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Posts posted by ๐Ÿ…บ๐Ÿ…ธ๐Ÿ…ผ๐Ÿ…ผ๐Ÿ…ธ๐Ÿ…ด๐Ÿ…บ

  1. 5 minutes ago, mousecat88 said:

    The only thing my dietitian grumbled about is that the regular Atkins is 7g fat and the shakes should be 3g or less. But I wasn't tolerating the others so she was like whatever. lol. I don't know how much fat is in these. The fat content didn't bother me... ultimately it ended up I can't tolerate anything with whey at all... including Atkins. wompwomp.

    Sent from my SM-G930R4 using BariatricPal mobile app

    Eating LCHF for so long I'm down with ALL the fat. It's NOT scary unless you pair it with a crap ton of bad carbs. Fat content in these particular shakes is 5g. Eating LCHF is how I dropped 55lbs in the past 15mo...fat is not the enemy. Bad carbs and sugar are :1296_raised_hands_tone2:

  2. Mind you I haven't had surgery yet so if these go against post-op rules or anything, I'm here to learn about it.

    My store was out of Premier Protein vanilla, but these were right next door on the shelf so I decided, heck, why not see if they suck or not. These shakes are VERY VERY tasty, folks. Equally as tasty as Premier (if you like Premier). By themselves and in my coffee, holy cow :blink: Both the vanilla and the chocolate. They claim to have 30g of Protein in 11oz....now, the TYPE of protein might be the kicker. It's not whey protein isolate.

    **FYI** Fellow Keto Peeps (if there are any here):
    If you're eating strict ketogenic (i.e. Ketovangelist style), these shakes are NOT "keto legal" :840_x:
    Dirty Ketonians, should be fine :973_ballot_box_with_check:
    LCHF/Atkins - obviously :973_ballot_box_with_check:


  3. 9 hours ago, Hogaboom said:

    My boyfriend had a lot of tartar build up at his last exam. Hygienist said it could be due to 1 week pre-op liquid diet and 4 weeks of post op liquid and pureed food. Since he's not chewing food, it could be the cause. She recommended brushing with a soft brush, esp following drinking Protein Shakes. I plan to do the same when I begin my pre-op diet!

    Interesting! Probably not a bad idea after Protein shakes...

  4. 2 hours ago, uwishunuw said:

    Just recently began trying tampons! ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿค
    But often times, I leak or have accidents with one or two hours of putting one in. What exactly am I doing wrong? Absorption not enough? Angling it in incorrectly? Just crazy bc I can teach it but not wear them!!!๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜ข

    One mistake I remember making back in the day is not getting the cotton part up in the right spot. It needs to go up in there behind the pubic bone. If it's the in the right spot, the cotton part should just be sucked right up in there. If it's stuck under the pubic bone, that sucker will start sliding out and won't do its job. Best way to make sure you have it in the right place is hike your leg up on the side of the tub or the toilet, hold onto the ribbed part hit the plunger slowly once you can feel the tube part is past the pubic bone. Use your internal muscles to contract and pull it up in there. I've been using Tampax Pearl Ultra (the big ones) since they came out years ago. Any size smaller or any other brand and I'll leak because I have a heavy flow. Good luck!

    ** Side-note- Make sure the plunger stick is NOT stuck up in you by accident. 2 pieces should come out...the plunger and the main tube part. Sometimes the suction will get it stuck in there and you won't know it until you go to wipe the next time you pee. I've been a victim of this in the middle of night...half asleep and putting one in LOL and also, invest in some pantiliners until you figure out which ones work for you :91_thumbsup:

  5. 2 minutes ago, mousecat88 said:

    I have one of these scales at home (and one at the surgeon's, of course). I can't remember what the one at the surgeon says, but looking at my phone tracker, my phone says I have 103.8 fat-free body mass and 97.6 muscle mass... which would be 44.8lbs of fat. But I have to lose 109 lbs to be at a normal body weight. I am 5'3 and 249.... someone who is 5'3" should be around 140 or less. It also says I am 58.3% body fat and normal is 26%. I wouldn't go by how much "body fat" it says you have, but whatever a healthy weight for your height and build would be. 86lbs would put you around 160, so that could be perfect for you coincidentally , given your build. I need to go a bit further than just the 44.8lbs my scale says. lol!

    What scale do you have at home? I have one of those Fitbit Aria scales, but its been in the box over 2 years because I could never EVER get an accurate reading from it for my weight alone. It ended up pissing me off so I boxed it LOL I'm very interested in knowing my muscle mass without having to go get a DEXA scan.

  6. Last week at my first surgeon appointment, they had me get on this nifty scale with no socks or shoes on. Afterward, the girl said 86lbs of me is fat...the remaining 159lbs makes up the rest of my tissues, bones and other internals. I sat there like... :huh: "Really?!" I'm 5'4", 245lbs, but kind of naturally built like one of those Clydesdale horses LOL I've never worked out a day in my life, but have quite a bit of muscle tone. Has anyone else had any experience with one of these scales? How accurate are they? Doctor wants me to do RNY, but if all I have to lose is 86lbs then that shouldn't take too much time, right? (possibly? maybe?)

  7. I wouldn't limit your interaction with the opposite sex due to 2 weird eggs. Like someone else mentioned, this could totally just be an ego thing with the guys. Women do the same thing. Men are just as weird and complex when it comes to feeling inferior, they'll do anything to make themselves feel/seem less inferior even at the expense of others' comfort. There ARE decent people out there who would be excited to meet an awesome person like you for plain ol' harmless, decent adult conversation. Finding them is the tougher part. I'd just say stick to your comfort zone and don't feel bad about bailing when you don't feel comfortable. Be picky about who you decide to keep company and vice versa especially in public. There's nothing wrong with that ๐Ÿ’“

  8. 46 minutes ago, BigViffer said:

    IT is also possible he is using your interaction as a bragging point to whomever is listening. Doesn't matter the age, the male ego is a silly thing and he may be using these obviously mundane conversations as examples of the attention he brags about to the men in his group.

    Or it could just be that he isn't very good at dealing with the opposite sex.


  9. 21 hours ago, Sweettoothless said:

    So if you mix Protein Powder into Water, does it slide right through without your body absorbing the Protein? Is it better mixed with fair life milk or doesn't that slide through too? Can we ever eat Soup again or does the broth slip all the Soup bits right on out? I'll ask at my next appt but there are so many different answers and different nutritionist opinions.

    Good questions that I'd love to hear the answers to as well :91_thumbsup:

  10. 38 minutes ago, Orchids&Dragons said:

    OK, I'll give it a go. Take all with a grain of salt, please!

    #2 (Helps explain #1) They turn your stomach into a "funnel". There is no valve at the bottom, but they control the size of the opening between the pouch and the intestine. So the food collects in the pouch until it has time to dribble through the opening into the intestine. liquids pass right through the pouch. I'm not sure how long solid foods stay.

    #1 If you drink while eating, the food in the pouch becomes much more "liquidy" and slides through to the small intestine more quickly. Hence, no feeling of fullness and the food has less time to be broken down by the grinding action of your pouch, so you can increase your malabsorption tendencies. If food gets stuck, a sip to clear it is fine. Straws - some doctors allow them, some don't. They don't cause me to swallow any extra air, so I use them. But, that's the main reason given to avoid them.

    #3 Your Intestines have muscular contractions that move food from your stomach down through the intestinal tract. That's what keeps everything moving in the right direction. Hope this helps!

    WINNER!!! Best answer yet! I was super curious if peristalsis kept working in the bypassed bits so thatโ€™s interesting to hear. Thanks so much!

  11. 31 minutes ago, anonbaribabe said:

    This is one of the reasons my dietician told me not to drink while/directly after eating. Also, not all surgeons ban straws. My surgeon allows straws a couple months after surgery.

    If I can keep my straws Iโ€™ll be the happiest camper LOL Since I was a teenager Iโ€™ve drank every single thing through a straw because I hate ice touching my lips and for whatever reason I canโ€™t drink without dribbling something down my face or gulping too much air and choke-burping...apparently I have issues โ˜บ๏ธ

  12. 1 hour ago, marfar7 said:

    I think the technical reason u cant drink at the same time cuz it washes food thru and makes u hungry earlier. However, I physically can't drink when I eat, as it makes me vomit immediately. The food makes a cork inside and when I add Fluid to that, out it comes. Everytime I try it. I no longer do that. I also don't time my drinking (the 30 minute rule) I can actually FEEL when my food has left my stomach (or pouch) and I'm ready to drink. Depends on what I eat and it can take 25 mins or 40 minutes, depending.

    I started with the lapband in 2009, it slipped in 2013 and I revised to sleeve. LAst 2 yrs I had severe, raging reflux and revised to bypass 4 months ago. I'm now 3 lbs from my 135 goal (when I get there, hopefully soon) I may make it 130 as my goal, as I still feel a little fat (my bmi is 23.4 so I know I'm not fat, but getting there in my brain is something else). So, I have a little experience with wls, drinking and eating. So please know that u WILL vomit the liquid (and food) u just put in if u drink right afterwards. When I eat something spicy, I swish Water in my mouth then spit it out. I'm sure 1 sip may be ok, as I've also done this on occasion. Just don't make it a regular thing u do

    Good luck!

    Awesome info! Thanks so much for that. It totally makes sense...

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