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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by wantolose155

  1. wantolose155

    Need a second or third opinion

    one word..HOTT!! I wouldn't lose anymore, just "buff" up a bit...
  2. I was banded 2/25 and did fine other than HORRIFIC gas pains, I start foaming at the mouth around 5 pm every night and have spasms in my stomach like vomiting and the severe belch and port site pain (felt like I tore it open) I have been using gas-x and anti nausea suppositories last night was really bad, i felt like I vomited but nothing cam out except for LOADS of gas...I took some pain meds becasue port area was hurting bad..today I am super nauseaus and ate a popsicle, that seemed to upset my stomach, Water is not making it feel any better either, have I slipped my band from all the vomiting spasms? or sis I irritate my stomach and its just swollen more, do I just continue to sip liquids? when should I be concerned enough to go to the hispital thanks all
  3. wantolose155

    Help Me Please

    well thanks all for the advice...I ended up in the emergency room last night for dehydration, I had 3 bags of iv fluids and the blood work was fine so they sent me home, I am sipping away right now. Tammy
  4. i was banded 2-25 and down 18.5 according to my scale (11 of that was pre-op)
  5. I too was banded the 25th, I don't have alot of port site pain, sore is all, but this gas is HORRENDOUS! I have been passing gas and belching like nobodys business, I chew gas-x lots and lots, I get nauseaus and mouth starts watering like I am going to puke then a HUGE painful belch, that happens about 3x's a day, I want this gas to LEAVE already, otherwise feeling good, walking makes gas pains worse for me, but I am up to 20 min, I was clear liquids 2 days now 3 pro shakes and 2 -1/4c meals (yougurt, sf pudding, broth, applesause or sf jello) I stay on this until the 3rd the 2 shakes 3 meals..I am happy I did this but gas pain suxs!
  6. wantolose155

    My surgery story 2-25-08

    I arrived at the surgery center at 730, filled out a couple of papers, gave her my drivers license and then waited for them to call me back. My nurse Sherry in pre-op was super nice. She gave me a gown, socks and lovely blue hat to change in to, and asked for a urine sample to make sure I was't pregnant. Went back to my bed, she took my vitals, asked some wuestions and proceeded to start an iv..left hand first, missed so tried right, now we're good to go. Hooked me up to antibiotic bag and IV liquid, then gave me a shot of blood thinner in my stomach, that stung a little. She took a EKG and then I waited. Surgeon came in, asked some questions, asked me if I had any and he said see ya in a bit. Anesteologist(sp?) came in, talked to me explained the deal and off I went to the or I switched tot he other table got hooked up to monitors, pulse ox, and secured to the table, he said he was giving me something to make me warm and fuzzy, after that I remember nothing until recovery. I awake to a breathe hun, breathe, and a spoon full of ice chips, my mouth was WAY dry and she keep slipping me ice. I had ALOT of pain and nausea, but they fixed me right up, I have fibromyalgia, so my pain is amplified 100x the normal person. They got me dressed, they sat me up..OUCH..and we walked down the hall to a recliner, I sat there for a bit, and then she asked if I was ready to go home, and I said yes! HUbby pulled the car around and I walked out front and got it, drove home, the bumps were rough and going up the stairs was tough, but glad to be home. I had ALOT of gas pressure, so I took gas-x it helps, but it keeps coming back I have been using my air blower with the ball to prevent pnemonia and taking my pain meds every 4 hours on cue..I have had broth, and Water but I can't seem to get enough water, I sip constantly but the water bottle is still full and I am thristy. I took a couple of naps, but sleeping sitting up isn't fun, and it hurts to lay down. It's now 230am and I hurt still ready for the next dose at 3, then I will probably head back to bed., I have walked alot but am tired and I burp when I walk and it hurts a little and I get the hiccups alot too... Hope everyone else is well Tammy
  7. wantolose155

    Calling All Surgeries Monday February 25th

    My surgery center called and to be there at 7:30..I am not nervous yet...the whole tube thing is freaking me out, why don't they take it out before you wake up? That is one question I will be sure to ask! Good luck all, I will post as soon as I am up to it! Tammy
  8. wantolose155


    I had staples when I had my gallbladder out, I do was afraid it was going to hurt, I had one staple that was out half way, so I tried to take it out myself, it hurt TONS doing it by myself, when I went to the office, I didn't feel; them take them at all..all that worry for nothing, you will be fine...
  9. wantolose155

    Calling all February Bandsters!

    actually I noticed my paperwork says the same thing, but I don't mind, it won't be forever..we can do it!
  10. wantolose155

    Calling All Surgeries Monday February 25th

    Good idea, I like that..good luck fellow banders to be..I got my "official" cardiac clearance today, I am ready to rock..bring it on, I am soooo ready!
  11. wantolose155

    Calling all February Bandsters!

    I got my cardiac clearance today!! I am all set for surgery monday..I am so looking forward to starting my new life and glad to see that reintroducing something besides liquids is just a few more weeks away, I have been on the liquid protein diet (day 7) and am looking forward to broth! I haven't lost anymore weight since the 3rd day on the liquid, I dropped 11 and have just been staying there.. Now that I have heart clearance, I might try exercising some and see if I can Kick start it a little...
  12. wantolose155

    My Surgery Date is the 25th..WooHoo

    I tried to talk them into the treadmill, to no avail I am freaked about the medicine that makes your heart race, I am scared something will go wrong...
  13. wantolose155

    My Surgery Date is the 25th..WooHoo

    My surgery date is also the 25th..unless of course I don't pass my stress test I have part 1 of 2 of my nuclear stress test tomorrow, a little nervous about that, the echo I am not worried about, I am having a TOUGH time on liquid diet, I have 6 days left to go and I am every so hungry, I have lost over 10 lbs, and begged the staff to let me have steamed vegies or something, to no avail :biggrin: Everyone says it will be worth it, but It is so hard....
  14. minock I to am on liquid Protein drinks on valentines day, it was tough but everyday on liquid is tough for me at times..my surgery date is the 25th also, where are you located, I am in az east valley.. Hang in there we can do it!
  15. This is day 4 of my Protein shake/liquid diet, I cry every night about 8pm, when I have the I WILL EAT something battle, thankfully I have won, after arguing with myself for 30 minutes! I have lost 14 lbs in the last 4 days, you think that would be a motivator but it isn't I want to eat, I have chewed LOADS of gum, but I want a salad, steamed vegies, SOMETHING!! My surgery is the 25th of feb, God give me the strentgh to make it through another meal....Amen! Good luck fellow bandsters to be :girl_hug:
  16. wantolose155

    The Official Surgery Date Thread

    TachaBaby505.................Natacha.......................9 January 2008 crystalcml...................Crystal..........................28 January 2008 DxMOM........................Jennifer........................1 Febuary 2008 CynthiaMcC ..................Cynthia......................1 February 2008 Sadie........................Sarah.............................2 February 2008 4jin02.......................Janis...............................4 February 2008 Neenco.......................Dineen..........................4 February 2008 Kittenquite..................Ko................................4 February 2008 slbindc......................Susanne.........................4 February 2008 Babedoe4......................Babe.........................4 February 2008 patticNJ....................Patti................................5 February 2008 petergriffin.................Russ..............................5 February 2008 Big marathoner...............Amy...........................5 February 2008 Michelle9003.................michelle.......................5 February 2008 Beachbum0519.................Alisa........................5 February 2008 girlsmack....................Shannon........................6 February 2008 Lily76............................Lily............................6 February 2008 Peabody......................Amanda........................6 February 2008 JaxBandster..................Karen..........................7 February 2008 EnchantedRuby................Ruby........................7 February 2008 jnbwilds........................Becca........................ 7 February 2008 Shinyhappymommy.........Melissa.....................8 February 2008 TinaBobina...................Tina...........................11 February 2008 LilMissBand-Aid..............Irene.......................11 February 2008 Baby Ruth....................Ruth..........................11 February 2008 MightyQ.......................Quinn........................11 February 2008 Angie4b1g....................Angie........................12 February 2008 aveamora.....................Staci.........................12 February 2008 sharon160....................Sharon.....................12 February 2008 mtmp89......................Mike..........................12 February 2008 GmaDebi...................... Debi ......................... 13 February 2008 Mac the Knife................Mac..........................13 February 2008 travel_anna..................Anna........................13 February 2008 Princess21...................Kimberly....................13 February 2008 Viridescence.................Viri............................14 February 2008 Nikki2001....................Nicole.........................14 February 2008 voxwatt......................Cristina.......................14 February 2008 Glynda.......................Glynda.........................15 February 2008 St Louis Gal.................Pat.............................15 February 2008 HappyOne....................Lesly..........................15 February 2008 Bluelion........................O...............................18 February 2008 DancingBelly.................Sherry.........................19 February 2008 MinPinMom ...........Wendy..................19 February 2008 AmyJS27.....................Amy........................19 February 2008 Jlobyxmas.....................Megan.........................20 February 2008 TAISMOMMY..................TAMIKA..................20 FEBRUARY 2008 SethsAuntieShel...........Michelle.....................20 February 2008 Rhapsody♥.................Lori........................... 21 February 2008 Rocket City Guy............Tre............................22 February 2008 Peek.........................Kylie (Aust)....................22 February 2008 wantolose155...............Tammy........................25 February 2008 blessedtwice..............Brenda...........................25 February 2008 teegee.......................Tracy...........................25 February 2008 Valvinnek....................Alyssa.........................25 February 2008 Coolcrystal.................Crystal.........................25 February 2008 Gibson........................Christy....................... 25 February 2008 jaunderwood................Joyce..........................26 February 2008 luv2smile.....................Nicole..........................26 February 2008 Amieru.......................Amie............................26 February 2008 Dana-k.......................Dana...........................26 February 2008 hijabigirl1973..........Stephanie.........................26 February 2008 Mel119.......................Melinda...................... 27 February 2008 fireleo.........................Jess..........................29 February 2008
  17. wantolose155

    Going Tonight!

    Becky, I was at true results today at 830am in scottsdale, did you have the seminar with myra? Shes great! I had my consult today and my surgery is the 25th, I saw 2 ladies that were there for5 the seminar..I was with my hubby..I wish I would of known that was you, I could have said hello!
  18. wantolose155

    The Date is set!!

    I had some testing today have a stress test Friday, meet surgeon Tuesday and my surgery date is FEB 25<SUP>th</SUP><?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> I start a ALL LIQUID diet tomorrow in the am for 11 days I can DO THIS!~:smile:
  19. wantolose155

    scared and flip-flopping

    I live in mesa and am going thru true results in scottsdale, I am self pay..i have my consult on the 13th, and possibly surgery 2 weeks after that. I filp flopped too for a day or so and then now, I get that "what am I doing" feeling every couple days now, I am UNHEALTHY and will die SOON if I don't do this Once I got that thru my fat head, I think I am at peace now, good luck with whatever you decide..
  20. wantolose155

    Feb. 13th first appt.

    Well I did the seminar, and scheduled my consult the 13th, I guess I will find about the pysch etc appts then...they did say if I self pay and everything is well, I will start my pre op diet on the 14th and surgery 2 weeks later..YEA!!
  21. wantolose155

    any other az bandster's?

    Are you not happy with Dr. Nirmul doing your fills? I thought all fills were included in the package of surgery..just curious why you are looking for fills elsewhere, I have my consult w/ him on the 13th..should I reconsider?
  22. wantolose155

    Lunch again-East Valley??

    I am a SAHM, I work out of my house a couple days a week, I am generally open, I like to take classes at the local scrapbook store alot, email me and we can figure it out TNewger@earthlink.net
  23. Hi I haven't posted much but have been reading TONS of information, I attended a seminar by true results/dr nirmul saturday and also did a web based one w/ dr blackstone today, I have my diagnostic appt set up for 2-13 w/ dr nirmuls office and the paperwork is already filled out since I am self pay they told me that at the consult appt, I can set a surgery date 2 weeks later and start the pre op then..I am excited to get this started:) Hope to be talking to more of you as my band time gets closer.. Peace Tammy
  24. wantolose155

    Feb. 13th first appt.

    My consult is the 13th too! How exciting, I will be self pay and as far as questions go, I can't think of any I am going to ask because alot of them were answered during the seminar, but who knows I may think of something while I am there.... Good luck!
  25. wantolose155

    Lunch again-East Valley??

    I live in mesa, haven't been banded yet, but hope to be soon, I would love to have some friends that have been banded or soon to be banded. Congrats on your weight loss! Tammy

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