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Posts posted by 🅺🅸🅼🅼🅸🅴🅺

  1. 1 minute ago, mousecat88 said:

    Yeah it was just so inflamed it started to mesh into my liver. He said it must have started doing that years ago, normally it just pops right out.

    Ironically, the pain helped me eat like I was supposed to. Now I want to shovel everything into my mouth. I just need to learn to ignore the hunger.

    Sent from my SM-G930R4 using BariatricPal mobile app

    Poor thing...hopefully it'll sort itself out. Your pouch is still new.

  2. 12 minutes ago, mousecat88 said:

    this is really weird to me. aside from the pain of where the gallbladder was, all the nausea is gone. i don't feel any restriction at all and i am ridiculously starving. i have to train myself all over again. i had 4oz of oatmeal super quickly, inadvertently, but had no ill effect. it's like the pain was keeping me on the right path. i hope i get some fullness cues back.

    Sent from my SM-G930R4 using BariatricPal mobile app

    Wow that is so crazy! And your gallbladder was FUSED to your liver?! :51_scream: How does that even happen?

    Ya know I found this weird, tiny set of eating utensils on Amazon when I searched for bariatric stuff. They're supposed to help you eat tiny bites compared to regular sized utensils. Those and special plates for sorting your food into mini portions. I'll definitely be getting those because I hoover my food. They're pretty cheap too. You've got this though...just like you did the first time :783_heart_decoration:

  3. UPDATE: Yep, I was definitely overthinking things :blush:

    The dietician was so nice and very helpful. We talked for a good hour and a half and the best part is, she's down with keto! She said her main focus right now is to get me prepared for life after surgery like working on weaning off caffeine and mindful eating. Also, these dietician visits are free and unlimited even after surgery which is flippin' great! My mind is at ease now :)

  4. 46 minutes ago, Amanda Dutton LPC said:

    You are very welcome! I've been there, so I'm happy to help. Even WITH insurance coverage, I am on a med for an autoimmune disorder that would cost $2300 a WEEK if it wasn't for patient assistance. Now it's $5/month.

    ~SW: 278 CW: 165~
    RNY 1/5/2005
    "What got you here won't get you there."

    Holy cow! :blink: Well I am very very thankful that you popped into this thread when you did. I filled everything out and faxed the doctor his portion. It says it should only take 5-7 days after they receive the application. Fingers crossed!

  5. 6 minutes ago, PopsFury said:

    The American for-profit health care system in action. I am so sorry.

    Most Insurance plans allow for exceptions. If you've shown success on Trintellix, your doctor might be able to appeal? I got my weight loss drug Saxenda on appeal, but only for a few months. Still, it helped my kickstart my success.

    Take care of your brain!

    :783_heart_decoration: Thank you :783_heart_decoration: I'm sure something will work out...

  6. Ya'll...I just learned my anti-depressant, Trintellix, is not covered by my new insurance policy AND neither are any of the weight loss drugs we were all talking about last week. I went down the list and checked them all once I finally figured out where in the Anthem website...Contrave, Belviq, Qsymia, Topamax, Saxenda, phentermine, Adipex-P, you name it...NOT covered. So I told the office and she canceled the appointment which is totally fine, I didn't want meds anyway. Crappiest part is, I won't even have my depression meds anymore after about 7-8 days (not sure how many pills I have left). Trintellix has given me my brain back. I'm kinda dreading what's to come...waiting on my doctor to get back with me about what to do next :(

  7. On 1/5/2019 at 5:02 AM, NYJenn said:

    All I really had was a Water goal and a Protein goal. Everything else was up to me. If I didn’t eat something I just asked for alternatives. I def think you are overthinking it.

    Yeah, most likely LOL I tend to do that :P I texted back and forth with the girl last Friday afternoon. She seems really cool. They gave me a 53 page pdf about "Eating to succeed with Weight Loss after Bariatric Surgery". Apparently we discuss this packet over the course of the next 5 months. Each of the dietician visits are 1hr 15min video chats. The first visit is today so I guess I'll see how it goes.

  8. 10 minutes ago, Amanda Dutton LPC said:

    With a history of issues with Adderall, definitely avoid the phentermine. And with a history of negative experiences with Topamax and Wellbutrin, tell the surgeon you can't take them (or Contrave) for that reason.

    You're your own best advocate here. Plus, anything chemical you use before surgery to lose weight is going to throw off your metabolism even more, so the longterm effects may not be worth the short term benefits. And serotonin syndrome sucks. I watched my husband go through it - he looked as though he had Parkinson's. It was terrifying.

    You're smart to do the research on this and to be taking care of your mental AND physical health. Focus on proving them wrong, that you can meet the pre-surgical goal without meds, and let that be your motivation (and let us be your cheerleaders)!

    ~SW: 278 CW: 165~
    RNY 1/5/2005
    "What got you here won't get you there."

    Thanks ❤️ Yeah the plan is to go in there and refuse anything. I only have 5 months of nutrition visits to go. There’s no need for meds that aren’t for a serious issue. And yes, serotonin syndrome is scary! How long did it take your hubby to recover?

  9. 39 minutes ago, insta_adventurer said:

    I was always an Advil gal myself. Always had a bottle in my purse, in my car, and in my desk. To be honest, much of my “headaches” were usually sinus or blood pressure related. If I stay on top of my allergies, I really don’t need any Headache medicine... and the surgery brought my blood pressure down to a healthy number- so that trigger is gone.

    The few times I’ve had to take something, Tylenol seemed to do the trick for me. It never worked before, but works well enough now.

    Same here! Quitting Advil will be hard, but it’s interesting how I hear so many people say that Tylenol never worked for them pre-op but works great post-op. I wonder why that is. 🤔

  10. 4 minutes ago, mousecat88 said:

    surgery done. they found an ulcer in my intestine that was about to open up and leak stool into my torso! they fixed that and removed my gallbladder. have some pain. will probably be here 2 more nights. sigh.

    Sent from my SM-G930R4 using BariatricPal mobile app

    Holy cow! So glad they found those things before they got dangerously bad ❤️

    Sending quick healing vibes!!!

  11. 10 hours ago, MMME said:

    Precisely. Topiramate is an antiepileptic medication used off label for weight loss. I was part of a drug study back in the mid-late 1990's testing the efficacy of Topamax for weight loss. Instead of helping me lose weight, it caused me to have horrible neurological symptoms. I had absence seizures, lost the ability to find words (I can remember talking to my husband and not being able to find the word for dinner - I kept asking him what he wanted for "um, um, that thing you eat at 6 pm".

    Yep I was given Topamax years ago as a mood stabilizer and the same thing happened to me. Just all the sudden couldn’t talk. That was some scary shiz!

  12. 1 minute ago, PopsFury said:

    I was super successful with Saxenda. Phen Phen wasn't an option for me because they worried about my heart. Sadly, I'm not sure Saxenda is offially used as a weight loss drug, and my insurance didn't cover, but maybe yours would? Ask about it!

    I’ll definitely check into it! How much did you lose? Any side effects?

  13. 14 minutes ago, FluffyChix said:

    I'm not "hard core". LOL, see? I said so in that statement. I don't claim "keto". I am LC. We just got one for Christmas but I haven't wanted to blow into it until I'm sure I'm over my cold. Those levels are very hard to maintain.

    Meh, potato/potatoe...you're in ketosis, it's measurable. In order to be in ketosis you simply have to eat less that 20-50g (high side) of carbs a day AND avoid sugar, which it seems bypass patients do naturally (unless you still manage to pound back Cheetos and soda lol). No one will crank out ketones by eating that junk.

    I'm curious what level of ketosis bypass patients have achieved by not actually trying, just following a low carb diet, like you. Most folks tend to cut sugar anyway to avoid dumping so the minimal amount consumed by a post-op person eating by the book most likely isn't enough to knock you out of ketosis, if so, not for long. See what I mean? To me, someone with bypass, eating as they should, should easily be able to achieve "hardcore" nutritional, if not near therapeutic, ketosis just by barely eating bad carbs or sugar.

  14. On 11/30/2018 at 8:44 AM, FluffyChix said:

    I don't call myself "keto" although I am not only by virtue of low carb dieting, but also cuz of low calorie diet. I'm in dietary ketosis (aka producing ketones and using ketones/fat for fuel).

    I have issues with the high fat of the current Keto model, so I do a more moderate fat diet. My numbers are more: 30% P, 55% F, 15% C (or for 850cals I get: 64g Protein; 52g Fat; 32g Carbs (total, which nets to around 20g from veg etc).

    It sure works for me. I also IF to further reduce insulin resistance and assist with fat loss and autophagy.

    Do you use a blood meter to check your ketone level by chance? I'm curious what hardcore ketosis looks like post-op vs. pre-op just eating keto. Currently I keep my ketones at about 1.7 - 2.0 mmol and it is VERY hard to keep this up. To measure blood ketones I have a KetoMojo meter.

  15. 7 minutes ago, LindseeNohan said:

    You rang? I started my consult in Dec as well, my last nutrition group visit is 05/10!

    I wonder when my surgery will be scheduled. If anyone pops in here that has completed the 6 month pre-op process, did your surgeon schedule surgery after the 6 months or during?

    Sweet! I can't pre-schedule my visits ahead, just one at a time. We definitely need to keep in touch :91_thumbsup:

    I was also wondering if the surgeon could pre-schedule surgery, to just save the date. That's something I'll be asking on the 14th at my next appt. Lemme know what you find out :)

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