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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dsk

  1. Congratulations!!! I couldnt run a 5k for love nor money. My knees wouldnt survive
  2. Wow Bea... That hurts even to look at.... You passed that boulder normally? Ive had 3 kidney stones. One had to be 'removed' in the OR. No Fun....
  3. Happy 7th month Bandiversiry everyone.... Its been a challenging month. Im one pound away from Goal #2 and the 'century mark'. Maybe next month... I still cant add the data so hopefully Gina will come thru again and add it to the spreadsheet... Thanks.. Nov 3 281/-99 T minus 31 and counting to final goal. I wonder if the cold weather makes your body 'change' and start protecting fat or fluid?
  4. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool2:
  5. dsk

    For Just Us Guys

    You will be feeling much better soon. Keep walking... makes a big difference.
  6. Yup.. the band can be fickle (but I think its better than being re-plumbed with a RNY). Just a very slight change in fill can make a significant difference. A half cc made a huge difference for me between throwing up and being just fine. It does sound like you may be on that fuzzy edge between too full and just right. Taking a small amount out might be the ticket. Id like about half of my half cc back... :w00t:
  7. Bea, How intense are you working out? I was going too hard and not losing at a rate I was happy with. My recommendation is to watch your pulse as you work out and keep it in the 65-75% of maximum range. The formula for max heart rate is 220 minus your age. Another strategy is to throw your routine a curve ball and change it up.
  8. Gina, What is leading you to question if you need an unfill? There is a very fine line between being just right and big trouble. I just went thru that. With my band at 7.5cc I was throwing up after eating about 3 times a week (TMI.. Sorry). Removing just .5cc completely eliminated that and put me back on course.
  9. I exercise quite a bit.. 5 times a week. I split those 5 days up between working out at the gym and walking the dog (2.2 miles) and mowing the lawn and working in the yard. Typically its 3 days in the gym and 2 days walking. At the gym, my workout is 3 phases.. 30 minutes on the bike keeping heartrate between the fatburn and cardio levels (120's for me at 52yrs). Phase 2 is the weight machine circuit (8-9 machines) and phase 3 back on the bike for another 20-30 mins. Then I pour myself in to the car and go home. The remaining 2 days i take it easy and let the body heal. As to eating, my typical day starts with a big bowl of All Bran Strawberry Medley with 2% milk. Lunch at work is a Tuna Salid bowl (Star Kist Sweet Corn and Mayo) and a Sugar Free Gel and Pineapple fruit cup. Dinner varies... 2night I had a bowl of Vegatable Beef soup with crackers and a couple Better Cheddar 'hot dogs' with mustard (no bun). One day of the week I go out at lunch with work folks. This week I had an 8oz sirloin and a baked potato all the way at Longhorn. Sometimes Cajan Chicken Pasta at Chilis. Chili Cheeseburger at Carolina Ale House. Before bed, I usually have a smaller bowl of All Bran Strawberrry Medley... Love that stuff and it keeps everything moving Thats basically it. I drink a fair amount of water but avoid liquids around mealtime. I also drink Tropicana Orange Ade or Fruit2O. No Caffeine. Very little sugar. A handful of trail mix (mmm has M&Ms in it) every once in a while. I went thru a lean loss period for a while and found that i was going too hard. I was running the heart rate up too high and running myself into the ground. As soon as I backed off the weight started falling off again.
  10. Thanks Carol! T minus 37 and counting! Its been quite a journey.
  11. Hi Fellow Avengers!!! Hard to believe its been 6 months. Lap Band has been very good to me. Im finally tweaked to a good fill number so no more getting stuff 'stuck' and the nasty results. My numbers for 6months... 287/-93
  12. No reason to be depressed at all (IMHO)... 50 pounds is nothing to sneeze at. It boils down to about 2 pounds per week. That is a very very good rate to be losing. My prescription is... chin up, big smile and keep right on fighting the good fight!!!! You are doing great! And... remember... per your ticker... You are HALF WAY THERE!!!!
  13. It is a big deal!! Shout to the rafters! Congratulations!!!!
  14. dsk

    So... what do you fellas do?

    I was back to work in two weeks... but... everybody is different. My job isnt very physical.
  15. Dang... sorry to hear that. It sure will work better if there is Fluid in it!! :thumbup: Been 'drivin around on a 'flat tire'! :thumbdown: Missing the port doesnt seem to make sense. My doc always pulls all the saline out to check for leaks and validate that the records show the right amount before he puts any in. Perhaps you doc isnt doing that.... or he is 'making up a story' to cover himself. Good Luck!! Im sure it will get straightened out. and... Congratulations Brandy on the 50! There is nothing like success to motivate you for further success!
  16. Question.... Can you guys feel it when the food squeezes thru the band? Since my last fill, I can really feel solid stuff (but well chewed) as it moves thru the restriction. It doesnt really hurt... but its not confortable. I can still eat more than seems right but I cant imagine the band being any tighter.
  17. Wow... sounds like you fell off the wagon and then it backed up and ran over ya... But really... you cant expect to be 'good' 7x24 or you will go crazy. Ya gotta live a little but then get up and climb back on the wagon and pay the piper. We are all human. Gee.. never heard of wild cherry m&m's.... My son got a big tub of trail mix with m&m, choco chips and all sorts of good (i mean bad) stuff... I must admit, ive dipped a few handfuls :tt2: and they were good.
  18. Congratulations!!!! I too was happily surprised last weekend when I got on the scales and found myself finally in TWOterville. Its great motivation to 'go go go faster' as my poor knees will attest.
  19. dsk

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    Wow... 8cc in a 14cc band... Ive got 7.5 in my 14cc and it is tight thight thight. I assume these are the LapBand AP Large?
  20. Hi April Avengers!! Its that time again. I still cant add data to the spreadsheet so here it is. Perhaps Gina will be kind enough again to add it for me. It was a rough month with vacation and work pressure so I only lost 5 pounds. However, Im 1 pound away from TWOterville.... Hopefully this weekend... September - 300/-80
  21. Welcome to ONEderland!!! Im 4 pounds from TWOterville. I have a fill appt in about an hour. Looking forward to that 'help'.
  22. It makes my knees hurt to just think about running... I think I will stick to walking and the bike at the gym. I do think I need to make an appointment for a fill though. Went to the cafeteria at work today with a friend. Hadnt been there in many months. Made my standard 'old days' salad (about 5 inches thick in the middle loaded with goodies) and sat there and ate the whole darn thing while chatting away and not thinking. After I realized what I had done, I couldnt believe I ate the whole thing (sounding like an old alkaseltzer commercial). Never did feel full.
  23. Thanks!!! Still have 55 to go though. Just got back from vacation and it appears that I havent done too much damage...
  24. GiGi, Not sure why but I still cannot add data to the bottom of the spreadsheet. I get it in 'read only' mode. My August data is 305/-75. Things are slowing down.... :w00t: But only 5 pounds from TWOterville.
  25. :crying: We are heading for South Florida (Boca Raton) on 7/31. Used to live there about 15 yrs ago before the move back to NC. We still have family there so a yearly trek south is in order. Its always good to go back and visit everybody and disengage the brain for a week. Looks like you are doing well too.... even with the setback of the revision! Hopefully there will be no more surprises! :eek:

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