sure how or what happened, but it ended up that she had to remove it and replace it. Therefore, a two hour surgery ended up being about four hour surgery. My family was frantic, but they were fine when I finally wheeled out and they could see me.

    Then, I got to my room. While the nurse was trying to replace my IV the shunt they put in me in the operating room quit working. She couldn't start my IV or give me the pain killers. She had to call the IV Team. As far as I could tell, there was only person on this team, for the entire hospital. I waited at least three hours for him to show up. Then when he did, he just wiggled it and said it was fixed. Until the nurse showed up and found out, the IV wasn't fixed. She immediately called him back and had him replace the whole thing. It came out of my wrist, and was put in my bicep on the oppsosite arm. Finally, I got my IV, my pain killers, and an antibiotic.

    While the nurse was finishing hooking me up, she turned too fast, and her feet got caught in my Foley tube. She tripped and tugged my Foley (I was sitting up in a chair at this time). The nurse didn't pull out the Foley, but she took a dive and fell face first on the floor. She was ok though, but I was a bit scared.

    During the night, I developed an allergic rash to something. They immediatly assumed it was the pain killer( because I have allergy to morphine) and took me off it! Arrrggghh... They gave me Darvocet which worked for crap. I finally convinced them that I was ok with the original pain killer if they mixed it with Benadryl. I got that mixture in the middle of the night, and all was good. I was the topic of much discussion that night.

    Tuesday was fairly uneventful. The worked out the kinks from the day before, and I was finally discharged and went home Tuesday night around six pm.

    Today (Thursday), I'm up and around. I can't sleep in my bed as laying down hurts, but I have a lovely comfy recliner in my living room and am managing on that.

    I feel good and am ultimately happy with my descision. I'm looking forward to seeing the pounds start dropping.

    Hope all is well with everyone,


  14. Hello All,

    There seems to be some confusion. I had my band placed on Monday, and got home Tuesday night. The band broke while the dr. was putting the finishing touches on. She then had to remove it and replace it.

    I"m pretty sore but plan on following the advice of the dr. regarding liquids without question.

    Thanks for your input

  15. I got my band yesterday. The doctor got the band on, and while she was finishing up, the band BROKE! She had to get a new one and redo the entire surgery. So, a two hour surgery turned into a four hour surgery.

    I got my band and came home today, but was wondering if anyone has heard of this happening?


  16. Hi Everyone:

    Thanks so much for all your input. I called the hospital, and they said that the pre op test results usually come in within a day and they can fax the results to my primary. I called my primary dr. and made my medical clearance appt for the 13th, so I should be ok to go.

  17. I need to get medical clearance from my primary doctor before I can have my lap band surgery. My date is July 24, and I went to my dr. today.

    He said that it is too soon to give medical clearance, and that he wants to see any physicals and blood work that the bariatric clinic has/will do before my surgery.

    My concern is that, I'll run into time constraints. I go for preop blood work on the 10th, and my final weigh in on the 18th and I go to see my primary on the 18th (after weigh in). How long generally does it take to get results from blood work? I"m getting the blood work done in the same facility as I'm having surgery.

    Did anyone have to get medical clearance from their primary physician, and did you have any problems getting it?


  18. I'm a bad one too. I was advised at my initial consultation that I had to quit smoking after the consultation. I haven't bought any since then, but if someone is at my house who smokes, I will bum a couple during their visit. I think that counts as quitting, and as my time gets closer, I'll stop bumming them also.

    Man, quitting is hard.

  19. I went for my visit with the surgeon today. I'm doing well, and she was able to give me a date. July 24. I have my psych eval this Friday, and then need to get a couple other things in order, but I"m scheduled.

    I do have a question... if anyone can help me out here. The dr. said I would be out of work approx. 1 week for my desk job.

    I'm also a massage therapist, trying to begin my business, and the dr. said I would have to be out for about a month with that. My question is, (and yes, I'll have to ask her again when I'm closer to surgery) is I don't think massage exerts any more energy than a moderate work out. I twist and bend a bit, but nothing extereme. How long after surgery were you able to resume any physical activity?


  20. Well, if it's still high after they do the serum cortisol blood draw, I'll most likely have to see an endocronologist to see if the problem stems from my adrenal glands, or pituitary gland. So, I'm a bit at a loss also. Which is why I'm hoping someone here has gone thru this.

    Thanks again.

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