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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by 🅺🅸🅼🅼🅸🅴🅺

  1. Just now, Frustr8 said:

    Irritates your stomach lining and is also a diuretic. Hard to count up fluidic you're peeing non-stop.

    I should've known that answer LOL Well I have a problem...for nearly 2 years, every morning I take one Vivarin when my alarm goes off. It's 200mg of caffeine and my coffee replacement...and the only thing that makes getting out of bed bearable...oh man :(

  2. 4 minutes ago, RosePollard said:

    I had my first appointment with my Bariatric surgeon yesterday! So exciting! He is confident that I will reach my goal weight within 6 months post op. I hear what he is saying. I hear everyone on here. I can rationally think that the surgery will help me reach my goal weight. However, it seems unreal. I can’t imagine not being overweight. I can’t get my mind wrapped around the idea that I am going to lose weight. Did anyone else experience these thoughts? It just seems too good to be true.

    Yep! Me! I've never not been fluffy in some form or fashion. The only thing I've ever wanted (for myself) is to be a "normal" size...to be able wear the cute stuff without looking embarrassing or gross. Finding new clothes effortlessly has never happened. Enjoying shopping....has never happened. Not sweating in all my cracks and crevices just walking around Target for 30min...never happened. I can't imagine a life without all fat people BS, so yeah, it seems like a dream. Part of me has doubts like I'll get the surgery and watch me be the only one it doesn't work on LOL This surgery is definitely not a cake walk (pardon the food reference) nor is it an easy way out of being overweight. We all know this here. This new life will require work. We're hiring someone to re-organize our guts and that's no minor thing. With that comes learning how to live again with our newly re-routed insides. It's like being born again in a way. You're not alone in how you feel...that's for sure! 💓

  3. 12 minutes ago, Swanton_Bomb said:

    Honestly, I tried to be a good little patient and do the same, but my tastes changed so drastically after surgery that it was a waste to have stocked up. The Atkins tastes like sour milk and straight old-school Sweet n Low now. I add Decaf powder and bitter unsweetened cocoa to shakes to cut the taste or I think them with Fairlife milk. Ensure Max has been the most palatable to me post surgery. Premier is second best but has to be doctored a lot, I can't drink it straight.

    How weirrrrrd!!! Well geez...

  4. 2 hours ago, kimberlymi said:

    Midol has caffeine. My program is a no caffeine before and never again after surgery. This was a point pushed at every class at least 4 or 5 times an hour. We are asked every time was see the NUT, PA or Doctor about caffeine.

    Dumb question: What's the problem with caffeine?

  5. 18 minutes ago, Swanton_Bomb said:

    I haven't experimented with it because clearly it isn't a trustworthy company, plus also, if it sounds too good to be true, it is. If every other Protein on the planet is vile and this one is practically undetectable, something is fishy. What concerns me is that they might start finding out about shady claims from more companies. Even Premier has less Protein than advertised. Not much, but still, it is important when you are really dependant on every gram.

    Exactly, and this is why I'm trying to do all my research before surgery time comes. I don't want to be figuring this crap out after the fact. My Atkins Protein Plus 30g shakes are tasty, but I think they make me bloaty. I want to know what all is out there, what's trusted, what to stay away from and have a nice range of products to test when surgery time gets here. **not a fan of surprises LOL

  6. 22 minutes ago, BigViffer said:

    That is a company that just needs to die. No matter what marketing you read, it's a crap product. Go with a trusted brand like Optimum Nutrition or Isopure.

    Sound advice :D My surgeon (who I've only seen once) has Bariatric Advantage samples and stuff scattered throughout the office. I'm assuming when the time comes, that's what will be pushed upon me. Any thoughts on that brand?

  7. 1 minute ago, mousecat88 said:

    "You use it just like a regular mouthwash by swishing it around in your mouth and spitting it out. If you have sores or discomfort in your throat or the back of the mouth, you may need to gargle with the mouthwash to reach the affected areas. ... Depending on your symptoms, you may be advised to swallow the mouthwash."

    I actually have it for the pain in my esophagus from dry-heaving.

    Man...you poor thing! I hope you get some relief from this mess. :776_two_hearts:

  8. 57 minutes ago, mousecat88 said:

    Has anyone ever used Magic Mouthwash?

    I have to pick up a rx for it later for my esophagus/stomach, and it is made of magnesium, aluminum, an antacid, and viscous lidocaine.

    Is it going to make my stomach numb somehow and will I be able to feel foods/drink/sensation of fullness?

    Ummm, are you supposed to drink it? Everything I'm reading is about "swish, gargle, spit"

  9. 4 minutes ago, ummyasmin said:

    Omg I can't imagine anything worse than other workmates hearing me poop. OK I can, if they smelled my poop, that would be worse. I'd rather suffer the Constipation.< br />
    Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app

    Yessss!!!! The bathroom is tiny with only 2 stalls that are enclosed, tiled floor to ceiling with huge heavy wood doors. Every sound resonates and every smell seeps under the main door into the hallway which happens to be directly across from the CEO’s office! 😂 I cannot and have not pooped at work for the entire 4 years I’ve been there. If it’s urgent enough, I’ll leave and use the CVS down the street LOLOLOL

  10. 2 hours ago, mousecat88 said:

    I am not one for therapy or self-help junk... but I have to say that I did read the book Never Binge Again (and it's not just about binge eating, but dealing with cravings... which was my issue)... and it is the most amazing book I've ever read. It is funny and realistic and awesome. It's cheap and on Amazon and pretty short... check it out! I actually have only read half and the first few chapters of his no-nonsense tips and logic have virtually squashed all cravings I've had (given me REAL tools to make them disappear). The author was an obese psychologist who worked for "Big Food" making food more addictive to the consumer... who eventually lost a ton of weight and realized how eff'd up his job was and decided to help people lose weight instead.

    This awesome! Reading it now. Amazon Prime has it for free as a Kindle book. Don't even need a Kindle to read it either. You can have it load in your browser. Thanks for the info!

  11. 4 minutes ago, mousecat88 said:

    The nurse is trying to track down the surgeon to call in some Phenergan. I probably did just have some one-off overproduction of stomach acid. I am taking Prilosec and Carafate, so it's frustrating that happened... I woke up in a sudden state of panic. Totally random.

    I've heard of Phenergan. They give it to you for morning sickness when you're preggo. I never had to take it but I heard it works well.

  12. 6 minutes ago, mousecat88 said:

    And honestly, I know I b***h about my ulcer because life is unjust... but since I started the meds, it doesn't bother me so much. Yeah, I have to be on bland, crap puree for way longer than I should have to... BUT it's definitely taught me a) Portion Control, b) how to ignore my cravings, and c) how to stick to a really strict diet. So... brightside?

    Every cloud has a silver lining, right?!

  13. 1 minute ago, mousecat88 said:

    Haha pooping at work is the best. You get paid to poop! I mean, I wouldn't want gross, excessive pooping at work. Or pooping without making it to the bathroom. But regular pooping... the best. I have started carrying spare underwear in my purse, though... just in case. Hasn't happened yet. Fingers crossed.

    Bahahaahah! :D Spare undies are dang good idea! My company is literally 18 people with no out of the way bathrooms. They're in the middle of the building which also happens to be located on the opposite side of the wall from where me and my crew sit. You can hear EVERYTHING through the walls! The men here have no shame...none! Most of the women are either super ninja poopers or don't poop here. So if all the sudden someone starts wreckin' the women's, it'll be obvious LOLOL I'm just irrationally paranoid.

  14. 7 minutes ago, mousecat88 said:

    I only had the dumping because my then-undiagnosed ulcer didn't like the cream in the Soup. It's a totally normal food post-op otherwise. I had the cream of chicken. I DID try the cream of broccoli a week later but it still made me nauseous and had maybe 3 spoons worth so... nahhhh.

    My boss has also gained back like 50lbs so. There's that. Sigh. I don't even think he takes Vitamins anymore.

    Ohhhh ok, gotcha. Ulcers...that and pooping at work...my fears LOL

  15. Just now, mousecat88 said:

    One of my bosses had gastric 6 years ago or so, and he will still go get milkshakes and slushies on occasion KNOWING he will get sick. He always says he ends up pooping, though. I guess it can go either way! He still does it though. smh. lol.

    I had a reaction 2 weeks out from campbells condensed Soup and was shaking/shivering for 4 hours straight and will NEVER HAVE CAMPBELLS Soup AGAIN. lol. That stuff happens ONE TIME and you never want it to again. Unless you're my boss, I guess.

    LMFAO your boss is one brave little toaster :D I already can't eat ice cream for whatever reason because I'll get bubble guts in about 30 min so that's definitely NOT worth the few minutes of bliss LOLOL

    Your reaction to the soup...was that a dumping symptom? I just looked at my post-op diet nutrition sheet and at starting week 2 you can have condensed soups...cream of chicken or mushroom, no chunks or clumps. Sounds lovely. Do you remember which one you had?

  16. 8 minutes ago, mousecat88 said:

    As someone who just vomited last night, I feel well-equipped to answer this question. lmao. Womp womp.

    I've puked twice since surgery and both times I don't think I had food in my stomach (it passes through quickly). It feels the same, though. Both times I just had a bit of mucus and spit comes out. The heaving feeling is identical. I feel so paranoid I am going to rip something now, though, although I don't think that is actually possible. So soon post-op, though, I do check for blood just in case something is awry. You have such a small pouch, it's pretty uneventful what comes up, but I still have similar... projection... into the toilet. lol. I usually have a bit of mucus come up, and the rest is just me spitting out excess saliva. So... the trashcan theory is possible maybe?

    You really shouldn't puke though. It's not really common at all. The first time it was my fault, I did something really stupid that I'm not going to mention LOL... last night was some freak occurrence with no real reason identified yet. Basically just uncomfortable dry-heaving.

    In sum: You're never going to Exorcist vomit all over a bathroom and have to clean up.

    Man, you're awesome :P I always the best replies from you.
    It's comforting to hear that it's not as common as I thought and if it were to happen, it might be able to be contained. I rarely if ever throw up. The only time I have is from drinking too much many years ago. Hopefully my guts can maintain that record.

  17. So...is it any different? Instead of explosive vomiting with a full, normal size stomach, is post-op puking a quieter, bubble up type situation into your mouth? Sorry for the gross topic, but I'm curious. I spend 9hr a day in a relatively open office type cubicle with folks around me that can hear me, but not see me. I'm hoping that if I get in a puking predicament, it's something that no one will necessarily be able tell unless I spit into the trashcan or something...

  18. 49 minutes ago, HannahRB said:

    I sit here drinking my normal 15g Protein Atkins. i cry silently realizing these are the only edible Protein Shake i like and they have too much fat.. Im on preop diet and now i feel like ive f*cked up royally. Surgery is in 3 days...

    Poor thing...well, the Atkins 15g Protein Shakes have 9g of fat....these Atkins 30g Protein shakes have only 5g. I found them at Walmart on the aisle near the pharmacy where they keep all the other general weight loss supplements and junk.

    EDIT: Just saw that the Atkins 15g Mocha Latte flavor has 10g of fat <gasp!> Apparently the flavors matter when it comes to the fat for some reason :blink:

  19. Just now, mousecat88 said:

    I lost 60lbs on Atkins last year. You can't follow similar diets. And Atkins is all about fat. You really need to watch carbs, sugar, and fat post-op unless you want to poop forever. loll

    Sent from my SM-G930R4 using BariatricPal mobile app

    That's awesome!!!

    Poop forever?! No thanks! My biggest "fear" about surgery is possibly having to poop at work LOLOL Right now I can control my sugar and carbs with no problem. Adjusting my fats should be do-able too considering most of it currently comes from high fat meat and dairy.

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