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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by slbindc

  1. Congratulations, Graham - I'm glad the surgery went well and that it's behind you! I was so elated to wake up in the recovery room. As they administered pain meds (morphine), I remember thinking, "wow, I understand heroin addiction."

    Anyway, your recount reminded me that I was joking with the nurse when I was in pre-op as to whether or not she would put sedatives in my IV before wheeling me off to the OR to prevent me from panicking and jumping off the gurney on the way! Thank goodness, they did put a little something in my IV to relax me on the way. Once in the OR, I remember very little - and am thankful for that since one of my friends woke up DURING her ankle surgery. YIKES.

    All the best on your recovery!

  2. Hi JaxBandster,

    Congrats on your surgery - glad to read that you're doing well!

    As for the hoarseness, I think you're right about the breathing tube. I've not had hoarseness with this surgery, but back in September I had surgery involving a breathing tube, and I was hoarse for a couple of weeks. I asked the doctor about it, and he said it was due to the tube and that it would resolve. But, it is strange that it's just starting several days post surgery -maybe worth a call to the surgeon's office just in case.

    Best of luck with your post-op diet....I'm starting week 2 of mine tomorrow.


  3. I was banded on Monday and discharged from the hospital on Tuesday. I was an overnighter due to my history of dvt - they wanted to keep an eye on me overnight. I had a great hospital experience - good care, and the nurses were attentive and kind. The morphine didn't hurt either.

    Yesterday was rough - I had to go to the ER yesterday to get checked out...one of my incisions appeared to be bleeding, I was in severe pain, and I had a fever. They wanted to rule out an abcess or other infections. I was relieved to hear that everything was fine. And they gave me a different pain med, which has helped immensely. I'm able to move around fine (I couldn't before) and I went out for a walk to get some fresh air and get rid of some not-so-fresh air (I cannot believe how gassy I am....and it's so loud!).

    I don't have much of an appetite, but I'm trying to get my Protein in using unjury. I'm on liquids for 2 weeks and then pureed and soft food for 2 weeks. It was so funny - I was having a Protein shake the day after surgery, and I realized I should only have about 2 oz. of it....My mind started to get all upset at the prospect of not drinking the whole thing, and then I realized this is part of the 'psychological hunger' everyone talks about. I mean, who gets upset about not being able to finish a Protein Shake? ! A pizza, maybe, but not Protein shakes...:tongue2:

    I've not officially weighed myself yet, since I know I'm in the healing phase...and besides, I'm sure I gained some of the pre-op weight back due to the IV fluids (I had lost 12 lb on the pre-op diet).

    I do have a question about the stomach at this stage post surgery: I'm told it can hold 1-2 oz of Fluid. Has anyone actually 'felt' this limit or overfilled their stomachs? I keep wondering if I'm going to spit up Water if I drink too much. I'm having trouble grasping the concept of how my stomach is handling things at this stage.

    I'm so thankful for all of the advice and encouragement from this site --I read it everyday and get inspired and learn so much from everyone. And thank God for GasX strips...

  4. Hi Chloemom,

    For the band surgery as well as any other surgeries I've had, they required me to be completely naked (no underwear) underneath the gown. Not sure exactly why, but I'm guessing it's so that they can make sure they can easily detect and address any bleeding or problems in all areas of the body.

    Good luck to you!


  5. Thanks - I did call the surgeon's office and got a call back around 1 pm today. It's a long story (they sent me to the ER), but I'm so happy to report that I'm feeling better now. I think I was just having too much pain to be managed by Tylenol 3. It was so weird - I couldn't so much as hiccup without my muscles tightening and screaming in pain. I've never felt like that before. They gave me something a little stronger which I plan to take only as needed over the next couple of days. I am so relieved to be able to move around, get out of bed, etc without freaking out.

    Tomorrow I plan to get out for a little fresh air and exercise. Other than the pain problem, I'm doing fine - feeling very optimistic and glad to have the surgery behind me.

  6. My surgery was Monday, and I thought I was doing great until yesterday evening, when the soreness and pain set in. I can barely move without excruciating pain in my body - It's not band-specific, but it's an all over soreness fom my pelvic area to my neck. It's nearly impossible for me to get up from a chair or bed without screaming. I stayed overnight in the hospital where they gave me morphine for pain. I was discharged yesterday morning (Tuesday) with liquid tylenol 3 for the pain.

    Did anyone else experience this? What pain management medication were you given after your surgery? HELP!!

  7. I am so relieved to read this thread - I had Hot and Sour Soup the other day instead of the Optifast chicken broth, and I considered calling the surgeon's office to confess. I didn't call...Instead, I kept on the plan and haven't cheated since.

    But now, I admit I'm tempted to have one last treat before surgery on Monday....like something with bread......but I'll try my best to refrain!

  8. Hi ShinyHappyMommy,

    Thanks so much for your post! I'm being banded on the 4th (Monday), and I'm starting to freak out a bit. I share some of the same fears and hopes as you, but mostly I think I'm afraid of failing. I think the fear of failure is even larger than the fear of the surgery itself.

    Also, I'm questioning myself....Did I do enough research on the LB? Am I sure I can't lose weight and keep it off another way? Am i REALLY committed? What will take the place of food in my life? Can I do this?

    I have every intention of going through with it, but there's that seed of doubt trying to talk me out of it. I've been considering WLS for so long that part of me doesn't believe I'm actually going to do it.

  9. I'm on day 8 of my pre-op diet, and I think today has been the hardest day so far. I haven't cheated, but the thought has crossed my mind about a thousand times today. I'm not sure why today was so hard - today is also the first day I've had cold feet about the surgery. It's less than a week away! I alternate between being excited and being apprehensive. Anyone else feel like this?

  10. My name is Susanne, and I live in Washington, DC. I'm just starting week 2 of my preop diet and am scheduled for surgery on February 4th.

    No kids or SO at the moment...just me and my cat, Shorty. I think the one positive thing about being single is that it has made it easier for me to follow this preop diet.

    I'm so thankful that I found LBT - what a wealth of information and support!

  11. TachaBaby505..................Natacha........................ ...9 January 2008

    crystalcml.......................Crystal..................... .......28 January 2008

    Sadie.............................Sarah...................... ........2 February 2008

    Neenco..........................Dineen..............................4 February 2008

    slbindc...........................Susanne............................4 February 2008

    Big marathoner................Amy............................... 5 February 2008

    Sharon160.....................Sharon............................. 5 February 2008

    Michelle9003...................michelle...........................5 February 2008

    JaxBandster...................Karen................................7 February 2008

    EnchantedRuby...............Ruby................................7 February 2008

    TinaBobina......................Tina................................11 February 2008

    LilMissBand-Aid................Irene...............................11 February 2008

    Mac the Knife...................Mac...............................13 February 2008

    travel_anna.....................Anna..............................13 February 2008

    Princess21.....................Kimberly...........................13 February 2008

    Viridescence.....................Viri...............................14 February 2008

    Nikki2001.......................Nicole..............................14 February 2008

    taismommy...................Tamika............................14 February 2008

    Glynda...........................Glynda............................15 February 2008

    Valvinnek........................Alyssa...........................25 February 2008

    Amieru...........................Amie.............................26 February 2008

    Dana-k...........................Dana............................26 February 2008

    Mel119..........................Melinda...................... ...27 February 2008

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
